987 resultados para NATURAL C-13 ABUNDANCE


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"United Nations publications. Sales number: 1954.iv.3."


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The dynamical properties of an extended Hubbard model, which is relevant to quarter-filled layered organic molecular crystals, are analyzed. We have computed the dynamical charge correlation function, spectral density, and optical conductivity using Lanczos diagonalization and large-N techniques. As the ratio of the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion, V, to the hopping integral, t, increases there is a transition from a metallic phase to a charge-ordered phase. Dynamical properties close to the ordering transition are found to differ from the ones expected in a conventional metal. Large-N calculations display an enhancement of spectral weight at low frequencies as the system is driven closer to the charge-ordering transition in agreement with Lanczos calculations. As V is increased the charge correlation function displays a collective mode which, for wave vectors close to (pi,pi), increases in amplitude and softens as the charge-ordering transition is approached. We propose that inelastic x-ray scattering be used to detect this mode. Large-N calculations predict superconductivity with d(xy) symmetry close to the ordering transition. We find that this is consistent with Lanczos diagonalization calculations, on lattices of 20 sites, which find that the binding energy of two holes becomes negative close to the charge-ordering transition.


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Mesoproterozoic marine successions worldwide record a shift in average delta(13)C values from 0 to +3.5parts per thousand, with the latter value evident in successions younger than 1250 Ma. New carbon isotope data from the similar to 1300 to 1270 Ma Dismal Lakes Group, Arctic Canada, provide further insight into this fundamental transition. Data reveal that the shift to higher VC values was gradual and marked by occasional excursions to values less than 0 parts per thousand. When compared to records from older and younger marine successions, it is evident that the difference between isotopic minima and maxima increased with time, indicating that the marine system evolved to become isotopically more variable. We interpret these patterns to record an increase in the crustal inventory of organic carbon, reflecting eukaryotic diversification and a change in the locus of organic carbon burial to include anoxic deep marine sites where preservation potential was high. We speculate that the release of O-2 to Earth's surface environments associated with increased organic carbon storage induced irreversible changes in the Mesoproterozoic biosphere, presaging the more extreme environmental and evolutionary developments of the Neoproterozoic.


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The Solieriaceae, has the largest number of genera (16-18) of any family in the carrageenophyte order Gigartinales. One of these genera, Meristotheca, consists of three or four species of foliose, erect to prostrate plants sporadically recorded from the tropics of both hemispheres. The hot-water-soluble polysaccharides from Australian representatives of the type species, M. papulosa, and M. procumbens from Lord Howe Island have been characterized by compositional assays, linkage analysis, and Fourier transform infrared and C-13-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results show that polysaccharides from both species are similar, being predominantly composed of 4-linked 3,6-anhydro-alpha-D-galactopyranose 2-sulphate alternating with 3-linked beta-D-galactopyranose 4-sulphate, as is typical of iota-carrageenan. Small proportions of the 3-linked units occur as the pyruvated residue 4,6-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)-beta-D-galactopyranose, and other minor variations from idealized iota-carrageenan were also detected. The polysaccharides from representatives of Meristotheca are comparable to those of other solieriacean algae analysed to date, but the minor structural variations suggest a closer chemotaxonomic affinity with noneucheumoid genera of the Solieriaceae, such as Sarconema, Solieria, and Tikvahiella, than to the eucheumoid genera Eucheuma, Kappaphycus and Betaphycus (tribe Eucheumatoideae) from which most kappa- and iota-carrageenans are commercially extracted.


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The synthesis of the pentadentate ligand 2,6-bis(3,3-dimethyl-2,4-dioxocyclohexanyl)-4-thiaheptane (N(4)Samp) is described. The synthetic pathway involves the coupling of two 1,3-(dimethylenedioxy)-2-methyl-2-(methylene-p-toluenesulfonyl)propane moieties with sodium sulfide and subsequent synthetic elaboration to prepare the final N4S donor system. The cobalt(III) complex [Co(N(4)Samp)Cl](2+) has been prepared and subsequently crystallized as the tetrachlorozincate salt. The X-ray structure analysis confirms the pentadentate nature of the ligand and shows the thioether donor occupying one apex with four equivalent amine donors effectively occupying the equatorial plane of the molecule. The sixth coordination site is occupied by a chloro ligand. The electronic absorption and C-13 NMR spectra have been studied. DFT calculations have been employed to explore structural and mechanistic comparisons between [Co(N(4)Samp)Cl](2+) and an analogous pentaamine complex.


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The synthesis of the hexadentate ligand 5,6-dimethyl-2,2,9,9-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,7-dithiadecane (1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp) is reported. The diastereiosomers were separated as cobalt(III) complexes using cation exchange chromatography. The rac and mesa isomers were characterized by NMR (C-13, H-1, Co-59), ESI-MS, UV-Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystals of [Co(rac-1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp)] Cl-2(ClO4) (.) 2H(2)O were characterized by X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature (11 K) absorption spectra of the complexes have been measured in Nafion films and from the observed positions of both spin-allowed (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and spin forbidden (1)A(1g) --> T-3(2g) bands, octahedral ligand-field parameters (10Dq, B and C) were determined. These results, in conjunction with the Co-59 NMR data, are used to further explore the relationship between the Co-59 magnetogyric ratio (gamma(Co)) and the product of the nephelauxetic ratio and the wavelength of the (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) transition (beta(DeltaE)(-1)) for complexes of mixed donor nitrogen-thioether ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ultem irradiated up to 10.0 MGy has been analysed using C-13, H-1 and D-2 proton-carbon and proton-proton correlation NMR spectroscopy to shed light on the formation of new structures. Chemical shifts and correlation data were used to determine the structure or partial structures of several new components. The spectra indicated the presence of new groups and structures involving the isopropylidene group, the imide ring, and hydrogen-abstraction reactions. Possible pathways for formation of the new structures are proposed and the G-values for their formation have been estimated. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Well-mixed blends of poly(ethylene) and poly(styrene) have been synthesized using supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent. The morphology of the blends has been conclusively characterized using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Raman microprobe microscopy, and C-13 solid-state cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR (C-13 CPMAS NMR). DSC measurements demonstrate that poly(styrene) in the blends resides solely in the amorphous regions of the poly(ethylene) matrix; however, corroborative evidence from the SAXS experiments shows that poly(styrene) resides within the interlamellar spaces. The existence of nanometer-sized domains of poly(styrene) was shown within a blend of poly(styrene) and poly(ethylene) when formed in supercritical carbon dioxide using Raman microprobe microscopy and C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy coupled with a spin diffusion model. This contrasts with blends formed at ambient pressure in the absence of solvent, in which domains of poly(styrene) in the micrometer size range are formed. This apparent improved miscibility of the two components was attributed to better penetration of the monomer prior to polymerization and increased swelling of the polymer substrate by the supercritical carbon dioxide solvent.


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A Pd(II)-mediated hydroxycyclisation-carbonylation-lactonisation sequence has operated efficiently with racemic enediol (8) to furnish (four) separable diastereomers of the bicyclic lactone system assigned to the sponge-derived, bioactive plakortone E. All four are cis ring-fused, and one is identical, on the basis of H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic comparisons, with plakortone E, thus confirming its constitution and relative stereochemistry about the bicyclic lactone core. This synthetic approach, when applied to stereoisomer (13), will establish the absolute stereochemistry of plakortone E, likely to be that shown for (14).


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The polysaccharides extracted from Claviclonium ovatum were studied by a combination of compositional assays, reductive partial hydrolysis, linkage analysis, Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and C-13, H-1, and C-13/H-1 heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The chemical and spectroscopic data showed that the alkali-modified C. ovatum polysaccharides are composed of a nearly idealized repeating unit of 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate (the repeating unit of 6-O-methylated iota-earrageenan), although some minor components were also present. The C. ovatum galactans are the most highly methylated carrageenans reported. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mixed ammonia-water vapor postsynthesis treatment provides a simple and convenient method for stabilizing mesostructured silica films. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption/desorption, and solid-state NMR (C-13, Si-29) were applied to study the effects of mixed ammonia-water vapor at 90 degreesC on the mesostructure of the films. An increased cross-linking of the silica network was observed. Subsequent calcination of the silica films was seen to cause a bimodal pore-size distribution, with an accompanying increase in the volume and surface area ratios of the primary (d = 3 nm) to secondary (d = 5-30 nm) pores. Additionally, mixed ammonia-water treatment was observed to cause a narrowing of the primary pore-size distribution. These findings have implications for thin film based applications and devices, such as sensors, membranes, or surfaces for heterogeneous catalysis.


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Rare earth element (REE) plus yttrium (Y) patterns of modem seawater have characteristic features that can be used as chemical fingerprints. Reliable proxies for marine REE + Y chemistry have been demonstrated from a large geological time span, including Archaean banded iron formation (BIF), stromatolitic limestone, Phanerozoic reef carbonate and Holocene microbialite. Here we present new REE + Y data for two distinct suites of early Archaean (ca. 3.7-3.8 Ga) metamorphosed rocks from southern West Greenland, whose interrelationships, if any, have been much debated in recent literature. The first suite comprises mangetite-quartz BIF, magnetite-carbonate BIF and banded magnetite-rich quartz rock, mostly from the Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB). The REE + Y patterns, particularly diagnostic anomalies (Ce/Ce*, Pr/Pr*), are closely related to those of published seawater proxies. The second suite includes banded quartz-pyroxene-amphibole +/- garnet rocks with minor magnetite from the so-called Akilia Association enclaves (in early Archaean granitoid gneisses) of the coastal region, some 150 km southwest of the IGB. Rocks of this type from one much publicised and highly debated locality (the island of Akilia) have been identified by some workers [Nature 384 (1996) 55; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61 (1997) 2475] as BIF-facies, and their C-13-depleted signature in trace graphite interpreted as a proxy for earliest life on Earth. However, REE + Y patterns of the Akilia Association suite (except for one probably genuine magnetite-rich BIF from Ugpik) are inconsistent with a seawater origin. We agree with published geological and geochemical (including REE) work [Science 296 (2002) 1448] that most of the analysed Akilia rocks are not chemical sediments, and that C-isotopes in such rocks therefore cannot be used as biological proxies. Application of the REE + Y discriminant for the above two rock suites has been facilitated in this study by the use of MC-ICP technique which yields a more complete and precise REE + Y spectrum than was available in many previous studies. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Information on decomposition of harvest residues may assist in the maintenance of soil fertility in second rotation (2R) hoop pine plantations (Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex A. Cunn.) of subtropical Australia. The experiment was undertaken to determine the dynamics of residue decomposition and fate of residue-derived N. We used N-15-labeled hoop pine foliage, branch, and stem material in microplots, over a 30-mo period following harvesting. We examined the decomposition of each component both singly and combined, and used C-13 cross-polarization and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 CPMAS NMR) to chart C transformations in decomposing foliage. Residue-derived N-15 was immobilized in the 0- to 5-cm soil layer, with approximately 40% N-15 recovery in the soil from the combined residues by the end of the 30-mo period. Total recovery of N-15 in residues and soil varied between 60 and 80% for the combined-residue microplots, with 20 to 40% of the residue N-15 apparently lost. When residues were combined within microplots the rate of foliage decomposition decreased by 30% while the rate of branch and stem decomposition increased by 50 and 40% compared with rates for these components when decomposed separately. Residue decomposition studies should include a combined-residue treatment. Based on C-15 CPMAS NMR spectra for decomposing foliage, we obtained good correlations for methoxyl C, aryl C, carbohydrate C and phenolic C with residue mass, N-15 enrichment, and total N. The ratio of carbohydrate C to methoxyl C may be useful as an indicator of harvest residue decomposition in hoop pine plantations.


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Plants accumulate isotopes of carbon at different rates because of discrimination against C-13 relative to C-12. In plants that fix carbon by the C-3 pathway, the amount of discrimination correlates negatively with transpiration efficiency (TE) where TE is the amount of dry matter accumulated per unit water transpired. Therefore, carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) has become a useful tool for selecting genotypes with improved TE and performance in dry environments. Surveys of 161 sunflower (Helianthus spp.) genotypes of diverse origin revealed a large and unprecedented range of genetic variation for Delta (19.5-23.8parts per thousand). A strong negative genetic correlation (r(g)) between TE and Delta (r(g) = -0.87, P < 0.001) was observed in glasshouse studies. Gas exchange measurements of field grown plants indicated that Delta was strongly correlated with stomatal conductance to water vapor (g), (r(g) 0.64, P < 0.01), and the ratio of net assimilation rate (A) to g, (r(g) = 0.86, P < 0.001), an instantaneous measure of TE. Genotype CMSHA89MAX1 had the lowest TE (and highest Delta) of all genotypes tested in these studies and low yields in hybrid combination. Backcrossing studies showed that the TE of this genotype was due to an adverse effect of the MAX1 cytoplasm, which was inherited from the diploid perennial H. maximiliani Schrader. Overall, these studies suggested that there is an excellent opportunity for breeders to develop sunflower germplasm with improved TE. This can be achieved, in part, by avoiding cytoplasms such as the MAX1 cytoplasm.