1000 resultados para Musical components


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1902 (A16).


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A comparison is established between the contributions of transverse and longitudinal components of both the propagating and the evanescent waves associated to freely propagating radially polarized nonparaxial beams. Attention is focused on those fields that remain radially polarized upon propagation. In terms of the plane-wave angular spectrum of these fields, analytical expressions are given for determining both the spatial shape of the above components and their relative weight integrated over the whole transverse plane. The results are applied to two kinds of doughnut-like beams with radial polarization, and we compare the behavior of such fields at two transverse planes.


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Adherence to aMediterranean diet (MD) is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. However, themolecular mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The aim of this studywas to compare the effects of 2MD with those of a lowfat- diet (LFD) on circulating inflammatory biomarkers related to atherogenesis. A total of 516 participants included in the PreventionwithMediterraneanDiet Studywere randomized into 3 intervention groups [MD supplementedwith virgin olive oil (MD-VOO); MD supplemented with mixed nuts (MD-Nuts); and LFD]. At baseline and after 1 y, participants completed FFQ and adherence to MD questionnaires, and plasma concentrations of inflammatory markers including intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1), IL-6, and 2 TNF receptors (TNFR60 and TNFR80) were measured by ELISA. At 1 y, the MD groups had lower plasma concentrations of IL-6, TNFR60, and TNFR80 (P , 0.05), whereas ICAM-1, TNFR60, and TNFR80 concentrations increased in the LFD group (P , 0.002). Due to between-group differences, participants in the 2 MD groups had lower plasma concentrations of ICAM-1, IL-6, TNFR60, and TNFR80 compared to those in the LFD group (P # 0.028). When participants were categorized in tertiles of 1-y changes in the consumption of selected foods, those in the highest tertile of virgin olive oil (VOO) and vegetable consumption had a lower plasma TNFR60 concentration compared with those in tertile 1 (P,0.02).Moreover, the only changes in consumption thatwere associated with 1-y changes in the geometricmean TNFR60 concentrations were those of VOO and vegetables (P = 0.01). This study suggests that a MD reduces TNFR concentrations in patients at high cardiovascular risk.


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L’objecte d’estudi de la present recerca és que la creativitat ha d’estar present a l’escola, concretament a l’àrea d’Educació Musical, ja que permet potenciar i augmentar el pensament creatiu, les habilitats intel·lectuals, expressives i de creació musical dels alumnes a través d’activitats que fomenten la creativitat. Per això, aquesta recerca fa un anàlisi de com influeix desenvolupar activitats de creació musical a l’aula. El mètode qualitatiu de recollida de dades es fa a través de l’observació a l’aula i d’una entrevista als mestres de música, d’aquí s’extreuen els resultats mitjançant els indicadors de creativitat. Les dades interpretades es representen en gràfics acompanyats de les descripcions necessàries. Referent als resultats, es percep una tendència a què les pràctiques musicals creatives influeixen la creativitat.


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L’adquisició de la lectura és un dels moments més importants i reconeguts socialment en la vida de l’infant, per això, amb aquesta recerca es pretén investigar les dificultats i mancances que tenen els infants davant d’aquest gran repte. Es centrarà l’atenció en aquells infants que mostren factors de risc de TDAH per tal de justificar i comprovar que aquests mostren més dificultats en l’adquisició de la lectura que els infants que no mostren aquest factor de risc. Per una altra banda, amb aquesta recerca també es pretén demostrar la importància del treball sistemàtic de la consciència fonològica en l’etapa d’educació infantil, per afavorir i garantir l’adquisició de la lectura de manera integra i significativa.


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El present Treball Final de Grau se centra en la vida i la carrera professional de tres cantautors bisbalencs que formen part del panorama musical català actual: Miquel Abras, Jaume Pla (conegut com a Mazoni) i Carles Sanjosé (conegut com a Sanjosex). A través d’ells s’ha estirat un fil que ens ha portat a descobrir la historia musical de la Bisbal des dels inicis de la famosa orquestra La Principal de la Bisbal (1888), passant per les dècades dels anys 80 i 90 amb grups com Komando Moriles o Club Moriarty, fins arribar a d’avui amb ells tres. L’anomenada Escena Bisbalenca avarca un panorama musical molt important per a la capital de la comarca del Baix Empordà. A partir d’aquí, s’han fet entrevistes a tota persona que hi estava relacionada, com la regidora de cultura de l’Ajuntament de la Bisbal, la discogràfica Bankrobber, els encarregats del projecte Escena Bisbalenca, entre altres. Gràcies a aquestes trobades, s’ha pogut fer un reportatge exhaustiu de per què la música a la Bisbal pren un paper tan rellevant; i poder saber per què tres musics que han nascut al mateix any i al mateix lloc han triomfat a la vegada.


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El present treball de recerca posa de relleu que la música és un element fonamental de la configuració de les societats humanes actuals i analitza un cas concret, el de l'artista britànic David Bowie, per il·lustrar els mecanismes pels quals un artista pot convertir-se en una icona i, d'aquesta manera, influir decissivament en la configuració d'elements de l'imaginari social compartit.


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In Russian there are more than twenty thousand primary substations 35/110 kV and 10/110 kV. According to the Government Plan of Power Industry Development until 2020 year more than hundred new substations will e installed every year and even more renewed. The goal of this Thesis is to find out in this business environment what are the technology opportunities of prefabricated substation modules in new substation or in modernization of old substations in Russia.


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La cantata humana per a veu solista a la Península Ibèrica a finals del segle XVII i inicis del XVIII. Estudi i edició musical d'una part del còdex 82 de la Colección Pombalinas de la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.


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This study makes an attempt to capture some of the aesthetic ideas prospering in the latter half of the eighteenth century and investigates in what way these are possibly being manifested in different musical aspects in Beethoven's early work, and most specifically in his eight sonata, often referred to as the Pathétique sonata. Beginning the first chapter with an introduction to aesthetic notions in Beethoven's age, the second chapter is mostly concerned with anecdotes regarding the Pathétique sonata. Further the third chapter exhibits possible influences between Cherubini, Beethoven and Wagner, and the last three chapters treat different musical and aesthetic aspects like Beethoven's relation to the C minor tonality, the German Sturm und Drang movement, and finally some parallels that can be found between literature and music.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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This study sought to assess the impact of health care professional (HCP) communication on breast cancer patients across the acute care process as perceived by patients. Methodological approach was based on eight focus groups conducted with a sample of patients (n ¼ 37) drawn from 15 Spanish Regions; thematic analysis was undertaken using the National Cancer Institute (NCI) framework of HCP communication as the theoretical basis. Relevant results of this study were the identification of four main communication components: (1) reassurance in coping with uncertainty after symptom detection and prompt access until confirmed diagnosis; (2) fostering involvement before delivering treatments, by anticipating information on practical and emotional illness-related issues; (3) guidance on the different therapeutic options, through use of clinical scenarios; and, (4) eliciting the feeling of emotional exhaustion after ending treatments and addressing the management of potential treatment-related effects. These communication-related components highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach in this area of cancer care