983 resultados para Maxima and minima.
Metamorphic rocks of the Khavyven Highland in eastern Kamchatka were determined to comprise two complexes of metavolcanic rocks that have different ages and are associated with subordinate amounts of metasediments. The complex composing the lower part of the visible vertical section of the highland is dominated by leucocratic amphibole-mica (+/-garnet) and epidote-mica (+/-garnet) crystalline schists, whose protoliths were andesites and dacites and their high-K varieties of island-arc calc-alkaline series. The other complex composing the upper part of the vertical section consists of spilitized basaltoids transformed into epidote-amphibole and phengite-epidote-amphibole green schists, which form (together with quartzites, serpentinized peridotites, serpentinites, and gabbroids) a sea-margin ophiolitic association. High LILE concentrations, high K/La, Ba/Th, Th/Ta, and La/Nb ratios, deep Ta-Nb minima, and low (La/Yb)_N and high 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the crystalline schists of the lower unit are demonstrated to testify to their subduction nature and suggest that their protolithic volcanics were produced in the suprasubduction environment of the Ozernoi-Valaginskii (Achaivayam-Valaginskii) island volcanic arc of Campanian-Paleogene age. The green schists of the upper unit show features of depleted MOR tholeiitic melts and subduction melts, which cause the deep Ta-Nb minima, and low K/La and 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggesting that the green schists formed in a marginal basin in front of the Ozernoi-Valaginskaya island arc. Recently obtained K-Ar ages in the Khavyven Highland vary from 32.4 to 39.3 Ma and indicate that metamorphism of the protolithic rocks occurred in Eocene under effect of collision and accretion processes of the arc complexes of the Ozernoi-Valaginskii and Kronotskii island arcs with the Asian continent and the closure of forearc oceanic basins in front of them. The modern position of the collision suture that marks the fossil subduction zone of the Ozernoi-Valaginskii arc and is spatially restricted to the buried Khavyven uplift in the Central Kamchatka Depression characterized by well-pronounced linear gravity anomalies.
The Antarctic Polar Front is an important biogeochemical divider in the Southern Ocean. Laminated diatom mat deposits record episodes of massive flux of the diatom Thalassiothrix antarctica beneath the Antarctic Polar Front and provide a marker for tracking the migration of the Front through time. Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1091, 1093 and 1094 are the only deep piston cored record hitherto sampled from the sediments of the circumpolar biogenic opal belt. Mapping of diatom mat deposits between these sites indicates a glacial-interglacial front migration of up to 6 degrees of latitude in the early/mid Pleistocene. The mid-Pleistocene transition marks a stepwise minimum 7° northward migration of the locus of the Polar Front sustained for about 450 kyr until an abrupt southward return to a locus similar to its modern position and further south than any mid-Pleistocene locus. This interval from a "900 ka event" that saw major cooling of the oceans and a d13C minimum through to the 424 ka Mid-Brunhes Event at Termination V is also seemingly characterised by 1) sustained decreased carbonate in the sub-tropical south Atlantic, 2) reduced strength of Antarctic deep meridional circulation, 3) lower interglacial temperatures and lower interglacial atmospheric CO2 levels (by some 30 per mil) than those of the last 400 kyr, evidencing less complete deglaciation. This evidence is consistent with a prolonged period lasting 450 kyr of only partial ventilation of the deep ocean during interglacials and suggests that the mechanisms highlighted by recent hypotheses linking mid-latitude atmospheric conditions to the extent of deep ocean ventilation and carbon sequestration over glacial-interglacial cycles are likely in operation during the longer time scale characteristic of the mid-Pleistocene transition. The cooling that initiated the "900 ka event" may have been driven by minima in insolation amplitude related to eccentricity modulation of precession that also affected low latitude climates as marked by threshold changes in the African monsoon system. The major thresholds in earth system behaviour through the mid-Pleistocene transition were likely governed by an interplay of the 100 kyr and 400 kyr eccentricity modulation of precession.
A high-resolution stratigraphy is essential toward deciphering climate variability in detail and understanding causality arguments of events in earth history. Because the highly dynamic middle to late Eocene provides a suitable testing ground for carbon cycle models for a waning warm world, an accurate time scale is needed to decode climate-driving mechanisms. Here we present new results from ODP Site 1260 (Leg 207) which covers a unique expanded middle Eocene section (magnetochrons C18r to C20r, late Lutetian to early Bartonian) of the tropical western Atlantic including the chron C19r transient hyperthermal event and the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum (MECO). To establish a detailed cyclostratigraphy we acquired a distinctive iron intensity records by XRF scanning Site 1260 cores. We revise the shipboard composite section, establish a cyclostratigraphy and use the exceptional eccentricity modulated precession cycles for orbital tuning. The new astrochronology revises the age of magnetic polarity chrons C19n to C20n, validates the position of very long eccentricity minima at 40.2 and 43.0 Ma in the orbital solutions, and extends the Astronomically Tuned Geological Time Scale back to 44 Ma. For the first time the new data provide clear evidence for an orbital pacing of the chron C19r event and a likely involvement of the very long eccentricity cycle contributing to the evolution of the MECO.
Quantitative radiolarian assemblage analysis has been conducted on middle and upper Eocene sediments (Zones RP16 to RP18) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052 in order to establish the radiolarian magnetobiochronology and determine the nature of the faunal turnover across the middle/late Eocene boundary in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We recognize and calibrate forty-five radiolarian bioevents to the magneto- and cyclo-stratigraphy from Site 1052 to enhance the biochronologic resolution for the middle and late Eocene. Our data is compared to sites in the equatorial Pacific (Leg 199) to access the diachrony of biostratigraphic events. Eleven bioevents are good biostratigraphic markers for tropical/subtropical locations (south of 30°N). The primary markers (lowest occurrences of Cryptocarpium azyx and Calocyclas bandyca) which are tropical zonal boundary markers for Zones RP17 and RP18 provide robust biohorizons for correlation and age determination from the low to middle latitudes and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some other radiolarian bioevents are highly diachronous (<1 million years) between oceanic basins. A significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is recognized within Chron C17n.3n (37.7 Ma) where 13 radiolarian species disappear rapidly in less than 100 kyr and 4 new species originate. The radiolarian faunal turnover coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminifera. We name the turnover phase, the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover (MLET). Assemblage analysis reveals the MLET to be associated with a decrease in low-mid latitude taxa and increase in cosmopolitan taxa and radiolarian accumulation rates. The MLET might be related to increased biological productivity rather than to surface-water cooling.
Studies of interstitial waters obtained from DSDP Leg 64 drill sites in the Gulf of California have revealed information both on early diagenetic processes in the sediments resulting from the breakdown of organic matter and on hydrothermal interactions between sediments and hot doleritic sill intrusions into the sediments. In all the sites drilled sulfate reduction occurred as a result of rapid sediment accumulation rates and of relatively high organic carbon contents; in most sites methane production occurred after sulfate depletion. Associated with this methane production are high values of alkalinity and high concentrations of dissolved ammonia, which causes ion exchange processes with the solid phases leading to intermediate maxima in Mg++, K+, Rb+, and Sr++(?). Though this phenomenon is common in Leg 64 drill sites, these concentration reversals had been noticed previously only in Site 262 (Timor Trough) and Site 440 (Japan Trench). Penetrating, hot dolerite sills have led to substantial hydrothermal alteration in sediments at sites drilled in the Guaymas Basin. Site 477 is an active hydrothermal system in which the pore-water chemistry typically shows depletions in sulfate and magnesium and large increases in lithium, potassium, rubidium, calcium, strontium, and chloride. Strontium isotope data also indicate large contributions of volcanic matter and basalt to the pore-water strontium concentrations. At Sites 478 and 481 dolerite sill intrusions have cooled to ambient temperatures but interstitial water concentrations of Li+, Rb+, Sr++ , and Cl- show the gradual decay of a hydrothermal signal that must have been similar to the interstitial water chemistry at Site 477 at the time of sill intrusion. Studies of oxygen isotopes of the interstitial waters at Site 481 indicate positive values of d18O (SMOW) as a result of high-temperature alteration reactions occurring in the sills and the surrounding sediments. A minimum in dissolved chloride at about 100-125 meters sub-bottom at Sites 478, 481, and particularly Site 479 records a possible paleosalinity signal, associated with an event that substantially lowered salinities in the inner parts of the Gulf of California during Quaternary time.
Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation. Oxygen- and carbon-isotope analyses have been performed on the Quaternary planktonic foraminifers of Sites 548 and 549 (DSDP Leg 80) to investigate major water mass changes that occurred in the northeastern Atlantic at different glacial-interglacial cycles and to compare them with the well-defined picture of 18,000 yr. ago. Oxygen-isotope stratigraphy also provides a chronological framework for the more important data on the fauna and flora. Although bioturbation and sedimentary gaps obliterate the climatic and stratigraphic record, general trends in the oceanographic history can be deduced from the isotopic data. Isotopic stratigraphy has tentatively been delineated down to isotopic Stage 16 at Site 548 and in Hole 549A. This stratigraphy fits well with that deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O changes and with bioclimatic zonations based on foraminiferal associations at Site 549. Variations in the geographic extension and in the flux of the Gulf Stream subtropical waters are inferred from both d18O and d13C changes. Maximal fluxes occurred during the late Pliocene. Northward extension of subtropical waters increased through the various interglacial phases of the early Pleistocene and decreased through the late Pleistocene interglacial phases. Conversely, glacial maxima were more intense after Stage 16. Isotopic Stages 12 and 16 mark times of important change in water mass circulation.
Anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) was characterized in sediment cores from the Blake Ridge collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Three independent lines of evidence support the occurrence and scale of AMO at Sites 994 and 995. First, concentration depth profiles of methane from Hole 995B exhibit a region of upward concavity suggestive of methane consumption. Diagenetic modeling of the concentration profile indicates a 1.85-m-thick zone of AMO centered at 21.22 mbsf, with a peak rate of 12.4 nM/d. Second, subsurface maxima in tracer-based sulfate reduction rates from Holes 994B and 995B were observed at depths that coincide with the model-predicted AMO zone. The subsurface zone of sulfate reduction was 2 m thick and had a depth integrated rate that compared favorably to that of AMO (1.3 vs. 1.1 nmol/cm**2/d, respectively). These features suggest close coupling of AMO and sulfate reduction in the Blake Ridge sediments. Third, measured d13CH4 values are lightest at the point of peak model-predicted methane oxidation and become increasingly 13C-enriched with decreasing sediment depth, consistent with kinetic isotope fractionation during bacterially mediated methane oxidation. The isotopic data predict a somewhat (60 cm) shallower maximum depth of methane oxidation than do the model and sulfate reduction data.
We reconstruct paleoproductivity at three sites in the Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 982, 925, and 1088) to investigate the presence and extent of the late Miocene to early Pliocene 'biogenic bloom' from 9 to 3 Ma. Our approach involves construction of multiple records including benthic foraminiferal and CaCO3 accumulation rates, Uvigerina counts, dissolution proxies, and geochemical tracers for biogenic and detrital fluxes. This time interval also contains the so-called late Miocene carbon isotope shift, a well-known decrease in benthic foraminiferal d13C values. We find that the timing of paleoproductivity maxima differs among the three sites. At Site 982 (North Atlantic), benthic foraminifera and CaCO3 accumulation were both at a maximum at ~5 Ma, with smaller peaks at ~6 Ma. The paleoproductivity maximum was centered earlier (~6.6-6.0 Ma) in the tropical Atlantic (Site 925). In the South Atlantic (Site 1088), paleoproductivity increased even earlier, between 8.2 Ma and 6.2 Ma, and remained relatively high until ~5.4 Ma. We note that there is some overlap between the interval of maximum productivity between Sites 925 and 1088, as well as the minor productivity increase at Site 982. We conclude that the paleoproductivity results support hypotheses aiming to place the biogenic bloom into a global context of enhanced productivity. In addition, we find that at all three sites the d13C shift is accompanied by carbonate dissolution. This observation is consistent with published studies that have sought a relationship between the late Miocene carbon isotope shift and carbonate preservation.
Water isotope records from the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) and the NorthGRIP ice cores have revealed a one to one coupling between Antarctic Isotope Maxima (AIM) and Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events back to 50 kyr. In order to explore if this north-south coupling is persistent over Marine Isotopic Stage 5 (MIS 5), a common timescale must first be constructed. Here, we present new records of d18O of O2 (d18Oatm) and methane (CH4) measured in the air trapped in ice from the EDML (68-147 kyr) and NorthGRIP (70-123 kyr) ice cores. We demonstrate that, through the period of interest, CH4 records alone are not sufficient to construct a common gas timescale between the two cores. Millennial-scale variations of d18Oatm are evidenced over MIS 5 both on the Antarctic and Greenland ice cores and are coupled to CH4 profiles to synchronise the NorthGRIP and EDML records. They are shown to be a precious tool for ice core synchronisation. With this new dating strategy, we produce the first continuous and accurate sequence of the north-south climatic dynamics on a common ice timescale for the last glacial inception and the first DO events of MIS 5, reducing relative dating uncertainties to an accuracy of a few centuries at the onset of DO events 24 to 20. This EDML-NorthGRIP synchronisation provides new firm evidence that the bipolar seesaw is a pervasive pattern from the beginning of the glacial period. The relationship between Antarctic warming amplitudes and their concurrent Greenland stadial duration highlights the particularity of DO event 21 and its Antarctic counterpart. Our results suggest a smaller Southern Ocean warming rate for this long DO event compared to DO events of MIS 3.
This study analyzes coccolithophore abundance fluctuations (e.g., Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa specimens, and Florisphaera profunda) in core MD01-2444 sediment strata retrieved at the Iberian Margin, northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Coccolithophores are calcareous nannofossils, a major component of the oceanic phytoplankton, which provide information about past ecological and climatological variability. Results are supported by data on fossil organic compounds (sea surface temperatures, alkenones, and n-hexacosan-1-ol index) and geochemical analyses (benthic d13Ccc and planktonic d18Occ isotopes). Three scenarios are taken into account for this location at centennial-scale resolution over the last 70,000 years: the Holocene and the stadial and interstadial modes. The different alternatives are described by means of elements such as nutrients; upwelling phenomena; temperatures at surface and subsurface level; or the arrival of surface turbid, fresh, and cold waters due to icebergs, low sea level, increased aridity, and dust. During the Holocene, moderate primary productivity was observed (mainly concentrated in E. huxleyi specimens); surface temperatures were at maxima while the water column was highly ventilated by northern-sourced polar deep waters and warmer subsurface, nutrient-poor subtropical waters. Over most of the last glacial stadials, surface productivity weakened (higher F. profunda and reworked specimen percentages and lower diunsaturated and triunsaturated C37 alkenones); the arrival of cold Arctic surface waters traced by tetraunsaturated C37 peaks and large E. huxleyi, together with powerful ventilated southern-sourced polar deep waters, disturbed, in all likelihood, the delicate vertical equilibrium while preventing significant upwelling mixing. Finally, during the last glacial interstadials (lower F. profunda percentages, nonreworked material, and higher diunsaturated and triunsaturated C37 alkenones) a combined signal is observed: warm surface temperatures were concurrent with generally low oxygenation of the deep-sea floor, moderate arrival of northern-sourced deep waters, and subsurface cold, nutrient-rich, recently upwelled waters, probably of polar origin; these particular conditions may have promoted vertical mixing while enhancing surface primary productivity (mainly of Gephyrocapsa specimens).
Vertical distribution of meso- and macroplankton was studied in the region of the most sharply pronounced climatic frontal zone between the Gulf Stream and the Labrador current. Hauls with a plankton net BR 113/140 and visual counts of macroplankton from the Mir submersible were used. In the frontal zone a contact occurs between arctic-boreal communities and communities of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. The community of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre is more mature in terms of succession; many macroplanktonic carnivores-scavengers (mainly shrimps Acanthephyra) develop there and form a ''living network'' feeding on those transported from the north rich arctic-boreal mesoplankton. As a result biomass of shrimps appears to be significantly higher than biomass of their preys. Peculiarities of vertical distribution and population structure of shrimps were analyzed. Data on quantitative vertical distribution of total biomass of meso- and macroplankton and its principal groups, including gelatinous animals (ctenophores, medusas, and siphonophores) were obtained. Variations of the role of different plankton groups with depth were considered; these data enable a conclusion that frontal variations of the community structure embrace the depth range from the surface down to 2000 m.
On the basis of analysis of satellite and field data collected in Russian Arctic Seas maps of distribution of primary production for different months of the vegetation period were compiled. These maps were used to estimate annual primary production of organic carbon: 55 million tons in the Barents Sea; about 20 million tons in the Kara Sea; 10-15 million tons in the Laptev Sea and in the East Siberian Sea, 42 million tons in the Chukchi Sea. In the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea during the vegetation period values of primary production decreased by factor >5 (from >500 to <100 mg C/m**2/day). By reviewing results of studies with sediment traps vertical fluxes of organic carbon in different regions of the Arctic Basin were estimated. Significant temporal variability of Corg fluxes with maxima during phytoplankton blooms (by 830 mg C/m**2/day) was noted. Typical summer fluxes of Corg are 10-40 mg C/m**2/day in the southern Barents Sea, 1-10 mg C/m**2/day in the northern Barents Sea and in the Kara Sea, and up to 370 mg C/m**2/day in the zone of marginal filters of the Ob and Yenisey rivers.
We investigate the evolution of Cenozoic climate and ice volume as evidenced by the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (delta18Osw) derived from benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to constrain the temperature effect contained in foraminiferal delta18O values. We have constructed two benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from intermediate water depth sites (Ocean Drilling Program sites 757 and 689 from the subtropical Indian Ocean and the Weddell Sea, respectively). Together with the previously published composite record of Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1126/science.287.5451.269) and the Neogene record from the Southern Ocean of Billups and Schrag (2002, doi:10.1029/2000PA000567), we obtain three, almost complete representations of the delta18Osw for the past 52 Myr. We discuss the sensitivity of early Cenozoic Mg/Ca-derived paleotemperatures (and hence the delta18Osw) to assumptions about seawater Mg/Ca ratios. We find that during the middle Eocene (~ 49-40 Ma), modern seawater ratios yield Mg/Ca-derived temperatures that are in good agreement with the oxygen isotope paleothermometer assuming ice-free conditions. Intermediate waters cooled during the middle Eocene reaching minimum temperatures by 40 Ma. The corresponding delta18Osw reconstructions support ice growth on Antarctica beginning by at least 40 Ma. At the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, Mg/Ca ratios (and hence temperatures) from Weddell Sea site 689 display a well-defined maximum. We caution against a paleoclimatic significance of this result and put forth that the partitioning coefficient of Mg in benthic foraminifera may be sensitive to factors other than temperature. Throughout the remainder of the Cenozoic, the temporal variability among delta18Osw records is similar and similar to longer-term trends in the benthic foraminiferal delta18O record. An exception occurs during the Pliocene when delta18Osw minima in two of the three records suggest reductions in global ice volume that are not apparent in foraminiferal delta18O records, which provides a new perspective to the ongoing debate about the stability of the Antarctic ice sheet. Maximum delta18Osw values recorded during the Pleistocene at Southern Ocean site 747 agree well with values derived from the geochemistry of pore waters (Schrag et al., 1996, doi:10.1126/science.272.5270.1930) further highlighting the value of the new Mg/Ca calibrations of Martin et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00472-7) and Lear et al. (2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00941-9) applied in this study. We conclude that the application of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios allows a refined view of Cenozoic ice volume history despite uncertainties related to the geochemical cycling of Mg and Ca on long time scales.