998 resultados para Obesity -- Teenagers -- Girona
En aquest article ens proposem estudiar, des d'una perspectiva històrica, un delsaspectes de la problemàtica mediambiental que més afecten les societats humanes materialmenti emotiva: les catàstrofes naturals i, més concretament, les inundacions fluvials.L'hmbit d'estudi escollit és Girona, ciutat on la complexa hidrologia de superfície (quatrerius, el Ter, l'Onyar, el Güell i el Galligans, a més d'altres cursos menors d'aigua,travessen la ciutat) i, sobretot, la vulnerabilitat creixent de la societat gironina al riscd'avingudes com a resultat de la important ocupació de les planes al.luvials, han fet deles inundacions una constant histbrica de la qual tenim multitud d'exemples des queexisteixen documents escrits
En aquest treball es descriuen les estretes relacions que la ciutat de Girona ha mantingut amb els seus rius al llarg de la seva història. Unes relacions que es poden estudiar des de diferents enfocaments (hidrològic, urbanístic, etc), però que en aquest cas se centraran específicament a resseguir la relació entre els rius gironins i el desenvolupament urbà de la ciutat de Girona a partir de l'amenaça que les inundacions han representat al llarg de la seva història. Bàsicament, es tracta de caracteritzar quan, com i per què la ciutat ha anat ocupant els espais situats a prop dels rius, i quines han estat les estratègies de defensa desenvolupades per la societat gironina per afrontar l'amenaça constant de les inundacions. En altres paraules, un exercici d'anàlisi i comprensió historicogeogràfica de la vulnerabilitat i l'adaptació de la societat gironina al risc d inundació
Aquest article proposa un nou marcd'estudi de les inundacions històriques a la ciutat de Girona. Aquest enfocament,el qual es coneix amb el nom d'enfocament contextual, té les arrels enla reflexió geogràfica sobre els riscos naturals endegada a Nord-amèrica ja fa més de cinquanta anys i posa l'èmfasi en la dimensió humana d'aquests fenòmensdefinida geogràficament i històrica, sense oblidar, però, els paràmetresfísics de les inundacions en el territori concret que s'estigui estudiant
El text que es presenta a continuació: ‘Aquí s'esculpeixen inscripcions’. Aproximació al Corpus epigràfic de la ciutat de Girona, forma part d'un projecte d'investigació i anàlisi molt més ampli del que aquí es pot mostrar. Aquest té com a objectiu principal l'estudi dels signes i símbols escrits de la ciutat de Girona. És a dir, l'estudi de l'ús públic que es fa de l'escriptura, entenent l'escriptura com una eina que fa perdurable un determinat missatge i que pretén arribar a un gran nombre de persones
L'any 1342 el rector de l'Hospital de la Seu de Girona, Pere Miquel, encarrega la redacció d'un inventari detallat dels béns d'aquesta institució, relació que s'acompanya de la valoració d'aquests per a un possible encant o subhasta pública; el seu càrrec, nomenat pel capítol catedralici, l'obliga a vetllar per la conservació d'aquests béns. És per aquest motiu que ordena aquesta escripturació davant notari i testimonis: registra el patrimoni moble i immoble de l'hospital i jura davant els Evangelis guardar- lo i mantenir-lo fins que s'esgoti el seu mandat; promet protegir aquestes possessions dels actu malorum hominum i respondre de qualsevol pèrdua. [...]
Objective: We assessed the 15-year trends in the distribution of body mass index (BMI) categories in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African Region) and the relationship with sex, age and socio-economic status (SES). Methods: We conducted three population-based examination surveys in 1989 (n=1,081; participation rate: 86.4%), in 1994 (n=1,067; 87.0%), and in 2004 (n=1,255; 80.2%). Occupation was categorized as "laborer", "intermediate" or "professional". Results are adjusted to the population of 2002. Results: Between 1989 and 2004, mean BMI increased markedly in all sex and age categories (overall: ∼0.15 kg/m2/calendar year). The prevalence of overweight and obesity combined ("excess weight", BMI ≥25 kg/m2) increased from 29% to 52% in men and from 50% to 67% in women. The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) increased from 4% to 15% in men and from 23% to 34% in women. Mean BMI - respectively the prevalence of excess weight- was lower in laborers than professionals in men but higher in laborers that professionals in women and this pattern was similar in the three surveys. Odds ratios for excess weight in professionals vs. laborers were 2.10 (95% CI: 1.94-2.17) in men and 0.51 (0.48-0.53) in women, adjusting for calendar year and participants' age and smoking habits. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity increased markedly during a 15- year period. Similar increase of BMI over time in all age and sex categories suggests common environment obesogenic factors. The association between SES and excess weight was in opposite directions in men and women. The study emphasizes the need for prevention measures in all sex, age and SES groups, and suggests that they should be tailored according to sex and SES categories.
Background/Introduction: There is little information regarding intergenerational trends in obesity levels in Switzerland. We aimed at assessing generational differences in obesity levels. Methods: Data from MONICA (1984-1986) and CoLaus-(2003-2006) surveys. Analyses were stratified by gender and age groups (35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74 years). Results: No changes were found for body mass index (BMI) between surveys (26.2±3.4 vs. 26.6±4.0 kg/m2 in men and 24.8±4.3 vs. 25.1±4.8 kg/m2 in women, for MONICA and CoLaus, respectively). ln men, the prevalence of overweight decreased from 48.6% to 46.0% and the prevalence of obesity increased slightly from 12.4% to 16.7% (p=NS). ln women, the prevalence of overweight decreased from 29.4% to 28.4% and the prevalence of obesity increased slightly from 12.9% to 14.5% (p=NS). After multivariate adjustment on age, education and smoking levels, the odds ratio (OR) and (95% confidence interval) of being obese in 2003-6 relative to 1984-6 was 1.36 (1.01-1.83) in men and 1.44 (1.07-1.93) in women, while no significant trend was found for overweight. After stratifying for age, no increase in BMI levels was found for bath genders. Obesity levels increased in participants aged 35-44 years (from 6.2% to 11.5% in men and from 4.9% to 10.0% in women, p<0.001) and 45-54 years (from 6.2% to 14.5% in men and 4.9% to 14.5% in women, p<0.001 ). After multivariate adjustment on age, education and smoking levels, the increase in obesity levels was signifiant in women aged 35-44, OR=2.10 (1.02-4.30), while a similar, albeit nonsignificant trend was obser11ed in men: 1.85 (0.97-3.51 ). Conclusion: BMI levels appear to have levelled off in Switzerland, but the prevalence of obesity is still on the rise. The increase in obesity levels among the youngest generations is of particular concern.
Two decay rates are distinguished in the discharge hydrograph of the Onyar River, using Maillet's formula. In this way, we can know which Kina of influence is made by geomorphology and rainfall distribution on fluvial processes
The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later
Descripció de les característiques geomorfològiques de La Pedralta, entre els municipis de Santa Cristina d'Aro i de Sant Feliu de Guíxols
The Bac Grillera nappe (Prepirenean of Girona) shows a stratigraphic section composed of two unconformi ty-bounded units. The lower unit is composed by rethian (marly limestones) and liassic (brechoid marly limestones and limestones). The upper unit (sandstones and marly limestones) belongs to the upper Cretaceous (Campanian)
In the present paper the granite landforms of the Les Gavarres and Begur massifs (Girona) are described. Also the relationship between this landforms and the lithology are analysed
The results of the application of the geophysical electromagnetic prospection methods in the resolution of the problems of the spatial location of the travertine quaternary formations of the Banyoles depression are presented