578 resultados para Koolhaas, Rem


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O objetivo da pesquisa é recuperar os principais metais presentes em um lote com uma mistura de diversos tipos de pilhas e de baterias descartadas após o uso, lote obtido em um posto de coleta. Para esse estudo, o resíduo das pilhas e das baterias foi moído, reduzido em forno elétrico, submetido à separação magnética e lixiviado. A composição química, após a lixiviação, foi reproduzida em uma solução sintética, que foi submetida à extração por solventes e reextração sendo que as soluções obtidas, após as reextrações, foram utilizadas como eletrólitos. Manganês, cobre, cobalto e níquel são recuperados na forma metálica após um tratamento que inclui as etapas pirometalúrgica, hidrometalúrgica e eletroquímica. Estudos anteriores definiram os parâmetros das etapas pirometalúrgica, lixiviação e extração por solventes que proporcionaram separação mais seletiva dos íons metálicos que se pretende recuperar. A contribuição do presente estudo é encontrar um processo que trate de todos os tipos de pilhas e de baterias juntos e recuperar seus metais mais importantes, evitando, assim, a etapa de separação prévia das baterias. Os filmes foram analisados quanto à sua espessura e composição.


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Nove amostras de minerais de ferro, provenientes de diferentes minas (jazidas) pertencentes à Vale, foram o objeto desse trabalho, que buscou correlacionar a depressão das referidas amostras com amido e carboximetil celulose versus parâmetros mineralógicos e morfológicos. O amido de milho convencional se mostrou capaz de realizar ação depressora sobre todas as amostras, exceto sobre aquelas que se mostraram mais ricas em hematita compacta (HC). Tais hematitas podem ser chamadas de "problemáticas", visto que interagem fortemente com o coletor e apresentam deficiência de serem deprimidas pelo amido, exigindo elevadas dosagens para minimização de sua tendência à flotação. Carboximetil celulose não apresentou ação depressora sobre nenhuma das amostras estudadas. A flotabilidade das amostras ricas em HC pode ser minimizada pela ação do amido de milho condicionado em pH 8,0-8,5. Testes de flotação com minério itabirítico, contendo elevado percentual de hematitas compactas de pequeno tamanho de cristal, confirmaram a redução do teor de Fe no rejeito com a utilização de amido condicionado em pH≅8.


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Ensaios de migração de cloretos são usados para mensurar a capacidade do concreto em inibir o ataque por cloretos. Muitos pesquisadores realizam esse ensaio em uma fatia de concreto extraída da parte central dos corpos de prova cilíndricos, descartando cerca de 75% do concreto usado para moldar os corpos de prova. Esse fato gerou a questão: Seria possível extrair mais fatias de um mesmo corpo de prova sem se perder a confiança nos resultados? O principal objetivo desse trabalho é responder a essa pergunta. Outro objetivo desse estudo foi mostrar a diferença da penetração de cloretos entre as faces finais e as superfícies internas das vigas e lajes de concreto. Os resultados indicaram que é possível usar mais fatias de um único corpo de prova para um teste de migração de cloretos. Além disso, foi demonstrado que houve significativa diferença da penetração de cloretos entre as superfícies acabadas (com desempenadeira - topo do corpo de prova) e as superfícies provenientes das paredes das fôrmas (base do corpo de prova).


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Esse trabalho emprega o método para avaliar a abrasividade proposto por Golovanevskiy e Bearman (2008). Esse método, ensaio de abrasão por impacto deslizante (Gouging Abrasion Test), é realizado em condições de alta tensão/alto impacto de desgaste. O método consiste de uma ponteira cilíndrica com uma ponta cônica de 90º, que, em trajetória pendular, atinge uma amostra de rocha com energia de impacto de 300 J e velocidade da ordem de 5,2 m/s. O Gouging Abrasion Index (Gi) é calculado como sendo a média do diâmetro da ponta cônica, após desgaste, em milímetros e o resultado é multiplicado por 10. Esse trabalho verificou a adequabilidade do Gouging Abrasion Test, para um pequeno número de amostras de rocha, que representam, qualitativamente, os principais tipos de rocha encontrados em trabalhos de corte, perfuração e britagem no Brasil, e a sua correlação com outros ensaios consagrados como a resistência à compressão, o desgaste Amsler e a dureza Knoop. Essa análise mostrou alta correlação entre Gi e a dureza Knoop (R² = 0,94), baixa correlação com o desgaste


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Background: It is well known, since the pioneristic observation by Jenkins and Dallenbach (Am J Psychol 1924;35:605-12), that a period of sleep provides a specific advantage for the consolidation of newly acquired informations. Recent research about the possible enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation has focused on procedural memory (part of non-declarative memory system, according to Squire’s taxonomy), as it appears the memory sub-system for which the available data are more consistent. The acquisition of a procedural skill follows a typical time course, consisting in a substantial practice-dependent learning followed by a slow, off-line improvement. Sleep seems to play a critical role in promoting the process of slow learning, by consolidating memory traces and making them more stable and resistant to interferences. If sleep is critical for the consolidation of a procedural skill, then an alteration of the organization of sleep should result in a less effective consolidation, and therefore in a reduced memory performance. Such alteration can be experimentally induced, as in a deprivation protocol, or it can be naturally observed in some sleep disorders as, for example, in narcolepsy. In this research, a group of narcoleptic patients, and a group of matched healthy controls, were tested in two different procedural abilities, in order to better define the size and time course of sleep contribution to memory consolidation. Experimental Procedure: A Texture Discrimination Task (Karni & Sagi, Nature 1993;365:250-2) and a Finger Tapping Task (Walker et al., Neuron 2002;35:205-11) were administered to two indipendent samples of drug-naive patients with first-diagnosed narcolepsy with cataplexy (International Classification of Sleep Disorder 2nd ed., 2005), and two samples of matched healthy controls. In the Texture Discrimination task, subjects (n=22) had to learn to recognize a complex visual array on the screen of a personal computer, while in the Finger Tapping task (n=14) they had to press a numeric sequence on a standard keyboard, as quickly and accurately as possible. Three subsequent experimental sessions were scheduled for each partecipant, namely a training session, a first retrieval session the next day, and a second retrieval session one week later. To test for possible circadian effects on learning, half of the subjects performed the training session at 11 a.m. and half at 17 p.m. Performance at training session was taken as a measure of the practice-dependent learning, while performance of subsequent sessions were taken as a measure of the consolidation level achieved respectively after one and seven nights of sleep. Between training and first retrieval session, all participants spent a night in a sleep laboratory and underwent a polygraphic recording. Results and Discussion: In both experimental tasks, while healthy controls improved their performance after one night of undisturbed sleep, narcoleptic patients showed a non statistically significant learning. Despite this, at the second retrieval session either healthy controls and narcoleptics improved their skills. Narcoleptics improved relatively more than controls between first and second retrieval session in the texture discrimination ability, while their performance remained largely lower in the motor (FTT) ability. Sleep parameters showed a grater fragmentation in the sleep of the pathological group, and a different distribution of Stage 1 and 2 NREM sleep in the two groups, being thus consistent with the hypothesis of a lower consolidation power of sleep in narcoleptic patients. Moreover, REM density of the first part of the night of healthy subjects showed a significant correlation with the amount of improvement achieved at the first retrieval session in TDT task, supporting the hypothesis that REM sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of visuo-perceptual skills. Taken together, these results speak in favor of a slower, rather than lower consolidation of procedural skills in narcoleptic patients. Finally, an explanation of the results, based on the possible role of sleep in contrasting the interference provided by task repetition is proposed.


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Objective: To study circadian rhythms (sleep-wake, body core temperature and melatonin circadian rhythms) in patients in vegetative state (VS) in basal condition and after nocturnal blue light exposure. Methods: Eight patients in VS underwent two experimental sessions of 48 consecutive hours polysomnography with body core temperature (BCT) measurement separated by a 1-week interval. For a week between the two experimental sessions, patients underwent nocturnal blue light exposure (470 nm; 58 μW/cm2 for 4 hours from 11.30 p.m. to 3.30 a.m.). Brain MRI, Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale (LCF) and Disability Rating Scale (DRS) were assessed just before polysomnography. Results: In all patients LCF and DRS confirmed vegetative state. All patients showed a sleep-wake cycle. All patients showed spindle or spindle-like activities. REM sleep was detected in only 7 patients. Patients displayed a greater fragmentation of nocturnal sleep due to frequent awakenings. Mean nocturnal sleep efficiency was significantly reduced (40±22 vs. 74±17) in VS patients respect to controls. A significantly increasing of phase 1 and a significantly reduction of phase 2 and phase 3 were observed too. A modification of diurnal sleep total time and of diurnal duration of REM sleep were found after 1-week nocturnal blue light exposure. All patients displayed a normal BCT 24-h rhythm in basal condition and after nocturnal blue light exposure. A reduction of mean nocturnal melatonin levels in basal condition were observed in VS patients. Melatonin suppression after blue light exposure was observed in only 2 patients in VS. Conclusions: We found disorganized sleep-wake cycle and a normal BCT rhythm in our patients in VS. A reduction of mean nocturnal melatonin levels in basal condition were observed too.


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During the wake sleep (W-S) cycle in mammals, the alternation of the different states, wake, NREM sleep (NREMS) and REM sleep (REMS), is associated not only with electroencephalographic or behavioural changes, but also with modifications in the physiological regulations of the organism. The most evident change is the existence of a suspension of the somatic and autonomic thermoregulatory responses during REMS. Since thermoregulation is prevalently controlled by the Preoptic Area-Anterior Hypothalamus (PO-AH), its suspension during REM sleep has been taken as a sign of an impairment of the hypothalamic integrative activity that could explain the modifications in physiological regulation observed in this sleep stage. The recent finding from our laboratory that the secretion of the antidiuretic hormone arginine-vasopressin (AVP) in response to a central osmotic stimulation is quantitatively the same throughout the different stages of the W-S cycle, has shown that hypothalamic osmoregulation is not suspended during REMS. In order to clarify the extent of the hypothalamic involvement in the regulation of the W-S cycle, we have studied the effects of three days of water deprivation and of two days of recovery during which animals were allowed a free access to water, on the architecture of the W-S cycle. The condition of water deprivation represents a severe challenge involving neuroendocrine and autonomic hypothalamic regulations. In contradiction with thermoregulatory studies, in which it has been clearly demonstrated that a thermal challenge selectively reduces REMS occurrence, the results of this study show that REMS occurrence is mildly reduced only in the third day of water deprivation. The most striking effects produced by water deprivation appear to concern NREMS, which shows a selective and significant reduction in its slow EEG activity (delta-power) but not in its duration. The recovery period is mainly characterized by a disruption of the normal circadian rhythm of REMS occurrence and by a rebound of the delta power in NREMS. Thus, an autonomic challenge different from those related to thermoregulation and an endocrine challenge as the continuous secretion of AVP show to exert different effects on the stages of the wake-sleep cycle. Also, this study demonstrates that the impairment of the hypothalamic integrative activity thought to characterize the occurrence of REMS only involves thermoregulatory structures.


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Mit meiner Arbeit leistete ich einen Beitrag zur trockenen Synthese von MFI-Zeolithen und zeolithanalogen Materialien mit MFI-Struktur.Hierfür wurde zunächst ein den speziellen Reaktionsbedingungen der trockenen Synthese angepaßter Autoklav entwickelt, konstruiert und eingesetzt. Mit dem Autoklaven wurde ein Up-Scaling der trockenen Synthese im Rahmen von Al-MFI Synthesen um den Faktor 12 erfolgreich durchgeführt. Pulverdiffraktogramme und REM-Bilder belegten, daß nur geringe Unterschiede zwischen Produkten, die in 50 ml Reaktionsbehältern synthetisiert worden waren, und Produkten, die in 610 ml Reaktionsbehältern synthetisiert worden waren, bestanden. Der Druckaufnehmer des Autoklaven gestattete es, experimentell zu bestimmen, ob der Gesamtdruck während einer Reaktion unterhalb oder am Sättigungsdampfdruck von Wasser lag. Somit konnten trockene Synthesen durchgeführt werden, in deren Reaktionsverlauf garantiert keine wäßrige Phase auftrat. Al-MFI-Synthesen gelangen unter Ausschluß der Bildung einer wäßrigen Phase während der Reaktion. Weiterhin wurde eine chemische Versuchsanlage mit Gasreaktor als Kernstück konstruiert und eingesetzt. Ein Gasgemisch aus Siliziumtetrafluorid und Trimethylamin wurde mit einem wasserdampfgesättigten Stickstoffstrom zur Reaktion gebracht. Die Reaktionszeit war zwar wie gewünscht und erwartet kurz, führte aber nicht zu den mikroporösen Dodecasil 3C Kristallen. Trotzdem wurde mit dieser Arbeit ein erster Schritt in Richtung einer kontinuierlichen Gasphasensynthese von mikroporösen Materialien getan. Am Beispiel der MFI-Struktur wurde untersucht, inwieweit sich Silizium mittels der trockenen Synthese isomorph ersetzen ließ. Der isomorphe Ersatz durch Bor gelang und Titan wurde teilweise tetraedrisch in die MFI-Struktur eingebaut, während Aluminium oktaedrisch an- bzw. eingelagert wurde. Das hieß, daß die trockene Synthese gegenüber hydrothermalen Synthesen eine eingeschränkte Fähigkeit zum Einbau verschiedenster T-Atome besaß. Bis ins Jahr 1995 hing die Kristallinität der Produkte aus trockenen Synthesen von der Qualität einer Vorstufe ab, die experimentell nicht überprüft werden konnte. In meiner Arbeit fand ich zahlreiche Steuerungsparameter der trockenen Synthese hinsichtlich der Kristallinität heraus und machte sie damit kalkulierbar und robust. Außerdem wurde die erste abwasserfreie Synthese eines zeolith-analogen Materials entwickelt. Schließlich wurde der Mechanismus der trockenen Synthese diskutiert


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Poco più di dieci anni fa, nel 1998, è stata scoperta l’ipocretina (ovvero orexina), un neuropeptide ipotalamico fondamentale nella regolazione del ciclo sonno-veglia, dell’appetito e della locomozione (de Lecea 1998; Sakurai, 1998; Willie, 2001). La dimostrazione, pochi mesi dopo, di bassi livelli di ipocretina circolanti nel liquido cefalo-rachidiano di pazienti affetti da narcolessia con cataplessia (Mignot 2002) ha definitivamente rilanciato lo studio di questa rara malattia del Sistema Nervoso Centrale, e le pubblicazioni a riguardo si sono moltiplicate. In realtà le prime descrizioni della narcolessia risalgono alla fine del XIX secolo (Westphal 1877; Gélineau 1880) e da allora la ricerca clinica è stata volta soprattutto a cercare di definire il più accuratamente possibile il fenotipo del paziente narcolettico. Accanto all’alterazione del meccanismo di sonno e di veglia, e dell’alternanza tra le fasi di sonno REM (Rapid Eye Movement) e di sonno non REM, sui quali l’ipocretina agisce come un interruttore che stimola la veglia e inibisce la fase REM, sono apparse evidenti anche alterazioni del peso e del metabolismo glucidico, dello sviluppo sessuale e del metabolismo energetico (Willie 2001). I pazienti narcolettici presentano infatti, in media, un indice di massa corporea aumentato (Dauvilliers 2007), la tendenza a sviluppare diabete mellito di tipo II (Honda 1986), un’aumentata prevalenza di pubertà precoce (Plazzi 2006) e alterazioni del metabolismo energetico, rispetto alla popolazione generale (Dauvilliers 2007). L’idea che, quindi, la narcolessia abbia delle caratteristiche fenotipiche intrinseche altre, rispetto a quelle più eclatanti che riguardano il sonno, si è fatta strada nel corso del tempo; la scoperta della ipocretina, e della fitta rete di proiezioni dei neuroni ipocretinergici, diffuse in tutto l’encefalo fino al ponte e al bulbo, ha offerto poi il substrato neuro-anatomico a questa idea. Tuttavia molta strada separa l’intuizione di un possibile legame dall’individuazione dei reali meccanismi patogenetici che rendano conto dell’ampio spettro di manifestazioni cliniche che si osserva associato alla narcolessia. Lo studio svolto in questi tre anni si colloca in questa scia, e si è proposto di esplorare il fenotipo narcolettico rispetto alle funzioni dell’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-periferia, attraverso un protocollo pensato in stretta collaborazione fra il Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna e l’Unità Operativa di Endocrinologia e di Malattie del Metabolismo dell’Ospedale Sant’Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna. L’ipotalamo è infatti una ghiandola complessa e l’approccio multidisciplinare è sembrato essere quello più adatto. I risultati ottenuti, e che qui vengono presentati, hanno confermato le aspettative di poter dare ulteriori contributi alla caratterizzazione della malattia; un altro aspetto non trascurabile, e che però verrà qui omesso, sono le ricadute cliniche in termini di inquadramento e di terapia precoce di quelle alterazioni, non strettamente ipnologiche, e però associate alla narcolessia.


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Hinweise auf die innere Struktur des Nukleons, dessenbeobachtbares Quadrupolmoment verschwindet, lassen sich u.a.durch die Untersuchung des N->Delta(1232)-Übergangsgewinnen. Dieser wird von der magnetischen Dipolanregung M1- einem Spinflip-Übergang - dominiert. In der Reaktion (gamma(lin. pol.) p -> p pi0) gelingt es mittels der Photonasymmetrie Sigma, das Signal der kleinen elektrischen Quadrupolamplitude E2 in einem Interferenztermmit der M1-Amplitude zu verstärken und das VerhältnisREM=E2/M1 des betrachteten Übergangs zu bestimmen. DieE2-Amplitude des N->Delta-Übergangs läßt auf eineDeformation des Nukleons und/oder der Delta-Resonanzschließen. Das zugehörige Experiment wurde am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI durchgeführt. Durch kohärenteBremsstrahlung der Elektronen an einem Diamantradiatorstanden im Bereich der Delta(1232)-Resonanz linear polarisierte Photonen zur Verfügung. Insgesamt wurden reellePhotonen im Bereich Egamma=(200-790) MeV von derA2-Photonenmarkierungsanlage (Glasgow--Tagger)energiemarkiert. Mit dem Photonenspektrometer TAPS wurden die pi0-Mesonen über ihre beiden Zerfallsphotonennachgewiesen. Die gewählte Anordnung der 504BaF2-Einzelkristalle um ein Flüssigwasserstofftargeterlaubte den pi0-Nachweis im vollen Polarwinkelbereich. Die Datenbasis zur pi0-Photoproduktion am Proton konntehinsichtlich der Wirkungsquerschnitte und Photonasymmetriendurch Datenpunkte über den gesamten Polarwinkelbereichhinweg nachdrücklich erweitert werden.Eine weiterführende Multipolanalyse der neuen(Proton-pi0)-Daten ermöglichte im Energiebereich derDelta-Resonanz die Bestimmung der s- und p-WellenIsospinamplituden von E0+, M1-, E1+ und M1+.


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Recentemente è stato proposto che i premotoneuroni simpatici deputati al controllo della vasomozione cutanea siano localizzati nel bulbo rostoventromediale, una area che è delimitata rostralmente dal nucleo del nervo faciale (RVMM(io)) e causalmente dal polo rostrale del nucleo olivare inferiore (RVMM(io)). Per esplorare il ruolo che in neuroni contenuti nel RVMM(io) e nel (RVMM(fn) hanno nel controllare la vasomozione periferica, sono state effettuate in ciascuna delle due aree microiniezioni dell’agonista dei recettori GABAA muscimolo, dell’antagonista dei recettori GABAA bicucullina metiodide e di veicolo. La somministrazione di mucimolo induce una massiva vasodilatazione periferica sia se iniettato in RVMM(io) che in RVMM(fn). La disinibizione dei neuroni del RVMM(fn) produce invece una importate vasocostrizione periferica, antagonizzando la vasodilatazione indotta dall’esposizione ad alte temperature ambientali, mentre la disinibizione dei neuroni del RVMM(io) produce una vasodilatazione massimale, che è in grado di antagonizzare anche la vasocostrizione indotta da esposizione a bassa temperatura ambientale. L’inibizione sia dei neuroni del RVMM(io) che del RVMM(fn) induce inoltre modificazioni elettroencefalografiche e ipniche comparabili con quelle osservate durante il torpore. La somministrazione di muscimolo ha prodotto una rapida vasodilatazione periferica, seguita da una profonda ipotermia a da uno spostamento verso sinistra della banda Theta dell’EEG. Durante il periodo di ipotermia, la comparsa sia di sonno NREM che di sonno REM è risultata essere inibita. Questi dati mostrano che: a) a due popolazioni di premotoneuroni simpatici sono localizzati nella regione che va dal RVMM(io) al RVMM(fn), una termoregolatoria, tonicamente attiva e vasocostrittoria, l’altra non termoregolatoria, tonicamente inibita e vasodilatatoria; b) anche in una specie che non è va spontaneamente incontro a torpore, l’ipotermia centrale produce effetti elettroencefalografici simili a quelli osservati durante il torpore.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde Kristallisation von Zinkoxid auf funktionalisierten Oberflächen unter drei Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Es wurden feste Substrate in einer Kombination aus lithographischen Verfahren und der Selbstorganisation von Molekülen chemisch bemustert, d.h. mit einem Muster aus verschiedenen funktionellen Gruppen versehen. Untersucht wurden zum einen Goldoberflächen, die mit Mustern aus COOH? und CF3-terminierten Alkanthiolen beschichtet worden waren.Keimbildung und Kristallwachstum erfolgen selektiv auf den hydrophoben (CF3-)-Flächen. Nach 90 Minuten Reaktionszeit sind einzelne Kristalle (hexagonale Prismen) von ca. 2 µm Länge und einem Durchmesser von 50-100 nm mit ihrer c-Achse senkrecht zum Substrat aufgewachsen. Ein ähnliches Bild zeigt sich bei den silanisierten Si-Wafern. Auch hier wachsen die Kristalle ausschließlich auf den hydrophoberen Flächen mit ihrer c-Achse senkrecht zum Substrat. Ihre durchschnittliche Höhe beträgt 4 µm, ihr Durchmesser ca. 500 nm. Auf Goldelektrodenoberflächen wurde die Abscheidung von Zinkoxid aus Zinknitratlösung in Gegenwart von verschiedenen Polymeren zeitaufgelöst untersucht. Besonderes Interesse galt dabei sehr kurzen Reaktionszeiten, die bei der Fällung aus Lösung nicht zugänglich sind. Nach 30 Sekunden haben sich in allen Fällen geschlossene polykristalline ZnO-Filme gebildet, in denen mit der Röntgenbeugung kein weiterer Stoff nachweisbar ist. Dabei ist die Strom-Zeit-Charakteristik zunächst von der Diffusion der Nitrationen zur Elektrode dominiert, mit Überschreiten der kritischen Konzentration an Hydroxylionen, die bei der Reduktion des Nitrats entstehen, setzt die Kristallisation ein und beschleunigt die Elektrodenreaktion. Bereits nach kurzer Zeit stellt sich dann die Stromdichte auf einen nahezu konstanten Wert ein und das System befindet sich in einem quasi-stationären Zustand, d.h. das Wachstum erfolgt linear. Polymere üben einen drastischen Einfluß auf die Morphologie der Filme aus, indem sie die Wachstumsart der Kristallite verändern, was man nach Abzug des Diffusionsanteils der Stromdichte, aus der verbleibenden Kurve abliest, wenn man sie durch eine Avrami-Kinetik anpaßt. So ermittelt man, daß die Kristallite in Gegenwart der Polymere mit Methacrylsäuregruppen kugelartiges Wachstum zeigen, während -sind Sulfonsäuregruppen zugegen- plättchenartige Kristallite wachsen. Ohne Polymerzusatz wachsen Säulen entlang einer Richtung. Diese Ergebnisse, vor allem im Fall der sulfonsäuregruppenhaltigen Polymere und der Abscheidungen ohne Polymer decken sich sehr gut mit Beobachtungen, die man bei der morphologischen Analyse mittels REM macht.Zinkoxid wurde aus wäßriger Lösung in Gegenwart von oberflächenmodifizierten Latices gefällt, in denen Magnetit verkapselt war und die per Miniemulsionspolymerisation hergestellt wurden.Sie beeinflussen mit steigendem Magnetitgehalt das Kristallwachstum in zunehmendem Maße. Die Seitenflächen der Kristalle können nicht mehr wie üblich glatt ausgebildet werden, sondern sind stark zerklüftet, während die Basalflächen unbeeinflußt bleiben. Die Latices werden in den Zinkoxidkristall eingebaut und können somit als carrier für das Magnetit genutzt werden. Nach der thermischen Behandlung der Pulver ordnen sich die Kristalle in Ketten an, was als eindeutiger Beweis für das erfolgreiche Einbringen des Magnetits gewertet werden kann.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi, sviluppato nell’arco di sei mesi presso l’Institut Supérieur Industriel de Bruxelles (ISIB) in collaborazione con Ion Beam Application Group (IBA, Louvain la Neuve), ha come principale soggetto lo studio della risposta del rem meter WENDI-2 commercializzato da Thermo Scientific. Lo studio si è basato principalmente sull’uso del codice Monte Carlo MCNPX 2.5.0, simulando la risposta del detector sia in caso di campi di radiazione neutronica monoenergetici sia in corrispondenza di spettri neutronici continui. La prima fase è stata dedicata alla modellizzazione MCNPX del rem counter, consentendo così la valutazione della sua funzione risposta. Questa è stata ricostruita interpolando 93 punti, ciascuno calcolato in corrispondenza di un singolo valore di energia di una sorgente puntiforme, compreso tra 1 meV e 5 GeV. In tal caso è stata rilevata un’ottima corrispondenza tra i risultati ottenuti e quelli riportati nella letteratura scientifica esistente. In una seconda fase, al fine di ottenere informazioni sulla risposta di WENDI II in corrispondenza di campi complessi di radiazione, simulazioni MCNPX sono state realizzate riproducendo un ambiente di lavoro esistente presso la sede IBA di Louvain la Neuve: la risposta del detector è stata valutata in corrispondenza di 9 diverse posizioni all’interno di un bunker contenente un ciclotrone PET (18 MeV H-), implicando la rilevazione di campi di radiazione neutronica continui ed estesi dalle energie termiche fino a 18 MeV. I risultati ottenuti sono stati infine comparati con i valori di dose ambiente equivalente calcolata nelle stesse condizioni di irraggiamento.


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This research focuses on the definition of the complex relationship that exists between theory and project, which - in the architectural work by Oswald Mathias Ungers - is based on several essays and on the publications that - though they have never been collected in an organic text - make up an articulated corpus, so that it is possible to consider it as the foundations of a theory. More specifically, this thesis deals with the role of metaphor in Unger’s theory and its subsequent practical application to his projects. The path leading from theoretical analysis to architectural project is in Ungers’ view a slow and mediated path, where theory is an instrument without which it would not be possible to create the project's foundations. The metaphor is a figure of speech taken from disciplines such as philosophy, aesthetics, linguistics. Using a metaphor implies a transfer of meaning, as it is essentially based on the replacement of a real object with a figurative one. The research is articulated in three parts, each of them corresponding to a text by Ungers that is considered as crucial to understand the development of his architectural thinking. Each text marks three decades of Ungers’ work: the sixties, seventies and eighties. The first part of the research deals with the topic of Großform expressed by Ungers in his publication of 1966 Grossformen im Wohnungsbau, where he defines four criteria based on which architecture identifies with a Großform. One of the hypothesis underlying this study is that there is a relationship between the notion of Großform and the figure of metaphor. The second part of the thesis analyzes the time between the end of the sixties and the seventies, i.e. the time during which Ungers lived in the USA and taught at the Cornell University of Ithaca. The analysis focuses on the text Entwerfen und Denken in Vorstellungen, Metaphern und Analogien, written by Ungers in 1976, for the exhibition MAN transFORMS organized in the Cooper - Hewitt Museum in New York. This text, through which Ungers creates a sort of vocabulary to explain the notions of metaphor, analogy, signs, symbols and allegories, can be defined as the Manifesto of his architectural theory, the latter being strictly intertwined with the metaphor as a design instrument and which is best expressed when he introduces the 11 thesis with P. Koolhaas, P. Riemann, H. Kollhoff and A. Ovaska in Die Stadt in der Stadt in 1977. Berlin das grüne Stadtarchipel. The third part analyzes the indissoluble tie between the use of metaphor and the choice of the topic on which the project is based and, starting from Ungers’ publication in 1982 Architecture as theme, the relationship between idea/theme and image/metaphor is explained. Playing with shapes requires metaphoric thinking, i.e. taking references to create new ideas from the world of shapes and not just from architecture. The metaphor as a tool to interpret reality becomes for Ungers an inquiry method that precedes a project and makes it possible to define the theme on which the project will be based. In Ungers’ case, the architecture of ideas matches the idea of architecture; for Ungers the notions of idea and theme, image and metaphor cannot be separated from each other, the text on thematization of architecture is not a report of his projects, but it represents the need to put them in order and highlight the theme on which they are based.