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Several competing hypotheses attempt to explain how environmental conditions affect mass-independent basal metabolic rate (BMR) in mammals. One of the most inclusive and yet debatable hypotheses is the one that associates BMR with food habits, including habitat productivity. These effects have been widely investigated at the interspecific level under the assumption that for any given species all traits are fixed. Consequently, the variation among individuals is largely ignored. Intraspecific analysis of physiological traits has the potential to compensate for many of the pitfalls associated with interspecific analyses and, thus, to be a useful approach for evaluating hypotheses regarding metabolic adaptation. In this study, we investigated the effects of food quality, availability, and predictability on the BMR of the leaf-eared mouse Phyllotis darwini. BMR was measured on freshly caught animals from the field, since they experience natural seasonal variations in environmental factors ( and, hence, variations in habitat productivity) and diet quality. BMR was significantly correlated with the proportion of dietary plants and seeds. In addition, BMR was significantly correlated with monthly habitat productivity. Path analysis indicated that, in our study, habitat productivity was responsible for the observed changes in BMR, while diet per se had no effect on this variable.


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In this study, we investigated the participation of adrenergic receptors of the median preoptic area (MnPO) and the participation of ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) in angiotensin II- (ANG II)-induced water intake and presser responses. Male rats with sham or electrolytic VMH lesions and a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MnPO were used. Noradrenaline, clonidine (an alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor agonist), or phenylephrine (an alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor agonist) injected into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats reduced water ingestion induced by ANG II injected into the same area. In VMH-lesioned rats ANG II-induced water intake increased with a previous injection of noradrenaline, phenylephrine, or isoproterenol. The presser response induced by ANG II injected into the MnPO was reduced in VMH-lesioned rats, whereas the presser response induced by clonidine was abolished. Previous treatment with noradrenaline and phenylephrine into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats produced a presser response, and a hypotensive response was obtained with the previous administration of noradrenaline, phenylephrine or isoproterenol into the MnPO of VMH-lesioned rats. These results show that VMH is essential for the dipsogenic and presser responses induced by adrenergic and angiotensinergic activation of the MnPO in rats. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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The influence of testosterone on the development of the pressor response to common carotid occlusion was investigated in control and median eminence-lesioned male rats. In control rats (N = 9), gonadectomy performed 21 days before the experiments reduced by 22% (from 51 +/- 2 to 40 +/- 2 mmHg) and treatment with testosterone (300-mu-g for 4 days before the measurements) increased the initial peak pressor response (from 51 +/- 2 to 57 +/- 2 mmHg) which depends on carotid innervation. The maintained response which is of central origin (probably ischemic) was less affected. In nongonadectomized rats (N = 6), lesions of the median eminence (6 days) decreased the initial peak by 19% (from 52 +/- 2 to 42 +/- 3 mmHg) and the maintained response by 56% (from 32 +/- 2 to 14 +/- 1 mmHg). Sham-operated rats served as controls. In gonadectomized animals (N = 6) the lesion reduced only the maintained response (from 23 +/- 2 to 11 +/- 1 mmHg). Testosterone supplementation restored the maintained response but did not alter the initial peak. These results indicate that the pressor response to common carotid occlusion in male rats is modulated by testosterone and that the depression in the maintained response caused by median eminence lesion can be reversed by steroid supplementation.


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The Capacitated p-median problem (CPMP) seeks to solve the optimal location of p facilities, considering distances and capacities for the service to be given by each median. In this paper we present a column generation approach to CPMP. The identified restricted master problem optimizes the covering of 1-median clusters satisfying the capacity constraints, and new columns are generated considering knapsack subproblems. The Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation has been used recently to accelerate subgradient like methods. In this work the Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation is directly identified from the master problem dual and provides new bounds and new productive columns through a modified knapsack subproblem. The overall column generation process is accelerated, even when multiple pricing is observed. Computational tests are presented using instances taken from real data from Sao Jose dos Campos' city.


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To study the role played by 5-HT mechanisms of the MRN, behavioural and physiological parameters were presently measured in rats having either electrolytic or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) lesion of the MRN made 7 days before testing. Half the animals were submitted to 2-h restraint 24 h before the test. In the elevated plus-maze, the electrolytic lesion increased the percentage of open-arm entries and of time spent on open arms - an anxiolytic effect - in both restrained and nonrestrained rats. The neurotoxic lesion had a similar effect, but only on restrained rats. Restraint had anxiogenic effect. The electrolytic lesion increased transitions between the light and dark compartments and the time spent in the bright compartment of the light-dark box in both restrained and nonrestrained rats. The neurotoxic lesion only increased bright time in restrained rats. The incidence, number and size of gastric ulcers were increased by either the electrolytic or the neurotoxic lesion in both restrained and nonrestrained animals. Both types of lesion depleted 5-HT in the hippocampus in restrained and nonrestrained rats. Restraint increased 5-HT levels. These results implicate 5-HT mechanisms of the median raphe nucleus in the regulation of anxiety and in the genesis of gastric stress ulcers. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The median raphe nucleus (MRN) has been suggested as the origin of a behavioral inhibition system that projects to the septum and hippocampus. Electrical stimulation of this mesencephalic area causes behavioral and autonomic manifestations characteristic of fear such as, freezing, defecation and micturition. In this study we extend these observations by analyzing the behavioral and autonomic responses of rats with lesions in the MRN submitted to a contextual conditioning paradigm. The animals underwent electrolytic or sham lesions of the median raphe nucleus. One day (acute) or 7 days (chronic) later they were tested in an experimental chamber where they received 10 foot-shocks (0.7 mA, 1 s with 20-s interval). The next day, sham and MRN-lesioned animals were tested again either in the same or in a different experimental chamber. During this, the duration of freezing, rearings, bouts of micturition and number of fecal boli were recorded. Sham-operated rats placed in the same chamber showed more freezing than rats exposed to a different context. This freezing behavior was clearly suppressed in rats with acute or chronic lesions in the MRN. MRN lesions also reduced the bouts of micturition and number of fecal boli. These rats showed a reduced number of rearings than sham-lesioned rats. This effect is probably the result of the displacement effect provoked by freezing since no significant differences in the number of rearings could be observed between these animals and the NMR-lesioned rats tested in an open field. This lesion produced higher horizontal locomotor activity in this test than the controls (sham-lesioned rats). These results point to the importance of the median raphe nucleus in the processing of fear conditioning with freezing being the most salient feature of it. Behavioral inhibition is also under control of MRN but its neural substrate seems to be dissociated from that of contextual fear. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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The effect of electrolytic lesion of the median raphe nucleus was measured on behavioral and physiological parameters related to stress 24 h after the lesion. In of the elevated plus-maze the lesion decreased the percentage of open arm entries and tended to shorten the time spent on the open arms indicating an increase in anxiety. In contrast, the lesion markedly increased the time spent in the bright (aversive) compartment of the light-dark box and decrease in attempts to cross from the dark toward the bright compartment, an anxiolyic effect. With the exception of plasma prolactin level, which was lowered by the lesion, the physiological measures used in the present study indicate that the lesioned animals are under stress. Thus, death rate and weight loss after the surgery were higher in lesioned than in control animals. In addition, lesioned animals showed higher plasma corticosterone levels, a high incidence of gastric ulcers in the fundus and a depressed immune response to the mitogen concavaline A. These results highlight the importance of the median raphe nucleus in the regulation of stress and anxiety. They also show that behavioral and physiological measures of stress may be dissociated.


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The ulnar-to-median nerve anastomosis in the forearm is a very rare occurrence, not mentioned in many anatomical text books. We found only 4 cases cited in medical literature. Here we describe 2 new cases, for which diagnosis was suspected when the compound muscle action potential of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle (APB), obtained by maximal stimulation of the median nerve at the elbow, was lower than that obtained at the wrist. The diagnosis was confirmed by stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, which evoked a compound muscle action potential of the APB with a clear negative initial deflection without volume-conducted potential.


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The venom glands of worker ants of the species Ectatomma quadridens morphologically resemble an elongated sac or reservoir ending in a narrower portion that has the function of releasing the secretion to the exterior. Two external secretory filaments are individually inserted into the proximal portion of the gland and end inside the convoluted gland. The venom gland of workers of E. quadridens is, therefore, morphologically subdivided into four distinct portions: a) sac-shaped reservoir measuring approximately 1mm in length; b) excretory duct, proximal portion of the reservoir that joins the gland to the sting apparatus; c) convoluted gland, final portion of the external secretory filaments located inside the reservoir; and d) two secretory filaments measuring about 2 mm in length; their free extremities end blindly and are individually inserted into the reservoir wall at the proximal region of the venom gland. The histological data showed that the filaments and the convoluted gland are composed of cubic cells of secretory function. The reservoir consists of a simple cubical epithelium externally surrounded by muscle fibers. A thick cuticle internally coats the epithelium of the reservoir. The application of histochemical tests allowed us to establish that the final secretion of the venom gland of Ectatomma quadridens is of glycoproteic nature. This secretion undergoes several modifications at the secretory filaments, at the convoluted gland, and in the reservoir before reaching the excretory duct, the point at which the secretion is released in its final composition, namely the venom. Based on the differences among various Ponerinae species we propose a hypothesis suggesting a probable evolutionary process that the venom glands of members of this subfamily might have undergone.


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The disturbance vicariance hypothesis (DV) has been proposed to explain speciation in Amazonia, especially its edge regions, e. g. in eastern Guiana Shield harlequin frogs (Atelopus) which are suggested to have derived from a cool-adapted Andean ancestor. In concordance with DV predictions we studied that (i) these amphibians display a natural distribution gap in central Amazonia; (ii) east of this gap they constitute a monophyletic lineage which is nested within a pre-Andean/western clade; (iii) climate envelopes of Atelopus west and east of the distribution gap show some macroclimatic divergence due to a regional climate envelope shift; (iv) geographic distributions of climate envelopes of western and eastern Atelopus range into central Amazonia but with limited spatial overlap. We tested if presence and apparent absence data points of Atelopus were homogenously distributed with Ripley's K function. A molecular phylogeny (mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene) was reconstructed using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference to study if Guianan Atelopus constitute a clade nested within a larger genus phylogeny. We focused on climate envelope divergence and geographic distribution by computing climatic envelope models with MaxEnt based on macroscale bioclimatic parameters and testing them by using Schoener's index and modified Hellinger distance. We corroborated existing DV predictions and, for the first time, formulated new DV predictions aiming on species' climate envelope change. Our results suggest that cool-adapted Andean Atelopus ancestors had dispersed into the Amazon basin and further onto the eastern Guiana Shield where, under warm conditions, they were forced to change climate envelopes. © 2010 The Author(s).


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Intense inflammatory response and an anti-angiogenic state have been implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Here, we investigated this hypothesis evaluating the serum concentrations of CXCL10/IP-10, sFlt-1, and PlGF in women with early-onset preeclampsia. CXCL10/IP-10 was measured by Cytometric Bead Array. sFlt-1 and PlGF were measured by automated electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. The median serum concentration of CXCL10/IP-10 was 109.5 pg/mL in preeclamptic women, as compared with 52.28 pg/mL in the controls (P = 0.0028). The mean serum level of sFlt-1 was 13,636 pg/mL in preeclamptic women, as compared with 2020 pg/mL in the controls (P < 0.0001). PlGF levels were significantly lower in women with preeclampsia. © 2011 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim of the study was to evaluate the biaxial flexural strength of ceramics processed using the Cerec inLab system. The hypothesis was that the flexural strength would be influenced by the type of ceramic. Ten samples (ISO 6872) of each ceramic (N.=50/n.=10) were made using Cerec inLab (software Cerec 3D) (Ø:15 mm, thickness: 1.2 mm). Three silica-based ceramics (Vita Mark II [VM], ProCad [PC] and e-max CAD ECAD]) and two yttria-stabilized tetragonal-zirconia-polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) (e-max ZirCad [ZrCAD] and Vita In-Ceram 2000 YZ Cubes [VYZ]) were tested. The samples were finished with wet silicone carbide papers up to 1200-grit and polished in a polishing machine with diamond paste (3 μm). The samples were then submitted to biaxial flexural strength testing in a universal testing machine (EMIC), 1 mm/min. The data (MPa) were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (5%) tests. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was performed on a representative sample from each group. The values (median, mean±sd) obtained for the experimental groups were: VM (101.7, 102.1±13.65 MPa), PC (165.2, 160±34.7 MPa), ECAD (437.2, 416.1±50.1 MPa), ZrCAD (804.2, 800.8±64.47 MPa) and VYZ (792.7, 807±100.7 MPa). The type of ceramic influenced the flexural strength values (P=0.0001). The ceramics ECADa, e-max ZrCADa and VYZa presented similar flexural strength values which were significantly higher than the other groups (PCb and VM IIb), which were similar statistically between them (Dunn's test). The hypothesis was accepted. The polycrystalline ceramics (Y-TZP) should be material chosen for make FPDs because of their higher flexural strength values.


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The first measurement of the charged component of the underlying event using the novel jet-area/median approach is presented for proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 0.9 and 7 TeV. The data were recorded in 2010 with the CMS experiment at the LHC. A new observable, sensitive to soft particle production, is introduced and investigated inclusively and as a function of the event scale defined by the transverse momentum of the leading jet. Various phenomenological models are compared to data, with and without corrections for detector effects. None of the examined models describe the data satisfactorily. © 2012 SISSA.