984 resultados para Lorenz, Hendrik
This research this based on the seminar on Use of Natural Fluids in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems conducted in 2007 in Sao Paulo. The event was inserted in the National Plan for Elimination of CFCs, coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The objective of this research is analyze the performance of the hydrocarbons application as zeotropic mixtures in domestic refrigerator and validate the application of technical standards for pull down and cycling (on-off) tests to the mixture R290/R600a (50:50) in domestic refrigerator. It was first developed an computational analysis of R290/R600a (50:50) compared to R134a and other mass fractions of the hydrocarbons mixtures in the standard ASHRAE refrigeration cycle in order to compare the operational characteristics and thermodynamic properties of fluids based on the software REFPROP 6.0. The characteristics of the Lorenz cycle is presented as an application directed to zeotropic mixtures. Standardized pull down and cycling (on-off) tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of the hydrocarbons mixture R290/R600a (50:50) as a drop-in alternative to R134a in domestic refrigerator of 219 L. The results showed that the use of R290/R600a (50:50) with a charge of refrigerant reduced at 53% compared to R134a presents reduced energy performance than R134a. The COP obtained with hydrocarbon mixture was about 13% lower compared to R134a. Pull down times in the refrigerator compartments for fluids analyzed were quite close, having been found a 4,7% reduction in pull down time for the R290/R600a compared to R134a, in the freezer compartment. The data indicated a higher consumption of electric current from the refrigerator when operating with the R290/R600a. The values were higher than about 3% compared to R134a. The charge of 40 g of R290/R600a proved very low for the equipment analyzed
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Child facial cues evoke attention, parental care behaviors and modulate for infant- caretaker interactions. Lorenz described the baby schema ( Kindchenschema ) as a set of infantile physical features such as the large head, round face, high and protruding forehead, big eyes, chubby cheeks, small nose and mouth. Previous work on this fundamental concept was restricted to positive perception to infant face, and did not show consistent results about the development individuals perceptions, regarding the physical attributes that worked as markers of cuteness. Here, we experimentally tested the effects of baby schema on the perception of cuteness of infant faces by children and adults. We used 60 none graphically manipulated photos of different stimulus children faces from 4 to 9 years old. In the first task for the adults experimental subjects, ten stimulus photos were shown, whereas for children experimental subjects, four stimulus photos were shown at a time, with a total of six rounds. The second task involved only adults, who indicated the motivation of affective behaviors and care directed to children through a Likert scale. Our results suggest that both participants judged similarly the cuteness of children's faces, and the physical features markers of this perception were observed only for younger stimulus children. Adults have attributed more motivations of positive behaviors to cuter stimulus children. The recognition of the baby schema by individuals of different ages and genders confers the universality and power of children's physical attributes. From the evolutionary perspective the responsiveness to baby schema is significant to ensure aloparental and parental investment, and the consequent children survival
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The sol-gel method combined with a spin-coating technique has been successfully applied for the preparation of rare-earth doped silica:germania films used for the fabrication of erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers (EDWA), presenting several advantages over other methods for the preparation of thin films. As with other methods, the sol-gel route also shows some drawbacks, such as cracks related to the thickness of silica films and high hydrolysis rate of certain precursors such as germanium alkoxides. This article describes the preparation and optical characterization of erbium and ytterbium co-doped SiO2:GeO2 crack-free thick films prepared by the sol-gel route combined with a spin-coating technique using a chemically stable non-aqueous germanium oxide solution as an alternative precursor. The non-crystalline films obtained are planar waveguides exhibiting a single mode at 1,550 nm with an average thickness of 3.9 mu m presenting low percentages of porosity evaluated by the Lorentz-Lorenz Effective Medium Approximation, and low stress, according to the refractive index values measured in both transversal electric and magnetic polarizations. Weakly confining core layers (0.3% < Delta n < 0.75%) were obtained according to the refractive index difference between the core and buffer layers, suggesting that low-loss coupling EDWA may be obtained. The life time of the erbium I-4(13/2) metastable state was measured as a function of erbium concentration in different systems and based on these values it is possible to infer that the hydroxyl group was reduced and the formation of rare-earth clusters was avoided.
We consider the Lorenz system ẋ = σ(y - x), ẏ = rx - y - xz and ż = -bz + xy; and the Rössler system ẋ = -(y + z), ẏ = x + ay and ż = b - cz + xz. Here, we study the Hopf bifurcation which takes place at q± = (±√br - b,±√br - b, r - 1), in the Lorenz case, and at s± = (c+√c2-4ab/2, -c+√c2-4ab/2a, c±√c2-4ab/2a) in the Rössler case. As usual this Hopf bifurcation is in the sense that an one-parameter family in ε of limit cycles bifurcates from the singular point when ε = 0. Moreover, we can determine the kind of stability of these limit cycles. In fact, for both systems we can prove that all the bifurcated limit cycles in a neighborhood of the singular point are either a local attractor, or a local repeller, or they have two invariant manifolds, one stable and the other unstable, which locally are formed by two 2-dimensional cylinders. These results are proved using averaging theory. The method of studying the Hopf bifurcation using the averaging theory is relatively general and can be applied to other 3- or n-dimensional differential systems.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding management of pacu juveniles (P. mesopotamicus) under different feeding rates and its relation with productive performance, body composition and hematological characteristics. A total of 300 fish with initial weight of 84.75±4.52 g were distributed in a completely randomized design composed of four treatments (100, 90, 80 and 70% of feed supply) and five repetitions. The amount of feed was stipulated according to the quantity supplied in the treatment until apparent satiation (100%) of the day before. The decrease in the feeding rate to 70% over satiation apparently improves the apparent feed conversion without harming performance, body composition or biochemical and hematological characteristics of pacu juveniles reared in net cages. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
Complementa la información contenida en los documentos publicados con los símbolos LC/DEM/CR/G.7 y G.9
Motivated by return maps near saddles for three-dimensional flows and also by return maps in the torus associated to Cherry flows, we study gap maps with derivative positive and smaller than one outside the discontinuity point. We prove that the lamination of infinitely renormalizable maps (or else maps with irrational rotation numbers) has analytic leaves in a natural subset of a Banach space of analytic maps of this kind. With maps having Hölder continuous derivative and derivative bounded away from zero, we also prove Hölder continuity of holonomies of the lamination and also of conjugacies between maps having the same combinatorics. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Increasing human demands on soil-derived ecosystem services requires reliable data on global soil resources for sustainable development. The soil organic carbon (SOC) pool is a key indicator of soil quality as it affects essential biological, chemical and physical soil functions such as nutrient cycling, pesticide and water retention, and soil structure maintenance. However, information on the SOC pool, and its temporal and spatial dynamics is unbalanced. Even in well-studied regions with a pronounced interest in environmental issues information on soil carbon (C) is inconsistent. Several activities for the compilation of global soil C data are under way. However, different approaches for soil sampling and chemical analyses make even regional comparisons highly uncertain. Often, the procedures used so far have not allowed the reliable estimation of the total SOC pool, partly because the available knowledge is focused on not clearly defined upper soil horizons and the contribution of subsoil to SOC stocks has been less considered. Even more difficult is quantifying SOC pool changes over time. SOC consists of variable amounts of labile and recalcitrant molecules of plant, and microbial and animal origin that are often operationally defined. A comprehensively active soil expert community needs to agree on protocols of soil surveying and lab procedures towards reliable SOC pool estimates. Already established long-term ecological research sites, where SOC changes are quantified and the underlying mechanisms are investigated, are potentially the backbones for regional, national, and international SOC monitoring programs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Algunos indicadores para el estudio del proceso de redistribucion espacial de la poblacion; borrador
Presentacion de la utilidad y metodologia de algunos indicadores para el estudio del proceso de redistribucion espacial de la poblacion. Los indicadores analizados son: 1) densidad de poblacion; 2) distribucion porcentual y por rangos; 3) indices de ocupacion territorial; 4) la curva de Lorenz y el coeficiente de concentracion de Gini; 5) medidas centrograficas; 6) medidas de interaccion espacial. Modelos potenciales y gravitacionales; 7) expresiones cartograficas de la distribucion espacial de la poblacion; 8) grado y ritmo de la urbanizacion; 9) distribucion de tamanos urbanos.
It was evaluated the influence of rootstocks 'IAC 766', 'IAC 572', 'IAC 313', 'IAC 571-6' and 'Ripária do Traviú' and the pruning periods in the duration of phenological stages and in the accumulation of degree-days on grape 'Niagara Rosada' .The experiment was conducted in Louveira, SP. The treatments consisted of five rootstocks and three times of pruning, the experimental design being used in a completely randomized split plot with five replications, and plots represented by rootstocks and the subplots were pruning. After pruning the grapevine, were realized evaluations for phenological stages, using the criterion of Eichhon e Lorenz (1984). ). In three seasons of pruning, based on phenological stages, it was calculated the length of the periods: pruning to budding, pruning to the beginning of the flowering, pruning to the beginning of fruiting, pruning to beginning of ripening of the bunches, pruning the beginning of the harvest. Taking as a basis the cycle length of the vine and the average daytime temperatures, it was calculated the accumulation of degree-days. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test at 5% significance level. It was obtained in the summer pruning the reduction in duration of the phenological stages of 'Niagara Rosada' grafted on the rootstock 'Ripária Traviú'. The longer duration of the cycle and accumulation of degree-day of 'Niagara Rosada' cultivar were obtained with the rootstocks 'IAC 572' and 'IAC 313' pruning in the winter.