981 resultados para Mines subsidences


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Le présent mémoire expose les résultats d’une étude de la performance des chantiers ouverts dans un contexte de mines profondes ayant été effectuée dans le cadre du projet de recherche « Mines profondes : défis d’exploitation et impacts sur la récupération minéralurgique » réalisé par le département de génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux de l’Université Laval. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de cette étude sont en lien avec la planification et l’exploitation de plus de mille chantiers minés entre 860 et 2 450 m de profondeur à la mine souterraine LaRonde de Mines Agnico Eagle, la plus profonde actuellement de l’hémisphère ouest. On y présente une revue de la littérature qui fait la description des problématiques de dilution et de pertes opérationnelles de la réserve minérale liées à la performance des chantiers ouverts ainsi que de leurs conséquences sur les projets miniers. Une comparaison des performances planifiées et réalisées au site de LaRonde y est présentée, ainsi que les résultats d’analyses statistiques ayant permis de montrer que la variation du ratio des contraintes in situ avec la profondeur est un facteur d’influence significatif de la performance des chantiers. L’effet de ce facteur d’influence y est aussi illustré et validé à l’aide d’une série de modèles numériques. Le mémoire présente également une première approche visant à développer un modèle d’évaluation de la dilution dans les chantiers ouverts qui prend en compte la profondeur de minage. Finalement, afin d’améliorer la précision de l’estimation de la réserve minérale lors de l’évaluation de projets miniers, une méthodologie d’estimation intégrant le modèle d’évaluation proposé est présentée pour les projets dont les contextes géologique, géotechnique et opérationnel sont comparables à ceux du site de LaRonde.


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Extreme environments like salt mines are inhabited by a variety of bacteria that are well-adapted to such environments. The bacterial populations provide economic benefits in terms of enzymes synthesis. The salt mines of Karak region in Pakistan are extremely saline and the microbial communities found here have not yet been explored. In the present study, 57 halotolerant/halophilic bacterial strains were isolated from the salt mines of Karak. These strains were grown in media with 0-35% NaCl concentration. The morphological and physiological characteristics of the isolated strains were studied to optimize the growth conditions and to classify the isolated bacterial strains into slightly halotolerant/halophilic, moderately halophilic and extreme halophilic. The phylogenetic analyses inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequence of the isolated strains demonstrated that the major population were closely related to species belonging to Planococcus, Jeotgalicoccus, Staphylococcus, Halobacillus, Halomonas, Brevibacterium, Gracilibacillus, Kocuria, Salinivibrio, Salinicoccus, Oceanobacillus and Bacillus genera. Results showed that the salt mines of Karak region are rich in halotolerant/halophilic bacterial population with diverse bacterial communities, which may be utilized in various industrial applications after proper screening and identification.


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When underground mines close they often fill with water from ground and surface sources; each mine can contain millions to billions of gallons of water. This water, heated by the Earth’s geothermal energy, reaches temperatures ideal for heat pumps. The sheer scale of these flooded underground mines presents a unique opportunity for large scale geothermal heat pump setups which would not be as economically, socially, and environmentally feasible anywhere else. A literature search revealed approximately 30 instances of flooded underground mines being used to heat and cool buildings worldwide. With thousands of closed/abandoned underground mines in the U.S. and a million estimated globally, why hasn’t this opportunity been more widely adopted? This project has found perception and lack of knowledge about the feasibility to be key barriers. To address these issues, this project drafted a guidebook for former mining communities titled A Community Guide to Mine Water Geothermal Heating and Cooling.


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Nonobstant l’importance de l’exploitation des mines dans l’Empire portugais, la formation en ingénierie minière c’est développé tard dans le pays, ainsi pour surmonter la manque de formation en génie minier, le gouvernement a contracté avec des ingénieurs étrangers et au même temps plusieurs ingénieurs portugais ont complété sa formation à l’étranger. Dans ce texte, après une brève analyse des moyens par lesquels le gouvernent a essayé de créer une formation en mines et métallurgie au Portugal sont analysés les parcours professionnels de quelques ingénieurs portugais qui ont fréquenté l’École des mines de Paris.


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A partir del análisis de la importancia de una empresa canadiense, la Noranda Mines Ltd., especializada en la producción de cobre, madera y derivados y metalurgia, se describe la dimensión espacial internacional de esa compañía, así como el impacto en regiones específicas tales como Abitibi, Canadá, y El Limón en Nicaragua.


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The history of the settlement of the province is tied to patterns of exploration and min development. In Northern British Columbia the Cariboo goldfields provided the impetus for settlement of the region and the beginning for mining to extend into the watern and northern regions in a series of minor gold rushes. The northern half of the province has a geological diverse mineral base that supports a wide variety of mining, and a gradual improvement of exploration and mining methods due to scientific knowledge and technology provided opportunities for lode gold and base metal mines to be developed. The success of mining is based on world ore prices and competitive markets that impact the economic viability of developing a mine. Mining faces increasing pressures in the northern half of the province due to other resource values, such as tourism or protected areas, that claim and compete for a similar land base.


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This report presents the results of a random telephone survey of 500 adult residents of Mount Isa, conducted in early November 2007. The study was funded by Xstrata Mount Isa Mines. The primary aim of the survey was to collect data about community perceptions and experiences of air quality in Mount Isa and to compare these results with those of a similar survey conducted in 2000 (MacLennan, Lloyd & Hensley, 2000). Both surveys also included questions relating to other aspects of the Mount Isa environment (e.g. water quality, heat, amount of greenery) as well as questions aimed at ascertaining respondents’ general attitudes towards environmental protection.


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This paper examines the feasibility of automation of dragline bucket excavators used to strip over-burden from open cut mines. In particular the automatic control of bucket carry angle and bucket trajectory are addressed. Open-loop dynamics of a 1:20 scale model dragline bucket are identified, through measurement of frequency response between carry angle and drag motor input voltage. A strategy for automatic control of carry angle is devised and implemented using bucket angle and rate feedback. System compensation and tuning are explained and closed loop frequency and time responses are measured.


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Mining is the process of extracting mineral resources from the Earth for commercial value. It is an ancient human activity which can be traced back to Palaeolithic times (43 000 years ago), where for example the mineral hematite was mined to produce the red pigment ochre. The importance of many mined minerals is reflected in the names of the major milestones in human civilizations: the stone, copper, bronze, and iron ages. Much later coal provided the energy that was critical to the industrial revolution and still underpins modern society, creating 38% of world energy generation today. Ancient mines used human and later animal labor and broke rock using stone tools, heat, and water, and later iron tools. Today’s mines are heavily mechanized with large diesel and electrically powered vehicles, and rock is broken with explosives or rock cutting machines.


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Robotics in mines, aerospace, underwater, everyday unstructured environments and sensor networks with communicating devices that collect data.


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The Queensland Coal Industry Employees Health Scheme was implemented in 1993 to provide health surveillance for all Queensland coal industry workers. Tt1e government, mining employers and mining unions agreed that the scheme should operate for seven years. At the expiry of the scheme, an assessment of the contribution of health surveillance to meet coal industry needs would be an essential part of determining a future health surveillance program. This research project has analysed the data made available between 1993 and 1998. All current coal industry employees have had at least one health assessment. The project examined how the centralised nature of the Health Scheme benefits industry by identi~)jng key health issues and exploring their dimensions on a scale not possible by corporate based health surveillance programs. There is a body of evidence that indicates that health awareness - on the scale of the individual, the work group and the industry is not a part of the mining industry culture. There is also growing evidence that there is a need for this culture to change and that some change is in progress. One element of this changing culture is a growth in the interest by the individual and the community in information on health status and benchmarks that are reasonably attainable. This interest opens the way for health education which contains personal, community and occupational elements. An important element of such education is the data on mine site health status. This project examined the role of health surveillance in the coal mining industry as a tool for generating the necessary information to promote an interest in health awareness. The Health Scheme Database provides the material for the bulk of the analysis of this project. After a preliminary scan of the data set, more detailed analysis was undertaken on key health and related safety issues that include respiratory disorders, hearing loss and high blood pressure. The data set facilitates control for confounding factors such as age and smoking status. Mines can be benchmarked to identify those mines with effective health management and those with particular challenges. While the study has confirmed the very low prevalence of restrictive airway disease such as pneu"moconiosis, it has demonstrated a need to examine in detail the emergence of obstructive airway disease such as bronchitis and emphysema which may be a consequence of the increasing use of high dust longwall technology. The power of the Health Database's electronic data management is demonstrated by linking the health data to other data sets such as injury data that is collected by the Department of l\1mes and Energy. The analysis examines serious strain -sprain injuries and has identified a marked difference between the underground and open cut sectors of the industry. The analysis also considers productivity and OHS data to examine the extent to which there is correlation between any pairs ofJpese and previously analysed health parameters. This project has demonstrated that the current structure of the Coal Industry Employees Health Scheme has largely delivered to mines and effective health screening process. At the same time, the centralised nature of data collection and analysis has provided to the mines, the unions and the government substantial statistical cross-sectional data upon which strategies to more effectively manage health and relates safety issues can be based.