783 resultados para Merriam, Sharan B.: Philosophical foundations of adult education
This study investigates instructors’ perceptions of reading instruction and difficulties among Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Level 1-3 learners. Statistics Canada reports that 60% of immigrants possess inadequate literacy skills. Newcomers are placed in classes using the Canadian Language Benchmarks but large, mixed-level classes create little opportunity for individualized instruction, leading some clients to demonstrate little change in their reading benchmarks. Data were collected (via demographic questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, teaching plans, and field study notes) to create a case study of five LINC instructors’ perceptions of why some clients do not progress through the LINC reading levels as expected and how their previous experiences relate to those within the LINC program. Qualitative analyses of the data revealed three primary themes: client/instructor background and classroom needs, reading, strategies, methods and challenges, and assessment expectations and progress, each containing a number of subthemes. A comparison between the themes and literature demonstrated six areas for discussion: (a) some clients, specifically refugees, require more time to progress to higher benchmarks; (b) clients’ level of prior education can be indicative of their literacy skills; (c) clients with literacy needs should be separated and placed into literacy-specific classes; (d) evidence-based approaches to reading instruction were not always evident in participants’ responses, demonstrating a lack of knowledge about these approaches; (e) first language literacy influences second language reading acquisition through a transfer of skills; and (f) collaboration in the classroom supports learning by extending clients’ capabilities. These points form the basis of recommendations about how reading instruction might be improved for such clients.
In this study, teacher candidates’ experiences, perceptions, and knowledge of multicultural education at 2 Ontario universities were used determine to the effectiveness of their teacher education programs in preparing them to teach in multicultural classrooms. The research also strived to highlight the most effective practices in these programs that contributed to the preparation of teacher candidates for employment in culturally, racially, and ethnically diverse classrooms in Ontario. A questionnaire and interviews were used to determine the effectiveness of the program in preparing them to teach in diverse classrooms. The findings revealed the need for a greater emphasis of multicultural education in teacher education programs at these universities. The data showed that teacher candidates were most critical of the courses and the delivery of the curriculum in relation to multicultural education. Teacher candidates were also concerned with the lack of multicultural education in their practicum placements. In addition, teacher candidates indicated in the questionnaire that they felt competent adapting instruction to the needs of students in multicultural classrooms. However, the results obtained from the interviews were more varied. The interviews highlighted that teacher candidates were hesitant about teaching in culturally diverse classrooms and less likely to state that they were prepared for these teaching environments. As well, many teacher candidates believed their peers were not prepared for multicultural issues. Teacher candidates believed the program could be improved in many ways including specific instruction across all classes, more diverse practicum experiences, guest speakers, case studies, and the creation of new courses that specifically address multicultural education.
Despite the profound and widespread concern for the future of higher education physical education, there has been little systematic study on the topic. This research investigated the future by utilizing a two-round interview Delphi method. Five international experts were asked to project possible, probable, preferable and undesirable futures of the academic discipline in fifteen years time; specifically in regards to issues within the undergraduate degree programs, and the research sub-disciplines. The results of quantitative descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis reveal an ever-changing higher education environment in the postmodern information age, which presents a complicating future for the academic discipline. The experts expressed concern that some disciplinarians will be a-futuristic and unable to operationalize the vast potential of the discipline at the institutional level, by continuing to use outdated and inappropriate frameworks of a modern era gone by.
This qualitative study explores 8 gifted adults' perceptions of their own giftedness and how those perceptions influenced their pursuit of graduate education as revealed by retrospective interviews. This study serves to inform the existing literature surrounding giftedness especially as it relates to gifted individuals across the lifespan and their experiences and perceptions of education at all levels. This study also provides insight into the emotional impact being labeled gifted has on an individual's self-concept and academic identity. The major themes that emerged using the interpretive phenomenological analysis method (Smith & Osborn, 2003) were discussed under five main headings: Evolution of Giftedness, Success and Failure, Expectations, Effort, and Doubt and Proof. An adaptation of the listening guide method (Gilligan, Spencer, Weinberg, & Bertsch, 2003) was used to provide a unique and personal perspective of the phenomenon of giftedness and revealed the feelings behind the themes that emerged in the interpretive phenomenological analysis method. Specifically; this study illuminates the lack of evolution that an individual's understanding and perception of giftedness undergoes across the lifespan, and the impact such a static and school-bound understanding has on gifted adults' self-concept. It also reveals the influence that gifted individuals' innate need to achieve has on their academic aspirations and their perceptions of themselves as gifted. Furthermore, it reveals how important the understanding and internalization of failure can be on the self-concept of gifted individuals, and that this issue needs immediate attention at all levels of education.
Youth-Adult Partnerships (Y-APs) have been found to foster youth engagement and positive youth development. However, existing research tends to confound the characteristics of Y-APs with their general outcomes and the existing methods of evaluating Y-APs tend to be based on correlational methodologies. I sought to create a measure of Y-AP success that did not confound the characteristics of a successful Y-AP with outcomes. Using the existing literature as a guide, three components were selected for inclusion in the Y-AP success measure: 1) perceptions of productivity; 2) positive affect; and 3) having one's contributions welcomed and considered. Using this new measure, I tested a model to assess how adult warmth and expertise interacted with task difficulty to influence three components of Y-AP success. Participants included 402 university students (M = 19.27, SD = 1.28, 89.1 % female) from Brock University and Cape Breton University. Video clips of an adult, depicting all possible combinations of warmth and expertise were created for this study, as well as a pair of hypothetical tasks designed to elicit differential degrees of perceived difficulty. Participants were exposed to one video of a hypothetical adult and two hypothetical tasks and responded to the Y-AP success measures twice, for each ofthe tasks. Results from mixed-model ANOVAs revealed that the adult and task characteristics were not consistently related to all components of Y-AP success. However, several significant interactions suggested that youth perceptions of task difficulty and their impressions of adult partners influenced the extent to which they expected a Y-AP to be successful. The results are discussed in the context of how they support or conflict with the existing literature and serve as a first step in the inference of causality within the study of Y-APs.
Exploring the new science of emergence allows us to create a very different classroom than how the modern classroom has been conceptualised under the mentality of efficiency and output. Working on the whole person, and not just the mind, we see a shift from the epistemic pillars of truth to more ontological concerns as regards student achievement in our post-Modern and critical discourses. It is important to understand these shifts and how we are to transition our own perception and mentality not only in our research methodologies but also our approach to conceptualisations of issues in education and sustainability. We can no longer think linearly to approach complex problems or advocate for education and disregard our interconnectedness insofar as it enhances our children’s education. We must, therefore, contemplate and transition to a world that is ecological and not mechanical, complex and not complicated—in essence, we must work to link mind-body with self-environment and transcend these in order to bring about an integration toward a sustainable future. A fundamental shift in consciousness and perception may implicate our nature of creating dichotomous entities in our own microcosms, yet postmodern theorists assume, a priori, that these dualities can be bridged in naturalism alone. I, on the other hand, embrace metaphysics to understand the implicated modern classroom in a hierarchical context and ask: is not the very omission of metaphysics in postmodern discourse a symptom from an education whose foundation was built in its absence? The very dereliction of ancient wisdom in education is very peculiar indeed. Western mindfulness may play a vital component in consummating pragmatic idealism, but only under circumstances admitting metaphysics can we truly transcend our limitations, thereby placing Eastern Mindfulness not as an ecological component, but as an ecological and metaphysical foundation.
Despite the growing trend towards recognizing that attention deficit hyperactive disorder occurs beyond childhood, the experience of adult students who are ADHD remains little researched or understood. Given the losses in efficiency and productivity in academic performance from adult ADHD, researching ADHD’s experiential aspects is significant for both educators and students in its potential to develop better strategies for accommodating those with the disorder. This study used hermeneutic phenomenology and existential psychology to describe the lived experience of adult students who are ADHD. Five adult students participated in the study, which involved two in-depth conversations with guiding questions such as: What is it like to be ADHD?; and What led to your perception that you have ADHD? Conversations were transcribed and thematic statements developed, using the life-world existentials of lived space, lived time, lived relationships and lived corporeality to deepen considerations of meaning.
My focus is on assessment criteria of language proficiency in community college education. To demand clear writing is an application of scientism; it seeks to keep separate the fact/value distinction of positivism. This dangerously undermines the democratizing possibilities of education, since clear writing, taken to its extreme, is ultimately anonymous and dehumanizing. The active student-as-citizen is, therefore, subsumed under the neoliberal dictate of the passive student-as-consumer. The process of language acquisition is reduced to a fictitious act of knowledge transmission and regurgitation, and, therefore, those subversive aspects of language learning, such as creativity and critical inquiry, are undermined. An initial overview of the tenets of modernity will provide a conceptual framework for this examination.
Past research has identified the importance of the relationship between teacher candidates and their associate teachers during field experiences. Through the research questions that framed the study, I sought to contribute to a growing understanding of how the associate teacher-teacher candidate relationship develops from the perspective of teacher candidates. Using an interpretive lens, I explored the associate teacher-teacher candidate relationships of 5 teacher candidates at a mid-sized university in Southern Ontario. In this instrumental multicase study, the 5 participants described 13 pairs of relationships with associate teachers who modeled varying practices. The qualitative data surrounding these case relationships were collected through a focus group and semistructured interviews. Participants’ responses were analyzed using axial coding and constant comparative analysis. Participants identified feedback, guidance, support, genuine interactions, and relationship dynamics as central to successful field experiences. Participants also suggested that associate teachers might be better supported in their role if they were offered increased professional development from the faculties of education that organize the field experiences. The findings documented offer a fresh perspective of the role of the associate teacher in successful teacher education programs, particularly as experienced by the 5 participants.
Introduction: Chez les mammifères, la naissance de nouveaux neurones se poursuit à l’âge adulte dans deux régions du cerveau: 1) l’hippocampe et 2) la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. La neurogenèse adulte n’est pas un processus stable et peut être affectée par divers facteurs tels que l’âge et la maladie. De plus, les modifications de la neurogenèse peuvent être à l’origine des maladies de sorte que la régulation ainsi que le rétablissement de la neurogenèse adulte doivent être considérés comme d’importants objectifs thérapeutiques. Chez la souris saine ou malade, la neurogenèse hippocampale peut être fortement régulée par l’enrichissement environnemental ainsi que par l’activité physique. Cependant, lors même que l’activité physique et l’enrichissement environnemental pourraient contribuer au traitement de certaines maladies, très peu d’études porte sur les mécanismes moléculaires et physiologiques responsables des changements qui sont en lien avec ces stimuli. Objectifs et hypothèses: Les principaux objectifs de cette étude sont de caractériser les effets de stimuli externes sur la neurogenèse et, par le fait même, d’élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents aux changements observés. En utilisant le modèle d’activité physique volontaire sur roue, cette étude teste les deux hypothèses suivantes: tout d’abord 1) qu’une période prolongée d’activité physique peut influencer la neurogenèse adulte dans le prosencéphale et l’hippocampe, et 2) que l’activité volontaire sur roue peut favoriser la neurogenèse à travers des stimuli dépendants ou indépendants de la course. Méthodes: Afin de valider la première hypothèse, nous avons utilisé un paradigme incluant une activité physique volontaire prolongée sur une durée de six semaines, ainsi que des analyses immunohistochimiques permettant de caractériser l’activité de précurseurs neuronaux dans la zone sous-ventriculaire et l’hippocampe. Ensuite, pour valider la seconde hypothèse, nous avons utlisé une version modifiée du paradigme ci-dessous, en plaçant les animaux (souris) soit dans des cages traditionnelles, soit dans des cages munies d’une roue bloquée soit dans des cages munies d’une roue fonctionnelle. Résultats: En accord avec la première hypothèse, l’activité physique prolongée volontaire a augmenté la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux ainsi que la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe comparativement aux animaux témoins, confirmant les résultats d’études antérieures. Par ailleurs, dans ce paradigme, nous avons aussi observé de la prolifération acrue au sein de la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale. De plus, en accord avec la seconde hypothèse, les souris placées dans une cage à roue bloquée ont montré une augmentation de la prolifération des précurseurs neuronaux dans l’hippocampe comparable à celle observée chez les souris ayant accès à une roue fonctionnelle (coureurs). Cependant, seuls les animaux coureurs ont présenté une augmentation de la neurogenèse hippocampale. Conclusions: Ces résultats nous ont permis de tirer deux conclusions nouvelles concernant les effets de l’activité physique (course) sur la neurogenèse. Premièrement, en plus de la prolifération et de la neurogenèse dans le gyrus dentelé de l’hippocampe, la prolifération dans la zone sous-ventriculaire du prosencéphale peut être augmentée par l’activité physique sur roue. Deuxièmement, l’environnement dans lequel l’activité physique a lieu contient différents stimuli qui peuvent influencer certains aspects de la neurogenèse hippocampale en l’absence d’activité physique sur roue (course).
Vers la fin du 19ème siècle, le moine et réformateur hindou Swami Vivekananda affirma que la science moderne convergeait vers l'Advaita Vedanta, un important courant philosophique et religieux de l'hindouisme. Au cours des décennies suivantes, suite aux apports scientifiques révolutionnaires de la théorie de la relativité d'Einstein et de la physique quantique, un nombre croissant d'auteurs soutenaient que d'importants "parallèles" pouvaient être tracés entre l'Advaita Vedanta et la physique moderne. Encore aujourd'hui, de tels rapprochements sont faits, particulièrement en relation avec la physique quantique. Cette thèse examine de manière critique ces rapprochements à travers l'étude comparative détaillée de deux concepts: le concept d'akasa dans l'Advaita Vedanta et celui de vide en physique quantique. L'énoncé examiné est celui selon lequel ces deux concepts pointeraient vers une même réalité: un substratum omniprésent et subtil duquel émergent et auquel retournent ultimement les divers constituants de l'univers. Sur la base de cette étude comparative, la thèse argumente que des comparaisons de nature conceptuelle favorisent rarement la mise en place d'un véritable dialogue entre l'Advaita Vedanta et la physique moderne. Une autre voie d'approche serait de prendre en considération les limites épistémologiques respectivement rencontrées par ces disciplines dans leur approche du "réel-en-soi" ou de la "réalité ultime." Une attention particulière sera portée sur l'épistémologie et le problème de la nature de la réalité dans l'Advaita Vedanta, ainsi que sur le réalisme scientifique et les implications philosophiques de la non-séparabilité en physique quantique.
2e Prix du concours d'initiation à la recherche organisé par le Regroupement Droit et Changements. L'auteure était étudiante au baccalauréat en droit à l'Université McGill lors de la rédaction de cet article.
Si l’approche par compétences au Canada et aux États-Unis est particulièrement valorisée pour orienter la pratique des professionnels de la santé (PDS) – et en bioéthique clinique –, les travaux permettant de mieux comprendre les fondements psychologiques, ontologiques et philosophiques de ces compétences sont peu présents dans la littérature en bioéthique. Les principaux outils actuellement disponibles se divisent généralement en quatre principales catégories : 1) les documents officiels (codes de déontologie, règlements institutionnels, etc.); 2) les principales théories éthiques (éthique de la discussion, éthique de la vertu, principisme, etc.); 3) les ouvrages de référence scientifiques; 4) les outils de prise de décision éthique. Ces documents sont des incontournables pour les bioéthiciens et les PDS, mais leur disparité, voire leur contenu parfois contradictoire, jumelée à une compréhension limitée de l’éthique, est souvent source de confusion dans les processus décisionnels et peut être la cause de comportements ne répondant pas aux standards éthiques des pratiques professionnelles. Notre recherche constitue une réflexion qui s’inscrit en amont de ces outils dont le caractère pragmatique a le désavantage de simplifier la réflexion théorique au profit de données plus concrètes. Nos travaux visent à développer les bases d’un modèle flexible et inclusif – le modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR) – permettant de : 1) poser les principaux repères philosophiques, sociaux et déontologiques des problématiques éthiques rencontrées en pratique; 2) saisir les principales tensions éthiques inhérentes à cette complexité; 3) mieux comprendre, dans une perspective psychologique et développementale, les exigences personnelles et professionnelles qu’impose le statut de professionnel de la santé dans le contexte actuel des soins de santé. Entreprise théorique, ce projet consiste principalement à mettre en relation dynamique un ensemble de dimensions (légale, éthique, clinique, sociale, psychologique) à l’oeuvre dans la rencontre du bioéthicien et du PDS avec la complexité des situations éthiques, en s’inspirant du concept de sensibilité éthique de la « petite éthique » de Paul Ricoeur (1990), du modèle des quatre composantes de Rest (1994) et de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires d’Augusto Blasi (1993). Ce processus implique trois étapes successives : 1) une mise en ii perspective de la posture épistémologique particulière du bioéthicien et du PDS à la lumière de la « petite éthique » de Ricoeur; 2) une revue de la littérature interdisciplinaire sur le concept de sensibilité éthique afin d’en proposer une définition et de le mettre en perspective avec d’autres compétences éthiques; 3) le développement d’un cadre de référence en matière d’identité éthique professionnelle (professional ethics identity tendencies, PEIT), inspiré de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires de Blasi. Ces PEIT proposent un repère normatif aux exigences liées à la construction de l'identité en contexte de pratique des PDS et suggèrent des pistes de réflexion quant à la formation et à la recherche en éthique professionnelle. Cette recherche souhaite établir des fondements théoriques pour le développement ultérieur du modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR).
The crisis in the foundations of mathematics is a conceptual crisis. I suggest that we embrace the crisis and adopt a pluralist position towards foundations. There are many foundations in mathematics. However, ‘many foundations’ (for one building) is an oxymoron. Therefore, we shift vocabulary to say that mathematics, as one discipline, is composed of many different theories. This entails that there are no absolute mathematical truths, only truths within a theory. There is no unified, consistent ontology, only ontology within a theory.