957 resultados para Multiplicity of positive solutions


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We present and describe new reduction routines included in DESOLV which, in many cases, may allow the complete automation of the determination of similarity solutions of partial differential equations.


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The human immunodeficiency virus–acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV–AIDS) epidemic in Hong Kong has been under surveillance in the form of voluntary reporting since 1984. However, there has been little discussion or research on the reconstruction of the HIV incidence curve. This paper is the first to use a modified back-projection method to estimate the incidence of HIV in Hong Kong on the basis of the number of positive HIV tests only. The model proposed has several advantages over the original back-projection method based on AIDS data only. First, not all HIV-infected individuals will develop AIDS by the time of analysis, but some of them may undertake an HIV test; therefore, the HIV data set contains more information than the AIDS data set. Second, the HIV diagnosis curve usually has a smoother pattern than the AIDS diagnosis curve, as it is not affected by redefinition of AIDS. Third, the time to positive HIV diagnosis is unlikely to be affected by treatment effects, as it is unlikely that an individual receives medication before the diagnosis of HIV. Fourth, the induction period from HIV infection to the first HIV positive test is usually shorter than the incubation period which is from HIV infection to diagnosis of AIDS. With a shorter induction period, more information becomes available for estimating the HIV incidence curve. Finally, this method requires the number of positive HIV diagnoses only, which is readily available from HIV–AIDS surveillance systems in many countries. It is estimated that, in Hong Kong, the cumulative number of HIV infections during the period 1979–2000 is about 2600, whereas an estimate based only on AIDS data seems to give an underestimate.


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Solute/water interactions in a series of diol solutions have been investigated by 1H NMR. Strong hydrogen bonding between water and alcohols that are more basic than water is thought to result in lower chemical shifts of water protons compared to the case of pure water. This is attributed to a greater degree of covalent character in the hydrogen bonding between water and the more basic diols. The inductive effect of the methyl group and longer chain alkyls is observed to increase basicity in ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and 2,3-butanediol solutions. A correlation between the glass-forming ability of the diol solutions and the stronger hydrogen-bonding solutes (i.e., stronger bases) is developed, with 2,3-butanediol best promoting glass formation at the lowest concentrations.


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Model systems of sodium iodide dissolved in dimethyl ether or 1,2-dimethoxyethane (glyme) were studied in order to investigate the structural and dynamic properties of ionic solutions in small and polymeric ethers. Full molecular dynamics simulations were performed at a range of different salt concentrations. An algorithm was designed which assigns ions to clusters and then calculates all the terms which contribute to ionic conductivity. In dilute solutions, free ions are the most common ionic species, followed by ion pairs. As the concentration increases, pairs become the most common species, with significant concentrations of clusters with 3 through 6 ions. Changing the solvent from dimethyl ether to glyme significantly decreases the ion clustering due to the chelate effect in which the two oxygens on a solvent stabilize an associated cation. The conductivity in stable systems is shown to be primarily the result of the movement of free ions and the relative movement of ions within neutral pairs. The Nernst-Einstein relation, commonly used in the discussion of polymer electrolytes, is shown to be inadequate to quantitatively describe conductivity in the model systems.


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The transition to adulthood is characterised by both great potential for positive change and a relatively high incidence of problem outcomes. A multidimensional model of positive development during the transition to adulthood (at 19-20 years) has recently been proposed. However, an unresolved question regarding the nature of positive development during this time is how best to conceptualise its relationship to psychopathology. We drew on data from 1158 participants in the Australian Temperament Project, a large longitudinal community-based study that has followed young people's psychosocial adjustment from infancy to early adulthood. Using structural equation modelling, we compared three models reflecting different conceptualisations of the relationship between positive development and psychopathology. The results suggest that positive development and psychopathology are best modelled as separate but correlated constructs. Hence, development in one domain is likely to influence the other, although separate and specific developmental pathways are also likely to be operating.


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The challenge of an ageing population has placed a great pressure on the Australian aged care sector in the coming decades. Technology-enabled solutions such as health information systems (HIS) can be seen as a way to improve care quality, safety and process efficiency. Compared to the overall healthcare sector, the adoption of HIS in the aged care sector has been slower. One reason for this is that aged care providers are not well informed therefore not yet convinced of the positive impacts of technology solutions on their service provision. This paper reports findings from an evaluation of the impact of HIS adoption at an aged care provider in Victoria. The evaluation was conducted in two distinct areas, residential aged care and residential disability services. Overall, the findings show positive impacts of the system on individual work of the care staff and on service provision of the organisation as well as suggesting opportunities for improvement in later implementation stages. The evaluation will also inform other aged care and disability service providers of the benefits of HIS and useful lessons in adoption of technology solutions.


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We report the structure of the electrical double layer, determined from molecular dynamics simulations, for a range of saline solutions (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2) at both 0.16 and 0.60molkg(-1) on different facets of the gold and silver aqueous interfaces. We consider the Au/Ag(111), native Au/Ag(100) and reconstructed Au(100)(5×1) facets. For a given combination of metallic surface and facet, some variations in density profile are apparent across the different cations in solution, with the corresponding chloride counterion profiles remaining broadly invariant. All density profiles at the higher concentration are predicted to be very similar to their low-concentration counterparts. We find that each electrolyte responds differently to the different metallic surface and facets, particularly those of the divalent metal ions. Our findings reveal marked differences in density profiles between facets for a given metallic interface for both Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), with Na(+) and K(+) showing much less distinction. Mg(2+) was the only ion for which we find evidence of materials-dependent differences in interfacial solution structuring between the Ag and Au.


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Word-of-mouth is a powerful force in today’s marketplace. However, few researchers
examine how the dimensions of SERVQUAL relate to positive word-of-mouth, particularly in
the Chinese market. This study attempts to fill this gap. The context is Chinese
telecommunication market. A survey was conducted with a sample of 241 respondents. The
results showed that Reliability and Assurance encouraged more positive word-of-mouth
intention, while Tangibles, Responsiveness, and Empathy did not have any significant effect
on one’s word-of-mouth. These findings have useful implications to international service
companies, particularly those operating in a Chinese environment, by identifying factors that
are salient to the generation of positive word-of-mouth.


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Esta dissertação doutoral, com base em dados empíricos coletados com 50 mães distribuídas no Brasil (n = 30) e nos EUA (n = 20), tem como objetivo fornecer uma melhor compreensão do desperdício de alimento no contexto da baixa renda. A tese é composta por três artigos, que combinados, cumprem os objetivos de identificar os antecedentes do desperdício de alimento e delinear uma tipologia dos desperdiçadores de alimento. Adicionalmente, contextualiza o desperdício global e um capítulo propõe uma agenda futura para estudos sobre desperdício de alimento no âmbito do consumidor. O desperdício de alimento nas famílias, enquanto tema de pesquisa, oferece a oportunidade para o trabalho acadêmico em marketing cumprir os critérios de relevância social, gerencial e para políticas públicas. No primeiro estudo, descrevem-se os fatores do chamado "paradoxo do desperdício de alimento", a identificação e análise do desperdício de alimento em famílias com restrições orçamentárias, enquanto apresentam-se o itinerário do consumo de alimentos e os antecedentes do desperdício. Este primeiro artigo, elaborado com dados coletados em famílias brasileiras, ilustra também o papel das normas culturais, tais como o preparo abundante de alimento para mostrar hospitalidade ou como forma de não ser percebido como pobre, no aumento do desperdício. No segundo artigo, uma grounded-theory (teoria fundamentada nos dados) destaca o papel do afeto e da abundância no desperdício de alimento familiar. Para enriquecer as contribuições teóricas, este segundo estudo apresenta um framework com seis dimensões do desperdício de alimento (1. Afeto; 2. Abundância; 3. Multiplicidade de escolhas; 4. Conveniência; 5. Procrastinação; 6. Rotina sem planejamento). Baseado em dados empíricos coletados em famílias americanas, este estudo proporciona novas explicações, a exemplo de como o estoque abundante de comfort foods - uma forma de impulsionar tanto emoções positivas para si quanto mostrar afeto para crianças – pode gerar mais desperdício de alimentos. Em síntese, o segundo artigo identifica uma consequência negativa do afeto e da abundância de alimentos no contexto familiar, e apresenta um framework teoricamente relevante. Finalmente, o terceiro artigo, a partir do conjunto de dados dos estudos anteriores e de nova coleta com dez famílias, propõe uma tipologia comportamental do desperdício de alimento, uma contribuição original aos estudos de comportamento do consumidor. A identificação de cinco tipos de desperdiçadores de alimentos - (1) Mães carinhosas; (2) Cozinheiras abundantes; (3) Desperdiçadoras de sobras; (4) Procrastinadoras; (5) Mães versáteis - contribui para a teoria, enquanto implicações potenciais para educadores nutricionais e agentes públicos são exploradas a partir dos resultados. Como uma forma de explicar as características de cada um dos cinco tipos identificados, compara-se aspectos das amostras brasileira e norte-americana, que apresentam similaridades no comportamento de desperdício de alimento. Os níveis de desperdício percebidos por país também são comparados. Em suma, os achados dos três artigos podem contribuir para maximizar os resultados de campanhas de conscientização voltadas à mitigação do desperdício de alimento, e apresentam ideias para varejistas interessados em iniciativas de sustentabilidade. Mais abrangentemente, os resultados apresentados também podem ser aplicados para incrementar programas de combate à fome e projetos de educação nutricional realizados pelo setor público ou ONGs.


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We solve the generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator in 1+1 dimensions, i.e., including a linear pseudoscalar potential and quadratic scalar and vector potentials which have equal or opposite signs. We consider positive and negative quadratic potentials and discuss in detail their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The main features of these bound states are the same as the ones of the generalized three-dimensional relativistic harmonic oscillator bound states. The solutions found for zero pseudoscalar potential are related to the spin and pseudospin symmetry of the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions. We show how the charge conjugation and gamma(5) chiral transformations relate the several spectra obtained and find that for massless particles the spin and pseudospin symmetry-related problems have the same spectrum but different spinor solutions. Finally, we establish a relation of the solutions found with single-particle states of nuclei described by relativistic mean-field theories with scalar, vector, and isoscalar tensor interactions and discuss the conditions in which one may have both nucleon and antinucleon bound states.


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The Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) equation, in the scalar sector of the theory and with a linear nominimal vector potential, is mapped into the nonrelativistic harmonic oscillator problem. The behavior of the solutions for this sort of vector DKP oscillator is discussed in detail.


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This work analyses the waveshapes of continuing currents and parameters of M-components in positive cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes through high-speed GPS synchronized videos. The dataset is composed of only long continuing currents (with duration longer than 40 ms) and was selected from more than 800 flashes recorded in Sao Jose dos Campos (45.864 degrees W, 23.215 degrees S) and Uruguaiana (29.806 degrees W, 57.005 degrees S) in Southeast and South of Brazil, respectively, during 2003 to 2007 summers. The videos are compared with data obtained by the Brazilian Lightning Location System (BrasilDAT) in order to determine the polarity of each flash and select only positive cases. There are only two studies of waveshapes of continuing currents in the literature. One is based on direct current measurements of triggered lightning, in which four different types of waveshapes were observed; and the other is based on measurements of luminosity variations in high-speed videos of CG negative lightning, in which besides the four types above mentioned two additional types were observed. The present work is an extension of the latter, using the same method but now applied to obtain the waveshapes of positive CG lightning. As far as the authors know, this is the first report on M-components in positive continuing currents. We also have used the luminosity-versus-time graphs to observe their occurrence and measure some parameters (duration, elapsed time and time between two successive M-components), whose statistics are presented and compared in detail to the data for negative flashes. We have plotted a histogram of the M-components elapsed time over the total duration of the continuing current for positive flashes, which presented an exponential decay (correlation coefficient: 0.83), similar to what has been observed for negative flashes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the penetration of 2.5% NaOCl associated with 17.0% EDTA, 1.0% citric acid, and 1.0% peracetic acid into dentin tubules.Study design. The roots of 44 bovine incisors were cross-sectioned and 5-mm-long fragments were produced from their middle thirds. The specimens were instrumented with ProTaper hand files, stained in crystal violet, then sectioned mesiodistally. The buccal fragments were divided into 4 groups (n = 9) and subjected to 2 consecutive 10-minute immersion periods in one of the following acid solutions combined with 2.5% NaOCl: 17.0% EDTA (group 1), 1.0% citric acid (group 2), and 1.0% peracetic acid (group 3). Nine fragments were immersed in 2.5% NaOCl (group 4). The analysis of the penetration of NaOCl solutions into dentin was performed by measuring the depth of crystal violet stain that was bleached using a steromicroscope under x50 magnification. Statistical comparisons were carried out by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at the 5% significance level.Results. Group 1 showed less penetration into dentin than group 4 (P < .05). No statistically significant differences were observed among groups 2, 3, and 4 (P > .05).Conclusions. Association of NaOCl with acid solutions did not increase its penetration depth into root dentin. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011;112:e155-e159)