955 resultados para Local solutions of partial differential equations
A novel iterative procedure is described for solving nonlinear optimal control problems subject to differential algebraic equations. The procedure iterates on an integrated modified linear quadratic model based problem with parameter updating in such a manner that the correct solution of the original non-linear problem is achieved. The resulting algorithm has a particular advantage in that the solution is achieved without the need to solve the differential algebraic equations . Convergence aspects are discussed and a simulation example is described which illustrates the performance of the technique. 1. Introduction When modelling industrial processes often the resulting equations consist of coupled differential and algebraic equations (DAEs). In many situations these equations are nonlinear and cannot readily be directly reduced to ordinary differential equations.
Vekua operators map harmonic functions defined on domain in \mathbb R2R2 to solutions of elliptic partial differential equations on the same domain and vice versa. In this paper, following the original work of I. Vekua (Ilja Vekua (1907–1977), Soviet-Georgian mathematician), we define Vekua operators in the case of the Helmholtz equation in a completely explicit fashion, in any space dimension N ≥ 2. We prove (i) that they actually transform harmonic functions and Helmholtz solutions into each other; (ii) that they are inverse to each other; and (iii) that they are continuous in any Sobolev norm in star-shaped Lipschitz domains. Finally, we define and compute the generalized harmonic polynomials as the Vekua transforms of harmonic polynomials. These results are instrumental in proving approximation estimates for solutions of the Helmholtz equation in spaces of circular, spherical, and plane waves.
This dissertation deals with aspects of sequential data assimilation (in particular ensemble Kalman filtering) and numerical weather forecasting. In the first part, the recently formulated Ensemble Kalman-Bucy (EnKBF) filter is revisited. It is shown that the previously used numerical integration scheme fails when the magnitude of the background error covariance grows beyond that of the observational error covariance in the forecast window. Therefore, we present a suitable integration scheme that handles the stiffening of the differential equations involved and doesn’t represent further computational expense. Moreover, a transform-based alternative to the EnKBF is developed: under this scheme, the operations are performed in the ensemble space instead of in the state space. Advantages of this formulation are explained. For the first time, the EnKBF is implemented in an atmospheric model. The second part of this work deals with ensemble clustering, a phenomenon that arises when performing data assimilation using of deterministic ensemble square root filters in highly nonlinear forecast models. Namely, an M-member ensemble detaches into an outlier and a cluster of M-1 members. Previous works may suggest that this issue represents a failure of EnSRFs; this work dispels that notion. It is shown that ensemble clustering can be reverted also due to nonlinear processes, in particular the alternation between nonlinear expansion and compression of the ensemble for different regions of the attractor. Some EnSRFs that use random rotations have been developed to overcome this issue; these formulations are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages with respect to common EnSRFs are discussed. The third and last part contains the implementation of the Robert-Asselin-Williams (RAW) filter in an atmospheric model. The RAW filter is an improvement to the widely popular Robert-Asselin filter that successfully suppresses spurious computational waves while avoiding any distortion in the mean value of the function. Using statistical significance tests both at the local and field level, it is shown that the climatology of the SPEEDY model is not modified by the changed time stepping scheme; hence, no retuning of the parameterizations is required. It is found the accuracy of the medium-term forecasts is increased by using the RAW filter.
By modelling the average activity of large neuronal populations, continuum mean field models (MFMs) have become an increasingly important theoretical tool for understanding the emergent activity of cortical tissue. In order to be computationally tractable, long-range propagation of activity in MFMs is often approximated with partial differential equations (PDEs). However, PDE approximations in current use correspond to underlying axonal velocity distributions incompatible with experimental measurements. In order to rectify this deficiency, we here introduce novel propagation PDEs that give rise to smooth unimodal distributions of axonal conduction velocities. We also argue that velocities estimated from fibre diameters in slice and from latency measurements, respectively, relate quite differently to such distributions, a significant point for any phenomenological description. Our PDEs are then successfully fit to fibre diameter data from human corpus callosum and rat subcortical white matter. This allows for the first time to simulate long-range conduction in the mammalian brain with realistic, convenient PDEs. Furthermore, the obtained results suggest that the propagation of activity in rat and human differs significantly beyond mere scaling. The dynamical consequences of our new formulation are investigated in the context of a well known neural field model. On the basis of Turing instability analyses, we conclude that pattern formation is more easily initiated using our more realistic propagator. By increasing characteristic conduction velocities, a smooth transition can occur from self-sustaining bulk oscillations to travelling waves of various wavelengths, which may influence axonal growth during development. Our analytic results are also corroborated numerically using simulations on a large spatial grid. Thus we provide here a comprehensive analysis of empirically constrained activity propagation in the context of MFMs, which will allow more realistic studies of mammalian brain activity in the future.
Changes to the electroencephalogram (EEG) observed during general anesthesia are modeled with a physiological mean field theory of electrocortical activity. To this end a parametrization of the postsynaptic impulse response is introduced which takes into account pharmacological effects of anesthetic agents on neuronal ligand-gated ionic channels. Parameter sets for this improved theory are then identified which respect known anatomical constraints and predict mean firing rates and power spectra typically encountered in human subjects. Through parallelized simulations of the eight nonlinear, two-dimensional partial differential equations on a grid representing an entire human cortex, it is demonstrated that linear approximations are sufficient for the prediction of a range of quantitative EEG variables. More than 70 000 plausible parameter sets are finally selected and subjected to a simulated induction with the stereotypical inhaled general anesthetic isoflurane. Thereby 86 parameter sets are identified that exhibit a strong “biphasic” rise in total power, a feature often observed in experiments. A sensitivity study suggests that this “biphasic” behavior is distinguishable even at low agent concentrations. Finally, our results are briefly compared with previous work by other groups and an outlook on future fits to experimental data is provided.
We establish Maximum Principles which apply to vectorial approximate minimizers of the general integral functional of Calculus of Variations. Our main result is a version of the Convex Hull Property. The primary advance compared to results already existing in the literature is that we have dropped the quasiconvexity assumption of the integrand in the gradient term. The lack of weak Lower semicontinuity is compensated by introducing a nonlinear convergence technique, based on the approximation of the projection onto a convex set by reflections and on the invariance of the integrand in the gradient term under the Orthogonal Group. Maximum Principles are implied for the relaxed solution in the case of non-existence of minimizers and for minimizing solutions of the Euler–Lagrange system of PDE.
A minimal model of species migration is presented which takes the form of a parabolic equation with boundary conditions and initial data. Solutions to the differential problem are obtained that can be used to describe the small- and large-time evolution of a species distribution within a bounded domain. These expressions are compared with the results of numerical simulations and are found to be satisfactory within appropriate temporal regimes. The solutions presented can be used to describe existing observations of nematode distributions, can be used as the basis for further work on nematode migration, and may also be interpreted more generally.
A key step in many numerical schemes for time-dependent partial differential equations with moving boundaries is to rescale the problem to a fixed numerical mesh. An alternative approach is to use a moving mesh that can be adapted to focus on specific features of the model. In this paper we present and discuss two different velocity-based moving mesh methods applied to a two-phase model of avascular tumour growth formulated by Breward et al. (2002) J. Math. Biol. 45(2), 125-152. Each method has one moving node which tracks the moving boundary. The first moving mesh method uses a mesh velocity proportional to the boundary velocity. The second moving mesh method uses local conservation of volume fraction of cells (masses). Our results demonstrate that these moving mesh methods produce accurate results, offering higher resolution where desired whilst preserving the balance of fluxes and sources in the governing equations.
With the prospect of exascale computing, computational methods requiring only local data become especially attractive. Consequently, the typical domain decomposition of atmospheric models means horizontally-explicit vertically-implicit (HEVI) time-stepping schemes warrant further attention. In this analysis, Runge-Kutta implicit-explicit schemes from the literature are analysed for their stability and accuracy using a von Neumann stability analysis of two linear systems. Attention is paid to the numerical phase to indicate the behaviour of phase and group velocities. Where the analysis is tractable, analytically derived expressions are considered. For more complicated cases, amplification factors have been numerically generated and the associated amplitudes and phase diagnosed. Analysis of a system describing acoustic waves has necessitated attributing the three resultant eigenvalues to the three physical modes of the system. To do so, a series of algorithms has been devised to track the eigenvalues across the frequency space. The result enables analysis of whether the schemes exactly preserve the non-divergent mode; and whether there is evidence of spurious reversal in the direction of group velocities or asymmetry in the damping for the pair of acoustic modes. Frequency ranges that span next-generation high-resolution weather models to coarse-resolution climate models are considered; and a comparison is made of errors accumulated from multiple stability-constrained shorter time-steps from the HEVI scheme with a single integration from a fully implicit scheme over the same time interval. Two schemes, “Trap2(2,3,2)” and “UJ3(1,3,2)”, both already used in atmospheric models, are identified as offering consistently good stability and representation of phase across all the analyses. Furthermore, according to a simple measure of computational cost, “Trap2(2,3,2)” is the least expensive.
In this review I summarise some of the most significant advances of the last decade in the analysis and solution of boundary value problems for integrable partial differential equations in two independent variables. These equations arise widely in mathematical physics, and in order to model realistic applications, it is essential to consider bounded domain and inhomogeneous boundary conditions. I focus specifically on a general and widely applicable approach, usually referred to as the Unified Transform or Fokas Transform, that provides a substantial generalisation of the classical Inverse Scattering Transform. This approach preserves the conceptual efficiency and aesthetic appeal of the more classical transform approaches, but presents a distinctive and important difference. While the Inverse Scattering Transform follows the "separation of variables" philosophy, albeit in a nonlinear setting, the Unified Transform is a based on the idea of synthesis, rather than separation, of variables. I will outline the main ideas in the case of linear evolution equations, and then illustrate their generalisation to certain nonlinear cases of particular significance.
We establish an uniform factorial decay estimate for the Taylor approximation of solutions to controlled differential equations. Its proof requires a factorial decay estimate for controlled paths which is interesting in its own right.
We construct a quasi-sure version (in the sense of Malliavin) of geometric rough paths associated with a Gaussian process with long-time memory. As an application we establish a large deviation principle (LDP) for capacities for such Gaussian rough paths. Together with Lyons' universal limit theorem, our results yield immediately the corresponding results for pathwise solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by such Gaussian process in the sense of rough paths. Moreover, our LDP result implies the result of Yoshida on the LDP for capacities over the abstract Wiener space associated with such Gaussian process.
Introduction: Although the use of local flaps in conservative breast surgery (CBS) reconstruction is a reliable technique, little information has been available regarding outcome following the use of perforator flaps. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility, surgical planning and outcome following CBS reconstruction with intercostal artery perforator (ICAP) flap. Patients/methods: Thirteen patients underwent CBS reconstructions with an ICAP flap. These flaps were raised from adjacent tissue located on the lateral and thoracic region and based on perforators originating from the costal and muscular segment of the intercostal vessels. The technique was indicated in patients with small/moderate volume breasts. Results: Mean time of follow-up was 32 months. Flap complications were evaluated and information on patient satisfaction were collected. 61.5 percent had tumors located in the lower-outer quadrants and 69.2 percent had tumors measuring 2 cm or less (T1). Complications occurred in 3 patients (23%), including wound dehiscence in 2 patients and fat necrosis in one. All cases were treated by conservative approach with a good result. No flap loss or wound infection were reported. 90 percent were either satisfied or very satisfied with their result. Conclusion: The ICAP flap is a reliable technique for immediate CBS reconstruction. The technique is advantageous because it does not require the use of muscle transfer, with minimum donor site morbidity. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncological surgeon and careful intra-operative management. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We consider retarded functional differential equations in the setting of Kurzweil-Henstock integrable functions and we state an averaging result for these equations. Our result generalizes previous ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.