833 resultados para Nitride strengthened
Este documento surge de la pregunta ¿por qué a pesar de los costos y los inconcluyentes resultados de la guerra contra las drogas, ésta se ha mantenido por más de 40 años? El texto analiza los factores que motivaron a Estados Unidos a iniciar un proceso de construcción discursiva para transformar el problema de las drogas en una amenaza a la seguridad nacional de ese país y del mundo, y cómo Colombia ha aprovechado esa situación para redefinir constantemente su identidad nacional e impulsar sus intereses. La aproximación al problema de las drogas se desarrolla desde la perspectiva del proceso de securitización y desde la óptica de la búsqueda de los intereses nacionales, soportada sobre la base teórica del constructivismo. Desde esa perspectiva, se evidencia cómo la construcción de la guerra contra las drogas ha dependido de la identidad (personalidad) de los Estados, de las políticas e intereses de sus gobernantes, pero también de elementos propios del contexto histórico que han potenciado su desarrollo. Finaliza con el planteamiento de un posible proceso de des-secutiritización del problema de las drogas.
En el periodo que va desde el 2000 al 2011, el Partido Conservador Colombiano y el panorama político del país tuvo múltiples cambios desde el punto de vista organizacional, la gran mayoría de los presidentes de los Directorios Nacionales del Partido que asumieron durante este periodo, implementaron estrategias de reforma que específicamente en el caso de las mujeres, se refieren a la creación de la Organización Nacional de Mujeres, la inclusión de cuotas, la inclusión del voto privilegiado para las mujeres, la creación de la Secretaria de la Mujer, la creación de la figura de la Consulta Popular, entre otras, que se muestran hoy como grandes fortalezas en la organización. A pesar de esto, no se puede desconocer el conjunto de resistencias explícitas fundamentadas en el comportamiento tradicional de un partido que llevan a la constitución de instituciones no formales por costumbre y conveniencia y que han trascendido aún el día de hoy. Éstas se manifiestan durante el periodo de estudio con la inclusión del voto preferente, el clientelismo, la negativa a la consulta, el machismo, las divisiones internas por personalismos políticos y el machismo, las cuales en muchos casos han sido parte de la estructura tradicional del Partido Conservador y que aún persisten. Dichas estrategias serán definidas en este trabajo como contrareforma. En el marco de estas pujas entre reforma y contrareforma las mujeres del Partido se consolidaron y se empoderaron dentro de la organización, ellas se han beneficiado de las dos vertientes. Así como se fortalecieron con la reforma, con la contrareforma, muchas de las mujeres ingresaron al Partido para lograr sus grandes caudales electorales e incluso convertirse hoy en día en caciques. En este sentido, este trabajo va a permitir identificar cómo se ha apropiado el Partido Conservador Colombiano del tema de la mujer al interior de su organización interna, teniendo en cuenta los procesos de reforma y contrareforma desde el año 2000 hasta el año 2011.
A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions
Se introdujeron varias modificaciones tecnológicas en la elaboración habitual del jamón curado español de cerdo blanco para mejorar su seguridad y calidad, así como para investigar la contribución relativa de los diversos procesos implicados en la calidad sensorial. Las modificaciones introducidas en cada uno de 3 experimentos (a, b, c) fueron: a) inoculación de un cultivo iniciador (CI) en la superficie del producto y el envasado del jamón al vacío durante la etapa de reposo (EV); b) aplicación de una atmósfera modificada con un contenido reducido de oxígeno (AMCRO) (durante la totalidad o la última parte del procesado) en dos procesos que diferían en las humedades relativas aplicadas; c) realización de un estufaje de 4 días a 35ºC y la aplicación repetida de pequeñas cantidades de grasa dorsal líquida sobre la superficie del jamón. En cada experimento, se siguió un diseño experimental de bloques incompletos para bloquear y evaluar el efecto de la materia prima en cada parámetro. La aplicación del CI evitó el crecimiento superficial de hongos, pero modificó el flavor del producto, dando lugar a la aparición de flavores impropios del jamón tradicional, al aumento de la incidencia de la coquera y a la reducción de la intensidad de notas características del mismo como el flavor añejo. Estos efectos fueron debidos a la acción directa del CI pero probablemente también a los cambios que provocó en la superficie del jamón, como la atenuación del "sudado" del jamón. El EV trajo consigo una reducción del crecimiento superficial de mohos; un mayor gradiente de humedad entre el interior y el exterior del jamón; una disminución de la pérdida de peso; un aumento del nitrógeno no proteico y cambios negativos en la textura, aspecto y flavor, como el aumento de la intensidad del velo blanco y del flavor a pienso, el aumento de la incidencia de la coquera y la atenuación del flavor añejo. Estos efectos fueron consecuencia del mayor contenido de humedad a que dio lugar dicha modificación tecnológica, de la potenciación de los efectos negativos del uso del CI, así como a los cambios que provocó en la superficie del jamón. El uso de una ACRO durante todo el proceso provocó un aumento del nitrógeno no proteico, una disminución de la concentración de óxidos de colesterol, un aumento de la intensidad del velo blanco y, en combinación con el uso de humedades relativas bajas, causó una disminución del crecimiento bacteriano y evitó el crecimiento de hongos, levaduras y ácaros en el interior y exterior del jamón y el desarrollo de la coquera. Asímismo, dio lugar a una drástica reducción de la intensidad del flavor del jamón debido a la disminución de la intensidad de la oxidación lipídica. Cuando esta ACRO se aplicó únicamente al final del proceso, se consiguió la eliminación de las formas móviles de los ácaros y la disminución de la intensidad de la coquera y el producto resultante poseía un flavor algo más intenso que aquél sometido a una ACRO durante todo el proceso. El aumento de la temperatura de 25-27 ºC a 35 ºC durante 4 días no tuvo ningún efecto sobre los parámetros estudiados. La aplicación de la grasa líquida en la superficie del jamón evitó el secado excesivo en superficie, previno el desarrollo de la coquera y causó un aumento de la intensidad del flavor añejo y una reducción de la incidencia de notas negativas como el tostado, hechos que indican que la liberación de grasa líquida en el jamón ("sudado") constituye un fenómeno determinante en su calidad sensorial. La materia prima fue el factor que afectó a un mayor número de parámetros.
Des del descobriment del buckminster ful.lerè el 1985, s'ha despertat un interés enorme per entendre la reactivitat química així com les propietats d'aquests compostos. La funcionalització exoèdrica del ful.lerè més abundant, el C60, està força ben establerta. Tanmateix, la investigació en aquest camp encara continua oberta ja que s'han sintetitzat una gran varietat de derivats molt prometedors donades les seves futures aplicacions. La tesi comprèn quinze capítols que contenen set publicacions relacionades. Els primers dos estudis es basen en la reacció Diels-Alder sobre els anomenats metal.loful.lerens endoèdrics TNT X3N@C78, X= Sc, Y. Aquest projecte de investigació està motivat pel desconeixament existent sobre les possibles conseqüències de l'encapsulació del grup X3N. El tercer estudi descriu minuciosament els canvis detectats en la funcionalització exoèdrica un cop s'ha produït l'encapsulació dels diferents gasos nobles. En aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall l'ús de l'aproximació ONIOM per a estudiar reaccions de cicloaddició en compostos ful.lerènics. Els resultats d'aquest projecte són d'alt interès per a la realització dels estudis posteriors sobre la reacció de Diels-Alder i la 1,3-dipolar en ful.lerens i derivats. Finalment, l'última part d'aquesta tesi es basa en les propietats antioxidants de determinats ful.lerens. A l'últim treball inclòs en aquesta tesi s'estudia en detall el mecanismo de reacció per a la eliminació del ió superòxid en presència de ful.lerens.
A transição do 1º para o 2º ciclo implica, em muitos casos, para além de uma mudança nos modelos de organização (espaços, tempos e pessoas…), uma mudança da própria escola. E se uma preparação atempada pode ser facilitadora nesse processo de transição (inter-escolas; escola/família e família/aluno), a verdade é que o novo ciclo implica novos problemas e novos desafios que testam e mobilizam, diariamente, nos alunos em trânsito, a sua capacidade de adaptação a novas situações. Aceitando-se que para um elevado número de crianças, esse período é curto e facilmente ultrapassável, reconhece-se que para outras, a inclusão no novo ciclo exige mais tempo e adaptações específicas, em função das necessidades educativas especiais que manifestam. O trabalho que se apresenta orientado numa perspectiva ecológica e desenvolvido com base numa metodologia de investigação-acção, permitiu-nos um melhor conhecimento do "Pedro" (nome fictício), enquanto pessoa (jovem, aluno, colega, filho, neto, vizinho e amigo), e dos contextos nos quais se movimenta; a identificação das suas potencialidades e necessidades educativas e a definição, implementação e avaliação das respostas educativas que viabilizaram e optimizaram a sua inclusão na escola do 2º ciclo. A intervenção realizada implicou um trabalho de equipa caracterizado pela colaboração e articulação regular, entre os diferentes intervenientes e pela persistência e coerência na acção desenvolvida. Permitiu ainda uma maior consciencialização de que quaisquer que sejam as características que nos tornam singulares, é possível evoluir em relação ao ponto de partida, se nos diferentes contextos de vida de cada pessoa se criarem as condições que viabilizem e estimulem percursos evolutivos. Com o trabalho desenvolvido reforçaram-se relações interpessoais, aprofundou-se a colaboração entre pares; entre a Escola e a Família, entre os Pais e o "Pedro" e desenvolveram-se as aprendizagens dos diferentes intervenientes, conforme testemunha a avaliação realizada.
A partir del escrutinio de fuentes primarias, la investigación analiza la forma como reaccionaron los cuatro cabildos de la provincia de Antioquia, ubicados al noroccidente de Colombia, frente a la crisis de la monarquía española de 1808. En Antioquia, un grupo de capitulares cuestionó la autoridad del gobernador Francisco de Ayala e intentó reasumir la soberanía, mediante el nombramiento autónomo de alcaldes pedáneos y de partido. Este fue el comienzo de un proceso de cambio de actitud por parte de los antioqueños, acentuado por el impacto que produjeron los movimientos autonomistas de Quito y Cartagena, y por el llamado ""Grito de Independencia"" de Santa Fe. Los cabildos antioqueños reasumieron la soberanía, formaron su propia junta de gobierno, dictaron su propia Constitución y, en 1813, conformaron un nuevo Estado que se declaró independiente de España.
Globalization has been accompanied by the rapid spread of infectious diseases, and further strain on working conditions for health workers globally. Post-SARS, Canadian occupational health and infection control researchers got together to study how to better protect health workers, and found that training was indeed perceived as key to a positive safety culture. This led to developing information and communication technology (ICT) tools. The research conducted also showed the need for better workplace inspections, so a workplace audit tool was also developed to supplement worker questionnaires and the ICT. When invited to join Ecuadorean colleagues to promote occupational health and infection control, these tools were collectively adapted and improved, including face-to-face as well as on-line problem-based learning scenarios. The South African government then invited the team to work with local colleagues to improve occupational health and infection control, resulting in an improved web-based health information system to track incidents, exposures, and occupational injury and diseases. As the H1N1 pandemic struck, the online infection control course was adapted and translated into Spanish, as was a novel skill-building learning tool that permits health workers to practice selecting personal protective equipment. This tool was originally developed in collaboration with the countries from the Caribbean region and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Research from these experiences led to strengthened focus on building capacity of health and safety committees, and new modules are thus being created, informed by that work. The products developed have been widely heralded as innovative and interactive, leading to their inclusion into “toolkits” used internationally. The tools used in Canada were substantially improved from the collaborative adaptation process for South and Central America and South Africa. This international collaboration between occupational health and infection control researchers led to the improvement of the research framework and development of tools, guidelines and information systems. Furthermore, the research and knowledge-transfer experience highlighted the value of partnership amongst Northern and Southern researchers in terms of sharing resources, experiences and knowledge.
This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental rights architecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a ‘fundamental rights tribunal’. The paper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of ‘third-party interventions’ by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as ‘interim relief measures’ when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals in cases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies. In view of the fundamental rights-sensitive nature of these domains, which often encounter shifts of accountability and responsibility in their practical application, and the Lisbon Treaty’s expansion of the jurisdiction of the CJEU to interpret and review EU AFSJ legislation, this area can be seen as an excellent test case for the analyses at hand. The final section puts forth a set of policy suggestions that can assist the CJEU in the process of adjusting itself to the new fundamental rights context in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting.
Europe has responded to the crisis with strengthened budgetary and macroeconomic surveillance, the creation of the European Stability Mechanism, liquidity provisioning by resilient economies and the European Central Bank and a process towards a banking union. However, a monetary union requires some form of budget for fiscal stabilisation in case of shocks, and as a backstop to the banking union. This paper compares four quantitatively different schemes of fiscal stabilisation and proposes a new scheme based on GDP-indexed bonds. The options considered are: (i) A federal budget with unemployment and corporate taxes shifted to euro-area level; (ii) a support scheme based on deviations from potential output;(iii) an insurance scheme via which governments would issue bonds indexed to GDP, and (iv) a scheme in which access to jointly guaranteed borrowing is combined with gradual withdrawal of fiscal sovereignty. Our comparison is based on strong assumptions. We carry out a preliminary, limited simulation of how the debt-to-GDP ratio would have developed between 2008-14 under the four schemes for Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and an ‘average’ country.The schemes have varying implications in each case for debt sustainability
The tropospheric response to midlatitude SST anomalies has been investigated through a series of aquaplanet simulations using a high-resolution version of the Hadley Centre atmosphere model (HadAM3) under perpetual equinox conditions. Model integrations show that increases in the midlatitude SST gradient generally lead to stronger storm tracks that are shifted slightly poleward, consistent with changes in the lower-tropospheric baroclinicity. The large-scale atmospheric response is, however, highly sensitive to the position of the SST gradient anomaly relative to that of the subtropical jet in the unperturbed atmosphere. In particular, when SST gradients are increased very close to the subtropical jet, then the Hadley cell and subtropical jet is strengthened while the storm track and eddy-driven jet are shifted equatorward. Conversely, if the subtropical SST gradients are reduced and the midlatitude gradients increased, then the storm track shows a strong poleward shift and a well-separated eddy-driven jet is produced. The sign of the SST anomaly is shown to play a secondary role in determining the overall tropospheric response. These findings are used to provide a new and consistent interpretation of some previous GCM studies concerning the atmospheric response to midlatitude SST anomalies.
Seven groups have participated in an intercomparison study of calculations of radiative forcing (RF) due to stratospheric water vapour (SWV) and contrails. A combination of detailed radiative transfer schemes and codes for global-scale calculations have been used, as well as a combination of idealized simulations and more realistic global-scale changes in stratospheric water vapour and contrails. Detailed line-by-line codes agree within about 15 % for longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW) RF, except in one case where the difference is 30 %. Since the LW and SW RF due to contrails and SWV changes are of opposite sign, the differences between the models seen in the individual LW and SW components can be either compensated or strengthened in the net RF, and thus in relative terms uncertainties are much larger for the net RF. Some of the models used for global-scale simulations of changes in SWV and contrails differ substantially in RF from the more detailed radiative transfer schemes. For the global-scale calculations we use a method of weighting the results to calculate a best estimate based on their performance compared to the more detailed radiative transfer schemes in the idealized simulations.
The African Easterly Jet-Easterly Wave (AEJ-AEW) system was explored in an idealised model. Prescribed zonally symmetric surface temperature and moisture profiles determine the AEJ which becomes established through meridional contrasts in dry and moist convection.As in previous studies, a realistic AEJ developed with only dry convection. Including moist processes, increased its development rate, but reduced its speed and meridional extent. AEWs grew through barotropic-baroclinic conversions. Negative meridional potential vorticity (PV) gradients arose in the zonally symmetric state through the intrusion of the low-PV Saharan boundary layer. Since moist processes strengthened this significantly through diabatically generated PV in the Intertropical Convergence Zone, moist AEWs were three times stronger. Larger barotropic conversions and faster AEJ development increased the moist wave growth-rate. Jet-level and northerly low-level amplitudes grew, but in the moist case the low-level amplitudes weakened as the AEW interacted with convection, consistent with their absence from observations during the peak monsoon. Striking dependencies between the AEJ, AEW and rainfall existed. Two time-scales governed their evolution, depending on the transfer coefficients: (1) the AEJ's replenishment rate influenced by heat fluxes, and (2) the wave growth-rate, by damping, and the slower jet development rate.Moist AEWs were characterized by intermittent growth/decay, with growth preceded by increased mean rainfall and later, weakening AEJs. These dependencies established an internal 8-10-day variability, consistent with intra-seasonal observations of 9-day rainy sequences. This internal variability offers an alternative explanation to the previously proposed external forcing and a new view of the moist AEW life cycle. Copyright © 2009 Royal Meteorological Society
An investigation using the Stepping Out model of early hominin dispersal out of Africa is presented here. The late arrival of early hominins into Europe, as deduced from the fossil record, is shown to be consistent with poor ability of these hominins to survive in the Eurasian landscape. The present study also extends the understanding of modelling results from the original study by Mithen and Reed (2002. Stepping out: a computer simulation of hominid dispersal from Africa. J. Hum. Evol. 43, 433-462). The representation of climate and vegetation patterns has been improved through the use of climate model output. This study demonstrates that interpretative confidence may be strengthened, and new insights gained when climate models and hominin dispersal models are integrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Government Offices for the English regions were established in 1994 to coordinate the regional activities of three central government departments. A decade on, regional government in England is greatly expanded, and two other institutions of regional governance, the Regional Development Agencies and the Regional Assemblies, have also been created. In 2002 the Labour government proposed that this 'triad' of regional governance should be further reformed and strengthened, in some places being brought to democratic account. In this paper, we argue that academic research on the English regions has generally focused on the Regional Development Agencies and to a lesser extent the Regional Assemblies, to the exclusion of the Government Offices. This focus has led some to overstate the extent to which regional government represents the real decentralisation of power. Focusing on the role of the Government Offices, we argue that central government retains a great deal of power over the 'triad' institutions, which in their current form may be unable to challenge the structure of power in the English state.