995 resultados para Maistre, Joseph Marie, comte de 1754-1821.


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Music by Peter von Winter; libretto by Karl Reger, based on J. N. Komareck's tragedy of the same name.


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--III. Théocrite. Virgile et Constantin le Grand, par m. J.-P. Rossignol. Francois Ier poëte. Le chevalier de Méré, ou De l'hommête homme au XVIIe siècle. Mademoiselle Aïssé. Benjamin Constant et madame de Charrière. Madame de Krüdner et ce qu'en aurait dit Saint-Évremond. M. de Rémusat. Charles Labitte. Réception de m. le comte Alfred de Vigny à lA̓cadémie française. M. Étienne. Réception de m. Vitet à lA̓cadeémie française. Lettres de Rancé. Mémoires de madame Staal-Delaunay. La̓bbé Prevost et les Bénédictins. M. Victor Cousin: Cours de lh̓istoire de la philosophie moderne. Sur lÉ̓cole françoise dA̓thènes. M. Rodolphe Topffer. Mort de m. Vinet. Études sur Pascal, par m. Vinet. Relation inédite de la dernière maladie de Louis XV. Pensées.


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Law.--La Chine.--L'Empire russe depuis le Congrès de Vienne.--Tallemant des Réaux.--La société française pendant la révolution.--L'Empire chinois.--Le Sahara algérien et le Grand désert.--Les Kœnigsmark.--L'ancien régime et la révolution.--Le christianisme en Chine, en Tartarie et au Thibet.--L'insurrection normande en 1793.--Les Philippiques de La Grange-Chancel.--Louis XVI et sa cour.--Gabrielle d'Estrées et Henry IV.--Mathilde de Toscane.--Joseph de Maistre.--Royalistes et républicains.--Les civilisations.--La diplomatie au XVIIe siècle.--Deux diplomates [Le comte Raczynski et Donoso Cortès]--Saint-Simon.--Le marquis de Grignan.--Philippe II.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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1. sér. Joseph de Maistre. de Bonald. Madame de Staël. Benjamin Constant. Royer-Collard. Guiget. 5 éd., 1899 -- 2. sér. Saint-Simon, Fourier. Lamennais. Ballanche. Edgar Quinet. Fictor Cousin. Auguste Comte. 1898 -- 3. sér. Stendhal. Tocqueville. Proudhon. Sainte-Beuve. H. Taine. E. Renan. 1900.


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On verso of t.-p.: Extracted from the Henry memorial volume published by order of Congress.


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Vol. 4, reprinted from the Times and Nineteenth century, has imprint: New York, The Macmillan company, 1908.


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This is a review of "Capitalism, socialism, and democracy", by Joseph A. Schumpeter, New York, Harper Perennial, 1942 (first Harper Colophon edition published 1975). "The public mind has by now so thoroughly grown out of humor with it as to make condemnation of capitalism and all its works a foregone conclusion – almost a requirement of the etiquette of discussion. Whatever his political preference, every writer or speaker hastens to conform to this code and to emphasize his critical attitude, his freedom from ‘complacency’, his belief in the inadequacies of capitalist achievement, his aversion to capitalist and his sympathy with anti-capitalist interests. Any other attitude is voted not only foolish but anti-social and is looked upon as an indication of immoral servitude." We might easily mistake this for a voice weary of contemplating the implications for neo-liberal nostrums of our current global financial crisis were it not for the rather formal, slightly arch, style and the gender exclusive language. It was in fact penned in the depths of World War II by Harvard economist Joseph Schumpeter, who fell off the map only to re-emerge from the 1970s as oil shocks and stagflation in the west presaged the decline of the Keynesian settlement, as east Asian newly industrialising economies were modelling on his insistence that entrepreneurialism, access to credit and trade were the pillars of economic growth, and as innovation became more of a watchword for post-industrial economies in general. The second coming was perhaps affirmed when his work was dubbed by Forbes in 1983 – on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of both men – as of greater explanatory import than Keynes’. (And what of our present resurgent Keynesian moment?)...


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This paper examines performances that defy established representations of disease, deformity and bodily difference. Historically, the ‘deformed’ body has been cast – onstage and in sideshows – as flawed, an object of pity, or an example of the human capacity to overcome. Such representations define the boundaries of the ‘normal’ body by displaying its Other. They bracket the ‘abnormal’ body off as an example of deviance from the ‘norm’, thus, paradoxically, decreasing the social and symbolic visibility (and agency) of disabled people. Yet, in contemporary theory and culture, these representations are reappropriated – by disabled artists, certainly, but also as what Carrie Sandahl has called a ‘master trope’ for representing a range of bodily differences. In this paper, I investigate this phenomenon. I analyse French Canadian choreographer Marie Chouinard’s bODY rEMIX/gOLDBERG vARIATIONS, in which 10 able-bodied dancers are reborn as bizarre biotechnical mutants via the use of crutches, walkers, ballet shoes and barres as prosthetic pseudo-organs. These bodies defy boundaries, defy expectations, develop new modes of expression, and celebrate bodily difference. The self-inflicted pain dancers experience during training is cast as a ‘disablement’ that is ultimately ‘enabling’. I ask what effect encountering able bodies celebrating ‘dis’ or ‘diff’ ability has on audiences. Do we see the emergence of a once-repressed Other, no longer silenced, censored or negated? Or does using ‘disability’ to express the dancers’ difference and self-determination usurp a ‘trope’ by which disabled people themselves might speak back to the dominant culture, creating further censorship?


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The gene for renin, previously mapped to human chromosome 1, was further localized to 1q12 → qter using human-mouse somatic cell hybrid DNAs. The renin DNA probe used (λ HR5) could detect a HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism. When used in studies of 12 informative families, no linkage could be found between the renin and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Furthermore, an association of any renin allele with hypertension was not apparent.