932 resultados para Livio, Tito, ca. 60-17 a. C.


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Cellulase is an enzymatic complex which synergically promotes the degradation of cellulose to glucose. The adsorption behavior of cellulase from Trichoderma reesei onto Si wafers or amino-terminated surfaces was investigated by means of ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a function of temperature. Upon increasing temperature from (24 +/- 1) to (60 +/- 1) degrees C, adsorption of cellulase became faster and more pronounced and the mean roughness of cellulase adsorbed layers increased. In the case of cellulase adsorbed onto Si wafers, Arrhenius`s plot allowed us to estimate the adsorption energy as 24.2 kJ mol(-1). The hydrolytic activity of free cellulase and cellulase immobilized onto Si wafers was tested using cellulose dispersions as substrates. The incubation temperature ranged from (37 +/- 1) to (60 +/- 1) degrees C. The highest efficiency was observed at (60 +/- 1) degrees C. The amount of glucose produced by free cellulase was similar to 20% higher than that obtained from immobilized cellulase. However, immobilizing cellulase onto Si wafers proved to be advantageous because they could be reused six times while retaining their original activity level. Such an effect was attributed to surface hydration, which prevents enzyme denaturation. The hydrolytic activity of cellulase immobilized onto amino-terminated surfaces was slightly lower than that observed for cellulase adsorbed onto Si wafers, and reuse was not possible.


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Rapporten Ett bad när som helst - Dimensioneringsråd för varmvatten är framtagen av Johan Vestlund inom delprojekt Sol- och biovärme.Syftet med studien är att utreda vilka kriterier som gäller i en ackumulatortank med dubbla varmvattenslingor för att i alla situationer kunna leverera tillräckligt med varmvatten för en badkarsuppfyllning. Enkla underlag för att beräkna erforderlig slinglängd har tidigare saknats och tidsödande provning har behövt genomföras för att optimera varmvattenkapaciteten i ackumulatortankar. I denna rapport presenteras ett nomogram (figur 4, sida 13) som visar sambandet mellan be-redskapsvolym, temperaturnivå och slinglängd för att uppfylla Boverkets byggregler för ett småhus.Att tillräcklig varmvattenkomfort erhålls är viktigt, också för att kunden ska bli nöjd med ett solvärmesystem. Att detta kan ske vid rimliga tanktemperaturer på 60-65 °C är viktigt för att solvärmetillskottet ska bli högt. Ökad varmvattenkomfort ökar energibehovet och minskar solvärmebidraget varför det är viktigt att dimensionera korrekt. Utgångspunkten för att bygga ett effektivt solvärmesystem är därför att först utgå från en korrekt dimensionerad varmvattenkapacitet.Mängd varmvatten som det går att få ut från en ackumulatortank bestäms av volymen på det uppvärmda vattnet i tankens topp, temperaturen i tanken, och slingornas längd och placering.


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As adições pozolânicas vêm sendo adicionadas ao concreto com o objetivo de melhorar as características de resistência me¢nica e de durabilidade. Entre estas adições encontra-se a sílica ativa, resíduo oriundo da produção de ligas a base de silício. A sílica ativa apresenta como características alta reatividade, tamanho reduzido das partículas e alta superfície espe­fica, agindo no concreto de duas maneiras: transformando o Ca(OH)2 em C-S-H e densificando a matriz de cimento. Apresenta como efeitos benéficos o aumento da resistência me¢nica e redução da penetr§Ã£o de íons cloreto e água. Contudo, em função do consumo de Ca(OH)2, o pH da fase líquida dos poros é reduzido, o que pode prejudicar o comportamento do concreto em rel§Ã£o à carbonat§Ã£o, existindo uma polêmica em torno do assunto. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar aspectos de porosidade e aspectos químicos do comportamento da sílica ativa, em concretos e argamassas, em rel§Ã£o à carbonat§Ã£o. Para tanto empregou-se rel§Ãµes água/aglomerante entre 0,35 e 0,80 e teores de adição de sílica ativa, em rel§Ã£o à massa de cimento, até 20%. Os resultados indicam um comportamento distinto das adições conforme a rel§Ã£o água/aglomerante Até o limite de 0,45-0,50, a carbonat§Ã£o nestes materiais é regida pela porosidade e o consumo de Ca(OH)2 não apresenta efeitos significativos na carbonat§Ã£o e, a partir deste limite, o consumo de Ca(OH)2 passa a ser significativo. Paralelamente, foi estudada resistência à compressão e absorção de água. A rel§Ã£o entre profundidade de carbonat§Ã£o com estas propriedades apresenta uma correl§Ã£o direta apenas para os concretos sem adição.


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar aspectos fundamentais para o emprego de processo anaeróbio associado a membranas de micro e ultrafiltr§Ã£o no tratamento de efluentes de curtume oriundos do processo de acabamento. Para tanto, foi utilizada uma unidade piloto composta de um reator anaeróbio de mistura completa com um volume útil de 40 L, uma unidade de microfiltr§Ã£o para separ§Ã£o de biomassa e uma unidade de ultrafiltr§Ã£o para reter no sistema compostos macromoleculares (taninos). O material constituinte das membranas era cerâmica e o diâmetro médio de poro, especificado pelo fabricante, da microfiltr§Ã£o foi 0,2 mm e da ultrafiltr§Ã£o 0,005 mm. A biomassa no reator anaeróbio foi inoculada para que a concentr§Ã£o inicial fosse de 7.000 mg/L de SVT, sendo a origem desta um reator UASB tratando efluente de uma fábrica de gelatina. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três etapas, sendo utilizadas diferentes pressões nas membranas, a saber: na primeira etapa as membranas foram operadas com um pressão de 800 kPa, na segunda com uma pressão de 600 kPa e na terceira etapa a pressão utilizada foi de 400 kPa. A remoção de cromo foi superior a 95% em todas as etapas, sendo que a maior remoção ocorreu no conjunto reator anaeróbio e microfiltr§Ã£o. Este comportamento deveu-se à fix§Ã£o deste metal na biomassa e à conseqüente retenção desta na oper§Ã£o de microfiltr§Ã£o. A remoção média de matéria orgânica, avaliada através do parâmetro DQO, para as três etapas estudadas foi 68,13%, 58,32% e 60,17% e, em todo o sistema, de 81,93%, 76,20% e 69,15%. Ocorreu remoção total dos sólidos suspensos já que o diâmetro de poro da membrana de microfiltr§Ã£o era 55,55% inferior ao diâmetro de poro utilizado nas membranas para determin§Ã£o de sólidos suspensos. Já para sólidos totais, onde inclui-se os dissolvidos, esta eficiência variou de 42% a 63%.


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Fund§Ã£o de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foi estudada a transferência de calor transiente na agit§Ã£o linear e intermitente (ALI) de embalagens metálicas contendo simulantes de alimentos, objetivando-se sua aplicação em processos de pasteuriz§Ã£o ou esteriliz§Ã£o e conseqüentes tratamentos térmicos mais eficientes, homogêneos e com produto de melhor qualidade. Foram utilizados quatro meios fluidos simulantes de alimentos de diferentes viscosidades e massas espe­ficas: três óleos e água. Foram combinados efeitos de cinco tratamentos, sendo: meio simulante (4 níveis), esp§o livre (3 níveis), freqüência de agit§Ã£o (4 níveis), amplitude de agit§Ã£o (2 níveis) e posição das latas (4 níveis). Os ensaios de aquecimento e resfriamento foram feitos em tanque com água à temperatura de 98 °C e 17-20 °C, respectivamente. Com os dados de penetr§Ã£o de calor em cada experimento, foram calculados os parâmetros de penetr§Ã£o de calor fh, jh, fc e jc. Os resultados foram modelados utilizando-se grupos de números adimensionais e expressos em termos de Nusselt, Prandtl, Reynolds e funções trigonométricas (com medidas de amplitude e freqüência de agit§Ã£o, esp§o livre e dimensões da embalagem). Foram estabelecidas as duas Equ§Ãµes gerais para as fases de aquecimento e resfriamento: Nu = ReA 0,199.Pr 0,288.sen(xa/AM)0,406.cos(xf/FA) 1,039.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 4,556 Aquecimento Nu = 0,1295.ReA 0,047.Pr 0,193.sen(xa/AM)0,114.cos(xf/FA) 0,641.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 2,476 Resfriamento O processo de ALI pode ser aplicado em pasteurizadores ou autoclaves estáticas horizontais e verticais, com modificações simples. Concluiu-se que a ALI aumenta significativamente a taxa de transferência de calor, tanto no aquecimento como no resfriamento.


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This work studies two methods for drying sunflower grains grown in the western region of Rio Grande do Norte, in the premises of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - Campus Apodi. This initiative was made because of the harvested grain during the harvest, being stored in sheds without any control of temperature, humidity etc. Therewith, many physical, chemical and physiological characteristics are compromised and grains lose much quality for oil production as their germination power. Taking into account that most of the stored grain is used for replanting, the studied methods include drying of grains in a thin layer using an oven with air circulation (fixed bed) and drying in a spouted bed. It was studied the drying of grains in natura, i.e., newly harvested. The fixed bed drying was carried out at temperatures of 40, 50, 60 and 70°C. Experiments in spouted bed were performed based on an experimental design, 2² + 3, with three replications at the central point, where the independent variables were grains load (1500, 2000 and 2500 g) and the temperature of the inlet air (70, 80, and 90 °C), obtaining the drying and desorption equilibrium isotherms. Previously, the characteristic curves of the bed were obtained. Both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed, drying and desorption curves were obtained by weighing the grains throughout the experiments and measurements of water activity, respectively. The grains drying in the spouted bed showed good results with significant reduction of processing time. The models of FICK and PAGE were fitted to the experimental data, models which will represent the drying of grains both in the fixed bed as in the spouted bed. The desorption curves showed no influence of the processing temperature in the hygroscopic characteristics of the grains. The models of GAB, OSWIN and LUIKOV could well represent the desorption isotherms


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O tomate é um fruto muito pere­vel por causa do seu conteúdo de umidade. A secagem é uma das práticas industriais mais utilizadas em alimentos para manter a qualidade do produto final. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida para estudo dos parâmetros de secagem de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), cv Carmen, com rel§Ã£o ao tipo de corte (meio e um quarto) e à temperatura de processo (60 e 70 ºC), bem como à escolha do tempo de secagem para a obtenção de um produto com umidade de 45% (base úmida). As cinéticas de secagem foram determinadas experimentalmente por conve§Ã£o forçada e ajustadas ao modelo de Page. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a geometria de corte influenciou na taxa de secagem e no tempo de desidrat§Ã£o. Os tomates cortados em quatro partes e desidratados a 70 ºC alcançaram umidade de 45% em menor tempo (10 horas), quando comparados aos tomates com o corte em metades. O modelo de Page forneceu bom ajuste nas cinéticas de secagem


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Polyphenol oxidase (E.C. (PPO) extracted from yacon roots (Smallanthus sonchifolius) was partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and separation on Sephadex G-100. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 45 490 +/- 3500 da and K-m values of 0.23, 1.14, 1.34, and 5.0 mM for the substrates caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, 4-methylcatechol, and catechol, respectively. When assayed with resorcinol, DL-DOPA, pyrogallol, protocatechuic, p-coumaric, ferulic, and cinnamic acids, catechin, and quercetin, the PPO showed no activity. The optimum pH varied from 5.0 to 6.6, depending on substrate. PPO activity was inhibited by various phenolic and nonphenolic compounds. p-Coumaric and cinnamic acids showed competitive inhibition, with K-i values of 0.017 and 0.011 mM, respectively, using chlorogenic acid as substrate. Heat inactivation from 60 to 90 degrees C showed the enzyme to be relatively stable at 60-70 degrees C, with progressive inactivation when incubated at 80 and 90 degrees C. The E-a (apparent activation energy) for inactivation was 93.69 kJ mol(-1). Sucrose, maltose, glucose, fructose, and trehalose at high concentrations appeared to protect yacon PPO against thermal inactivation at 75 and 80 degrees C.


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Plato, in his Phaedo, develops an investigation concerning the relationship between opposites. The account of Socrates s historical death (57 a 60 a / 116 a - 118), the palaios logos (60 b 70 c), the reciprocal generation between opposites (70 c 72 e), the recollection argument (77 d 80 e), the reciprocal exclusion between opposites (95 e 107 a) and the myth (107 b 116 a), are all instruments to define death for the philosopher. The core of this research, or the argument of the opposites in both its modes of articulation: double generation (70 c 72 e) and double exclusion of opposites (103 a), when added to the recollection argument (72 c d) becomes decisive in discerning both the real cause of generation and the understanding of what occurs in the process of exclusion between opposites (70 c 72 e)


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Hemicelluloses are polysaccharides of low molecular weight containing 100 to 200 glycosidic residues. In plants, the xylans or the hemicelluloses are situated between the lignin and the collection of cellulose fibers underneath. The xylan is the most common hemicellulosic polysaccharide in cell walls of land plants, comprising a backbone of xylose residues linked by beta-1,4-glycosidic bonds. So, xylanolytic enzymes from microorganism have attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade, particularly because of their biotechnological characteristics in various industrial processes, related to food, feed, ethanol, pulp, and paper industries. A microbial screening of xylanase producer was carried out in Brazilian Cerrado area in Selviria city, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. About 50 bacterial strains and 15 fungal strains were isolated from soil sample at 35 A degrees C. Between these isolated microorganisms, a bacterium Lysinibacillus sp. and a fungus Neosartorya spinosa as good xylanase producers were identified. Based on identification processes, Lysinibacillus sp. is a new species and the xylanase production by this bacterial genus was not reported yet. Similarly, it has not reported about xylanase production from N. spinosa. The bacterial strain P5B1 identified as Lysinibacillus sp. was cultivated on submerged fermentation using as substrate xylan, wheat bran, corn straw, corncob, and sugar cane bagasse. Corn straw and wheat bran show a good xylanase activity after 72 h of fermentation. A fungus identified as N. spinosa (strain P2D16) was cultivated on solid-state fermentation using as substrate source wheat bran, wheat bran plus sawdust, corn straw, corncob, cassava bran, and sugar cane bagasse. Wheat bran and corncobs show the better xylanase production after 72 h of fermentation. Both crude xylanases were characterized and a bacterial xylanase shows optimum pH for enzyme activity at 6.0, whereas a fungal xylanase has optimum pH at 5.0-5.5. They were stable in the pH range 5.0-10.0 and 5.5-8.5 for bacterial and fungal xylanase, respectively. The optimum temperatures were 55C and 60 A degrees C for bacterial and fungal xylanase, respectively, and they were thermally stable up to 50 A degrees C.


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Fund§Ã£o de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The photoelectrochemical degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) was investigated using titanium dioxide thin-film photoelectrode. The effects of different supporting electrolytes, pH, applied potential and PNP concentration were examined and discussed. Complete photodegradation was obtained in perchlorate medium at pH 2 when the photoanode was biased at +1.0 V (versus SCE) during a 3-h experiment. Under these conditions, carbon removal of approximately 60% was achieved. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of copper (Cu) intake on lipid profile, oxidative stress and tissue damage in normal and in diabetic condition. Since diabetes mellitus is a situation of high-risk susceptibility to toxic compounds, we examined potential early markers of Cu excess in diabetic animals. Male Wistar rats, at 60-days-old were divided into six groups of eight rats each. The control(C) received saline from gastric tube, the no-diabetic(Cu-10), treated with 10 mg/kg of Cu(Cu(++)-CuSO(4), gastric tube), no-diabetic with Cu-60mg/kg(Cu-60), diabetic(D), diabetic low-Cu(DCu-10) and diabetic high-Cu(DCu-60). Diabetes was induced by an ip injection of streptozotocin (60mg/kg). After 30 days of treatments, no changes we're observed in serum lactate dehydrogenase, alanine transaminase and alkaline phosphatase; indicating no adverse effects on cardiac and hepatic tissues. D-rats had glucose intolerance and dyslipidemic profile. Cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were higher in Cu-60 and DCu-60 than in C, Cu-10 and D and DCu-10 groups respectively. Cu-60 rats had higher lipid hydroperoxide (HP) and lower superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) serum activities than C and Cu-10 rats. LH was increased and GSH-Px was decreased, while no alterations were observed in SOD and catalase in serum of DCu-60 animals. DCu-60 rats had increased urinary glucose, creatinine and albumin. In conclusion, Cu intake at high concentration induced adverse effects on lipid profile, associated with oxidative stress and diminished activities of antioxidant enzymes. Diabetic animals were more susceptible to copper toxicity. High Cu intake induced dyslipidemic profile, oxidative stress and kidney dysfunction in diabetic condition. Copper renal toxicity was associated with oxidative stress and reduction at least, one of the antioxidant enzymes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.