977 resultados para Motion perception.


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BACKGROUND: Whole pelvis intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is increasingly being used to treat cervical cancer aiming to reduce side effects. Encouraged by this, some groups have proposed the use of simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) to target the tumor, either to get a higher tumoricidal effect or to replace brachytherapy. Nevertheless, physiological organ movement and rapid tumor regression throughout treatment might substantially reduce any benefit of this approach. PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical target volume - simultaneous integrated boost (CTV-SIB) regression and motion during chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) for cervical cancer, and to monitor treatment progress dosimetrically and volumetrically to ensure treatment goals are met. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Ten patients treated with standard doses of CRT and brachytherapy were retrospectively re-planned using a helical Tomotherapy - SIB technique for the hypothetical scenario of this feasibility study. Target and organs at risk (OAR) were contoured on deformable fused planning-computed tomography and megavoltage computed tomography images. The CTV-SIB volume regression was determined. The center of mass (CM) was used to evaluate the degree of motion. The Dice's similarity coefficient (DSC) was used to assess the spatial overlap of CTV-SIBs between scans. A cumulative dose-volume histogram modeled estimated delivered doses. RESULTS: The CTV-SIB relative reduction was between 31 and 70%. The mean maximum CM change was 12.5, 9, and 3 mm in the superior-inferior, antero-posterior, and right-left dimensions, respectively. The CTV-SIB-DSC approached 1 in the first week of treatment, indicating almost perfect overlap. CTV-SIB-DSC regressed linearly during therapy, and by the end of treatment was 0.5, indicating 50% discordance. Two patients received less than 95% of the prescribed dose. Much higher doses to the OAR were observed. A multiple regression analysis showed a significant interaction between CTV-SIB reduction and OAR dose increase. CONCLUSIONS: The CTV-SIB had important regression and motion during CRT, receiving lower therapeutic doses than expected. The OAR had unpredictable shifts and received higher doses. The use of SIB without frequent adaptation of the treatment plan exposes cervical cancer patients to an unpredictable risk of under-dosing the target and/or overdosing adjacent critical structures. In that scenario, brachytherapy continues to be the gold standard approach.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was the investigation of the impact of real-time adaptive motion correction on image quality in navigator-gated, free-breathing, double-oblique three-dimensional (3D) submillimeter right coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Free-breathing 3D right coronary MRA with real-time navigator technology was performed in 10 healthy adult subjects with an in-plane spatial resolution of 700 x 700 microm. Identical double-oblique coronary MR-angiograms were performed with navigator gating alone and combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction. Quantitative objective parameters of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and vessel sharpness and subjective image quality scores were compared. RESULTS: Superior vessel sharpness, increased CNR, and superior image quality scores were found with combined navigator gating and real-time adaptive motion correction (vs. navigator gating alone; P < 0.01 for all comparisons). CONCLUSION: Real-time adaptive motion correction objectively and subjectively improves image quality in 3D navigator-gated free-breathing double-oblique submillimeter right coronary MRA.


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Purpose: To compare the performance Glaucoma Quality of Life-15 (GQL-15) Questionnaire, intraocular pressure measurement (IOP Goldmann tonometry) and a measure of visual field loss using Moorfields Motion Displacement Test (MDT) in detecting glaucomatous eyes from a self referred population. Methods: The GQL-15 has been suggested to correlate with visual disability and psychophysical measures of visual function in glaucoma patients. The Moorfields MDT is a multi location perimetry test with 32 white line stimuli presented on a grey background on a standard laptop computer. Each stimulus is displaced between computer frames to give the illusion of "apparent motion". Participants (N=312, 90% older than 45 years; 20.5% family history of glaucoma) self referred to an advertised World Glaucoma Day (March 2009) Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne Switzerland. Participants underwent a clinical exam (IOP, slit lamp, angle and disc examination by a general ophthalmologist), 90% completed a GQL-15 questionnaire and over 50% completed a MDT test in both eyes. Those who were classified as abnormal on one or more of the following (IOP >21 mmHg/ GQL-15 score >20/ MDT score >2/ clinical exam) underwent a follow up clinical examination by a glaucoma specialist including imaging and threshold perimetry. After the second examination subjects were classified as "healthy"(H), "glaucoma suspect" (GS) (ocular hypertension and/or suspicious disc, angle closure with SD) or "glaucomatous" (G). Results: One hundred and ten subjects completed all 4 initial examinations; of these 69 were referred to complete the 2nd examination and were classified as; 8 G, 24 GS, and 37 H. MDT detected 7/8 G, and 7/24 GS, with false referral rate of 3.8%. IOP detected 2/8 G and 8/24 GS, with false referral rate of 8.9%. GQL-15 detected 4/8 G, 16/24 GS with a false referral rate of 42%. Conclusions: In this sample of participants attending a self referral glaucoma detection event, the MDT performed significantly better than the GQL-15 and IOP in discriminating glaucomatous patients from healthy subjects. Further studies are required to assess the potential of the MDT as a glaucoma screening tool.


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In this paper we present a new method to track bonemovements in stereoscopic X-ray image series of the kneejoint. The method is based on two different X-ray imagesets: a rotational series of acquisitions of the stillsubject knee that will allow the tomographicreconstruction of the three-dimensional volume (model),and a stereoscopic image series of orthogonal projectionsas the subject performs movements. Tracking the movementsof bones throughout the stereoscopic image series meansto determine, for each frame, the best pose of everymoving element (bone) previously identified in the 3Dreconstructed model. The quality of a pose is reflectedin the similarity between its simulated projections andthe actual radiographs. We use direct Fourierreconstruction to approximate the three-dimensionalvolume of the knee joint. Then, to avoid the expensivecomputation of digitally rendered radiographs (DRR) forpose recovery, we reformulate the tracking problem in theFourier domain. Under the hypothesis of parallel X-raybeams, we use the central-slice-projection theorem toreplace the heavy 2D-to-3D registration of projections inthe signal domain by efficient slice-to-volumeregistration in the Fourier domain. Focusing onrotational movements, the translation-relevant phaseinformation can be discarded and we only consider scalarFourier amplitudes. The core of our motion trackingalgorithm can be implemented as a classical frame-wiseslice-to-volume registration task. Preliminary results onboth synthetic and real images confirm the validity ofour approach.


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The Lorentz-Dirac equation is not an unavoidable consequence of solely linear and angular momenta conservation for a point charge. It also requires an additional assumption concerning the elementary character of the charge. We here use a less restrictive elementarity assumption for a spinless charge and derive a system of conservation equations that are not properly the equation of motion because, as it contains an extra scalar variable, the future evolution of the charge is not determined. We show that a supplementary constitutive relation can be added so that the motion is determined and free from the troubles that are customary in the Lorentz-Dirac equation, i.e., preacceleration and runaways.


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We study the Brownian motion in velocity-dependent fields of force. Our main result is a Smoluchowski equation valid for moderate to high damping constants. We derive that equation by perturbative solution of the Langevin equation and using functional derivative techniques.


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We compute nonequilibrium correlation functions about the stationary state in which the fluid moves as a consequence of tangential stresses on the liquid surface, related to a varying surface tension (thermocapillary motion). The nature of the stationary state makes it necessary to take into account that the system is finite. We then extend a previous analysis on fluctuations about simple stationary states to include some effects related to the finite size of the sample.


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Résumé: Les récents progrès techniques de l'imagerie cérébrale non invasives ont permis d'améliorer la compréhension des différents systèmes fonctionnels cérébraux. Les approches multimodales sont devenues indispensables en recherche, afin d'étudier dans sa globalité les différentes caractéristiques de l'activité neuronale qui sont à la base du fonctionnement cérébral. Dans cette étude combinée d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et d'électroencéphalographie (EEG), nous avons exploité le potentiel de chacune d'elles, soit respectivement la résolution spatiale et temporelle élevée. Les processus cognitifs, de perception et de mouvement nécessitent le recrutement d'ensembles neuronaux. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous étudions, grâce à la combinaison des techniques IRMf et EEG, la réponse des aires visuelles lors d'une stimulation qui demande le regroupement d'éléments cohérents appartenant aux deux hémi-champs visuels pour en faire une seule image. Nous utilisons une mesure de synchronisation (EEG de cohérence) comme quantification de l'intégration spatiale inter-hémisphérique et la réponse BOLD (Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent) pour évaluer l'activité cérébrale qui en résulte. L'augmentation de la cohérence de l'EEG dans la bande beta-gamma mesurée au niveau des électrodes occipitales et sa corrélation linéaire avec la réponse BOLD dans les aires de VP/V4, reflète et visualise un ensemble neuronal synchronisé qui est vraisemblablement impliqué dans le regroupement spatial visuel. Ces résultats nous ont permis d'étendre la recherche à l'étude de l'impact que le contenu en fréquence des stimuli a sur la synchronisation. Avec la même approche, nous avons donc identifié les réseaux qui montrent une sensibilité différente à l'intégration des caractéristiques globales ou détaillées des images. En particulier, les données montrent que l'implication des réseaux visuels ventral et dorsal est modulée par le contenu en fréquence des stimuli. Dans la deuxième partie nous avons a testé l'hypothèse que l'augmentation de l'activité cérébrale pendant le processus de regroupement inter-hémisphérique dépend de l'activité des axones calleux qui relient les aires visuelles. Comme le Corps Calleux présente une maturation progressive pendant les deux premières décennies, nous avons analysé le développement de la fonction d'intégration spatiale chez des enfants âgés de 7 à 13 ans et le rôle de la myelinisation des fibres calleuses dans la maturation de l'activité visuelle. Nous avons combiné l'IRMf et la technique de MTI (Magnetization Transfer Imaging) afin de suivre les signes de maturation cérébrale respectivement sous l'aspect fonctionnel et morphologique (myelinisation). Chez lés enfants, les activations associées au processus d'intégration entre les hémi-champs visuels sont, comme chez l'adulte, localisées dans le réseau ventral mais se limitent à une zone plus restreinte. La forte corrélation que le signal BOLD montre avec la myelinisation des fibres du splenium est le signe de la dépendance entre la maturation des fonctions visuelles de haut niveau et celle des connections cortico-corticales. Abstract: Recent advances in non-invasive brain imaging allow the visualization of the different aspects of complex brain dynamics. The approaches based on a combination of imaging techniques facilitate the investigation and the link of multiple aspects of information processing. They are getting a leading tool for understanding the neural basis of various brain functions. Perception, motion, and cognition involve the formation of cooperative neuronal assemblies distributed over the cerebral cortex. In this research, we explore the characteristics of interhemispheric assemblies in the visual brain by taking advantage of the complementary characteristics provided by EEG (electroencephalography) and fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) techniques. These are the high temporal resolution for EEG and high spatial resolution for fMRI. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the response of the visual areas to the interhemispheric perceptual grouping task. We use EEG coherence as a measure of synchronization and BOLD (Blood Oxygenar tion Level Dependent) response as a measure of the related brain activation. The increase of the interhemispheric EEG coherence restricted to the occipital electrodes and to the EEG beta band and its linear relation to the BOLD responses in VP/V4 area points to a trans-hemispheric synchronous neuronal assembly involved in early perceptual grouping. This result encouraged us to explore the formation of synchronous trans-hemispheric networks induced by the stimuli of various spatial frequencies with this multimodal approach. We have found the involvement of ventral and medio-dorsal visual networks modulated by the spatial frequency content of the stimulus. Thus, based on the combination of EEG coherence and fMRI BOLD data, we have identified visual networks with different sensitivity to integrating low vs. high spatial frequencies. In the second part of this work we test the hypothesis that the increase of brain activity during perceptual grouping depends on the activity of callosal axons interconnecting the visual areas that are involved. To this end, in children of 7-13 years, we investigated functional (functional activation with fMRI) and morphological (myelination of the corpus callosum with Magnetization Transfer Imaging (MTI)) aspects of spatial integration. In children, the activation associated with the spatial integration across visual fields was localized in visual ventral stream and limited to a part of the area activated in adults. The strong correlation between individual BOLD responses in .this area and the myelination of the splenial system of fibers points to myelination as a significant factor in the development of the spatial integration ability.


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The magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 and BaFe10.2Sn0.74Co0.66O19 single crystals have been investigated in the temperature range (1.8 to 320 K) with a varying field from -5 to +5 T applied parallel and perpendicular to the c axis. Low-temperature magnetic relaxation, which is ascribed to the domain-wall motion, was performed between 1.8 and 15 K. The relaxation of magnetization exhibits a linear dependence on logarithmic time. The magnetic viscosity extracted from the relaxation data, decreases linearly as temperature goes down, which may correspond to the thermal depinning of domain walls. Below 2.5 K, the viscosity begins to deviate from the linear dependence on temperature, tending to be temperature independent. The near temperature independence of viscosity suggests the existence of quantum tunneling of antiferromagnetic domain wall in this temperature range.


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Three-dimensional imaging and quantification of myocardial function are essential steps in the evaluation of cardiac disease. We propose a tagged magnetic resonance imaging methodology called zHARP that encodes and automatically tracks myocardial displacement in three dimensions. Unlike other motion encoding techniques, zHARP encodes both in-plane and through-plane motion in a single image plane without affecting the acquisition speed. Postprocessing unravels this encoding in order to directly track the 3-D displacement of every point within the image plane throughout an entire image sequence. Experimental results include a phantom validation experiment, which compares zHARP to phase contrast imaging, and an in vivo study of a normal human volunteer. Results demonstrate that the simultaneous extraction of in-plane and through-plane displacements from tagged images is feasible.


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Water tanks offer from many centuries ago solutions in South India for several problems related with water scarcity. They are a traditional water harvesting system wide spread in this territory, allowing a potential decentralized and participatory management of the local population on their own resources. Although water tanks¿ main function is irrigation, they have many other uses, functions and natural resources associated, involving stakeholders in the villages apart from those farmers making use of the irrigation. Water tanks provide a variety of landscapes and biodiversity that creates a valuable heterogeneous territory. The complexity of such an ecosystem should be managed with an integral perspective, considering all the elements involved and their relations, and understanding that water tanks are not just water deposits. This multidisciplinary study tries to demonstrate the idea of water tanks as ecosystems, describing and analyzing deeply and in an unprecedentedly way the functions, uses, natural resources and stakeholders. The research also focuses in the assessment of the ecosystemic perception of the local population of some villages in Tamil Nadu, employing diverse anthropological methodology.


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According to 23 CFR § 450.214(a), “The State shall develop a long-range statewide transportation plan, with a minimum 20-year forecast period at the time of adoption, that provides for the development and implementation of the multimodal transportation system for the State.” The state transportation plan (Plan) is a document that will address this requirement and serve as a transportation investment guide between now and 2040. Iowa’s most recent plan was developed by the Iowa Department of Transportation and adopted in 1997 through a planning process called Iowa in Motion. Much of Iowa in Motion has been implemented and this Plan, "Iowa in Motion – Planning Ahead," will build on the success of its predecessor. The Plan projects the demand for transportation infrastructure and services to 2040 based on consideration of social and economic changes likely to occur during this time. Iowa’s economy and the need to meet the challenges of the future will continue to place pressure on the transportation system. With this in mind, the Plan will provide direction for each transportation mode, and will support a renewed emphasis on efficient investment and prudent, responsible management of our existing transportation system. In recent years, the Iowa DOT has branded this philosophy as stewardship. As Iowa changes and the transportation system evolves, one constant will be that the safe and efficient movement of Iowans and our products is essential for stable growth in Iowa’s economy. Iowa’s extensive multimodal and multijurisdictional transportation system is a critical component of economic development and job creation throughout the state.