924 resultados para Logistica layout
A indústria automóvel é um meio competitivo onde cada segundo subaproveitado pode significar a perda de um cliente para a concorrência. Por conseguinte, a eliminação do desperdício poderá representar a linha ténue entre uma organização em sobrevivência e uma organização de excelência. O elevado ritmo de produção, a azáfama e os paradigmas fazem com que se desenvolva uma apatia face ao desperdício que cresce diante dos olhos de todos os colaboradores. Porém, neste projeto, detetaram-se dois alvos de melhoria. O primeiro, relativo à ausência de registo e controlo de alguns parâmetros nas fichas de registo de parâmetros, que propiciava variabilidade nos valores destes a cada produção, bem como uma inadequabilidade de algumas das fichas às diferentes configurações e software das máquinas; e o segundo alvo, referente ao sistema documental de difícil gestão e acesso, desorganizado e obsoleto que dificultava e prolongava a tarefa de troca de ferramenta. Para o primeiro caso, instalaram-se meios de controlo de parâmetros e inseriram-se os campos em falta nas fichas de registo de parâmetros, assim como se personalizaram as mesmas consoante as máquinas para uma utilização mais intuitiva. No segundo, procedeu-se à organização do sistema através de uma ação 5S e de gestão visual, bem como a algumas alterações de layout com o objetivo de alcançar uma diminuição do tempo desperdiçado nessa tarefa, e consequentemente, no tempo de setup.
Carpooling initiated in America in the 1970s due to the oil crisis. However, over the past years, carpooling has increased significantly across the world. Some countries have created a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to encourage commuters not to travel alone. In additional, carpool websites has been developed to facilitate the connection between the commuters, making it possible to create a compatible match in a faster and efficient manner. This project focuses on carpooling, especially in an academic environment since younger people are more likely to choose carpool. Initially, an intense research was made to examine carpool studies that occurred all over the world, following with a research of higher education institutes that use carpooling as a transportation mode. Most websites created carpools by targeting people from a specific country. These commuters have different origins and destinations making it more complicated to create compatible matches. The objective of this project is to develop a system helping teachers and students from an academic environment to create carpool matches. This objective makes it easier to create carpools because these students and teachers have the same destination. During the research, it was essential to explore, as many as possible, existing carpool websites that are available across the world. After this analysis, several sketches were made to develop the layout and structure of the web application that’s being implemented throughout the project. Once the layout was established, the development of the web application was initiated. This project had its ups and downs but it accomplished all the necessary requirements. This project can be accessed on the link: http://ipcacarpool.somee.com. Once the website was up and running, a web-based survey was developed to study the reasons that motivate people to consider carpooling as an alternative to driving alone. To develop this survey was used a tool called Survey Planet. This survey contained 408 respondents, which 391 are students and 17 are teachers. This study concludes that a majority of the respondents don’t carpool, however they will consider carpooling if there was a dedicated parking space. A majority of the respondents that carpool initiated less than a year ago, indicating that this mean of transportation is recent.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
More than ever, the economic globalization is creating the need to increase business competitiveness. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy oriented to the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and are thus considered a waste. One of the main differences from other management philosophies is the shop-floor focus and the operators' involvement. Therefore, the training of all organization levels is crucial for the success of lean manufacturing. Universities should also participate actively in this process by developing students' lean management skills and promoting a better and faster integration of students into their future organizations. This paper proposes a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations, to learn by playing many of the lean tools such as VSM, 5S, SMED, poke-yoke, line balance, TPM, Mizusumashi, plant layout, and JIT/kanban. This simulation game was built in tight cooperation with experienced lean companies under the international program “Lean Learning Academy,”http://www.leanlearningacademy.eu/ and its main aim is to make bachelor and master courses in applied sciences more attractive by integrating classic lectures with a simulated production environment that could result in more motivated students and higher study yields. The simulation game results show that our approach is efficient in providing a realistic platform for the effective learning of lean principles, tools, and mindset, which can be easily included in course classes of less than two hours.
Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica – Gestão Industrial
i Gestão de Operações de um armazém Patrícia Raquel Freitas Gomes Relatório de estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção de Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado por: Prof. Doutora Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Coorientado por: Eng.º César Emanuel Marinho Carvalho Teixeira
Relatório de Estágio Curricular apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado pelo Doutor Júlio Faceira Guedes Coorientado pelo Engenheiro Ricardo Costa Moreira
This paper reports the design of a new remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), which has been developed at the Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory (USTL) - University of Porto. This design is contextualized on the KOS project (Kits for underwater operations). The main issues addressed here concern directional drag minimization, symmetry, optimized thruster positioning, stability and layout of ROV components. This design is aimed at optimizing ROV performance for a set of different operational scenarios. This is achieved through modular configurations which are optimized for each different scenario.