886 resultados para Modal transformations
Els models matemàtics quantitatius són simplificacions de la realitat i per tant el comportament obtingut per simulació d'aquests models difereix dels reals. L'ús de models quantitatius complexes no és una solució perquè en la majoria dels casos hi ha alguna incertesa en el sistema real que no pot ser representada amb aquests models. Una forma de representar aquesta incertesa és mitjançant models qualitatius o semiqualitatius. Un model d'aquest tipus de fet representa un conjunt de models. La simulació del comportament de models quantitatius genera una trajectòria en el temps per a cada variable de sortida. Aquest no pot ser el resultat de la simulació d'un conjunt de models. Una forma de representar el comportament en aquest cas és mitjançant envolupants. L'envolupant exacta és complete, és a dir, inclou tots els possibles comportaments del model, i correcta, és a dir, tots els punts dins de l'envolupant pertanyen a la sortida de, com a mínim, una instància del model. La generació d'una envolupant així normalment és una tasca molt dura que es pot abordar, per exemple, mitjançant algorismes d'optimització global o comprovació de consistència. Per aquesta raó, en molts casos s'obtenen aproximacions a l'envolupant exacta. Una aproximació completa però no correcta a l'envolupant exacta és una envolupant sobredimensionada, mentre que una envolupant correcta però no completa és subdimensionada. Aquestes propietats s'han estudiat per diferents simuladors per a sistemes incerts.
Les restriccions reals quantificades (QRC) formen un formalisme matemàtic utilitzat per modelar un gran nombre de problemes físics dins els quals intervenen sistemes d'equacions no-lineals sobre variables reals, algunes de les quals podent ésser quantificades. Els QRCs apareixen en nombrosos contextos, com l'Enginyeria de Control o la Biologia. La resolució de QRCs és un domini de recerca molt actiu dins el qual es proposen dos enfocaments diferents: l'eliminació simbòlica de quantificadors i els mètodes aproximatius. Tot i això, la resolució de problemes de grans dimensions i del cas general, resten encara problemes oberts. Aquesta tesi proposa una nova metodologia aproximativa basada en l'Anàlisi Intervalar Modal, una teoria matemàtica que permet resoldre problemes en els quals intervenen quantificadors lògics sobre variables reals. Finalment, dues aplicacions a l'Enginyeria de Control són presentades. La primera fa referència al problema de detecció de fallades i la segona consisteix en un controlador per a un vaixell a vela.
Since the advent of the internet in every day life in the 1990s, the barriers to producing, distributing and consuming multimedia data such as videos, music, ebooks, etc. have steadily been lowered for most computer users so that almost everyone with internet access can join the online communities who both produce, consume and of course also share media artefacts. Along with this trend, the violation of personal data privacy and copyright has increased with illegal file sharing being rampant across many online communities particularly for certain music genres and amongst the younger age groups. This has had a devastating effect on the traditional media distribution market; in most cases leaving the distribution companies and the content owner with huge financial losses. To prove that a copyright violation has occurred one can deploy fingerprinting mechanisms to uniquely identify the property. However this is currently based on only uni-modal approaches. In this paper we describe some of the design challenges and architectural approaches to multi-modal fingerprinting currently being examined for evaluation studies within a PhD research programme on optimisation of multi-modal fingerprinting architectures. Accordingly we outline the available modalities that are being integrated through this research programme which aims to establish the optimal architecture for multi-modal media security protection over the internet as the online distribution environment for both legal and illegal distribution of media products.
Context-aware multimodal interactive systems aim to adapt to the needs and behavioural patterns of users and offer a way forward for enhancing the efficacy and quality of experience (QoE) in human-computer interaction. The various modalities that constribute to such systems each provide a specific uni-modal response that is integratively presented as a multi-modal interface capable of interpretation of multi-modal user input and appropriately responding to it through dynamically adapted multi-modal interactive flow management , This paper presents an initial background study in the context of the first phase of a PhD research programme in the area of optimisation of data fusion techniques to serve multimodal interactivite systems, their applications and requirements.
The effect of presubmergence and green manuring on various processes involved in [N-15]-urea transformations were studied in a growth chamber after [N-15]-urea application to floodwater. Presubmergence for 14 days increased urea hydrolysis rates and floodwater pH, resulting in higher NH3 volatilization as compared to without presubmergence. Presubmergence also increased nitrification and subsequent denitrification but lower N assimilation by floodwater algae caused higher gaseous losses. Addition of green manure maintained higher NH4+-N concentration in floodwater mainly because of lower nitrification rates but resulted in highest NH3 volatilization losses. Although green manure did not affect the KCl extractable NH4+-N from applied fertilizer, it maintained higher NH4+-N content due to its decomposition and increased mineralization of organic N. After 32 days about 36.9% (T-1), 23.9% (T-2), and 36.4% (T-3) of the applied urea N was incorporated in the pool of soil organic N in treatments. It was evident that the presubmergence has effected the recovery of applied urea N.
In this research, a cross-model paradigm was chosen to test the hypothesis that affective olfactory and auditory cues paired with neutral visual stimuli bearing no resemblance or logical connection to the affective cues can evoke preference shifts in those stimuli. Neutral visual stimuli of abstract paintings were presented simultaneously with liked and disliked odours and sounds, with neutral-neutral pairings serving as controls. The results confirm previous findings that the affective evaluation of previously neutral visual stimuli shifts in the direction of contingently presented affective auditory stimuli. In addition, this research shows the presence of conditioning with affective odours having no logical connection with the pictures.
13C-2H correlation NMR spectroscopy (13C-2H COSY) permits the identification of 13C and 2H nuclei which are connected to one another by a single chemical bond via the sizeable 1JCD coupling constant. The practical development of this technique is described using a 13C-2H COSY pulse sequence which is derived from the classical 13C-1H correlation experiment. An example is given of the application of 13C-2H COSY to the study of the biogenesis of natural products from the anti-malarial plant Artemisia annua, using a doubly-labelled precursor molecule. Although the biogenesis of artemisinin, the anti-malarial principle from this species, has been extensively studied over the past twenty years there is still no consensus as to the true biosynthetic route to this important natural product – indeed, some published experimental results are directly contradictory. One possible reason for this confusion may be the ease with which some of the metabolites from A. annua undergo spontaneous autoxidation, as exemplified by our recent in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid, and the application of 13C-2H COSY to this biosynthetic problem has been important in helping to mitigate against such processes. In this in vivo application of 13C-2H COSY, [15-13C2H3]-dihydroartemisinic acid (the doubly-labelled analogue of the natural product from this species which was obtained through synthesis) was fed to A. annua plants and was shown to be converted into several natural products which have been described previously, including artemisinin. It is proposed that all of these transformations occurred via a tertiary hydroperoxide intermediate, which is derived from dihyroartemisinic acid. This intermediate was observed directly in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique; its observation by more traditional procedures (e.g., chromatographic separation, followed by spectroscopic analysis of the purified product) would have been difficult owing to the instability of the hydroperoxide group (as had been established previously by our in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid). This same hydroperoxide has been reported as the initial product of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid in our previous in vitro studies. Its observation in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique, a procedure which requires the minimum of sample manipulation in order to achieve a reliable identification of metabolites (based on both 13C and 2H chemical shifts at the 15-position), provides the best possible evidence for its status as a genuine biosynthetic intermediate, rather than merely as an artifact of the experimental procedure.
[15-(CH3)-C-13-H-2]-dihydroartemisinic acid (2a) and [15-(CH3)-H-2]-dihydroartemisinic acid (2b) have been fed via the root to intact Artemisia annua plants and their transformations studied in vivo by one-dimensional H-2 NMR spectroscopy and two-dimensional, C-13-H-2 correlation NMR spectroscopy (C-13-(2) H COSY). Labelled dihydroartemisinic acid was transformed into 16 12-carboxy-amorphane and cadinane sesquiterpenes within a few days in the aerial parts of A. annua, although transformations in the root were much slower and more limited. Fifteen of these 16 metabolites have been reported previously as natural products from A. annua. Evidence is presented that the first step in the transformation of dihydroartemisinic acid in vivo is the formation of allylic hydroperoxides by the reaction of molecular oxygen with the Delta(4,5)-double bond in this compound. The origin of all 16 secondary metabolites might then be explained by the known further reactions of such hydroperoxides. The qualitative pattern for the transformations of dihydroartemisinic acid in vivo was essentially unaltered when a comparison was made between plants, which had been kept alive and plants which were allowed to die after feeding of the labelled precursor. This, coupled with the observation that the pattern of transformations of 2 in vivo demonstrated very close parallels with the spontaneous autoxidation chemistry for 2, which we have recently demonstrated in vitro, has lead us to conclude that the main 'metabolic route' for dihydroartemisinic acid in A. annua involves its spontaneous autoxidation and the subsequent spontaneous reactions of allylic hydroperoxides which are derived from 2. There may be no need to invoke the participation of enzymes in any of the later biogenetic steps leading to all 16 of the labelled 11,13-dihydro-amorphane sesquiterpenes which are found in A. annua as natural products. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Artemisinic acid labeled with both C-13 and H-2 at the 15-position has been fed to intact plants of Artemisia annua via the cut stem, and its in vivo transformations studied by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. Seven labeled metabolites have been isolated, all of which are known as natural products from this species. The transformations of artemisinic acid-as observed both for a group of plants, which was kept alive by hydroponic administration of water and for a group, which was allowed to die by desiccation-closely paralleled those, which have been recently described for its 11,13-dihydro analog, dihydroartemisinic acid. It seems likely therefore that similar mechanisms, involving spontaneous autoxidation of the Delta(4,5) double bond in both artemisinic acid and dihydroartemisinic acid and subsequent rearrangements of the resultant allylic hydroperoxides, may be involved in the biological transformations, which are undergone by both compounds. All of the sesquiterpene metabolites, which were obtained from in vivo transformations of artemisinic acid retained their unsaturation at the 11,13-position, and there was no evidence for conversion into any 11,13-dihydro metabolite, including artemisinin, the antimalarial drug, which is produced by A. annua. This observation led to the proposal of a unified biosynthetic scheme, which accounts for the biogenesis of many of the amorphane and cadinane sesquiterpenes that have been isolated as natural products from A. annua. In this scheme, there is a bifurcation in the biosynthetic pathway starting from amorpha-4,11-diene leading to either artemisinic acid or dihydroartemisinic acid; these two committed precursors are then, respectively, the parents for the two large families of highly oxygenated 11,13-dehydro and 11,13-dihydro sesquiterpene metabolites, which are known from this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[15-(CH3)-C-13-H-2]-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (4a) has been fed to intact Artemisia annua plants via the root and three labeled metabolites (17a-19a) have been identified by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopies. The in vivo transformations of 4a in A. annua are proposed to involve enzymatically-mediated processes in addition to possible spontaneous autoxidation. In the hypothetical spontaneous autoxidation pathway, the tri-substituted double bond in 4a appears to have undergone 'ene-type' reaction with oxygen to form an allylic hydroperoxide, which subsequently rearranges to the allylic hydroxyl group in the metabolite 3 alpha-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (17a). In the enzymatically-mediated pathways, compound 17a has then been converted to its acetyl derivative, 3 alpha-acetoxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (18a), while oxidation of 4a at the 'unactivated' 9-position has yielded 9 beta-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (19a). Although all of the natural products artemisinin ( 1), arteannuin K ( 7), arteannuin L ( 8), and arteannuin M ( 9) have been suggested previously as hypothetical metabolites from dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B in A. annua, none were isolated in labeled form in this study. It is argued that the nature of the transformations undergone by compound 4a are more consistent with a degradative metabolism, designed to eliminate this compound from the plant, rather than with a role as a late precursor in the biosynthesis of artemisinin or other natural products from A. annua. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The overall and the individual rate constants of the unimolecular thermal isomerization of methylenespiropentane (4) to 1,2- and 1,3-dimethylenecyclobutanes (7 and 8) have been determined to be lg (k(-4)/s(-1)) = (13.78 +/- 0.06) - (49.7 +/- 0.2) kcal mol(-1)/RT.ln 10, lg(k(7)/s(-1)) = (13.03 +/- 0.19) - (48.0 +/- 0.6) kcal mol(-1)/RT.ln 10 and lg(k(8)/s(-1)) = (14.15 +/- 0.19) - (52.4 +/- 0.5) kcal mol(-1)/RT.ln 10, respectively. The activation energies are significantly lower than that for the rearrangement of the parent spiropentane. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.