616 resultados para Mamografia de rastreio


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que provoca morte neuronal e consequente perda progressiva das funções cognitivas, reduzindo as capacidades de trabalho, interferindo na relação social e no comportamento do paciente. Entre as doenças causadoras de demência, a DA é a mais incidente que as de cunho vascular, numa proporção de 4:1, respectivamente. Além das terapias farmacológicas, os métodos diagnósticos auxiliam na identificação precoce da doença auxiliando o tratamento prévio, assim diminuído a progressão da doença. Atualmente estudos citogenéticos vêm demonstrando alterações cromossômicas em portadoras da DA e podem auxiliar no diagnósticos da doença. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar o potencial da análise cariotípica de linfócitos do sangue periférico como bioindicador diagnostico da doença de Alzheimer. Para a realização deste trabalho, utilizamos dois grupos de mulheres com 65 anos ou mais, sendo um grupo com (10) portadoras de DA e outro grupo (10) normais. Cada indivíduo foi submetida ao questionário socioeconômico, teste de rastreio cognitivo (MEEM) e à coleta de sangue venoso para cultura de linfócitos e análise cromossômica. Nossos resultados demonstram que o grupo de mulheres portadoras da DA apresentaram elevada taxa de monossomia e trissomia em relação às mulheres normais. Através de estudo de anamnese via questionário, verificamos o estilo de vida de ambos os grupos. Quando comparado a relação das alterações cromossômicas com o nível cognitivo do grupo DA, nós evidenciamos uma tendência inversamente proporcional entre o número de monossomia/trissomia e o desempenho cognitivo. Outro aspecto de nossas análises foi o papel de cada cromossomo ligado à DA. Os cromossomos 1, 14 e 21 não apresentaram trissomia e na verificação da frequência de monossomia, cada cromossomo possui frequência abaixo de 3 % de aneuploidia, ou seja, os cromossomos estudados não possuem uma grande representatividade nas alterações cromossômicas encontradas no estudo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJETIVOS: Verificar o medo de cair em idosas caidoras e não caidoras ativas fisicamente e comparar mobilidade e força de preensão palmar; verificar se existe relação entre mobilidade, força muscular e medo de quedas. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 40 idosas ativas, idade ≥ 60 anos, divididas em caidoras (n = 20) e não caidoras (n = 20). Utilizou-se Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) para rastreio cognitivo; Falls Efficacy Scale-International-Brasil (FES-I-BRASIL) para avaliar o medo de cair; a força muscular foi mensurada pela medida da força de preensão palmar por meio de dinamômetro hidráulico; Timed Up and Go (TUG) para avaliar mobilidade funcional. RESULTADOS: Não foi encontrada diferença significante entre os grupos no que diz respeito à mobilidade e força muscular. A maioria das participantes (92,5%) demonstrou preocupação com quedas. Das idosas que levaram mais que 12 segundos para desempenhar o TUG, 53,84% eram do grupo caidor. Não foi encontrada correlação entre mobilidade e força muscular. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi observada diferença significativa entre força muscular, mobilidade e medo de quedas entre os grupos. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre mobilidade, força muscular e medo de quedas. O estudo permitiu observar que o medo de cair está presente na maioria da população idosa, com ou sem história de quedas.


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The AEDROMO (Experimental and Didactic Environment with Mobile Robots) is a versatile, user friendly and scalable environment that supports a wide range of experiments. In it there is an area that is similar to a desk where objects can interact with each other, including robots and other objects, and thus can perform numerous activities. In it's current state, AEDROMO has client computers that interact with the system through an interface, and thus realize the communication between the user and AEDROMO. This project offer support to create a new form of interface for AEDROMO and can therefore be used for devices running Android, the app developed in this project will serve as a basis for future work on this new interface


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Currently , as a result of the significant increase in the number of elderly, one can observe an increase in the number of chronic diseases , among them Alzheimer's disease (AD) , which affects both patients and their caregivers , that due care with the patient , just overwhelmed , anxious and depressed. Therefore, this study aims to draw a profile of caregivers of Alzheimer's patients, correlating the physical activity of patients with levels of overload, anxiety, depression caregivers. For both sample consisted of 40 patients with AD to characterize the physical activity levels and perform activities of daily living. In addition, we evaluated 40 caregivers. Patient assessment was made through a medical history, beyond the score Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), Mini - Mental State Examination (MMSE), Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (MBQ) , Functional Activities Questionnaire PFEFFER (QAFP) , and the Self Perception Performance in Activities of Daily Living (EAPAVD). For assessing the caregiver was also used an interview, then the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), anxiety and depression scale (HAD) Scale and the Zarit caregiver burden (Zarit). The data were processed using descriptive procedures for the analysis of characterization of samples, such as cognitive screening and physical activity level and profile of caregivers. There was a normal distribution of the data using the Shapiro Wilk, For data with normal distribution were used parametric descriptive procedures using One Way ANOVA to compare groups and applying a post hoc Bonferroni. As for the data that showed the destruction not normal was used to standardize the test by Z -score , and then treated by means of parametric statistical procedures , as presented earlier . The Pearson correlation was used to identify possible associations between variables. It was assumed significance level of 5 % (p ≤ 0.05) for all analyzes. Given these results, we conclude that...


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Nowadays the mammography is the most effective way of revealing early breast cancer. The image in this kind of exam is gotten trough a x-ray sheaf of low energy, however, the suitable visualization of the interesting structures by the radiologist is not always possible due several factors that appears since the mamma composition until the equipments limitation. The regulation 453/98 sets quality control tests and limits of acceptation that guarantee a good development of the mammographys. The purpose of this study is the 3D principle ( Diagnostic, Dose and Dollar), that means, an improved diagnosis, a dose reduction in the patient and a cost decrease for the Institution. In this study was made the quality control tests set by the Regulation in two mammography equipments from Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (HCFMB - UNESP). The results reached in this research were used in the renovation process of quality stamp in mammography granted by Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia (CBR) to the diagnosis by image from the HCFMB – UNESP


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The use of the Global Positioning System technology has brought a real revolution in the surveying and georeferencing techniques, which are the basis for many others relevant studies to the many fields of Geography. In this sense, it was seen a massive growth of the use of GNSS receivers in Brazil from the early 2000s, due the duty of Georreferencing Rural Properties to comply with the 10.267/2001 law. For Georreferencing, it is needed high accuracy receivers, and most of time, it is used two receivers: one static base and one rover. To do the adjustment of the base (in order to correct errors), two ways are utilized: post-processing via the brazilian GNSS network - Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo dos Sistemas GNSS (RBMC) or via Precise Point Positioning - Posicionamento por Ponto Preciso, both managed by IBGE. Given the wide range of applications as well as discussions on the accuracy of both methods, this monograph aims to conduct a comparative analysis and prove the effectiveness of both methods considering the INCRA’s Standard for Rural Properties Georreferencing. From the processing of GNSS data collected in Piracicaba, Ituverava, Iperó and São Pedro, it could be seen that the research reached the objectives and shows that both methods are accurate and feasible


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In this work was developed a program capable of performing automatic counting of vehicles on roads. The problem of counting vehicles is using expensive techniques for its realization, techniques which often involve manual counting or degradation of the pavement. The main motivation for this work was the importance that the vehicle counting represents to the Traffic Engineer, being essential to analyze the performance of the roads, allowing to measure the need for installation of traffic lights, roundabouts, access ways, among other means capable of ensuring a continuous flow and safe for vehicles. The main objective of this work was to apply a statistical segmentation technique recently developed, based on a nonparametric linear regression model, to solve the segmentation problem of the program counter. The development program was based on the creation of three major modules, one for the segmentation, another for the tracking and another for the recognition. For the development of the segmentation module, it was applied a statistical technique combined with the segmentation by background difference, in order to optimize the process. The tracking module was developed based on the use of Kalman filters and application of simple concepts of analytical geometry. To develop the recognition module, it was used Fourier descriptors and a neural network multilayer perceptron, trained by backpropagation. Besides the development of the modules, it was also developed a control logic capable of performing the interconnection among the modules, mainly based on a data structure called state. The analysis of the results was applied to the program counter and its component modules, and the individual analysis served as a means to establish the par ameter values of techniques used. The find result was positive, since the statistical segmentation technique proved to be very useful and the developed program was able to count the vehicles belonging to the three goal..


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Companies that invest in current technologies maintain themselves updated, improve their business rules and anticipate themselves against rivals providing a better service to their customers. This project aims to develop an ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning module for Android which complements an existing manager system and, that attends the needs of a rental equipment business for civil building, i.e., it improves the communication channel company-client and betters the identification and control of products. During the developing of this project, it was necessary to study the company business rules, analyze the requirements and the appropriate technologies. This project was organized in two parts, contemplating e ach of these needs. It were implemented specific modules for generate budgets and pre-orders in the first part and, the use of radiofrequency tags in the second one. Thus, it was possible to assign mobility to company business rules so that a better rental service can be provided and the equipments can be better managed