979 resultados para Minerais de pegmatitos
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características físico-químicas, a qualidade nutricional e a suscetibilidade ao esverdeamento pós-colheita de tubérculos de cultivares de batata. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 11 cultivares (Ágata, Ambra, Annabelle, Asterix, Atlantic, Cupido, Daisy, Fontane, Innovator, Markies e Voyager). As cultivares Ágata, Ambra, Annabelle, Cupido e Voyager apresentam tubérculos com polpa de menor firmeza (6,82 a 8,25 N) e baixos teores de matéria seca (14,46 a 17,57%), carboidratos (10,97 a 12,51%) e amido (10,21 a 12,26%), adequados para o mercado fresco, a preparação de massas e o uso culinário. Já as cultivares Atlantic, Fontane e Innovator apresentam polpa firme (9,14 a 9,55 N) e elevados teores de matéria seca (19,68 a 21,63%), carboidratos (14,49 a 15,90%) e amido (14,29 a 15,74%), adequados para fritura. As cultivares Asterix e Markies apresentam teores intermediários dessas características e são indicadas para o preparo de massas e fritura. As cultivares Innovator e Markies apresentam melhor qualidade nutricional, com elevados teores de minerais (P, K, Mg, Cu e Mn) e de proteína, enquanto as cultivares Ágata e Ambra apresentam menor qualidade nutricional e proteica. A cultivar Voyager apresenta maior esverdeamento pós-colheita que as cultivares Annabelle, Fontane, Markies, Ambra e Atlantic.
The State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, possess major deposits of feldspar, clay, kaolin and talc, all raw materials used in the production of porcelainized stoneware tiles. Conversely, state industries manufacture only low added value red ceramics. Porcelainized stoneware tiles is one of the noblest ceramics, depicting low water absorption (typically below of 0,5%), in addition to excellent staining resistance and mechanical strength. The present work aims at investigating the potential of local raw materials for the production of porcelainized stoneware tiles. To that end, these materials were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, particle size analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis and thermal differential analysis. Admixtures containing different compositions were prepared and fired at three temperatures, 1150, 1200 and 1250°C for 30 min. After firing, tests samples were characterized by water absorption tests, linear retraction, dilatometric analysis, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, flexural strength, and microstructural analysis by XRD and SEM. The results revealed that ceramics with porcelainized stoneware tiles characteristics could be produced from raw materials originated in the State of Rio Grande do Norte
The State Bahia, Brazil, presents different geological sites it with a very expressive variety minerals. It is situated among the very important States which produces minerals for industries, such as pointed aggregate, ornamentals stones and ceramics raw materials. Nowadays only four companies producting ceramics tiles. Porcelainized stoneware tiles is one of the noblest ceramics, depicting low water absorption (typically below of 0,5%), in addition to excellent staining resistance and mechanical strength. The present work aims at investigating the potential of local raw materials for the production of porcelainized stoneware tiles. For this purpose, these materials were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, particle size analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis, thermal differential analysis and dilatometric analysis. Admixtures containing different compositions were prepared and fired at four temperatures, 1100 ºC, 1150 ºC, 1200 ºC and 1250 ºC with isotherm for 60 minute and heathing rate of 5 oC/min. After firing the samples, they were characterized by water absorption tests, linear retraction, analysis, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, flexural strength, and microstructural analysis by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy . The results revealed three ceramics with porcelainized stoneware tiles characteristics and porcelain tile will be produce from raw materials originated in the State of Bahia
Currently, vegetable oils have been studied for bio-lubricants base that fits the new environmental standards. Since, in a world full of finite natural resources, mineral oils bring consequences to the environment due to its low biodegradability and toxicity, also it is important to consider that synthetic oils have a high cost The aim of this work is to obtain a biolubricant additived with oxide nanoparticles (ZnO and CuO) for better resistance to friction and wear, which is not toxic to the environment and have better adherence under boundary lubrication. The methodology consisted in the synthesis of bio-lubricants (soybean and sunflower base) by epoxidation reaction. Then, some physical-chemical analysis in bio-lubricants are made to characterize theses lubricants, such as, density, acidity, iodine value, viscosity, viscosity index. Later, the lubricants were additive with nanoparticles. The tribological performance was evaluated by the equipment HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) consisting of a wear test ball-plan type. The characterization of wear analysis was performed by SEM / EDS. The results show that bio-lubricants may be synthesized by reaction of epoxidation with good conversion. Tribological point of view, the epoxidized oils are more effective than lubricant additived with the oxide nanoparticles, they had lower coefficients of friction and better rate of film formation in the study. However, because they are environmentally friendly, bio-lubricants gain the relevant importance in tribological field
The segment of the structural ceramics industry is one of the most important to the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The supply chain makes a total of 206 companies that are distributed in 39 counties, concentrated in three regional centers: Seridó Apodi / Assu and great Natal. The ceramic industry in the state is around 80 million pieces per month, with 50,186 million of these tiles, which makes the Rio Grande do Norte one of the largest manufacturers of product in the Country. Different ceramic products can be manufactured by mixing two or more clays and accessory minerals. Mixtures acquire characteristics and form what is called the ceramic body. Refractory masses have a high melting point and thermal shock support. Its composition contains refractory clays with a little iron oxide and material fluxes. A line of semi-refractory ceramic products that stands out for its high added value are the bricks in ivory or red, used in building barbecues, fireplaces, wood stoves and braziers. The aim of this study was to use alumina-clay or silica- alumina-clay to the industrial RN, for the production of refractory bricks semi-refractory burning light. Clay and Kaolin were characterized for their chemical and mineralogical composition, immediately after ceramic bodies were made with different concentrations of the components, they were raised, pressed and sintered. After sintering the resulting products were characterized in terms of mechanical, thermal and dimensional than the characterization by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. After obtaining the results, we concluded that the studied clay can be used for the production of semi-refractory bricks
As an auxiliary tool to combat hunger by decreasing the waste of food and contributing for improvement of life quality on the population, CEASA/RN has released from August/03 to August/05 the program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE. Despite of the positive results of this program, that has already distributed around 226 tons of food, there is still food being thrown in the trash as the deliver of the same food in its natural form would be a health risk to those who would consume it and only the correct processing of this food can make it edible. This work has as a goal the reuse of solid residues of vegetal origin generated by the CEASA/RN, through the Program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE and the characterization of the product obtained so it might be used as a mineral complement in the human diet. To the collecting of samples (from September until December /2004) it was developed a methodology having as a reference the daily needs of mineral salts for infants at the age of seven to ten. The sample was packed in plastic bags and transported in an ambient temperature to the laboratory where it was selected, weighted, disinfected, fractionated and dried to 70ºC in greenhouse. The dry sample was shredded and stored in bottles previously sterilized. The sample in nature was weighted in the same proportion of the dry sample and it was obtained a uniform mass in a domestic processor. The physical-chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate in the samples in nature and in the dry product, being analyzed: pH, humidity, acidity and soluble solids according to IAL (1985), mineral salts contents (Ca, K, Na, Mg, P and Fe) determined by spectrophotometry of Atomic Absorption, caloric power through a calorimetric bomb and presence of fecal traces and E. coli through the colilert method (APHA, 1995). During this period the dry food a base of vegetables presented on average 5,06% of humidity, 4,62 of pH, acidity of 2,73 mg of citric acid /100g of sample, 51,45ºBrix of soluble solids, 2.323,50mg of K/100g, 299,06mg of Ca/100g, 293mg of Na/100g, 154,66mg of Mg/100g, 269,62mg of P/100g, 6,38mg of Fe/100g, caloric power of 3,691Kcal/g (15,502KJ/g) and is free of contamination by fecal traces and E..coli. The dry food developed in this research presented satisfactory characteristics regarding to its conservation, possessing low calories, constituting itself a good source of potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron that can be utilized as a food complement of these minerals
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A mistura de sementes forrageiras com fertilizantes pode viabilizar o cultivo consorciado, por diminuir a competição com a cultura produtora de grãos. No entanto, se realizada muito antes da semeadura, pode prejudicar a emergência e o estabelecimento das forrageiras. Realizou-se trabalho em condições de laboratório e casa de vegetação, em Botucatu (SP), com o objetivo de avaliar a germinação de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha em razão do tempo de mistura com fertilizantes químicos. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de um fatorial 6 x 8, constituído de diferentes períodos de contato das sementes de Brachiaria brizantha cultivar Marandu (0, 6, 12, 24, 48 e 96 h) com os fertilizantes uréia, sulfato de amônio, cloreto de potássio, sulfato de potássio, superfosfato simples, superfosfato triplo e formulado N-P-K (8-28-16) nas formas de mistura de grânulos e farelado. Não houve relação entre os testes de germinação em laboratório e a emergência a campo. No solo, a emergência das plântulas de Brachiaria brizantha não é afetada se realizada a mistura com fertilizantes minerais fosfatados, cloreto de potássio e formulado farelado até 96 h antes da semeadura.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a composição nutricional dos cogumelos produzidos em substratos alternativos à base de resíduos agrícolas e agroindustriais da Amazônia. Determinou-se C, N, pH, umidade, sólidos solúveis, proteína, lipídios, fibra total, cinzas, carboidratos e energia. Os substratos foram formulados a partir de serragem de Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupá), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) e do estipe de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira) e de Saccharum officinarum (cana-de-açúcar). Os resultados demonstraram que: a composição nutricional do P. ostreatus variou com o substrato de cultivo e; O P. ostreatus pode ser considerado um importante alimento devido suas características nutricionais: altos teores de proteínas, carboidratos metabolizáveis e fibras; baixos teores de lipídios e de calorias.
Meios de cultura no desenvolvimento de ápices caulinares de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) in vitro
A pesquisa da composição do meio de cultura mais adequado à espécie vegetal e ao tipo de explante empregado é o fator de maior relevância da cultura de tecidos. O cultivo de ápice caulinar com recuperação da planta matriz é uma técnica de grande impacto para a propagação de plantas in vitro, regeneração de plantas livres de vírus, conservação de germoplasma e modificação genética. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar composições do meio de cultivo para organogênese direta in vitro a partir de ápices caulinares pertencentes à população FCA-UNESP-PB de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.), com vistas à propagação clonal de genótipos elite. Foram testadas quatro formulações: MS básico (T1), MS modificado 1 (T2), MS modificado 2 (T3) e WPM (T4), em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 20 repetições em cada tratamento, sendo a repetição 1 ápice caulinar/frasco. O T3 apresentou-se superior e diferiu significativamente dos outros tratamentos apresentando 35% dos ápices caulinares diferenciados e desenvolvidos; seguiu-se o T2 com 10% e os tratamentos T1 e T4 não apresentaram diferenciação de tecidos. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os balanceamentos de sais minerais nos meios de cultura avaliados, especialmente a relação NO3 / NH4 e ausência de FeSO4.7H2O, indicaram grande influência no desenvolvimento de ápices caulinares de mamoneira.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Rare earth elements have recently been involved in a range of advanced technologies like microelectronics, membranes for catalytic conversion and applications in gas sensors. In the family of rare earth elements like cerium can play a key role in such industrial applications. However, the high cost of these materials and the control and efficiencies associated processes required for its use in advanced technologies, are a permanent obstacle to its industrial development. In present study was proposed the creation of phases based on rare earth elements that can be used because of its thermal behavior, ionic conduction and catalytic properties. This way were studied two types of structure (ABO3 and A2B2O7), the basis of rare earths, observing their transport properties of ionic and electronic, as well as their catalytic applications in the treatment of methane. For the process of obtaining the first structure, a new synthesis method based on the use of EDTA citrate mixture was used to develop a precursor, which undergone heat treatment at 950 ° C resulted in the development of submicron phase BaCeO3 powders. The catalytic activity of perovskite begins at 450 ° C to achieve complete conversion at 675 ° C, where at this temperature, the catalytic efficiency of the phase is maximum. The evolution of conductivity with temperature for the perovskite phase revealed a series of electrical changes strongly correlated with structural transitions known in the literature. Finally, we can establish a real correlation between the high catalytic activity observed around the temperature of 650 ° C and increasing the oxygen ionic conductivity. For the second structure, showed clearly that it is possible, through chemical processes optimized to separate the rare earth elements and synthesize a pyrochlore phase TR2Ce2O7 particular formula. This "extracted phase" can be obtained directly at low cost, based on complex systems made of natural minerals and tailings, such as monazite. Moreover, this method is applied to matters of "no cost", which is the case of waste, making a preparation method of phases useful for high technology applications
Utilização de microemulsões como agentes modificadores de superfícies para remoção de íons metálicos
The heavy metals are used in many industrial processes and when discharged to the environment can cause harmful effects to human, plants and animals. The adsorption technology has been used as an effective methodology to remove metallic ions. The search for new adsorbents motivated the development of this research, accomplished with the purpose of removing Cr (III) from aqueous solutions. Diatomite, chitosan, Filtrol 24TM and active carbon were used as adsorbents. To modify the adsorbent surface was used a bicontinuous microemulsion composed by water (25%), kerosene (25%), saponified coconut oil (10%) and as co-surfactant isoamyl or butyl alcohols (40%). With the objective of developing the best operational conditions the research started with the surfactant synthesis and after that the pseudo-ternary diagrams were plotted. It was decided to use the system composed with isoamyl alcohol as co-surfactant due its smallest solubility in water. The methodology to impregnate the microemulsion on the adsorbents was developed and to prepare each sample was used 10 g of adsorbent and 20 mL of microemulsion. The effect of drying time and temperature was evaluated and the best results were obtained with T = 65 ºC and t = 48 h. After evaluating the efficiency of the tested adsorbents it was decided to use chitosan and diatomite. The influence of the agitation speed, granule size, heavy metal synthetic solution concentration, pH, contact time between adsorbent and metal solution, presence or not of NaCl and others metallic ions in the solution (copper and nickel) were evaluated. The adsorption isotherms were obtained and Freundlich and Langmuir models were tested. The last one correlated better the data. With the purpose to evaluate if using a surfactant solution would supply similar results, the adsorbent surface was modified with this solution. It was verified that the adsorbent impregnated with a microemulsion was more effective than the one with a surfactant solution, showing that the organic phase (kerosene) was important in the heavy metal removal process. It was studied the desorption process and verified that the concentrated minerals acids removed the chromium from the adsorbent surface better than others tested solutions. The treatment showed to be effective, being obtained an increase of approximately 10% in the chitosan s adsorption capacity (132 mg of Cr3+ / g adsorbent), that was already quite efficient, and for diatomite, that was not capable to remove the metal without the microemulsion treatment, it was obtained a capacity of 10 mg of Cr3+ / g adsorbent, checking the applied treatment effectiveness
The municipal district of Equador-RN is located in an area of great amounts of ores, being your main economical activity the extraction and the kaolin improvement. The main originating from environmental problem that activity is the amount of generated residue, about 70% of the extracted kaolin. The residues are simply piled up in lands of the improvement companies, occupying like this a large area and causing impact in the existent flora. When dry, the residues transform powdered and for the action of the wind, they disperse, polluting the air. Being like this, the present work has as objective evaluates the incorporation of the great residue, originating from of the kaolin improvement, in partial substitution of all the employed aggregates in a conventional mixture of asphalt concrete, which was used in the paving of BR101/RN061 - passage between Ponta Negra and Ares. That evaluation was accomplished in three stages. The first refers to the evaluation of the physical, thermal and mineralogical characteristics of the residue with the intention of to classify it and to define your application as aggregate (small and great). The second refers to the physical characterization of the aggregates and of the asphalt material used in the conventional mixture. And the third, to the evaluation of the mixtures containing residue, which were elaborated starting from the conventional mixture with the gradual incorporation of the residue, from 5 to 40%, in substitution to the part of the conventional aggregates, in way to obtain similar particle size curves the one of the conventional mixture. That evaluation was accomplished through the comparison between the volumetric composition, the mechanical behavior and the susceptibility to the humidity of the mixtures containing residue with the one of the conventional mixture, and with the one of the DNIT specifications. The results show that the great residue originating from of the kaolin improvement has grains of the most varied size, being like this, it can substitute part of all the conventional aggregates and of the filler in an asphalt mixture. Besides, your mineralogical composition presented the same present minerals in the composition of conventional aggregates used in paving. The results evaluation of the volumetric composition of the mixtures containing residue indicates that it can use up to 30% of residue in substitution to the conventional aggregates. The evaluation of the mechanical behavior of those mixtures indicates that the residue increment in the studied mixtures caused an increase of the stability and a reduction of the resistance to the traction. The values obtained in the resistance to the traction meet below the minimum value specified by DNIT, but close to the value obtained in the conventional mixture. When taking in consideration the susceptibility of the same ones to the humidity, the results indicate that she can use up to 25% of residue