541 resultados para Montagem do proteassoma


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This work aims to make the closed loop control of a three phase induction motor, through the integration of the following equipment: a frequency inverter, the actuator system; a programmable logic controller (PLC), the controller; an encoder, the velocity sensor, used as a feedback monitoring the control variable and the three-phase induction motor, the plant to be controlled. The control is performed using a Proportional - Integrative - Derivative (PID) approach. The PLC has a help instruction, which performs the auto adjustment of the controller, that instruction is used and confronted with other adjustment methods. There are several types of methods adjustments to the PID controllers, where the empirical methods are addressed in this work. The system is deployed at the Interface and Electro Electronic Control laboratory in the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, then, in the future, this work becomes an experiment to be conducted in the classroom, allowing undergraduate students to develop a greater affinity to the programs used by the PLC as well as studies of undergraduate and graduate works with the help of assembly made


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In view of the need to develop a device for security and lateral protection, due to the Resolution 323/09 of CONTRAN, which requires the use of such equipment for most trucks and tow trucks, the objective of this work is to develop a project for an aluminum lateral protection device, according to the ABNT NBR 14.148 regulation, that, among many specifications, stipulates that the equipment must support a load of 5 kN and suffer a maximum deflection of 30mm, but does not say what material it should be made of. The reason for choosing aluminum is because of its low density, so as not to significantly increase the curb weight of the truck, which, consequently, reduces CO2 emissions and maintenance expenses. Additionally, this material presents a good resistance/weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, excellent surface finish and it's fully recyclable; reason why it has been gaining the attention of many industry segments. For the realization of the project, profiles were chosen to make the assembly of the set, and then a finite elements analysis was performed in the HyperWorks software, to verify if the designed device would support the loads stipulated by the regulation. One details to note is that these simulation programs could show inaccuracies, because of the size and shape of the elements that compose the mesh, and for many other reasons, so it is necessary that, even with the results coming back satisfactory, actual physical tests are conducted to validate the proper functioning of the equipment, which was not done for this study


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The increasing demand for productivity and quality in companies has converged to a common point: reducing costs. In this context the present work aims at the development of a mechanical press which is designed for pressing polar hydrogenerators coils with salient pole in field facilitating the assembly of the poles in the plant, as well as reforms especially in hydrogenerators, reducing significantly the transport costs. With security in mind as well as reduced costs, a study was made of the materials to be used as it was applied a methodology for calculating the correct choice of safety factor to be used in the device. Through mechanical calculations were dimensioned critical items of the device as the diameter of the rods as well as the minimum thickness of the base of the device must have so that it does not break threaded shear in the region by applying the total load of traction on the risers implementation of the pressing. All compression loading device will be through the application of torque on the nuts of bolts in this way was defined by calculations the required torque for each nut so that you can reach the pressure specified in the design specifies. The modeling of the device was made using the INVENTOR™ program in conjunction with the program ANSYS ™. These programs have created designs in three dimensions, assembly and simulation of stress analysis in components of the device


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The production of a dictionary always generates controversy about decisions to be taken by the lexicographer. They are based – a priori – in previous theoretical and methodological choices. What we mean by dictionary? Why making certain choices rather than others? How to reconcile (if there is a reconciliation) the different approaches to describe the lexicon? The objective here is to contribute with theoretical and methodological reflections related to the Juruna Lexicography (Yudjá), as well as for lexicographical studies camp. This text addresses critical points of dictionaries production processes – if we may so call it – the history of the act of making a dictionary, so we can discuss choices to be taken to the entries of verbs in the Juruna-Portuguese bilingual dictionary assembly provided as a long term project result, in which some collaborators are working, including community’s indigenous. The work contains sections that will raise historical and linguistic discussions about the compilation of a dictionary and how this act binds to the applicability for the subjects that use this instrument firming / mobilizer of the lexicon visions. The focus here will be to discuss the verbs entries in the Juruna dictionary (stemming), taking lexicographical history as a contributor to certain choices of dictionaries production nowadays, whether for mother tongue, for foreign language, specialized lexicons, semantic groups, and systematizations for languages that are starting/beginning a first publication of dictionaries


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A indústria automobilística é uma das mais desenvolvida por oferecer produtos que empregam alta tecnologia. No entanto, seus processos implicam riscos à saúde dos colaboradores envolvidos diretamente com a produção. Por este motivo, o presente trabalho visa através de uma pesquisa-ação, implementar melhoria ergonômica e da condição de trabalho no posto de montagem da bomba d’água numa empresa automobilística alemã. Utilizou-se a método Kaizen como ferramenta para propor e implementar as melhorias adequadas para o posto. Foi realizada uma comparação entre o antes e depois do Kaizen e observou-se que com a implementação das melhorias foi possível eliminar os riscos, minimizando os riscos nas tarefas, portanto, preservando a saúde dos montadores


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The materials designed to be used in electroluminescent (EL) devices construction are studied and improved since 1936. Great interests in the development of this kind of devices are mainly due to its low power consumption, flexibility, low cost and easy processing. One class of ELs devices with these characteristics are produced by employing a organic-polymeric/inorganic composite from a conductive polymer blend and an inorganic electroluminescent material (Zn2SiO4:Mn) dispersed in the polymeric matrix. This kind of device operates in d.c. or a.c. potentials, with EL of hundreds candela in the green region of the visible spectrum. However, few studies on the light emission were performed for these devices. In order to characterize devices made from composites, in this work is proposed a method of characterizing the electroluminescence associated with the impedance spectroscopy technique. To implement the technique of impedance spectroscopy was employ an experimental setup consisting of a source of a.c. voltage, an oscilloscope, and a reference resistor. Associated with this system, was use a photo diode and an analog electrometer to characterize the emitted light signal from the sample. The system was implemented allows characterization by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 0.2 Hz up to 2 MHz and voltage amplitudes of 5 mV up to 20 kV. This system permits, at the same time, measurement of the RMS value of the luminance for devices in frequency range from 20 Hz up to 2 MHz. To test the system efficiency, an EL device was characterized showing analogous results to those reported in literature. By doing this, was demonstrated the efficiency of the system for electroluminescence characterization associated with the electrical characterization by impedance spectroscopy, for devices


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This work is to control the quality of the structures, procedures for addressing the assembly of the formwork, scaffolding and the frame of pillars, beams and slabs. He had also intended to show that the vibration of launch and concrete items are also important, if poorly implemented can undermine the structure. This work also shows that the mapping becomes essential if there is some problem in the concrete, where concrete was launched, could be identified. And finally check the product where the structure will be evaluated for how much their quality


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Through observation of production process of a Vale do Paraiba’s automobile industry, one can encounter in need of improvement related to large uncertainties and variations in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. This way, the paper describes the development of a flexible manufacturing model, which aims to optimize the process in an automotive sub-assembly industry of the Paraíba Valley. The main objective is to propose a method to promote viable alternatives to easing the assembly of parallel sub performed the assembly of cars. For the construction of the model was necessary to explore concepts of flexible manufacturing and making the data presented in literature, which were vital to ensure the development of the method. The concepts discussed are usually presented at an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the model are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers. Featuring alternative response variables and uncertainties of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive


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The main objective of this project step is the evolution of scenery matter on the occidental theater media, related to space and technical possibilities of the theatrical building and space on history of contemporary arts. The main point is that scenery must communicate with a specific matter. Something in touch with the plot speeches. Something that makes all the plot elements to communicate. Acting has an specific message to deliver, and that message is what really matter to the viewer of the show. “It’s never late to state that scenery is not a decoration, or just an interior composition. Scenery is not a painting or a sculpture: it’s an integrated art form. It’s never too repetitive to say that scenery is a result from the composition with lights, shadows, shapes, lines and volumes, in balance and on harmony as a whole, that create movement and contrast” (Dias, 2001) On the second step of the project, the objective is to analyze the building process and the scenery aspects of the “Be-a-bá Brasil” show, using illustrations, pictures and analysis data of the context the show was inserted on


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Diante do fato da existência de inúmeros diásporos preservados em exsicatas nos herbários e da necessidade de se desenvolverem novas práticas conservacionistas esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a capacidade de um herbário de atuar como banco de germoplasma complemetar através da propagação de espécies vegetais pela germinação sementes retiradas de exsicatas. O estudo teve como foco espécies típicas do cerrado lato sensu, pois estas tiveram uma trajetória evolutiva com pressões de queimadas naturais, o que provavelmente proporciona às sementes destas espécies maior resistência à dessecassão provocada pelo processo de herborização. Foram utilizados apenas propágulos que apresentavam maturação completa no momento de coleta. Estes provieram de duplicatas do herbário ESA (sediado na ESALQ - USP – Piracicaba). Os testes de germinação foram realizados em substrato de vermiculita fina peneirada, previamente esterelizada, e conduzidos em câmaras de germinação tipo B.O.D. (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) sob fotoperíodo por 24 horas e temperatura constante de 25°C. Estes foram mantido e avaliados 3 vezes por semana durante 60 dias. A pesquisa abrangeu 80 espécies, 25 famílias e um total de 1346 sementes. O N amostral de cada espécie variou de 1 a 30, dependendo da disponibilidade do material. Não foram realizados métodos de quebra de dormência, mas mesmo assim praticamente todas as sementes apresentaram embebissão, com excessão de 8 sementes de Stryphnodendron adstringens. Sementes de cinco espécies germinaram, o que representa que representam 6,25% (N=80) do total de espécies. Elas petencem à duas famílias: Cochlospermum regium e Cochlospermum vitifolium da família Bixaceae e Bowdichia virgiloides, Hymenaea stigonocarpa e Stryphnodendron adstringens da família Fabaceae. A germinação ocorreu entre 10 e 30 dias após a montagem dos testes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper aims to present the design, development and construction of a reducer / multiplier speeds low cost, sturdy and easy operation. The beginning of the project was given to research on issues related to mechanisms and machine elements, and these theories of fundamental importance in the development of items of equipment which, together with the aid of AutoCAD software, enabled the construction of it. Parallel to the sizing of equipment, were also investigated and taken into account the costs of materials used in the project. Made to mount the reducer / multiplier speeds it was at the evidence through experiments involving the use of torque wrench, tachometer and weights, getting proven applicability in situations that are small or medium loads required


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This work proposes a study on the materials selections and processes for the manufacture of aircraft and showing a methodology to reduce the manufacturing cost. The DFMA can be understood as a methodology that aims at reducing manufacturing and assembly costs and coupled with the increase of product quality through design simplifications. The most commonly material used in the manufacture of aircraft is aluminum alloys due to these possess great structural strength, good elasticity, and being stainless having a low specific weight (about 1/3 that of steel), reducing the weight of the aircraft. A case study in which an operation in the process of verifying the quality was generating unnecessary costs time / man for the company was also developed. The problem solution was simple, just removing the attachment process. It was found that the DFMA methodology is extremely important for the simplification of processes and projects, contributing to the reduction of manufacturing costs of aircraft


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La performance desentreprises ça dépend, engrande partie, deses chaînesd’approvisionnement. Celas peuvent entretrès complexe, car elle implique tout le processus avant, pendant et après l’assemblage duproduit fini. Ce travaila donc comme objectifl’amélioration de lagestion des imprévus qu’arrivent audébutdela chaîne d’approvisionnement et lesimpacts sur l’approvisionnement de la ligne d’assemblage d’une usine. L’approche méthodologique utilisée est la recherche-action. De cette façon, ce travail présente une standardisation des processusquechaque département doit fairedans uncas de rupture dans la chaîne. D’après entretiens, analyses de document, standardisation des organigrammes et graphiques croisés dynamiques, ila été possible proposer un moyen plus critique d’analyser et résoudre certains problèmes. En tant que résultats, viennent un organigramme défini, une divulgation des informations plus précises pour la prise en décision et unes l’analyse critique de l’historique des imprévus. Il s’agit d’un ensemble des processus meilleur pour une bonne prise en décision de court, moyen et long terme pour les dépenses avec des imprévus dans l’approvisionnement de matière-première de l’usine


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Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are between the biological richest areas in the world, for that are considered top conservation priorities. Those ecosystems are found at Botucatu region, where it´s extremely fragmented by routes, agricultural areas and urban centres. This fragmentation causes restrictions on animals populations, in particular to medium and large mammals, that needs larger areas to live and also are often hunted. Even isolated and suffering anthropic influences the fragments are fundamental for local biodiversity conservation. We realized a mammal survey on two forest fragments of Atlantic forest transition to Cerrado of Rubião Júnior – Botucatu – SP – Brazil: Santo Antônio Church and Parque das Cascatas forests. The Santo Antônio church munt is considered a turistic point and its forest receive many visitants, Parque das Cascatas forest is inside of a residential condominium. Both areas are classify as semidecidual stational forest and are disconected by Domingos Sartori route, that connect Botucatu centre to Rubião Júnior district. Around both fragments can be found residences, plantations and pastures. The utilized method included: recognition of tracks on the forests, interviews with next residents and sand plots mounting. The interviews indicated 29 mammals species, and 19 was validated for animal traces, overruns or visualization. Other 3 species found were not mentioned on interviews. Totally, was found 22 small and medium mammals presence evidences on both forest fragments. Parque das Cascatas forest showed more diversity (19) then Santo Antônio Church forest (11), and species like Eira barbara, Procyon cancrivorus, Mazama americana, Shiggurus villosus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis albiventris, Lutreolina crassicaudata and Lepus europaeus looked for other areas once that was verifyed overruns of individuals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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In today's competitive environment of automakers, it is essential to obtain the highest efficiency of the production process. This paper presents a study in a pre-assembly of brake pipes and fuel of a vehicle where the value stream maps and information (VSM – Value Stream Mapping) were designed in order to improve the process by reducing the Lead Time Production of a product, reducing waste and decrease time between processes. This work can be divided into three stages, the first building the VSM of the initial state, the second VSM of the proposed state and finally the VSM than was actually performed and to present the gains were achieved effectively. The proposed VSM would lead to a gain of 54% in lead time and 61% in processing time, since the VSM implemented had gains of 47% in lead time and 48% in processing time even without major investments as originally proposed. Concluding that even without big investment, using the techniques of lean manufacturing is possible to achieve high levels of process efficiency