976 resultados para Latin didactic poetry
Epistolae Pauli
This paper focuses on the analysis of a judicial defixio (AIJ557) found in 1912 in the River Kupa, a tributary of the Save, near Sisak (Siscia, Pannonia Superior), that invokes the river god Savus, as well as the ancient Latin goddess Tacita Muta. Among the targets, some of whom are specially stated to come from the western Mediterranean, we pay special attention to Lucius Licinius Sura, Hispanus. We also investigate the religious horizon implicit in the ritual offering, as well as the social and historical context of the information.
[Annales (français-latin). 1793]
[Annales (français-latin). 1793]
Comprend : Discours préliminaire
Contient : Divers traités de S. Jean Chrysostome ; Ymnus de S. Cecilia
Contient : Extraits de S. Augustin, S. Ambroise, S. Jérôme, Cassien et S. Basile ; Traité de S. Anselme sur la béatitude éternelle, précédé d'une lettre d'Eadmer ; Lettres sur l'abstinence adressées aux moines de Préaux
Ex-libris : f.232v : « Liber Germano de Pratis pertinet almo. » ; — f.1 : « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) XIIIe s.: n°48; 1621: n°109 Ex-libris : f.1 : « ex libris S. Petri Corbeiensis » ; — « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) XIIIe s.: n°48; 1621: n°109 Ex-libris : f.1 : « liber sancti petri corbeie » ; — « Sti Germani a Pratis »
Titre original : De Duobus amantibus
Background: The 1st Swiss federal Transplant Law was finally enforced in July 2007 with the obligation to promote quality and efficiency in transplant procedures. The LODP was created to develop organ and tissue donation in the Latin area of Switzerland covering seventeen hospitals (29% of the population).Methods: Each of the partner hospitals designated at least one Local Donor Coordinator (LDC), member of the Intensive Care team, trained in the organ donation (OD) process. The principal tasks of the LDC's are the introduction of OD procedures, organisation of educational sessions for hospital staff and execution of the Donor Action programme. The LODP has been operational since July 2009, when training of the LDC's was completed, the web-site and hotline activated and the attendance of Transplant Procurement Coordinators (TPC) during the OD process organised.Results: National and regional guidelines are accessible on the LODP website. The Hospital Attitude Survey obtained a 57% return rate. Many of the staff requested training and sessions are now running in the partner hospitals. The Medical Record Revue revealed an increase in the conversion rate from 3.5% to 4.5%. During the 5 years before creation of LODP the average annual number of utilised donors was 31, an increase of 70%, has since been observed.Conclusion: This clear progression in utilised donors in the past two years can be attributed to the fact that partner hospitals benefit from the various support given (hotline, website and from TPC's). Despite the increase in OD within the LODP the Swiss donation rates remain low, on average 11.9 donors per million population. This successful model should be applied throughout Switzerland, but the crucial point is to obtain financial support.