963 resultados para Molecular structure (Theoretical chemistry)
Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is the oxidized form of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate, which serves as methyl- or methylene donor (C1-building blocks) during DNA synthesis. Under physiological conditions the required amount of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate for survival of the cell is accomplished through the reduced folate carrier (RFC). In contrast, the supply of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate is insufficient under pathophysiological conditions of tumors due to an increased proliferation rate. Consequently, many tumor cells exhibit an (over)expression of the folate receptor. This phenomenon has been applied to diagnostics (PET, SPECT, MR) to image FR-positive tumors and on the other hand to treat malignancies related to a FR (over)expression. Based on this concept, a new 18F-labeled folate for PET imaging has been developed and was evaluated in vivo using tumor-bearing mice. The incorporation of oligoethylene spacers into the molecular structure led to a significant enhancement of the pharmacokinetics in comparison to previously developed 18F-folates. The liver uptake could be reduced by one sixth by remaining a tumor uptake of 3%ID/g leading to better contrast ratios. Encouraged by these results, a clickable 18F-labeled serine-based prosthetic group has been synthesized, again with the idea to improve the metabolic and pharmacokinetic profile of hydrophilic radiotracers. Therefore, an alkyne-carrying azido-functionalized serine derivative for coupling to biomolecules was synthesized and a chlorine leaving group for 18F-labeling, which could be accomplished using a microwave-assisted synthesis, a [K⊂2.2.2]+/carbonate system in DMSO. Radiochemical yields of 77±6% could be achieved.rnThe promising results obtained from the FR-targeting concept in the diagnostic field have been transferred to the boron neutron capture therapy. Therefore, a folate derivative was coupled to different boron clusters and cell uptake studies were conducted. The synthesis of the folate-boron clusters was straightforward. At first, a linker molecule based on maleic acid was synthesized, which was coupled to the boron cluster via Michael Addition of a thiol and alkene and subsequently coupled to the targeting moiety using CuAAC. The new conjugates of folate and boron clusters led to a significant increase of boron concentration in the cell of about 5-times compared to currently used and approved boron pharmaceuticals. rnMoreover, azido-folate derivatives were coupled to macromolecular carrier systems (pHPMA), which showed an enhanced and specific accumulation at target sites (up to 2.5-times) during in vivo experiments. A specific blockade could be observed up to 30% indicating an efficient targeting effect. A new kind of nanoparticles consisting of a PDLLA core and p((HPMA)-b-LMA)) as surfactants were developed and successfully radiolabeled via 18F-click chemistry in good RCYs of 8±3%rnThe nanoparticles were obtained via the miniemulsion technique in combination with solvent evaporation. The 18F-labeled nanoparticles were applied to in vivo testing using a mouse model. PET imaging showed a “mixed” biodistribution of low molecular weight as well as high molecular weight systems, indicating a partial loss of the 18F-labeled surfactant.rnIn conclusion, the presented work successfully utilized the FR-targeting concept in both, the diagnostic field (PET imaging) and for therapeutic approaches (BNCT, drug delivery systems). As a result, the high potential of FR-targeting in oncological applications has been shown and was confirmed by small animal PET imaging.rn
Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit Ladungsgeneration und – rekombination in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, die spiro-OMeTAD als Lochleiter verwenden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in drei Fallstudien unterteilt: i.) Kern-erweiterte Rylen-Farbstoffe, ii.) ein Perylenmonoimid-Farbstoff und iii.) Donor-π verbrückte (Cyclopentadithiophen)-Akzeptor-Farbstoffe. Trotz ihres hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und der hohen Absorbanz der sensibilisierten Filme, zeigen einige dieser Farbstoffmoleküle nur geringe photovoltaischen Effizienzen. Um den Ursprung des geringen Wirkungsgrades herauszufinden, wurde breitbandige, ultraschnelle transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an Solarzellen durchgeführt.rnInsbesondere die Auswirkungen verschiedender Ankergruppen, Dipolmomente, Photolumineszenzlebenszeiten, Lithium-Kationensensitivität und Ladungsträgerdynamik, die alle einen großen Einfluss auf den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle besitzen, wurden untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie zeigte ein kurzer Rylen-Farbstoff aufgrund deutlich verlängerter Lebenszeiten die beste Effizienz im Vergleich zu größeren Kern-erweiterten Rylen-Farbstoffen. Die Lebenszeit wurde weiter reduziert, wenn Maleinsäure als Ankergruppe unter einer Ringöffnungsreaktion an die mesoporöse Oberfläche des Metalloxid-Halbleiters adsorbierte. Dies konnte mit Hilfe von Berechnungen mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT, B3LYP) auf die Differenz des Dipolmoments zwischen Grundzustand und angeregtem Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Die Berechnungen bekräftigen die unvorteilhafte Injektion von Ladungen durch die Änderung der Richtung des Dipolmoments, wenn eine Ringöffnung der Anhydridgruppe stattfindet. In der zweiten Studie zeigte das Perylenmonoimid-Derivat ID889 einen Wirkungsgrad von 4.5% in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, wobei ID889 sogar ohne Zuhilfenahme eines Additivs in der Lage ist langlebige Farbstoffkationen zu bilden. Die Verwendung von Lithium-Kationen stabilisiert jedoch sowohl den Prozess der Ladungsgeneration als auch den der Ladungsregeneration. Des Weiteren wurde in ID889-sensitivierten Bauteilen kein reduktives Löschen beobachtet. Dabei wurde die Dynamik der Exzitonen mittels einer soft-modelling Methode Kurvenanalyse aus den Daten der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie gewonnen. Zuletzt wurden Strukturen mit Cyclopentadithiophen(CPDT)-Baustein untersucht, die eine typische D-π-A Molekülstruktur bilden. FPH224 und 233 zeigten dabei eine bessere Effizienz als FPH231 und 303 aufgrund einer großen Injektionseffizienz (IE) und längerer Lebenszeit der angeregten Zustände. Dies kann auf reduktives Löschen in FPH231 und 303 zurückgeführt werden, wohingegen FPH224 und 233 einen moderaten Zerfall des Spirokationensignals zeigten.
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes „Rückhaltung endlagerrelevanter Radionuklide im natürlichen Tongestein und salinaren Systemen“ (Förderkennzeichen: 02E10981), welches durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) gefördert wurde, angefertigt. Ziel war es, erstmals Erkenntnisse zur Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Spaltprodukt Technetium und einem natürlichen Tongestein im Hinblick auf ein Endlager für wärmeentwickelnde radioaktive Abfälle zu erlangen. Hierfür wurde der in der Nordschweiz vorkommende Opalinuston aus Mont Terri als Referenzmaterial verwendet. Das Nuklid Technetium-99 liefert auf Grund seiner langen Halbwertszeit einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Radiotoxizität abgebrannter Brennelemente für mehr als tausend Jahre. Im Falle einer Freisetzung aus den Lagerbehältern wird die Geochemie des Technetiums von seiner Oxidationsstufe bestimmt, wobei lediglich die Oxidationsstufen +IV und +VII von Relevanz sind. Auf Grund seiner hohen Löslichkeit und geringen Affinität zur Sorption an Oberflächen von Mineralien ist Tc(VII) die mobilste und somit auch gefährlichste Spezies. Entsprechend lag der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf Diffusionsexperimenten dieser mobilen Spezies sowie auf dem Einfluss von Eisen(II) auf die Mobilität und die Speziation des Technetiums.rnDie Wechselwirkung zwischen Technetium und Opalinuston wurde in Sorptions- und Diffusionsexperimenten unter Variation verschiedener Parameter (pH-Wert, Zusatz verschiedener Reduktionsmittel, Einfluss von Sauerstoff, Diffusionsweg) untersucht. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurden erstmals ortsaufgelöste Untersuchungen zur Speziation des Technetiums an Dünnschliffen und Bohrkernen durchgeführt. Dabei konnten ergänzend zur Speziation auch Informationen über die Elementverteilung und die kristallinen Mineralphasen nahe lokaler Anreicherungen des Radionuklides gewonnen werden. Zusätzlich erlaubten Untersuchungen an Pulverproben die Bestimmung der molekularen Struktur des Technetiums an der Tonoberfläche.rnSowohl die Kombination der oben aufgeführten Sorptionsexperimente mit spektroskopischen Untersuchungen als auch die Diffusionsexperimente zeigten unter Sauerstoffausschluss eine Reduktion von Tc(VII) zu immobilen Tc(IV)-Spezies. Weiterhin konnte die Bildung eines Tc(IV)-Sorptionskomplexes an der Tonoberfläche gezeigt werden. Im Hinblick auf ein Endlager in Tongestein sind diese Ergebnisse positiv zu bewerten.
The goals of this article are to (1) provide further validation of the Glycam06 force field, specifically for its use in implicit solvent molecular dynamic (MD) simulations, and (2) to present the extension of G.N. Ramachandran's idea of plotting amino acid phi and psi angles to the glycosidic phi, psi, and omega angles formed between carbohydrates. As in traditional Ramachandran plots, these carbohydrate Ramachandran-type (carb-Rama) plots reveal the coupling between the glycosidic angles by displaying the allowed and disallowed conformational space. Considering two-bond glycosidic linkages, there are 18 possible conformational regions that can be defined by (α, ϕ, ψ) and (β, ϕ, ψ), whereas for three-bond linkages, there are 54 possible regions that can be defined by (α, ϕ, ψ, ω) and (β, ϕ, ψ, ω). Illustrating these ideas are molecular dynamic simulations on an implicitly hydrated oligosaccharide (700 ns) and its eight constituent disaccharides (50 ns/disaccharide). For each linkage, we compare and contrast the oligosaccharide and respective disaccharide carb-Rama plots, validate the simulations and the Glycam06 force field through comparison to experimental data, and discuss the general trends observed in the plots.
Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has been used to determine the identity of peptides and other large biological molecules. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a useful tool for determining the identity of molecules based on their interaction with electromagnetic fields. If coupled with another method like infrared (IR) vibrational spectroscopy, MS can provide structural information, but in its own right, MS can only provide the mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio of the fragments produced, which may not be enough information to determine the mechanism of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the molecule. In this case, theoretical calculations provide a useful companion for MS data and yield clues about the energetics of the dissociation. In this study, negative ion electrospray tandem MS was used to study the CID of the deprotonated dipeptide glycine-serine (Gly-Ser). Though negative ion MS is not as popular a choice as positive ion MS, studies by Bowie et al. show that it yields unique clues about molecular structure which complement positive ion spectroscopy, such as characteristic fragmentations like the loss of formaldehyde from the serine residue.2 The increase in the collision energy in the mass spectrometer alters the flexibility of the dipeptide backbone, enabling isomerizations (reactions not resulting in a fragment loss) and dissociations to take place. The mechanism of the CID of Gly-Ser was studied using two computational methods, B3LYP/6-311+G* and M06-2X/6-311++G**. The main pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed in 5 conformers in an attempt to verify the initial mechanism proposed by Dr. James Swan after examination of the MS data. The results suggest that the loss of formaldehyde from serine, which Bowie et al. indicates is a characteristic of the presence of serine in a protein residue, is an endothermic reaction that is made possible by the conversion of the translational energy of the ion into internal energy as the ion collides with the inert collision gas. It has also been determined that the M06-2X functional¿s improved description of medium and long-range correlation makes it more effective than the B3LYP functional at finding elusive transition states. M06-2X also more accurately predicts the energy of those transition states than does B3LYP. A second CID mechanism, which passes through intermediates with the same m/z ratio as the main pathway for molecular dissociation, but different structures, including a diketopiperazine intermediate, was also studied. This pathway for molecular dissociation was analyzed with 3 conformers and the M06-2X functional, due to its previously determined effectiveness. The results suggest that the latter pathway, which meets the same intermediate masses as the first mechanism, is lower in overall energy and therefore a more likely pathway of dissociation than the first mechanism.
EPON 862 is an epoxy resin which is cured with the hardening agent DETDA to form a crosslinked epoxy polymer and is used as a component in modern aircraft structures. These crosslinked polymers are often exposed to prolonged periods of temperatures below glass transition range which cause physical aging to occur. Because physical aging can compromise the performance of epoxies and their composites and because experimental techniques cannot provide all of the necessary physical insight that is needed to fully understand physical aging, efficient computational approaches to predict the effects of physical aging on thermo-mechanical properties are needed. In this study, Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Minimization simulations are being used to establish well-equilibrated, validated molecular models of the EPON 862-DETDA epoxy system with a range of crosslink densities using a united-atom force field. These simulations are subsequently used to predict the glass transition temperature, thermal expansion coefficients, and elastic properties of each of the crosslinked systems for validation of the modeling techniques. The results indicate that glass transition temperature and elastic properties increase with increasing levels of crosslink density and the thermal expansion coefficient decreases with crosslink density, both above and below the glass transition temperature. The results also indicate that there may be an upper limit to crosslink density that can be realistically achieved in epoxy systems. After evaluation of the thermo-mechanical properties, a method is developed to efficiently establish molecular models of epoxy resins that represent the corresponding real molecular structure at specific aging times. Although this approach does not model the physical aging process, it is useful in establishing a molecular model that resembles the physically-aged state for further use in predicting thermo-mechanical properties as a function of aging time. An equation has been predicted based on the results which directly correlate aging time to aged volume of the molecular model. This equation can be helpful for modelers who want to study properties of epoxy resins at different levels of aging but have little information about volume shrinkage occurring during physical aging.
Materials are inherently multi-scale in nature consisting of distinct characteristics at various length scales from atoms to bulk material. There are no widely accepted predictive multi-scale modeling techniques that span from atomic level to bulk relating the effects of the structure at the nanometer (10-9 meter) on macro-scale properties. Traditional engineering deals with treating matter as continuous with no internal structure. In contrast to engineers, physicists have dealt with matter in its discrete structure at small length scales to understand fundamental behavior of materials. Multiscale modeling is of great scientific and technical importance as it can aid in designing novel materials that will enable us to tailor properties specific to an application like multi-functional materials. Polymer nanocomposite materials have the potential to provide significant increases in mechanical properties relative to current polymers used for structural applications. The nanoscale reinforcements have the potential to increase the effective interface between the reinforcement and the matrix by orders of magnitude for a given reinforcement volume fraction as relative to traditional micro- or macro-scale reinforcements. To facilitate the development of polymer nanocomposite materials, constitutive relationships must be established that predict the bulk mechanical properties of the materials as a function of the molecular structure. A computational hierarchical multiscale modeling technique is developed to study the bulk-level constitutive behavior of polymeric materials as a function of its molecular chemistry. Various parameters and modeling techniques from computational chemistry to continuum mechanics are utilized for the current modeling method. The cause and effect relationship of the parameters are studied to establish an efficient modeling framework. The proposed methodology is applied to three different polymers and validated using experimental data available in literature.
A new class of water-soluble C60 transfecting agents has been prepared using Hirsch-Bingel chemistry and assessed for their ability to act as gene-delivery vectors in vitro. In an effort to elucidate the relationship between the hydrophobicity of the fullerene core, the hydrophilicity of the water-solubilizing groups, and the overall charge state of the C60 vectors in gene delivery and expression, several different C60 derivatives were synthesized to yield either positively charged, negatively charged, or neutral chemical functionalities under physiological conditions. These fullerene derivatives were then tested for their ability to transfect cells grown in culture with DNA carrying the green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene. Statistically significant expression of GFP was observed for all forms of the C60 derivatives when used as DNA vectors and compared to the ability of naked DNA alone to transfect cells. However, efficient in vitro transfection was only achieved with the two positively charged C60 derivatives, namely, an octa-amino derivatized C60 and a dodeca-amino derivatized C60 vector. All C60 vectors showed an increase in toxicity in a dose-dependent manner. Increased levels of cellular toxicity were observed for positively charged C60 vectors relative to the negatively charged and neutral vectors. Structural analyses using dynamic light scattering and optical microscopy offered further insights into possible correlations between the various derivatized C60 compounds, the C60 vector/DNA complexes, their physical attributes (aggregation, charge) and their transfection efficiencies. Recently, similar Gd@C60-based compounds have demonstrated potential as advanced contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thus, the successful demonstration of intracellular DNA uptake, intracellular transport, and gene expression from DNA using C60 vectors suggests the possibility of developing analogous Gd@C60-based vectors to serve simultaneously as both therapeutic and diagnostic agents.
A new series of cationic dinuclear arene ruthenium complexes bridged by three thiophenolato ligands, [(η6-arene)2Ru2(μ2-SR)3]+ with arene = indane, R = met: 1 (met = 4-methylphenyl); R = mco: 4 (mco = 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl); arene = biphenyl, R = met: 2; R = mco: 5; arene = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, R = met: 3; R = mco: 6, have been prepared from the reaction of the neutral precursor [(η6-arene)Ru(μ2-Cl)Cl]2 and the corresponding thiophenol RSH. All cationic complexes have been isolated as chloride salts and fully characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods. The molecular structure of 1, solved by X-ray structure analysis of a single crystal of the chloride salt, shows the two ruthenium atoms adopting a pseudo-octahedral geometry without metal–metal bond in accordance with the noble gas rule. All complexes are stable in H2O at 37 °C, but only 1 remains soluble in a 100 mM aqueous NaCl solution, while significant percentages (30–60 %) of 2–6 precipitate as chloride salts under these conditions. The 4-methylphenylthiolato complexes (R = met) are highly cytotoxic towards human ovarian cancer cells, the IC50 values being in the sub-micromolar range, while the 4-methylcoumarin-7-yl thiolato complexes (R = mco) are only slightly cytotoxic. Complexes 1 and 3 show the highest in vitro anticancer activity with IC50 values inferior to 0.06 μM for the A2780 cell line. The results demonstrate that the arene ligand is an important parameter that should be more systematically evaluated when designing new half-sandwich organometallic complexes.
Three divalent transition metal complexes of 4,5-bis(2-pyridylmethylsulfanyl)-4‘,5‘-ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene have been prepared and crystallographically characterized. The isostructural Co(II) and the Ni(II) complexes show octahedral geometries around the metal ions with the coordination sites occupied by the pyridyl nitrogen atoms and the thioether sulfur atoms of the ligand and cis coordination of the halide ions. Cyclic voltammetry reveals that the complexation leads to a small anodic shift in the first oxidation potential of the TTF system.
Our research goals are focused on the preparation of novel molecule-based materials that possess specifically designed properties in solution or in the solid state e.g. self-assembly, magnetism, conductivity and spin crossover phenomena. Most of our systems incorporate paramagnetic transition metal ions and the search for new molecule-based magnetic materials is a prominent theme. Specific areas of research include the preparation and study of oxalate based 2D and 3D magnets, probing the versatility of octacyanometalate building blocks as precursors for new molecular magnets, and the preparation of new tetrathiafulvalene (TIF) derivatives for applications in molecular and supramolecular chemistry.
Fine carbonaceous aerosols (CAs) is the key factor influencing the currently filthy air in megacities in China, yet few studies simultaneously focus on the origins of different CAs species using specific and powerful source tracers. Here, we present a detailed source apportionment for various CAs fractions, including organic carbon (OC), water-soluble OC (WSOC), water-insoluble OC (WIOC), elemental carbon (EC) and secondary OC (SOC) in the largest cities of North (Beijing, BJ) and South China (Guangzhou, GZ), using the measurements of radiocarbon and anhydrosugars. Results show that non-fossil fuel sources such as biomass burning and biogenic emission make a significant contribution to the total CAs in Chinese megacities: 56±4 in BJ and 46±5% in GZ, respectively. The relative contributions of primary fossil carbon from coal and liquid petroleum combustions, primary non-fossil carbon and secondary organic carbon (SOC) to total carbon are 19, 28 and 54% in BJ, and 40, 15 and 46% in GZ, respectively. Non-fossil fuel sources account for 52 in BJ and 71% in GZ of SOC, respectively. These results suggest that biomass burning has a greater influence on regional particulate air pollution in North China than in South China. We observed an unabridged haze bloom-decay process in South China, which illustrates that both primary and secondary matter from fossil sources played a key role in the blooming phase of the pollution episode, while haze phase is predominantly driven by fossil-derived secondary organic matter and nitrate.
mRNA 3′ polyadenylation is central to mRNA biogenesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and is implicated in numerous aspects of mRNA metabolism, including efficiency of mRNA export from the nucleus, message stability, and initiation of translation. However, due to the great complexity of the eukaryotic polyadenylation apparatus, the mechanisms of RNA 3 ′ end processing have remained elusive. Although the RNA processing reactions leading to polyadenylated messenger RNA have been studied in many systems, and much progress has been made, a complete understanding of the biochemistry of the poly(A) polymerase enzyme is still lacking. My research uses Vaccinia virus as a model system to gain a better understanding of this complicated polyadenylation process, which consist of RNA binding, catalysis and polymerase translocation. ^ Vaccinia virus replicates in the cytoplasm of its host cell, so it must employ its own poly(A) polymerase (PAP), a heterodimer of two virus encoded proteins, VP55 and VP39. VP55 is the catalytic subunit, adding 30 adenylates to a non-polyadenylated RNA in a rapid processive manner before abruptly changing to a slow, non-processive mode of adenylate addition and dissociating from the RNA. VP39 is the stimulatory subunit. It has no polyadenylation catalytic activity by itself, but when associated with VP55 it facilitates the semi-processive synthesis of tails several hundred adenylates in length. ^ Oligonucleotide selection and competition studies have shown that the heterodimer binds a minimal motif of (rU)2 (N)25 U, the “heterodimer binding motif”, within an oligonucleotide, and its primer selection for polyadenylation is base-type specific. ^ Crosslinking studies using photosensitive uridylate analogs show that within a VP55-VP39-primer ternary complex, VP55 comes into contact with all three required uridylates, while VP39 only contacts the downstream uridylate. Further studies, using a backbone-anchored photosensitive crosslinker show that both PAP subunits are in close proximity to the downstream −10 to −21 region of 50mer model primers containing the heterodimer binding motif. This equal crosslinking to both subunits suggests that the dimerization of VP55 and VP39 creates either a cleft or a channel between the two subunits through which this region of RNA passes. ^ Peptide mapping studies of VP39 covalently crosslinked to the oligonucleotide have identified residue R107 as the amino acid in close proximity to the −10 uridylate. This helps us project a conceptual model onto the known physical surface of this subunit. In the absence of any tertiary structural data for VP55, we have used a series of oligonucleotide selection assays, as well as crosslinking, nucleotide transfer assays, and gel shift assays to gain insight into the requirements for binding, polyadenylation and translocation. Collectively, these data allow us to put together a comprehensive model of the structure and function of the polyadenylation ternary complex consisting of VP39, VP55 and RNA. ^
The Ser/Thr protein kinase C (PKC) isozyme family plays an important role in cell growth and differentiation and also contributes to key events in the development and progression of cancer. PKC isozymes are activated by phospholipid-dependent mechanisms, and they are also subject to oxidative activation and inactivation. Oxidative regulatory mechanisms are important in the governance of PKC isozyme action. While oxidative PKC activation involves phospho-tyrosine (P-Y) stabilization, the molecular mechanism(s) for oxidative PKC inactivation have not been defined. We previously reported that Thr → Cys peptide-substrate analogs inactivate several PKC isozymes including PKC-α via S-thiolation, i.e., by forming disulfides with PKC thiols. This inactivation mechanism is chemically analogous to protein S-glutathiolation, a post-translational modification that has been shown to oxidatively regulate several enzymes. To determine if PKC-α could be inactivated by S-glutathiolation, we employed the thiol-specific oxidant diamide (0.01–10mM) and 100μM glutathione (GSH). Diamide alone (0.1–5.0 mM) weakly inactivated PKC-α (<20%), and GSH alone had no effect on the isozyme activity. Marked potentiation of diamide-induced PKC-α inactivation (>90%) was achieved by 100μM GSH, resulting in full inactivation of the isozyme. Inactivation was reversed by DTT, consistent with a mechanism involving PKC-α S-glutathiolation. S-glutathiolation was demonstrated as DTT-reversible incorporation of [35S] GSH into PKC-α isozyme structure. These results indicate that a mild oxidative stimulus can inactivate purified PKC-α via S-glutathiolation. In addition, diamide treatment of metabolically labeled NIH3T3 cells induced potent PKC-α inactivation via isozyme [35S] S-thiolation. These results indicate that cellular PKC-α can be regulated via S-glutathiolation. ^