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De uma plantação bem conduzida de milho doce (Zea mays var. saahirata) cv. Contibrasil situada sobre um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto, série "Luiz de Queiroz" de alta fertilidade natural no município de Piracicaba, SP, foram coletadas plantas aos 45, 60, 75, 90 e 105 dias após a germinação. As plantas foram divididas em folhas novas, velhas, colmo, pendão e espigas. O material após sofrer os processos necessários foi seco, pesado e analisado para N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn por métodos convencionais de laboratório. Os autores concluíram que: aumento de peso de matéria seca total é contínua até o final do ciclo; a acumulação de macronutrientes pela planta inteira obedece a seguinte ordem decrescente: N, K, P,Ca=S e Mg; o maior acúmulo de macronutrientes no final do ciclo ocorre no colmo, com exceção do N que é acumulado em maior quantidade nas espigas; o acúmulo de micronutrientes pela planta inteira obedece a seguinte ordem decrescente: Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e B; o maior acúmulo de micronutrientes no final do ciclo ocorre no colmo; a exportação de nutrientes pela espiga representa 26,15% do total de nutrientes contidos na plantação.


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Um ensaio foi conduzido para se determinar o efeito da omissão de macronutrientes e de boro e zinco em solução nutritiva, na avaliação do crescimento e sintomatologia de carência destes elementos. As plântulas foram cultivadas até a obtenção dos sintomas. As plantas foram coletadas e divididas em folhas novas, folhas velhas, colmos, pendões, palhas e espigas. O material foi seco e analisado quimicamente. Os autores observaram uma redução na produção de matéria seca das diversas partes em função da omissão dos nutrientes do meio nutritivo. A redução obedeceu a seguinte ordem decrescente: -N, -P, -K e em menor escala -Ca, -Mg, -Zn, -B, e -S. Os níveis analíticos encontrados nas folhas novas em plantas bem nutridas e desnutridas foram: N% 1,29-0,72: P% 0,17-0,03; K% 1,33-0,15; Ca% 0,90-0,74; Mg% 0,36-0,03; S% 0,20-0,08; B ppm 39-21; Zn ppm 3-4. Os níveis analíticos encontrados nas folhas velhas em plantas bem nutridas e desnutridas foram: N% 0,54-0,48; P% 0,05-0,02; K% 1,12-0,08; Ca% 1,05-0,70; Mg% 0,54-0,03; S% 0,13-0,10; B ppm 58-25; Zn ppm 2-10. Foram descritos os sintomas de carência de todos os elementos pesquisados.


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Com o propósito de comparar os efeitos de doses crescentes de alumínio sobre a concentração e acúmulo de Ca, Mg e S sobre a planta conduziu-se o experimento usando-se separadamente a solução nutritiva de BOLLE JONES (1957) e soluções de alumínio nas concentrações de 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 ppm em que as plantas passaram 24 horas e outras 24 horas em solução sem alumínio. Noventa dias após as plantas foram coletadas e separadas em raiz, caule, folhas dos verticilos inferiores e folhas do último verticilo. Determinou-se as concentrações e os acúmulos de Ca, Mg, e S. Os autores concluíram que níveis superiores a 15ppm de alumínio na solução provocam distúrbios nutricionais destes elementos em Hevea.


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Com a finalidade de estudar a extração de macro e micronutrientes durante o desenvolvimento do alho-porró, em condições de campo, foi feita a coleta de materiais a cada 20 dias, num ciclo total de 170 dias, quando cada planta atingiu o peso de 12,87 g de matéria-seca. Para uma população de 166.667 plantas por ha, a quantidade de nutrientes extraídos foi: N-115,36 kg, P-7,88 kg, K-55,16 kg, Ca-13,14 kg, Mg-7,69 kg, S-7,10 kg, B-38,89g, Cu-17,77 g, Fe-1165,49 g, Mn-52,09 g e Zn-47,15 g.


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The interfaces between the intrapsychic, interactional, and intergenerational domains are a new frontier. As a pilot, we exposed ourselves to a complex but controllable situation as viewed by people whose main interest is in one of the three interfaces; we also fully integrated the subjects in the team, to learn about their subjective perspectives and to provide them with an enriching experience. We started with a brief "triadification" sequence (i.e., moving from a "two plus one" to a "three together" family organization). Considering this sequence as representing at a micro level many larger family transitions, we proceeded with a microanalytic interview, a psychodynamic investigation, and a family interview. As expected, larger patterns of correspondences are emerging. Central questions under debate are: What are the most appropriate units at each level of description and what are their articulations between these levels? What is the status of "triadification"? Les interfaces entre les domaines intrapsychiques, interactionnels et intergénérationnels représentent une nouvelle frontiére. A titre exploratoire, nous nous sommes exposés à une situation complexe mais contrǒlable ainsi que le voient ceux dont I'intérět principal se porte sur l'une de ces trois interfaces. Nous avons aussi entièrement intégré les sujets dans l'équipe, de facon à comprendre leur perspective subjective et à leur offrir une expérience enrichissante. Nous avons commencé avec une brève séquence de "triadification," c'est-à-dire passer d'une organisation familiale "deux plus un" à Ltne organisation familiale "trois (add sentenc)ensemble." Considérant cette séquence comme representative à un niveau microscopique de transitions familiales bien plus larges, nous avons procedé à l'entretien microanalytique, à une enquěte psychodynamique et à un entretien familial. Comme prévu, de grands patterns de correspondances émergent. Les questions essentielles sur lesquelles portent le débat sont: quelles les unités les plus appropiées à chaque niveau de description et quelles sont les articulations entre ces niveaux? Quel est le statut de la "triadification"?


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Occurrence of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) was evaluated in sepiolite as a widely employed binder and anti-caking agent for animal feed. Also, naturally contaminated kaolinitic clay was used for comparative purposes. Since sepiolite shows remarkable adsorption properties, particular interest was paid to the extraction steps as they become critical for the final determination of these pollutants in such matrixes. Furthermore, classical Soxhlet extraction using different extracting strategies as well as acid treatment were carried out with simultaneous liquid-liquid extraction. Results obtained depended on the extraction procedure applied. Acid treatment or Soxhlet extraction using a mixture of toluene:ethanol as solvent allowed to reach the minimum requirements of recovery rates. However, Soxhlet extraction using a mixture cyclohexane:toluene as extracting solvent did not allow to comply with minimum specifications for recovery. Significant differences were obtained in TEQ units when acid treatment was applied in comparison to Soxhlet extraction. This fact can be explained because the use of drastic acid conditions allows removing strongly adsorbed analytes which can be uniquely extracted after a total destruction of the crystalline structure of sepiolite. On the contrary, Soxhlet extraction was not able to destroy the structure of sepiolite and as a consequence the PCDDs/Fs were strongly adsorbed in the internal structure of the mineral. From biological point of view the availability of these toxicants constitutes a critical aspect playing an important role in the final decision choosing particular analytical procedures. Then, acid conditions in the digestive tract should be taken into account. In this scenario, a bioaccumulation study was conducted to evaluate the transference of PCDDs/PCDFs from the sepiolite into the animal tissues when fed with feed containing sepiolite. To this end, chickens were used as a model to examine the bioavailability of PCDDs/PCDFs. Four groups of chickens were exposed through their diet to a control feed, feed with 3% w/w sepiolite as additive, feed contaminated with PCDDs/PCDFs at concentration around 2.8 pg WHO-TEQ/g and feed with 2% of a contaminated kaolinitic clay (460 pg TEQ/g mineral). Livers of the four studied groups were analyzed throughout the exposure period. Results of this trial showed that the performance of broilers was not affected by the presence of dioxins at levels tested, and chickens did not show any abnormal behaviour. Dioxins intentionally added to the diet were absorbed and accumulated in the liver in a significant manner, whereas the PCDDs/Fs from sepiolite were not available for chickens since livers from broilers fed 3% sepiolite presented similar WHO-TEQ values than those from broilers fed control diet.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. L’objectiu principal ha estat fer una reproducció a escala d’un frontal del romànic berguedà emprant pigments minerals. Sobre la base d’una recerca bibliogràfica exhaustiva, s’ha realitzat primer una aproximació teòrica amb l’objectiu de poder estudiar els pigments minerals des de diversos punts de vista: el científic, explicant la física, química i geologia del color; i l’artístic, explicant l’evolució dels pigments al llarg de la història de l’art –especialment en el Romànic català -. Paral•lelament, els estudis experimentals es van estructurar en quatre apartats: localització i recol•lecció de minerals, obtenció del pigment, elaboració de la pintura i reproducció del frontal romànic de Sant Andreu de Sagàs. Per tal de comprendre millor el procediment d’elaboració del frontal se’n va confeccionar un altre que es va dividir en quatre parts, corresponents als diferents passos que s’havien de seguir. El treball realitzat mostra que les dues grans branques del saber, l’art i la ciència, es troben íntimament relacionades. A més ha demostrat que gran part dels pigments que s’utilitzaven per elaborar les pintures romàniques del Berguedà provenien de l’entorn més directe, però en cas necessari s’utilitzaven minerals importats de terres llunyanes, com el cinabri. Les pintures elaborades amb pigments minerals tenen un alt valor afegit, ja que requereixen tot un procés de preparació molt llarg i laboriós.


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Specialisation in medicine requires multidisciplinary approaches, and hence coordination in collaborations of the different partners involved. These integrated approaches, sometimes called "disease management", fit particularly well to chronic diseases. Our institution introduced an integrated approach for taking care of the acute somatic hospitalisation of patients suffering from anorexia nervosa. Interfaces with the different partners were defined, specifying tasks, rights, and duties of each person, care givers or patients. This initiative allows now to identify any deviation occurring in the process of care or hole in the care system, so that it can be corrected and recurrence prevented. This model will be extended to other complex and multidisciplinary care processes and other services in our institution.


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The new mineral francoisite-(Ce), (Ce,Nd,Ca)[(UO(2))(3)O(OH)(PO(4))(2)]center dot 6H(2)O is the Ce-analog of francoisite-(Nd). It has been discovered simultaneously at the La Creusaz uranium deposit near Les Marecottes in Valais, Switzerland, and at the Number 2 uranium Workings, Radium Ridge near Mt. Painter, Arkaroola area, Northern Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Francoisite-(Ce) is a uranyl-bearing supergene mineral that results from the alteration under oxidative conditions of REE- and U(4+)-bearing hypogene minerals: allanite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), +/- uraninite at Les Marecottes; monazite-(Ce), ishikawaite-samarskite, and an unknown primary U-mineral at Radium Ridge. The REE composition of francoisite-(Ce) results from a short aqueous transport of REE leached out of primary minerals [most likely monazite-(Ce) at Radium Ridge and allanite-(Ce) at La Creusaz], with fractionation among REE resulting mainly from aqueous transport, with only limited Ce loss due to oxidation to Ce(4+) during transport.