998 resultados para MP3 (Audio coding standard)


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The analysis of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. Depending on the signal set used at the end nodes, the minimum distance of the effective constellation seen at the relay becomes zero for a finite number of channel fade states referred as the singular fade states. The singular fade states fall into the following two classes: (i) the ones which are caused due to channel outage and whose harmful effect cannot be mitigated by adaptive network coding called the non-removable singular fade states and (ii) the ones which occur due to the choice of the signal set and whose harmful effects can be removed called the removable singular fade states. In this paper, we derive an upper bound on the average end-to-end Symbol Error Rate (SER), with and without adaptive network coding at the relay, for a Rician fading scenario. It is shown that without adaptive network coding, at high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the contribution to the end-to-end SER comes from the following error events which fall as SNR-1: the error events associated with the removable and nonremovable singular fade states and the error event during the BC phase. In contrast, for the adaptive network coding scheme, the error events associated with the removable singular fade states fall as SNR-2, thereby providing a coding gain over the case when adaptive network coding is not used. Also, it is shown that for a Rician fading channel, the error during the MA phase dominates over the error during the BC phase. Hence, adaptive network coding, which improves the performance during the MA phase provides more gain in a Rician fading scenario than in a Rayleigh fading scenario. Furthermore, it is shown that for large Rician factors, among those removable singular fade states which have the same magnitude, those which have the least absolute value of the phase - ngle alone contribute dominantly to the end-to-end SER and it is sufficient to remove the effect of only such singular fade states.


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with each link having an integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant is a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where Fq denotes the field over which the network operates. We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant into a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (non-transform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. Furthermore, assuming time invariant local encoding kernels, we show that the transform method can be employed to achieve half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination mincut (which are assumed to be equal to 1) for some classes of three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays using alignment strategies when the zero-interference condition is not satisfied.


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In this paper, a new method is proposed to obtain full-diversity, rate-2 (rate of two complex symbols per channel use) space-time block codes (STBCs) that are full-rate for multiple input double output (MIDO) systems. Using this method, rate-2 STBCs for 4 x 2, 6 x 2, 8 x 2, and 12 x 2 systems are constructed and these STBCs are fast ML-decodable, have large coding gains, and STBC-schemes consisting of these STBCs have a non-vanishing determinant (NVD) so that they are DMT-optimal for their respective MIDO systems. It is also shown that the Srinath-Rajan code for the 4 x 2 system, which has the lowest ML-decoding complexity among known rate-2 STBCs for the 4x2 MIDO system with a large coding gain for 4-/16-QAM, has the same algebraic structure as the STBC constructed in this paper for the 4 x 2 system. This also settles in positive a previous conjecture that the STBC-scheme that is based on the Srinath-Rajan code has the NVD property and hence is DMT-optimal for the 4 x 2 system.


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A balance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents is thought to be important for several aspects of information processing in cortical neurons in vivo, including gain control, bandwidth and receptive field structure. These factors will affect the firing rate of cortical neurons and their reliability, with consequences for their information coding and energy consumption. Yet how balanced synaptic currents contribute to the coding efficiency and energy efficiency of cortical neurons remains unclear. We used single compartment computational models with stochastic voltage-gated ion channels to determine whether synaptic regimes that produce balanced excitatory and inhibitory currents have specific advantages over other input regimes. Specifically, we compared models with only excitatory synaptic inputs to those with equal excitatory and inhibitory conductances, and stronger inhibitory than excitatory conductances (i.e. approximately balanced synaptic currents). Using these models, we show that balanced synaptic currents evoke fewer spikes per second than excitatory inputs alone or equal excitatory and inhibitory conductances. However, spikes evoked by balanced synaptic inputs are more informative (bits/spike), so that spike trains evoked by all three regimes have similar information rates (bits/s). Consequently, because spikes dominate the energy consumption of our computational models, approximately balanced synaptic currents are also more energy efficient than other synaptic regimes. Thus, by producing fewer, more informative spikes approximately balanced synaptic currents in cortical neurons can promote both coding efficiency and energy efficiency.


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We develop a communication theoretic framework for modeling 2-D magnetic recording channels. Using the model, we define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the channel considering several physical parameters, such as the channel bit density, code rate, bit aspect ratio, and noise parameters. We analyze the problem of optimizing the bit aspect ratio for maximizing SNR. The read channel architecture comprises a novel 2-D joint self-iterating equalizer and detection system with noise prediction capability. We evaluate the system performance based on our channel model through simulations. The coded performance with the 2-D equalizer detector indicates similar to 5.5 dB of SNR gain over uncoded data.


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The effect of structure height on the lightning striking distance is estimated using a lightning strike model that takes into account the effect of connecting leaders. According to the results, the lightning striking distance may differ significantly from the values assumed in the IEC standard for structure heights beyond 30m. However, for structure heights smaller than about 30m, the results show that the values assumed by IEC do not differ significantly from the predictions based on a lightning attachment model taking into account the effect of connecting leaders. However, since IEC assumes a smaller striking distance than the ones predicted by the adopted model one can conclude that the safety is not compromised in adhering to the IEC standard. Results obtained from the model are also compared with Collection Volume Method (CVM) and other commonly used lightning attachment models available in the literature. The results show that in the case of CVM the calculated attractive distances are much larger than the ones obtained using the physically based lightning attachment models. This indicates the possibility of compromising the lightning protection procedures when using CVM. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Information is encoded in neural circuits using both graded and action potentials, converting between them within single neurons and successive processing layers. This conversion is accompanied by information loss and a drop in energy efficiency. We investigate the biophysical causes of this loss of information and efficiency by comparing spiking neuron models, containing stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels, with generator potential and graded potential models lacking voltage-gated Na+ channels. We identify three causes of information loss in the generator potential that are the by-product of action potential generation: (1) the voltage-gated Na+ channels necessary for action potential generation increase intrinsic noise and (2) introduce non-linearities, and (3) the finite duration of the action potential creates a `footprint' in the generator potential that obscures incoming signals. These three processes reduce information rates by similar to 50% in generator potentials, to similar to 3 times that of spike trains. Both generator potentials and graded potentials consume almost an order of magnitude less energy per second than spike trains. Because of the lower information rates of generator potentials they are substantially less energy efficient than graded potentials. However, both are an order of magnitude more efficient than spike trains due to the higher energy costs and low information content of spikes, emphasizing that there is a two-fold cost of converting analogue to digital; information loss and cost inflation.


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Seismic site characterization is the basic requirement for seismic microzonation and site response studies of an area. Site characterization helps to gauge the average dynamic properties of soil deposits and thus helps to evaluate the surface level response. This paper presents a seismic site characterization of Agartala city, the capital of Tripura state, in the northeast of India. Seismically, Agartala city is situated in the Bengal Basin zone which is classified as a highly active seismic zone, assigned by Indian seismic code BIS-1893, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part-1 General Provisions and Buildings. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (2002), it is the highest seismic level (zone-V) in the country. The city is very close to the Sylhet fault (Bangladesh) where two major earthquakes (M (w) > 7) have occurred in the past and affected severely this city and the whole of northeast India. In order to perform site response evaluation, a series of geophysical tests at 27 locations were conducted using the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) technique, which is an advanced method for obtaining shear wave velocity (V (s)) profiles from in situ measurements. Similarly, standard penetration test (SPT-N) bore log data sets have been obtained from the Urban Development Department, Govt. of Tripura. In the collected data sets, out of 50 bore logs, 27 were selected which are close to the MASW test locations and used for further study. Both the data sets (V (s) profiles with depth and SPT-N bore log profiles) have been used to calculate the average shear wave velocity (V (s)30) and average SPT-N values for the upper 30 m depth of the subsurface soil profiles. These were used for site classification of the study area recommended by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) manual. The average V (s)30 and SPT-N classified the study area as seismic site class D and E categories, indicating that the city is susceptible to site effects and liquefaction. Further, the different data set combinations between V (s) and SPT-N (corrected and uncorrected) values have been used to develop site-specific correlation equations by statistical regression, as `V (s)' is a function of SPT-N value (corrected and uncorrected), considered with or without depth. However, after considering the data set pairs, a probabilistic approach has also been presented to develop a correlation using a quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot. A comparison has also been made with the well known published correlations (for all soils) available in the literature. The present correlations closely agree with the other equations, but, comparatively, the correlation of shear wave velocity with the variation of depth and uncorrected SPT-N values provides a more suitable predicting model. Also the Q-Q plot agrees with all the other equations. In the absence of in situ measurements, the present correlations could be used to measure V (s) profiles of the study area for site response studies.


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With the renewed interest in vector-like fermion extensions of the Standard Model, we present here a study of multiple vector-like theories and their phenomenological implications. Our focus is mostly on minimal flavor conserving theories that couple the vector-like fermions to the SM gauge fields and mix only weakly with SM fermions so as to avoid flavor problems. We present calculations for precision electroweak and vector-like state decays, which are needed to investigate compatibility with currently known data. We investigate the impact of vector-like fermions on Higgs boson production and decay, including loop contributions, in a wide variety of vector-like extensions and their parameter spaces.


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Discrete polymatroids are the multi-set analogue of matroids. In this paper, we explore the connections between linear index coding and representable discrete polymatroids. The index coding problem involves a sender which generates a set of messages X = {x(1), x(2), ... x(k)} and a set of receivers R which demand messages. A receiver R is an element of R is specified by the tuple (x, H) where x. X is the message demanded by R and H subset of X \textbackslash {x} is the side information possessed by R. It is first shown that a linear solution to an index coding problem exists if and only if there exists a representable discrete polymatroid satisfying certain conditions which are determined by the index coding problem considered. El Rouayheb et. al. showed that the problem of finding a multi-linear representation for a matroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that matroid. Multi-linear representation of a matroid can be viewed as a special case of representation of an appropriate discrete polymatroid. We generalize the result of El Rouayheb et. al. by showing that the problem of finding a representation for a discrete polymatroid can be reduced to finding a perfect linear index coding solution for an index coding problem obtained from that discrete polymatroid.


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Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, adaptive network coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD space time block code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBCs are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M-3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M-2 root M) for square QAM signal set. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes performs better than the existing ANC schemes under perfect and imperfect channel state information.


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Representing images and videos in the form of compact codes has emerged as an important research interest in the vision community, in the context of web scale image/video search. Recently proposed Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD), has been shown to outperform the existing retrieval techniques, while giving a desired compact representation. VLAD aggregates the local features of an image in the feature space. In this paper, we propose to represent the local features extracted from an image, as sparse codes over an over-complete dictionary, which is obtained by K-SVD based dictionary training algorithm. The proposed VLAD aggregates the residuals in the space of these sparse codes, to obtain a compact representation for the image. Experiments are performed over the `Holidays' database using SIFT features. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the original VLAD. The 4% increment in the mean average precision (mAP) indicates the better retrieval performance of the proposed sparse coding based VLAD.


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We seldom mistake a closer object as being larger, even though its retinal image is bigger. One underlying mechanism could be to calculate the size of the retinal image relative to that of another nearby object. Here we set out to investigate whether single neurons in the monkey inferotemporal cortex (IT) are sensitive to the relative size of parts in a display. Each neuron was tested on shapes containing two parts that could be conjoined or spatially separated. Each shape was presented in four versions created by combining the two parts at each of two possible sizes. In this design, neurons sensitive to the absolute size of parts would show the greatest response modulation when both parts are scaled up, whereas neurons encoding relative size would show similar responses. Our main findings are that 1) IT neurons responded similarly to all four versions of a shape, but tuning tended to be more consistent between versions with proportionately scaled parts; 2) in a subpopulation of cells, we observed interactions that resulted in similar responses to proportionately scaled parts; 3) these interactions developed together with sensitivity to absolute size for objects with conjoined parts but developed slightly later for objects with spatially separate parts. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that there is a subpopulation of neurons in IT that encodes the relative size of parts in a display, forming a potential neural substrate for size constancy.


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We consider the possibility that the heavier CP-even Higgs boson (H-0) in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) decays invisibly into neutralinos in the light of the recent discovery of the 126 GeV resonance at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). For this purpose we consider the minimal supersymmetric standard model with universal, nonuniversal and arbitrary boundary conditions on the supersymmetry breaking gaugino mass parameters at the grand unified scale. Typically, scenarios with universal and nonuniversal gaugino masses do not allow invisible decays of the lightest Higgs boson (h(0)), which is identified with the 126 GeV resonance, into the lightest neutralinos in the MSSM. With arbitrary gaugino masses at the grand unified scale, such an invisible decay is possible. The second lightest Higgs boson can decay into various invisible final states for a considerable region of the MSSM parameter space with arbitrary gaugino masses as well as with the gaugino masses restricted by universal and nonuniversal boundary conditions at the grand unified scale. The possibility of the second lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM decaying into invisible channels is more likely for arbitrary gaugino masses at the grand unified scale. The heavier Higgs boson decay into lighter particles leads to the intriguing possibility that the entire Higgs boson spectrum of the MSSM may be visible at the LHC even if it decays invisibly, during the searches for an extended Higgs boson sector at the LHC. In such a scenario the nonobservation of the extended Higgs sector of the MSSM may carefully be used to rule out regions of the MSSM parameter space at the LHC.