720 resultados para Meaning in music
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caráter exploratório e tem como foco averiguar de que maneira o professor é significado na sociedade atual, analisando a importância da sua imagem através da representatividade social formulada e refletida no espaço escolar. Para tal evidência, partimos da afirmativa de que o bom professor, (professor ideal), tem relevância para a relação interpessoal no ambiente escolar, bem como, na vida escolar e intelectual do discente, culminando posteriormente em sua vida social e profissional. Com base nestes aspectos, decidiu-se fazer um estudo acerca deste temário. A coleta de dados realizou-se em uma escola pública estadual do Ensino Médio de Pernambuco/Brasil. A população alvo deste estudo refere-se a 112 alunos que totalizaram 03 salas de aulas de Ensino Médio dos períodos diurno e noturno da respectiva escola pública. O procedimento de coleta de dados foi composto por duas etapas: A primeira etapa da pesquisa consistiu na natureza exploratória com o objetivo de oferecer uma explicação geral sobre o temário através de delimitação do estudo e levantamento bibliográfico. A segunda etapa da pesquisa se constituiu pela aplicação de questionários, cujos resultados foram exportados para o software SPSS, haja vista de se tratar de dados quantitativos. Os aspectos investigados sobre o professor real e ideal se alicerçaram em torno das análises relacionadas às características pessoais e de personalidade, de relacionamento e das características profissionais que os professores possuem. Os dados levantados evidenciaram que na percepção dos alunos participantes da investigação, estes aspectos estão interligados, não sendo possível concebê-los de forma separada, pois juntos, contribuem para que o professor ―ideal seja responsável por encaminhamentos significativos que abarquem descobertas decisivas, momentos iluminadores, instigantes, hilários e ampliantes.
Este estudo apresenta uma perspectiva da ‘janela’, como o dispositivo mais frequente de iluminação, na sua evolução e significado na arquitectura. A sua capacidade de caracterizar tendências e estilos arquitectónicos, permanece desde as primeiras referências históricas até aos elementos desenvolvidos e associados à iluminação natural dos dias de hoje. O interesse por este tema surgiu, principalmente, por ser o elemento arquitectónico que desde sempre permitiu a entrada de luz natural nas construções. Foi sempre um dos pontos de ligação e relação do interior com o exterior. Em determinadas situações tornou-se num elemento tão discreto, que nos passou despercebido, além de ter sido ocasionalmente desvalorizado. A janela ou dispositivo de iluminação natural, quando utilizado correctamente pode trazer muitos benefícios à arquitectura, assim como proporcionar conforto térmico sem necessidade de gastos energéticos excessivos.
The assumption that negligible work is involved in the formation of new surfaces in the machining of ductile metals, is re-examined in the light of both current Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations of cutting and modern ductile fracture mechanics. The work associated with separation criteria in FEM models is shown to be in the kJ/m2 range rather than the few J/m2 of the surface energy (surface tension) employed by Shaw in his pioneering study of 1954 following which consideration of surface work has been omitted from analyses of metal cutting. The much greater values of surface specific work are not surprising in terms of ductile fracture mechanics where kJ/m2 values of fracture toughness are typical of the ductile metals involved in machining studies. This paper shows that when even the simple Ernst–Merchant analysis is generalised to include significant surface work, many of the experimental observations for which traditional ‘plasticity and friction only’ analyses seem to have no quantitative explanation, are now given meaning. In particular, the primary shear plane angle φ becomes material-dependent. The experimental increase of φ up to a saturated level, as the uncut chip thickness is increased, is predicted. The positive intercepts found in plots of cutting force vs. depth of cut, and in plots of force resolved along the primary shear plane vs. area of shear plane, are shown to be measures of the specific surface work. It is demonstrated that neglect of these intercepts in cutting analyses is the reason why anomalously high values of shear yield stress are derived at those very small uncut chip thicknesses at which the so-called size effect becomes evident. The material toughness/strength ratio, combined with the depth of cut to form a non-dimensional parameter, is shown to control ductile cutting mechanics. The toughness/strength ratio of a given material will change with rate, temperature, and thermomechanical treatment and the influence of such changes, together with changes in depth of cut, on the character of machining is discussed. Strength or hardness alone is insufficient to describe machining. The failure of the Ernst–Merchant theory seems less to do with problems of uniqueness and the validity of minimum work, and more to do with the problem not being properly posed. The new analysis compares favourably and consistently with the wide body of experimental results available in the literature. Why considerable progress in the understanding of metal cutting has been achieved without reference to significant surface work is also discussed.
Considering the role of student voice in music education in connection with the role of music in identity formation. A report on a small-scale study.
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act came into force at the end of 2000 with,as part of its content, new provisions relating to public access to the English and Welsh countryside. In this paper we review the main elements of the Act and assess its meaning in relation to citizenship, territoriality and the place of land in English law and society. We invoke Mauss’s (1954)concept of Gift to explain the process of brokerage being made over access and rights in the countryside. In conclusion we reflect on the Act as being indicative of a wider move towards Bromley’s (1998)post-feudal scenario for land and its governance.
The chapter starts from the premise that an historically- and institutionally-formed orientation to music education at primary level in European countries privileges a nineteenth century Western European music aesthetic, with its focus on formal characteristics such as melody and rhythm. While there is a move towards a multi-faceted understanding of musical ability, a discrete intelligence and willingness to accept musical styles or 'open-earedness', there remains a paucity of documented evidence of this in research at primary school level. To date there has been no study undertaken which has the potential to provide policy makers and practitioners with insights into the degree of homogeneity or universality in conceptions of musical ability within this educational sector. Against this background, a study was set up to explore the following research questions: 1. What conceptions of musical ability do primary teachers hold a) of themselves and; b) of their pupils? 2. To what extent are these conceptions informed by Western classical practices? A mixed methods approach was used which included survey questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Questionnaires have been sent to all classroom teachers in a random sample of primary schools in the South East of England. This was followed up with a series of semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of respondents. The main ideas are concerned with the attitudes, beliefs and working theories held by teachers in contemporary primary school settings. By mapping the extent to which a knowledge base for teaching can be resistant to change in schools, we can problematise primary schools as sites for diversity and migration of cultural ideas. Alongside this, we can use the findings from the study undertaken in an English context as a starting point for further investigation into conceptions of music, musical ability and assessment held by practitioners in a variety of primary school contexts elsewhere in Europe; our emphasis here will be on the development of shared understanding in terms of policies and practices in music education. Within this broader framework, our study can have a significant impact internationally, with potential to inform future policy making, curriculum planning and practice.
This article examines how conventional studio production strategies were active in the construction of political meaning in the 1974 television play 'Absolute Beginners' written by Trevor Griffiths. Produced for the BBC anthology series Fall of Eagles, the play dramatises Lenin's involvement with the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDWP) and explores the contradictions between personal ethics and political necessity. Through close textual analysis and contextual discussion of other plays in the series, this piece demonstrates how shot patterns and spatial and performative devices in 'Absolute Beginners' supported the drama's socialist-humanist themes. Drawing on existing writing about the studio mode, it argues that the qualities of intimacy and presentational distance that it engendered were highly appropriate for the personal and the political dialectic in 'Absolute Beginners'. While using authorship as a convenient category for referring to the coherence of Griffiths' thematic concerns and dramatic structure during this period, the article complicates notions of the television dramatist as author by arguing for the importance of visual style and showing how 'ordinary' studio form was operational in the play's political meanings.
J.L. Austin is regarded as having an especially acute ear for fine distinctions of meaning overlooked by other philosophers. Austin employs an informal experimental approach to gathering evidence in support of these fine distinctions in meaning, an approach that has become a standard technique for investigating meaning in both philosophy and linguistics. In this paper, we subject Austin's methods to formal experimental investigation. His methods produce mixed results: We find support for his most famous distinction, drawn on the basis of his `donkey stories', that `mistake' and `accident' apply to different cases, but not for some of his other attempts to distinguish the meaning of philosophically significant terms (such as `intentionally' and `deliberately'). We critically examine the methodology of informal experiments employed in ordinary language philosophy and much of contemporary philosophy of language and linguistics, and discuss the role that experimenter bias can play in influencing judgments about informal and formal linguistic experiments.
Information can be interpreted as in-formation, which refers to the potential of the form for a mediation of meaning. In this paper we focus on reasoning information and consider the question how form involved in reasoning can be used for an analysis of accounting narratives in corporate disclosures. An evaluation of experimental results is included.
Complete information dispositional metasemantics says that our expressions get their meaning in virtue of what our dispositions to apply those terms would be given complete information. The view has recently been advanced and argued to have a number of attractive features. I argue that that it threatens to make the meanings of our words indeterminate and doesn't do what it was that made a dispositional view attractive in the first place.
How folk musicians of today learn to play their instruments is an over-all question in this article. One violin lesson and one guitar lesson have been observed at Framnäs folk high school. Three research questions were formulated. What do the two lessons have in common? What are the differences? How could the folk music education of today be related to the Swedish fiddler movement in the 1920s and other folk music traditions? Theoretically, the interpretation of the results was based on the mimesis theory of Ricoeur. Two teachers and three students participated in the study. The results showed that the lessons were structured in a similar way and dominated by master apprenticeship teaching. The violin teacher showed a more respectful attitude towards the tradition compared to the guitar teacher. Great parts of the manifest ideology of the fiddler movement seems to have become concealed into a latent or frozen ideology in the formal folk music education of today. There seems to be no big differences between learning the music by way of visiting an older fiddler hundred years ago compared to the study of music today at a formal institution.
Boundaries of belonging: transnational adoption and the significance of origin in Swedish official rhetoric This article explores how the category of ‘transnational adoptees’ in Sweden is constructed in two Official Government Reports (SOU). The article is inspired by poststructuralist perspectives on welfare and social categorization, and draws from a postcolonial and feminist theoretical framework. ‘Transnational adoptees’ as a category is understood as constituted through discourse, and given meaning in different contexts. In the reports, a fundamental importance is attached to the fact that individuals with a background as transnationally adopted have been separated from their birth family and country of birth. It is argued that mental problems and a split identity are consequences to be expected from the separation. (Re)connection to the origin is therefore considered to be crucial for the well-being of the group. The article concludes that this line of reasoning is based on a specific logic of blood and roots, in which ‘transnational adoptees’ are understood as belonging to their countries of birth, rather than Sweden. The logic of blood and roots can be read as a form of racialized othering, but also as a discursive exclusion of ‘transnational adoptees’ from Sweden as an imagined, national community.
Bakgrund Bröstcancer är den vanligaste typen av cancer hos kvinnor över hela världen. De som drabbas av bröstcancer har olika förutsättningar att hantera sin situation. Många av kvinnorna upplever en emotionell kris i samband med diagnosen och med hjälp av stöd från sjukvården kan patienten finna mening i sin situation. Syfte Syftet är att sammanställa aktuell forskning om bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors effekter av stöd under diagnosperioden. Metod En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer aktuell forskning inom det valda omvårdnadsområdet. Resultat I resultatet framkom att kvinnorna behöver ett stöd i form av kommunikation, information samt ett emotionellt stöd från vårdpersonal. Stödet ska utformas efter patientens unika situation och när sjukvården är tillgänglig för patienterna minskas deras stress. Patienterna upplevde stöd under diagnosperioden då sjuksköterskan erhöll god förmåga att bemöta och kommunicera på ett adekvat sätt. Slutsats Studien visar att det krävs en god relation mellan bröstcancer drabbade kvinnor och vårdaren för att kvinnorna ska känna stöd.