397 resultados para Malformations congénitales


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Objetivo Determinar la prevalencia de las malformaciones congénitas y las características de las madres y de los recién nacidos malformados en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo (se determinó la prevalencia por año), se revisaron las historias clínicas de las madres con recién nacidos entre el periodo del 2010 al 2014. Para recolectar la información se empleó un formulario pre elaborado, los datos se agruparon según la clasificación del CIE-10 y se tabularan usando Microsoft Excel. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS versión 15. Se describieron las variables del estudio de acuerdo a las medidas estadísticas apropiadas. Resultados La prevalencia de las malformaciones congénitas fue de 1.70 por cada 100 recién nacidos. Las mujeres entre 20 a 24 años, presentaron el mayor porcentaje de recién nacidos malformados con un 34.95%. Los recién nacidos malformados fueron mayoritariamente del sexo masculino con 53.83%. El grupo de malformación más frecuente fueron las malformaciones y deformidades congénitas del sistema osteomuscular con 18.88%, de las cuales la gastrosquisis fue la más frecuente, representada por el 4.85%. El síndrome polimalformativo fue el tipo de malformación congénita con el mayor porcentaje con un 10.71%. Conclusiones El presente estudio revela que la prevalencia encontrada de recién nacidos con malformaciones congénitas, fue similar a investigaciones previas a nivel regional y local. Se incluyeron únicamente las malformaciones que constituyen alteraciones morfológicas evidentes, encontrándose una mayor frecuencia del síndrome polimalformativo


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Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a novel Orthobunyavirus causing mild clinical signs in cows and malformations in aborted and neonatal ruminants in Europe. SBV belongs to the family Bunyaviridae and is transmitted by biting midges. This new virus was identified for the first time in blood samples of cows in the city of Schmallenberg in North-Rhine Westphalia in November 2011. Since then, the virus spread to several European countries. Here, we describe the pathogenesis and the risk of viral spread in the Portuguese territory.


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Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a novel Orthobunyavirus causing mild clinical signs in cows and malformations in aborted and neonatal ruminants in Europe. SBV belongs to the family Bunyaviridae and is transmitted by biting midges. This new virus was identified for the first time in the blood samples of cows in the city of Schmallenberg in NorthRhine-Westphalia in November 2011. Since then the virus spread to several European countries. Here we describe the origin and emergence, as well as the transmission and the differential diagnosis of this virus, now known to be a serious threat to Veterinary Public Health.


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Background: The most frequent viral diseases which can cause abortion in sheep are Blue tongue, Border disease virus, Cache Valley fever and Schmallenberg virus. The diagnosis of abortion, namely virus-induced represents a challenge to field clinicians, since clinical signs presented by the dam are discrete, non-specific and variable (Agerhom et al., 2015). On the other hand, while some foetuses reveal characteristic and visible malformations, others do not reveal any lesions. In face of it, definitive diagnosis requires an appropriate history collection, as well as sending fresh samples, namely abortion material, foetus, placenta and umbilical cord, to a specialty laboratory, to obtain a precise diagnosis. Objectives: The authors suggest a registration method of all mandatory data, in order to further assist the diagnosis of viral diseases at the laboratories, including the most frequent congenital malformations reported in sheep abortions. Methods: Abortion samples of suspected viral origin were collected and all data were registered, in worktables optimized for this purpose. Results: The authors document, using macroscopic figures lesions of malformations in abortions, emphasizing the frequency and the importance of documenting each case, proposing practical and effective worktables to assist the fieldwork. Conclusions: Field clinician’s awareness of the importance of early detection of viral diseases causing abortion outbreaks stimulates a proper data collection for each case of abortion, in order to contribute to a precise diagnosis and posterior consistent epidemiological studies, which may allow diminishing of economic losses.


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Les hommes sont de plus en plus exposés à une pression sociale les incitant à présenter une silhouette mésomorphique, ce qui semble contribuer à les rendre plus insatisfaits de leur musculature. Cette insatisfaction peut mener au développement d’une dysmorphie musculaire (DM). Malgré que la DM soit classifiée comme un spécificateur du trouble de dysmorphie corporelle dans le DSM-V, plusieurs auteurs persistent à croire qu’il s’apparenterait davantage aux troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA). La présente étude vise à approfondir les processus sous-jacents menant à la DM en appliquant le modèle socioculturel de Stice (1994), conçu pour les TCA, à la DM. Le modèle testé, adapté pour rendre compte des spécificités de la DM, propose que les influences socioculturelles mènent au désir d’être plus musclé, qui, lui, mène aux symptômes de la DM directement et indirectement par deux voies, la voie des affects négatifs et la voie comportementale. Trois cent quatre-vingt-six hommes ont été recrutés parmi les étudiants et employés de l’Université Laval et ont rempli des questionnaires en ligne. Le modèle a été testé à l’aide d’analyses acheminatoires. Bien que le modèle initial fasse preuve d’un bon ajustement, la voie des affects négatifs n’est un médiateur valide de la relation entre le désir d’être musclé et la DM que lorsque le lien entre le désir d’être plus musclé et les affects négatifs est modéré par le narcissisme vulnérable. Les résultats indiquent que l’internalisation du corps idéal influence le désir d’être plus musclé. Ce désir d’être plus musclé pousserait les hommes à développer des symptômes de la DM via deux processus, soit l’adoption de comportements visant à augmenter la musculature, et la présence d’affects négatifs, mais seulement chez des hommes présentant une vulnérabilité narcissique. Ceci fait ressortir la pertinence d’un modèle conçu pour les TCA afin d’expliquer les symptômes de la DM.


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Polarized trafficking of adhesion receptors plays a pivotal role in controlling cellular behavior during morphogenesis. Particularly, clathrin-dependent endocytosis of integrins has long been acknowledged as essential for cell migration. However, little is known about the contribution of integrin trafficking to epithelial tissue morphogenesis. Here we show how the transmembrane protein Opo, previously described for its essential role during optic cup folding, plays a fundamental role in this process. Through interaction with the PTB domain of the clathrin adaptors Numb and Numbl via an integrin-like NPxF motif, Opo antagonizes Numb/Numbl function and acts as a negative regulator of integrin endocytosis in vivo. Accordingly, numb/numbl gain-of-function experiments in teleost embryos mimic the retinal malformations observed in opo mutants. We propose that developmental regulator Opo enables polarized integrin localization by modulating Numb/Numbl, thus directing the basal constriction that shapes the vertebrate retina epithelium.


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Ojoplano (opo) is a vertebrate-specific gene that was first identified in medaka fish as a recessive mutant, showing both neural crest defects and a failure of optic cup folding. In humans, this gene is associated with genetic diseases including hereditary craniofacial malformations and schizophrenia. It is localized in a 2Mb gene desert flanked by insulator sequences, between the genes SLC35B and TFAp2a. This region, syntenic between all vertebrates, represents only 2% of chromosome 6. However, it includes 23% of the all conserved cis-regulatory elements in this chromosome. Using transgenesis assays in zebrafish, we screened the enhancer activity of this locus and obtain a collection of nine enhancers. These regulatory elements were all conserved from human to teleosts and showed epigenetic marks for enhancer activity. We could associate multiple enhancers with ororfacial celfting disease and in order to explore the functionality of the enhancers, we performed a bioinformatics analysis to search for transcription factor bindings in the enhancer sequences. In terms of gene regulation we observe that H6:10137 opo enhancer has two Vsx2 binding sites and that this transcription factor regulates the expression of opo during eye development. Our findings suggest that the regulation of Vsx2 over opo is essential for optic cup folding. So far, there is no clear connection between optic cup patterning and morphogenesis. Vsx2 provides this link by controlling the expression of opo.