1000 resultados para Lorraine, Province de -- Justice


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BACKGROUND: South Africa (SA) is experiencing a rapid epidemiologic transition as a consequence of political, economic and social changes. In this study we described, based on hospital data, the mortality patterns of Non communicable Diseases (NCD), Communicable Diseases (CD), the NCD/CD ratios, and the trends of deaths. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of all deaths occurring in several public hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province of SA between 2002 and 2006. Causes of deaths were coded according to the ICD 10 Edition. RESULTS: A total of 107380 admissions responded to the inclusion criteria between 2002 and 2006. The crude death rate was 4.3% (n=4566) with a mean age of 46±21 years and a sex ratio of 3.1 men (n=3453): 1 woman (n=1113). Out of all deaths, there were 62.9% NCD (n=2872) vs. 37.1% CD (n=1694) with NCD/CD ratio of 1.7. The ratio NCD/CD deaths in men was 1.3 (n=1951/1502) vs. NCD/CD deaths in women of 1.9 (n=735/378). The peak of deaths was observed in winter season. The majority of NCD deaths were at age of 30-64 years, whereas the highest rate of CD deaths was at age< 30 years. The trend of deaths including the majority of NCD, increased from 2002 to 2006. There was a tendency of increase in tuberculosis deaths, but a tendency of decrease in HIV/AIDS deaths was from 2002 to 2006. CONCLUSION: Non-communicable diseases are the leading causes of deaths in rural Eastern Cape province of SA facing Post-epidemiologic transition stages. We recommend overarching priority actions for the response to the Non-communicable Diseases: policy change, prevention, treatment, international cooperation, research, monitoring, accountability, and re-orientation of health systems.


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In 1851 the French Social economist Auguste Ott discussed the problem of gluts and commercial crises, together with the issue of distributive justice between workers in co-operative societies. He did so by means of a 'simple reproduction scheme' sharing some features with modern intersectoral transactions tables, in particular in terms of their graphical representation. This paper presents Ott's theory of crises (which was based on the disappointment of expectations) and the context of his model, and discusses its peculiarities, supplying a new piece for the reconstruction of the prehistory of input-output analysis.


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A la veille de l'introduction de la réforme pénale et civile fédérale dans le canton de Vaud en 2011, la Revue historique vaudoise s'est intéressée à l'histoire de la justice et de la criminalité. Le présent numéro réunit des contributions d'historiens, historiens du droit et historiens de l'art, jeunes ou confirmés, qui livrent ici les résultats de leurs recherches en cours ou récentes, ainsi que des témoignages de magistrats sur l'exercice de la justice et sur les conséquences des changements à venir. Pour cette thématique qui est un champ dynamique de la recherche historiques en Suisse et en Europe depuis la fin des années 1970, deux axes principaux ont été privilégies pour interroger l'exercice de la justice et les interactions entre l'Etat et les justiciables. Le premier traite de la figure du criminel et de la représentation du crime par un examen des pratiques et des discours judiciaires. Le second se concentre sur les acteurs de la justice et sur leurs modes d'actions et leurs motivations. En privilégiant un traitement sur la longue durée, du Moyen Âge à nos jours, ainsi que des études de cas, ce dossier thématique propose des éclairages successifs sur la justice et la criminalité en terres vaudoises. Ils mettent en évidence des transitions, des ruptures et des innovations révélatrices des institutions, de leur fonctionnement et du rôle social de leurs agents


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Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety.


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The Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Advisory Council (CJJPAC) has requested that the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) monitor the correctional impact of enacted legislation of particular interest. Completion of this report fulfills the CJJPAC’s legislative obligations outlined in Iowa Code section §216A.133. The following information provides a summary of select data identified as having a correctional impact. The total report provides data used to monitor other legislation for which the CJJPAC has interest in monitoring.


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The following report will initially provide a brief review of the criminal and juvenile justice system’s long-range and five-year goals established by CJJP. The report will then provide an overview of current initiatives helping to achieve these goals. Some initiatives have associated information which can be found on the CJJP website and are identified within this report.