999 resultados para Ley 850 de 2003
El diagnòstic de cop de calor és clínic: hipertermia, alteració neurològica y exposició ambiental. Es presenten 25 casos de cop de calor. S´identifiquen els següents factors de risc: gènere masculí, hipertensió arterial i/o malaltia psiquiàtrica. A l´analítica destaca disminució del temps de protrombina, elevació de creatinin-quinasa i transaminases. La mortalitat global fou del 36%. Es van identificar com a factors associats a major mortalitat la edat, APACHE II, antecedent de malaltia cardiovascular i el SOFA. Aconseguir una ràpida davallada de la temperatura corporal & 37,5ºC va millorar el pronòstic.
Department of Health and Children Business Plan 2003 The National Health Strategy â?oQuality and Fairness: A Health System for Youâ?Âù is based on a whole-system approach to health matters. It recognises the role of stakeholders such as the public, community and voluntary bodies, health service providers, statutory and non-statutory bodies, other Government Departments and international bodies in working together to produce a world-class health system and a healthier population. Click here to download PDF 2.5mb
Dietary habits of the Irish population: results from SLÃÂÅN Annual Report 2003 The National Nutritional Surveillance Centre was established in 1992, in the Department of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland,Galway. In 2003 the Centre moved to the Department of Public Health Medicine and Epidemiology, University College Dublin. Its main functions are to provide nutrition-related information to relevant organizations in an accessible form and to monitor trends in health status in relation to food supply, availability and consumption. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb
On being requested to complete an urgent report by the Minister for Health and Children the Authority undertook a preliminary review of the information known and drew up a series of questions for Our Ladyâ?Ts Hospital for Sick Children (OLHSC) in order to inform the writing of the report. A copy of the questions submitted to OLHSC is attached at Appendix 1. PDF 205kb
2003 Revised Estimates for Public Services – Estimate for the Department of Health and Children Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December, 2003 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Health and Children (including Oifig an Ard- Chláraitheora), and certain other services administered by that Office, including grants to Health Boards and miscellaneous grants. Click here to download PDF 52kb
Statement of Strategy 2003-2005 I am pleased to present this Statement of Strategy, prepared by my Department under the terms of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, which sets out the main objectives for the next three years. Click here to download PDF 1.1mb
The National Health and Lifestyle Surveys 2003 Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: Click here to download PDF 4.5mb
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The Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2003) was a response to the Commission on Nursing’s (Government of Ireland, 1998: p114) suggestion that a national strategy be developed to guide and support the emerging need for the professions of nursing and midwifery to develop a research base as a fundamental to practice. The Commission itself had found a dearth of published Irish nursing and midwifery research (Government of Ireland, 1998; Condell, 1998) due to a lack of policy direction and funding availability. Download document here
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