831 resultados para Metabolic hormones
SUMMARY :Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by an elevated intra- hepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration (> 5%). The incidence of NAFLD is frequently increased in obese patients, and is considered to be the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome, also characterized by visceral obesity, altered glucose homeostasis, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, represents actually a major public health burden. Both dietary factors and low physical activity are involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome. ln animals and healthy humans, high-fat or high-fructose diets lead to the development of several features of the metabolic syndrome including increased intrahepatic lipids and insulin resistance. ln contrast the effects of dietary protein are less well known, but an increase in protein intake has been suggested to exert beneficial effects by promoting weight loss and improving glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients. Increased postprandial thermogenesis and enhanced satiety after protein ingestion may be both involved. The effects of dietary protein on hepatic lipids have been poorly investigated in humans, but preliminary studies in rodents have shown a reduction of hepatic lipids in carbohydrate fed rats and in obese rats. ln this context this work aimed at investigating the metabolic effects of dietary protein intake on hepatic lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis in humans. The modulation by dietary proteins of exogenous lipid oxidation, net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta-oxidation, triglycerides concentrations, whole-body energy expenditure and glucose tolerance was assessed in the fasting state and in postprandial states. Measurements of IHCL were performed to quantify the amount of triglycerides in the liver. ln an attempt to cover all these metabolic aspects under different point of views, these questions were addressed by three protocols involving various feeding conditions. Study I addressed the effects of a 4-day hypercaloric high-fat high-protein diet on the accumulation of fat in the liver (IHCL) and on insulin sensitivity. Our findings indicated that a high protein intake significantly prevents intrahepatic fat deposition induced by a short- term hypercaloric high-fat diet, adverse effects of which are presumably modulated at the liver level.These encouraging results led us to conduct the second study (Study ll), as we were also interested in a more clinical approach to protein administration and especially if increased protein intakes might be of benefit for obese patients. Therefore the effects of one-month whey protein supplementation on IHCL, insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, glucose tolerance and renal function were assessed in obese women. Results showed that whey protein supplementation reduces hepatic steatosis and improves the plasma lipid profile in obese patients, without adverse effects on glucose tolerance or creatinine clearance. However since patients were fed ud-libitum, it remains possible that spontaneous carbohydrate and fat intakes were reduced due to the satiating effects of protein. The third study (Study lll) was designed in an attempt to deepen our comprehension about the mechanisms involved in the modulation of IHCL. We hypothesized that protein improved lipid metabolism and, therefore, we evaluated the effects of a high protein meal on postprandial lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis after 4-day on a control or a protein diet. Our results did not sustain the hypothesis of an increased postprandial net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation and exogenous lipid oxidation. Four days on a high-protein diet rather decreased exogenous fat oxidation and enhanced postprandial triglyceride concentrations, by impairing probably chylomicron-TG clearance. Altogether the results of these three studies suggest a beneficial effect of protein intake on the reduction in lHCL, and clearly show that supplementation of proteins do not reduce IHCL by stimulating lipid metabolism, e.g. whole body fat oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation, or exogenous fat oxidation. The question of the effects of high-protein intakes on hepatic lipid metabolism is still open and will need further investigation to be elucidated. The effects of protein on increased postprandial lipemia and lipoproteins kinetics have been little investigated so far and might therefore be an interesting research question, considering the tight relationship between an elevation of plasmatic TG concentrations and the increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases.Résumé :La stéatose hépatique non alcoolique se caractérise par un taux de lipides intra-hépatiques élevé, supérieur à 5%. L'incidence de la stéatose hépatique est fortement augmentée chez les personnes obèses, ce qui mène à la définir comme étant la composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Ce syndrome se définit aussi par d'autres critères tels qu'obésité viscérale, altération de l'homéostasie du glucose, résistance à l'insuline, dyslipidémie et pression artérielle élevée. Le syndrome métabolique est actuellement un problème de santé publique majeur.Tant une alimentation trop riche et déséquilibrée, qu'une faible activité physique, semblent être des causes pouvant expliquer le développement de ce syndrome. Chez l'animal et le volontaire sain, des alimentations enrichies en graisses ou en sucres (fructose) favorisent le développement de facteurs associés au syndrome métabolique, notamment en augmentant le taux de lipides intra-hépatiques et en induisant le développement d'une résistance à l'insuline. Par ailleurs, les effets des protéines alimentaires sont nettement moins bien connus, mais il semblerait qu'une augmentation de l'apport en protéines soit bénéfique, favorisant la perte de poids et l'homéostasie du glucose chez des patients insulino-résistants. Une augmentation de la thermogenese postprandiale ainsi que du sentiment de satiété pourraient en être à l'origine.Les effets des protéines sur les lipides intra-hépatiques chez l'homme demeurent inconnus à ce jour, cependant des études préliminaires chez les rongeurs tendent à démontrer une diminution des lipides intra hépatiques chez des rats nourris avec une alimentation riche en sucres ou chez des rats obèses.Dans un tel contexte de recherche, ce travail s'est intéressé à l'étude des effets métaboliques des protéines alimentaires sur le métabolisme lipidique du foie et sur l'homéostasie du glucose. Ce travail propose d'évaluer l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur différentes voies métaboliques impliquant graisses et sucres, en ciblant d'une part les voies de l'oxydation des graisses exogènes, de la beta-oxydation hépatique et de l'oxydation nette des lipides, et d'autre part la dépense énergétique globale et l'évolution des concentrations sanguines des triglycérides, à jeun et en régime postprandial. Des mesures des lipides intra-hépatiques ont aussi été effectuées pour permettre la quantification des graisses déposées dans le foie.Dans le but de couvrir l'ensemble de ces aspects métaboliques sous différents angles de recherche, trois protocoles, impliquant des conditions alimentaires différentes, ont été entrepris pour tenter de répondre à ces questions. La première étude (Etude I) s'est intéressée aux effets d'u.ne suralimentation de 4 jours enrichie en graisses et protéines sur la sensibilité à l'insuline et sur l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques. Les résultats ont démontré que l'apport en protéines prévient l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques induite par une suralimentation riche en graisses de courte durée ainsi que ses effets délétères probablement par le biais de mécanismes agissant au niveau du foie. Ces résultats encourageants nous ont conduits à entreprendre une seconde étude (Etude ll) qui s'intéressait à l'implication clinique et aux bénéfices que pouvait avoir une supplémentation en protéines sur les graisses hépatiques de patients obèses. Ainsi nous avons évalué pendant un mois de supplémentation l'effet de protéines de lactosérum sur le taux de graisses intrahépatiques, la sensibilité à l'insuline, la tolérance au glucose, le métabolisme des graisses et la fonction rénale chez des femmes obèses. Les résultats ont été encourageants; la supplémentation en lactosérum améliore la stéatose hépatique, le profil lipidique des patientes obèses sans pour autant altérer la tolérance au glucose ou la clairance de la créatinine. L'effet satiétogene des protéines pourrait aussi avoir contribué à renforcer ces effets. La troisième étude s'est intéressée aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets bénéfiques des protéines observés dans les 2 études précédentes. Nous avons supposé que les protéines devaient favoriser le métabolisme des graisses. Par conséquent, nous avons cherché a évaluer les effets d'un repas riche en protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et l'homéostasie glucidique après 4 jours d'alimentation contrôlée soit isocalorique et équilibrée, soit hypercalorique enrichie en protéines. Les résultats obtenus n'ont pas vérifié l'hypothèse initiale ; ni une augmentation de l'oxydation nette des lipides, ni celle d'une augmentation de la béta-oxydation hépatique ou de l'oxydation d'un apport exogène de graisses n'a pu étre observée. A contrario, il semblerait même plutôt que 4 jours d'a]irnentation hyperprotéinée inhibent le métabolisme des graisses et augmente les concentrations sanguines de triglycérides, probablement par le biais d'une clairance de chylornicrons altérée. Globalement, les résultats de ces trois études nous permettent d'attester que les protéines exercent un effet bénéfique en prévenant le dépot de graisses intra-hépatiques et montrent que cet effet ne peut être attribué à une stimulation du métabolisme des lipides via l'augmentation des oxydations des graisses soit totales, hépatiques, ou exogènes. La question demeure en suspens à ce jour et nécessite de diriger la recherche vers d'autres voies d'exploration. Les effets des protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et sur le cinétique des lipoprotéines n'a que peu été traitée à ce jour. Cette question me paraît néanmoins importante, sachant que des concentrations sanguines élevées de triglycérides sont étroitement corrélées à une incidence augmentée de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire.
Rapport de synthèseLe syndrome métabolique représente un ensemble de facteurs de risque métaboliques souvent présents simultanément et il est associé à un risque accru de développer des maladies cardiovasculaires. La prevalence du syndrome métabolique est à la hausse au niveau mondial comme cela a souvent été documenté, en particulier dans les pays développés. Pourtant, les données concernant le syndrome métabolique dans les pays de la région sub-saharienne restent rares.Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs définitions du syndrome métabolique ont été formulées, dont celle du 'National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III', celle de 1 Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et celle du 'International Diabetes Federation'. Parmi les controverses au sujet du syndrome métabolique persiste la question de l'utilité de rechercher la présence du syndrome métabolique chez les patients diabétiques, étant donné que la présence d'un diabète en soit suffit pour identifier un individu à haut risque de faire un événement cardiovasculaire.L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de déterminer la prévalence du syndrome métabolique selon les trois définitions majeures mentionnées ci-dessus, grâce à une étude de population transversale, réalisée aux Seychelles en 2004 dans un échantillon représentatif de la population âgée de 24-65 ans (n=1255, taux de participation de 80.3%). L'intérêt d'examiner cette question dans ce pays était d'obtenir des informations dans un pays en transition épidémiologique.Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la prévalence du syndrome métabolique aux Seychelles est élevée, quelque soit la définition utilisée. Selon la définition utilisée, cette prévalence était d'environ 25% chez les hommes et variant entre 25 et 35% chez les femmes.Cependant, malgré des prévalences semblables selon ces trois définitions, la concordance entre ces définitions n'était pas bonne, impliquant que ces différentes définitions classifient, à un certain degré, des individus différents comme étant porteurs du syndrome métabolique.En outre, la plupart (environ 80%) des individus diabétiques avaient un syndrome métabolique. Après exclusion des individus diabétiques, la prévalence du syndrome métabolique dans la population est réduite d'environ un tiers, à environ 20-25%.Ces résultats montrent que, d'une part, le fardeau de maladie dû au syndrome métabolique aux Seychelles, un pays en voie de développement, est considérable. Cette observation peut potentiellement s'appliquer à d'autres pays à un stade de développement semblable. Cela renforce le besoin de mettre en oeuvre des stratégies de santé publique afin de cibler les causes de ces désordres métaboliques, tels que le surpoids et la sédentarité. D'un point de vue du diagnostic, les trois définitions du syndrome métabolique semblent classifier un nombre semblable de personnes atteints du syndrome métabolique dans cette population. Par contre, la relativement mauvaise concordance entre ces définitions - certaines personnes identifiés comme porteurs du syndrome métabolique selon une définition ne le sont pas selon une autre - confirme la nécessité de clarifier la signification de ces différentes définitions et/ou éventuellement de développer une définition unifiée et fiable du syndrome métabolique.
Whole-body vibration training improves strength and can increase maximal oxygen consumption ([·V]O(2max)). No study has compared the metabolic demand of synchronous and side-alternating whole-body vibration. We measured [·V]O₂ and heart rate during a typical synchronous or side-alternating whole-body vibration session in 10 young female sedentary participants. The 20-min session consisted of three sets of six 45-s exercises, with 15 s recovery between exercises. Three conditions were randomly tested on separate days: synchronous at 35 Hz and 4 mm amplitude, side-alternating at 26 Hz and 7.5 mm amplitude (peak acceleration matched at 20 g in both vibration conditions), and no vibrations. Mean [·V]O₂ (expressed as %[·V]O(2max)) did not differ between conditions: 29.7 ± 4.2%, 32.4 ± 6.5%, and 28.7 ± 6.7% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively (P = 0.103). Mean heart rate (% maximal heart rate) was 65.6 ± 7.3%, 69.8 ± 7.9%, and 64.7 ± 5.6% for synchronous, side-alternating, and no vibrations respectively, with the side-alternating vibrations being significantly higher (P = 0.019). When analysing changes over exercise sessions, mean [·V]O₂ was higher for side-alternating (P < 0.001) than for synchronous and no vibrations. In conclusion, side-alternating whole-body vibration elicits higher heart rate responses than synchronous or no vibrations, and could elevate [·V]O₂, provided the session lasts more than 20 min.
Scopolamine is an alkaloid widely used in medicine for its anticholinergic activity. The aim of this review is to show that metabolic engineering techniques constitute a suitable tool to improve the production of tropane alkaloids, focusing in particular on scopolamine. We present an overview of results obtained by various research groups, including our own, who have studied the overexpression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of scopolamine in different plant species that produce tropane alkaloids. Experiments carried out to improve production in hairy root cultures will also be described, as well as those attempting to biotransform hyoscyamine into scopolamine in roots and transgenic tobacco cells.
GLP-1 has both peripheral and central actions, as this hormone is secreted by gut endocrine cells and brainstem neurons projecting into the hypothalamus and other brain regions. GLP-1 has multiple regulatory functions participating in the control of glucose homeostasis, beta-cell proliferation and differentiation, food intake, heart rate and even learning. GLP-1 action depends on binding to a specific G-coupled receptor linked to activation of the adenylyl cyclase pathway. Analysis of mice with inactivation of the GLP-1 receptor gene has provided evidence that absence of GLP-1 action in the mouse, despite this hormone potent physiological effects when administered in vivo, only leads to mild abnormalities in glucose homeostasis without any change in body weight. However, a critical role for this hormone and its receptor was demonstrated in the function of the hepatoportal vein glucose sensor, in contrast to that of the pancreatic beta-cells, although absence of both GLP-1 and GIP receptors leads to a more severe phenotype characterized by a beta-cell-autonomous defect in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Together, the studies of these glucoincretin receptor knockout mice provide evidence that these hormones are part of complex regulatory systems where multiple redundant signals are involved.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the metabolic effects of fructose in healthy male and female subjects. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Fasting metabolic profile and hepatic insulin sensitivity were assessed by means of a hyperglycemic clamp in 16 healthy young male and female subjects after a 6-day fructose overfeeding. RESULTS: Fructose overfeeding increased fasting triglyceride concentrations by 71 vs. 16% in male vs. female subjects, respectively (P < 0.05). Endogenous glucose production was increased by 12%, alanine aminotransferase concentration was increased by 38%, and fasting insulin concentrations were increased by 14% after fructose overfeeding in male subjects (all P < 0.05) but were not significantly altered in female subjects. Fasting plasma free fatty acids and lipid oxidation were inhibited by fructose in male but not in female subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Short-term fructose overfeeding produces hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance in men, but these effects are markedly blunted in healthy young women.
This prospective study was designed to identify abnormalities of energy expenditure and fuel utilization which distinguish post-obese women from never-obese controls. 24 moderately obese, postmenopausal, nondiabetic women with a familial predisposition to obesity underwent assessments of body composition, fasting and postprandial energy expenditure, and fuel utilization in the obese state and after weight loss (mean 12.9 kg) to a post-obese, normal-weight state. The post-obese women were compared with 24 never-obese women of comparable age and body composition. Four years later, without intervention, body weight was reassessed in both groups. Results indicated that all parameters measured in the post-obese women were similar to the never-obese controls: mean resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fasting and postprandial substrate oxidation and insulin-glucose patterns. Four years later, post-obese women regained a mean of 10.9 kg while control subjects remained lean (mean gain 1.7 kg) (P < 0.001 between groups). Neither energy expenditure nor fuel oxidation correlated with 4-yr weight changes, whereas self-reported physical inactivity was associated with greater weight regain. The data suggest that weight gain in obesity-prone women may be due to maladaptive responses to the environment, such as physical inactivity or excess energy intake, rather than to reduced energy requirements.
Because increasing evidence point to the convergence of environmental and genetic risk factors to drive redox dysregulation in schizophrenia, we aim to clarify whether the metabolic anomalies associated with early psychosis reflect an adaptation to oxidative stress. Metabolomic profiling was performed to characterize the response to oxidative stress in fibroblasts from control individuals (n = 20) and early psychosis patients (n = 30), and in all, 282 metabolites were identified. In addition to the expected redox/antioxidant response, oxidative stress induced a decrease of lysolipid levels in fibroblasts from healthy controls that were largely muted in fibroblasts from patients. Most notably, fibroblasts from patients showed disrupted extracellular matrix- and arginine-related metabolism after oxidative stress, indicating impairments beyond the redox system. Plasma membrane and extracellular matrix, 2 regulators of neuronal activity and plasticity, appeared as particularly susceptible to oxidative stress and thus provide novel mechanistic insights for pathophysiological understanding of early stages of psychosis. Statistically, antipsychotic medication at the time of biopsy was not accounting for these anomalies in the metabolism of patients' fibroblasts, indicating that they might be intrinsic to the disease. Although these results are preliminary and should be confirmed in a larger group of patients, they nevertheless indicate that the metabolic signature of reactivity to oxidative stress may provide reliable early markers of psychosis. Developing protective measures aimed at normalizing the disrupted pathways should prevent the pathological consequences of environmental stressors.
Peripheral neurons can regenerate after axotomy; in this process, the role of cytoskeletal proteins is important because they contribute to formation and reorganization, growth, transport, stability and plasticity of axons. In the present study, we examined the effects of thyroid hormones (T3) on the expression of major cytoskeletal proteins during sciatic nerve regeneration. At various times after sciatic nerve transection and T3 local administration, segments of operated nerves from T3-treated rats and control rats were examined by Western blotting for the presence of neurofilament, tubulin and vimentin. Our results revealed that, during the first week after surgery, T3 treatment did not significantly alter the level of NF subunits and tubulin in the different segments of operated nerves compared to control nerves. Two or 4 weeks after operation, the concentration of NF-H and NF-M isoforms was clearly increased by T3 treatment. Moreover, under T3-treatment, NF proteins appeared more rapidly in the distal segment of operated nerves. Likewise, the levels of betaIII, and of acetylated and tyrosinated tubulin isotypes, were also up-regulated by T3-treatment during regeneration. However, only the tyrosinated tubulin form appeared earlier in the distal nerve segments. At this stage of regeneration, T3 had no effect on the level of vimentin expression. In conclusion, thyroid hormone improves and accelerates peripheral nerve regeneration and exerts a positive effect on cytoskeletal protein expression and transport involved in axonal regeneration. These results help us to understand partially the mechanism by which thyroid hormones enhance peripheral nerve regeneration. The stimulating effect of T3 on peripheral nerve regeneration may have considerable therapeutic potential.
Tumour cells proliferate much faster than normal cells; nearly all anticancer treatments are toxic to both cell types, limiting their efficacy. The altered metabolism resulting from cellular transformation and cancer progression supports cellular proliferation and survival, but leaves cancer cells dependent on a continuous supply of energy and nutrients. Hence, many metabolic enzymes have become targets for new cancer therapies. In addition to its well-described roles in cell-cycle progression and cancer, the cyclin/CDK-pRB-E2F1 pathway contributes to lipid synthesis, glucose production, insulin secretion, and glycolytic metabolism, with strong effects on overall metabolism. Notably, these cell-cycle regulators trigger the adaptive "metabolic switch" that underlies proliferation.
Résumé : La sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang est la fonction principale de la cellule β. La perte de cette fonction est une des caractéristiques du diabète de type 2. L'exocytose est une fonction cellulaire indispensable au renouvellement des composants lipidiques et protéiques de la membrane cellulaire, à la communication entre les cellules et au maintien d'un environnement adéquat. On peut distinguer deux types d'exocytose : l'exocytose constitutive et l'exocytose régulée. Cette dernière est déclenchée par des stimuli externes. L'exocytose régulée est contrôlée au niveau de la fusion des vésicules de sécrétion avec la membrane plasmique. Certains composants moléculaires impliqués dans ce processus font partie de la famille des GTPases Rab. Les deux membres de cette famille impliqués sont Rab3 et Rab27. Nous avons étudié le rôle de la GTPase Rab27 dans les cellules INS-1E, une lignée cellulaire pancréatique β qui sécrète de l'insuline de façon régulée. Nous avons trouvé que la diminution d'expression de la protéine en utilisant le technique de « RNA interference » diminue la sécrétion stimulée, mais que la distribution des granules n'est nullement affectées par ce changement d'activité intrinsèque. Un des effecteurs identifiés de cette GTPase est Slac2c/MyRIP. Cette protéine possède plusieurs domaines fonctionnels dont un qui lui permet de se lier à l'actine, constituant du cytosquelette cellulaire. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que Rab27 et MyRIP font partie d'un complexe permettant l'interaction de la granule de sécrétion avec le cytosquelette d'actine corticale et participent à la régulation des dernières étapes de l'exocytose d'insuline. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les phosphoinositides (PI). Les phosphoinositides sont d'importantes molécules impliquées dans le régulation du trafic vésiculaire. Nous avons trouvé que le phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) et le phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) augmentent la sécrétion sous l'action de 10µM de Ca2+ dans les cellules INS-1E perméabilisées avec la streptolysine-O. En plus, nous avons démontré que l'exocytose est diminuée dans les cellules intactes exprimant une protéine qui séquestre le PI(4,5)P2. Une diminution similaire est observée en diminuant l'expression de deux enzymes impliquées dans la production du PI(4,5)P2, la PI4Kinase β type III et la PIP5Kinase γ type I. Pour clarifier le mécanisme d'action des PI, nous avons investigué l'implication de trois cibles potentielles des PI, la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Pour ce faire, nous avons réduit le niveau d'expression endogène de ces protéines, ce qui inhibe la libération d'hormones provoquée par le glucose. Tout ceci indique donc que la production du PI(4,5)P2 est nécessaire pour le contrôle de la sécrétion et suggère qu'une partie de l'effet du PI sur la sécrétion pourrait être exercé par l'activation de la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Abstract Insulin release from pancreatic β-cells plays an essential role in the achievement of blood glucose homeostasis and defects in the regulation of this process lead to profound metabolic disorders and hyperglycaemia (eg. type 2 diabetes). Almost every cell in our organism releases proteins and other biological compounds using a fundamental cellular process known as constitutive exocytosis. In exocrine and endocrine glands, the cells are endowed with an additional and more refined release mechanism directly tuned by extracellular signals. This process, referred to as regulated exocytosis, ensures the timely delivery of molecules such as peptide hormones and digestive enzymes to match the moment¬-to-moment requirements of the organism. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including Rab3 and Rab27, two GTPases that regulate the final steps of secretion in many cells. We investigated the involvement of Rab27 GTPase in the secretory process of the insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E. We found that selective reduction of Rab27 expression by RNA interference did not alter granule distribution but impaired exocytosis triggered by insulin secretagogues. Screening for potential effectors revealed that Slac2c/MyRIP is associated with granules and attenuation of Slac2c expression severely impaired hormone release. This protein contains several functional domains, including, a binding domain for the cellular cytoskeleton constituent actin. Taken together our data suggest the Rab27 and MyRIP are part of a complex mediating the interaction of secretory granules with cortical cytoskeleton and participate to the regulation of the final steps in insulin exoctytosis. In the second part of the thesis, we studied phosphoinositides (PI). Phosphoinositides are important molecules involved in the regulation of vesicular trafficking. We found that phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) and phosphatidylinosito1-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) increase the secretory response triggered by 10µM Ca2+ in streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting INS-1E cells. In addition, nutrient-induced exocytosis was diminished in intact cells expressing constructs that sequester PI(4,5)P2. A similar decrease was observed after silencing of two enzymes involved in PI(4,5)P2 production, type III PI4Kinase β and type I PIP5Kinase γ, by RNA interference. To clarify the mechanism of action of PI, we investigated the involvement in the regulation of exocytosis of three potential PI targets, PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1. Transfection of cells with silencers capable of reducing the endogenous levels of these proteins inhibited hormone release elicited by glucose. Our data indicate that the production PI(4,5)P2 is necessary for proper control of p-cell secretion and suggest that at least part of the effects of PI on insulin exocytosis could be exerted through the activation of PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1.
Twenty-four-hour energy expenditure (24-EE), resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition were determined in 30 subjects from three groups; control (103 +/- 2% ideal body weight, n = 10), moderately obese (129 +/- 1% ideal body weight, n = 6), and obese (170 +/- 5% ideal body weight, n = 14) individuals. Twenty-four EE was measured in a comfortable airtight respiration chamber. When expressed as absolute values, both RMR and 24-EE were significantly increased in obese subjects when compared to normal weight subjects. The RMR was 7592 +/- 351 kJ/day in the obese, 6652 +/- 242 kJ/day in the moderately obese, and 6118 +/- 405 kJ/day in the controls. Mean 24-EE values were 10043 +/- 363, 9599 +/- 277, and 8439 +/- 432 kJ/day in the obese, moderately obese, and controls, respectively. The larger energy expenditure in the obese over 24 h was mainly due to a greater VO2 during the daylight hours. However, 92% of the larger 24-EE in the obese, compared to the control group, was accounted for by the higher RMR and only 8% by other factors such as the increased cost of moving the extra weight of the obese. The higher RMR and 24-EE in the obese was best related to the increased fat free mass.
The coupling between synaptic activity and glucose utilization (neurometabolic coupling) is a central physiologic principle of brain function that has provided the basis for 2-deoxyglucose-based functional imaging with positron emission tomography. Approximately 10 y ago we provided experimental evidence that indicated a central role of glutamate signaling on astrocytes in neurometabolic coupling. The basic mechanism in neurometabolic coupling is the glutamate-stimulated aerobic glycolysis in astrocytes, such that the sodium-coupled reuptake of glutamate by astrocytes and the ensuing activation of the Na(+)-K(+) ATPase triggers glucose uptake and its glycolytic processing, which results in the release of lactate from astrocytes. Lactate can then contribute to the activity-dependent fueling of the neuronal energy demands associated with synaptic transmission. Analyses of this coupling have been extended in vivo and have defined the methods of coupling for inhibitory neurotransmission as well as its spatial extent in relation to the propagation of metabolic signals within the astrocytic syncytium. On the basis of a large body of experimental evidence, we proposed an operational model, "the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle." A series of results obtained by independent laboratories have provided further support for this model. This body of evidence provides a molecular and cellular basis for interpreting data that are obtained with functional brain imaging studies.
INTRODUCTION: This study describes the characteristics of the metabolic syndrome in HIV-positive patients in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs study and discusses the impact of different methodological approaches on estimates of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome over time. METHODS: We described the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in patients under follow-up at the end of six calendar periods from 2000 to 2007. The definition that was used for the metabolic syndrome was modified to take account of the use of lipid-lowering and antihypertensive medication, measurement variability and missing values, and assessed the impact of these modifications on the estimated prevalence. RESULTS: For all definitions considered, there was an increasing prevalence of the metabolic syndrome over time, although the prevalence estimates themselves varied widely. Using our primary definition, we found an increase in prevalence from 19.4% in 2000/2001 to 41.6% in 2006/2007. Modification of the definition to incorporate antihypertensive and lipid-lowering medication had relatively little impact on the prevalence estimates, as did modification to allow for missing data. In contrast, modification to allow the metabolic syndrome to be reversible and to allow for measurement variability lowered prevalence estimates substantially. DISCUSSION: The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in cohort studies is largely based on the use of nonstandardized measurements as they are captured in daily clinical care. As a result, bias is easily introduced, particularly when measurements are both highly variable and may be missing. We suggest that the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in cohort studies should be based on two consecutive measurements of the laboratory components in the syndrome definition.
Lipin 1 is a coregulator of DNA-bound transcription factors and a phosphatidic acid (PA) phosphatase (PAP) enzyme that catalyzes a critical step in the synthesis of glycerophospholipids. Lipin 1 is highly expressed in adipocytes, and constitutive loss of lipin 1 blocks adipocyte differentiation; however, the effects of Lpin1 deficiency in differentiated adipocytes are unknown. Here we report that adipocyte-specific Lpin1 gene recombination unexpectedly resulted in expression of a truncated lipin 1 protein lacking PAP activity but retaining transcriptional regulatory function. Loss of lipin 1-mediated PAP activity in adipocytes led to reduced glyceride synthesis and increased PA content. Characterization of the deficient mice also revealed that lipin 1 normally modulates cAMP-dependent signaling through protein kinase A to control lipolysis by metabolizing PA, which is an allosteric activator of phosphodiesterase 4 and the molecular target of rapamycin. Consistent with these findings, lipin 1 expression was significantly related to adipose tissue lipolytic rates and protein kinase A signaling in adipose tissue of obese human subjects. Taken together, our findings identify lipin 1 as a reciprocal regulator of triglyceride synthesis and hydrolysis in adipocytes, and suggest that regulation of lipolysis by lipin 1 is mediated by PA-dependent modulation of phosphodiesterase 4.