503 resultados para Movies


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In this article, Dirk Verdicchio addresses the display of sexuality in cinematic movies on finance. He argues that the display of sexuality can be seen as a representation of the financial economy and asks how finance is perceived when it is envisioned by means of sexuality. Referring to George Bataille’s concepts of economy, heterogeneity, and erotics he argues that the display of sexuality in these films endangers conventional, bourgeois ideals and values – in Bataille’s terms: the financial economy threatens social homogeneity because of an inherent heterogeneity of the stock exchange. According to the analyzed movies, the financial economy is not only the site where the rationality of the economy appears in its purest form, but also the site where this principle collapses and turns into its opposite.


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Our life is full of stories: some of them depict real-life events and were reported, e.g. in the daily news or in autobiographies, whereas other stories, as often presented to us in movies and novels, are fictional. However, we have only little insights in the neurocognitive processes underlying the reading of factual as compared to fictional contents. We investigated the neurocognitive effects of reading short narratives, labeled to be either factual or fictional. Reading in a factual mode engaged an activation pattern suggesting an action-based reconstruction of the events depicted in a story. This process seems to be past-oriented and leads to shorter reaction times at the behavioral level. In contrast, the brain activation patterns corresponding to reading fiction seem to reflect a constructive simulation of what might have happened. This is in line with studies on imagination of possible past or future events.


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Music is an intriguing stimulus widely used in movies to increase the emotional experience. However, no brain imaging study has to date examined this enhancement effect using emotional pictures (the modality mostly used in emotion research) and musical excerpts. Therefore, we designed this functional magnetic resonance imaging study to explore how musical stimuli enhance the feeling of affective pictures. In a classical block design carefully controlling for habituation and order effects, we presented fearful and sad pictures (mostly taken from the IAPS) either alone or combined with congruent emotional musical excerpts (classical pieces). Subjective ratings clearly indicated that the emotional experience was markedly increased in the combined relative to the picture condition. Furthermore, using a second-level analysis and regions of interest approach, we observed a clear functional and structural dissociation between the combined and the picture condition. Besides increased activation in brain areas known to be involved in auditory as well as in neutral and emotional visual-auditory integration processes, the combined condition showed increased activation in many structures known to be involved in emotion processing (including for example amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampus, insula, striatum, medial ventral frontal cortex, cerebellum, fusiform gyrus). In contrast, the picture condition only showed an activation increase in the cognitive part of the prefrontal cortex, mainly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Based on these findings, we suggest that emotional pictures evoke a more cognitive mode of emotion perception, whereas congruent presentations of emotional visual and musical stimuli rather automatically evoke strong emotional feelings and experiences.


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OBJECTIVES Sensorineural hearing loss from sound overexposure has a considerable prevalence. Identification of sound hazards is crucial, as prevention, due to a lack of definitive therapies, is the sole alternative to hearing aids. One subjectively loud, yet little studied, potential sound hazard is movie theaters. This study uses smart phones to evaluate their applicability as a widely available, validated sound pressure level (SPL) meter. Therefore, this study measures sound levels in movie theaters to determine whether sound levels exceed safe occupational noise exposure limits and whether sound levels in movie theaters differ as a function of movie, movie theater, presentation time, and seat location within the theater. DESIGN Six smart phones with an SPL meter software application were calibrated with a precision SPL meter and validated as an SPL meter. Additionally, three different smart phone generations were measured in comparison to an integrating SPL meter. Two different movies, an action movie and a children's movie, were measured six times each in 10 different venues (n = 117). To maximize representativeness, movies were selected focusing on large release productions with probable high attendance. Movie theaters were selected in the San Francisco, CA, area based on whether they screened both chosen movies and to represent the largest variety of theater proprietors. Measurements were analyzed in regard to differences between theaters, location within the theater, movie, as well as presentation time and day as indirect indicator of film attendance. RESULTS The smart phone measurements demonstrated high accuracy and reliability. Overall, sound levels in movie theaters do not exceed safe exposure limits by occupational standards. Sound levels vary significantly across theaters and demonstrated statistically significant higher sound levels and exposures in the action movie compared to the children's movie. Sound levels decrease with distance from the screen. However, no influence on time of day or day of the week as indirect indicator of film attendance could be found. CONCLUSIONS Calibrated smart phones with an appropriate software application as used in this study can be utilized as a validated SPL meter. Because of the wide availability, smart phones in combination with the software application can provide high quantity recreational sound exposure measurements, which can facilitate the identification of potential noise hazards. Sound levels in movie theaters decrease with distance to the screen, but do not exceed safe occupational noise exposure limits. Additionally, there are significant differences in sound levels across movie theaters and movies, but not in presentation time.


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This is a news video produced by Journalism student Jackie Marsiglia. This is to test streaming functionality in the UConn Digital Commons. The RealPlayer movies have been shortened.


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Paul de Kruif is credited with being one of the first popular science writers for the general public. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1916 and worked at the Rockefeller Institute under Simon Flexner. After being fired in 1922 for publishing a scathing article on medical research, de Kruif caught the attention of Sinclair Lewis, who used his scientific background to write his Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Arrowsmith. In 1926, de Kruif published Microbe Hunters which recounted the exploits and discoveries of 14 renowned microbiologists from von Leeuwenhoek to Pasteur, Ross, Paul Ehrlich and Walter Reed. Microbe Hunters became a best seller, was translated into 18 languages, and formed the basis of two Hollywood movies, "Yellow Jack" and "The Magic Bullet." Generations of young readers were captivated by the vivid protrayal of these men and their discoveries.


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"La parte de los crímenes" es la única sección de 2666 en la que la trama queda subordinada a una cronología implacable, marcada por descripciones detalladas de cuerpos violados y maltratados de mujeres asesinadas en los alrededores de Santa Teresa, según el orden en que se vayan descubriendo. En el texto se especula acerca del supuesto vínculo entre los crímenes y la subindustria clandestina del cine porno, a saber: snuff movies. En ese artículo se investiga el paralelismo entre el cine porno, películas snuff y el texto bolañesco, con enfoque especial en la repetitividad y la pasión por lo Real


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El presente artículo realiza un estudio de diversas películas pertenecientes al género de ciencia ficción, focalizando la atención en los escenarios futuros para el libro y las bibliotecas. A partir del concepto "imaginario social", se exploran las representaciones que se construyen desde el presente sobre el devenir de la cultura impresa en el contexto del creciente proceso de transformación tecnológica. Los films seleccionados componen una muestra que incorpora obras de diferentes momentos en la historia del género de ciencia ficción en relación a las problematizaciones sobre los vínculos entre tecnología y sociedad. Los ejes de análisis giran en torno a la desaparición, la transformación y las permanencias del libro y las bibliotecas. Se concluye que desde el imaginario social contemporáneo, materializado en las películas analizadas, se presenta un futuro en el que conviven elementos de la cultura del libro y la lectura con importantes modificaciones originadas por las innovaciones técnicas. Respecto al profesional de la información, si bien no hay indicaciones de cambios radicales en sus funciones, sí existen planteamientos inquietantes sobre el desplazamiento de lo humano por lo virtual


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Many important chemical reactions occur in polar snow, where solutes may be present in several reservoirs, including at the air-ice interface and in liquid-like regions within the ice matrix. Some recent laboratory studies suggest chemical reaction rates may differ in these two reservoirs. While investigations have examined where solutes are found in natural snow and ice, similar research has not identified solute locations in laboratory samples, nor the possible factors controlling solute segregation. To address this, we examined solute locations in ice samples prepared from either aqueous cesium chloride (CsCl) or Rose Bengal solutions that were frozen using several different methods. Samples frozen in a laboratory freezer had the largest liquid-like inclusions and air bubbles, while samples frozen in a custom freeze chamber had somewhat smaller air bubbles and inclusions; in contrast, samples frozen in liquid nitrogen showed much smaller concentrated inclusions and air bubbles, only slightly larger than the resolution limit of our images (~2 µm). Freezing solutions in plastic versus glass vials had significant impacts on the sample structure, perhaps because the poor heat conductivity of plastic vials changes how heat is removed from the sample as it cools. Similarly, the choice of solute had a significant impact on sample structure, with Rose Bengal solutions yielding smaller inclusions and air bubbles compared to CsCl solutions frozen using the same method. Additional experiments using higher-resolution imaging of an ice sample show that CsCl moves in a thermal gradient, supporting the idea that the solutes in ice are present in liquid-like regions. Our work shows that the structure of laboratory ice samples, including the location of solutes, is sensitive to freezing method, sample container, and solute characteristics, requiring careful experimental design and interpretation of results.


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El presente artículo realiza un estudio de diversas películas pertenecientes al género de ciencia ficción, focalizando la atención en los escenarios futuros para el libro y las bibliotecas. A partir del concepto "imaginario social", se exploran las representaciones que se construyen desde el presente sobre el devenir de la cultura impresa en el contexto del creciente proceso de transformación tecnológica. Los films seleccionados componen una muestra que incorpora obras de diferentes momentos en la historia del género de ciencia ficción en relación a las problematizaciones sobre los vínculos entre tecnología y sociedad. Los ejes de análisis giran en torno a la desaparición, la transformación y las permanencias del libro y las bibliotecas. Se concluye que desde el imaginario social contemporáneo, materializado en las películas analizadas, se presenta un futuro en el que conviven elementos de la cultura del libro y la lectura con importantes modificaciones originadas por las innovaciones técnicas. Respecto al profesional de la información, si bien no hay indicaciones de cambios radicales en sus funciones, sí existen planteamientos inquietantes sobre el desplazamiento de lo humano por lo virtual


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"La parte de los crímenes" es la única sección de 2666 en la que la trama queda subordinada a una cronología implacable, marcada por descripciones detalladas de cuerpos violados y maltratados de mujeres asesinadas en los alrededores de Santa Teresa, según el orden en que se vayan descubriendo. En el texto se especula acerca del supuesto vínculo entre los crímenes y la subindustria clandestina del cine porno, a saber: snuff movies. En ese artículo se investiga el paralelismo entre el cine porno, películas snuff y el texto bolañesco, con enfoque especial en la repetitividad y la pasión por lo Real


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"La parte de los crímenes" es la única sección de 2666 en la que la trama queda subordinada a una cronología implacable, marcada por descripciones detalladas de cuerpos violados y maltratados de mujeres asesinadas en los alrededores de Santa Teresa, según el orden en que se vayan descubriendo. En el texto se especula acerca del supuesto vínculo entre los crímenes y la subindustria clandestina del cine porno, a saber: snuff movies. En ese artículo se investiga el paralelismo entre el cine porno, películas snuff y el texto bolañesco, con enfoque especial en la repetitividad y la pasión por lo Real


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El presente artículo realiza un estudio de diversas películas pertenecientes al género de ciencia ficción, focalizando la atención en los escenarios futuros para el libro y las bibliotecas. A partir del concepto "imaginario social", se exploran las representaciones que se construyen desde el presente sobre el devenir de la cultura impresa en el contexto del creciente proceso de transformación tecnológica. Los films seleccionados componen una muestra que incorpora obras de diferentes momentos en la historia del género de ciencia ficción en relación a las problematizaciones sobre los vínculos entre tecnología y sociedad. Los ejes de análisis giran en torno a la desaparición, la transformación y las permanencias del libro y las bibliotecas. Se concluye que desde el imaginario social contemporáneo, materializado en las películas analizadas, se presenta un futuro en el que conviven elementos de la cultura del libro y la lectura con importantes modificaciones originadas por las innovaciones técnicas. Respecto al profesional de la información, si bien no hay indicaciones de cambios radicales en sus funciones, sí existen planteamientos inquietantes sobre el desplazamiento de lo humano por lo virtual