994 resultados para Konstnärsbröderna von Wrights dagböcker 1-7


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Introducción La preeclampsia hace parte del espectro de los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo y es causa de alta morbimortalidad materna. La edad gestacional ha sido relacionada con la presentación más severa de esta cuando ocurren lejanas al término. Hoy en día existe la posibilidad de proporcionar manejo expectante en estos casos en unidades de cuidado obstétrico especializadas, con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de morbimortalidad asociada a la prematurez extrema. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término entre las 24 y 34 semanas que recibieron manejo expectante entre 2009 y 2012 en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Obstétrico de la Clínica Colsubsidio Orquídeas. Resultados Se incluyeron 121 pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término, quienes recibieron manejo expectante. La edad promedio fue 29.8, el promedio de días de manejo expectante fue 4 días, con una mediana de tres días. La edad gestacional de ingreso fue 30 1/7 semanas y la edad promedio de terminación 30 5/7 semanas. El 88.4% recibieron esquema de maduración completo. El 81.6% presentaron preeclampsia severa. El desenlace materno más frecuente fue Síndrome Hellp (37%) y el desenlace fetal fue restricción de crecimiento intrauterino (29%). Discusión Se debe considerar el manejo expectante en toda paciente con preeclampsia previa a la semana 34 para manejo antenatal con corticoesteroides, el cual demostró ser un factor protector para muerte perinatal temprana. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la aparición de complicaciones y la cantidad de días de manejo expectante.


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Introducción: Los desórdenes hipertensivos en el embarazo son la mayor causa de morbimortalidad materna en el mundo, su tratamiento habitualmente se realiza con nifedipino o enalapril durante el postparto indistintamente, pero no hay estudios que los comparen. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con fines analíticos en el cual se incluyeron las historias clínicas de pacientes con trastorno hipertensivo durante el postparto que recibieron alguno de estos dos medicamentos y se evaluó el control de tensión arterial, necesidad de otros antihipertensivos, efectos adversos, presencia de complicaciones en ambos grupos. Resultados: Se estudió una muestra representativa, homogénea de 139 pacientes (p 0,43). Todas controlaron las cifras tensionales con el medicamento recibido. El 45% (n=62) recibió enalapril 20 mg cada 12 horas, el 40% (n=56) recibió nifedipino 30 mg cada 8 horas, el 15% (n=21) recibió nifedipino 30 mg cada 12 horas. No se presentaron efectos adversos, complicaciones o mortalidad en ninguno de los grupos. Las pacientes con enalapril requirieron más antihipertensivos comparado con las pacientes que recibieron nifedipino con diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p 0,001). Discusión La escogencia de un antihipertensivo durante el postparto debe estar encaminada al tipo de trastorno antihipertensivo: aquellos que se presentan por primera vez durante el embarazo se les administra nifedipino con excelentes resultados; aquellos con antecedente de hipertensión previa se les administra enalapril con buenos resultados. Ambos medicamentos controlaron la presión arterial adecuadamente sin complicaciones ni mortalidad.


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Observar si existía alguna relación entre los diversos niveles de edad y las producciones lingüísticas asociadas, mediante el empleo de tareas que requerían del sujeto emitir juicios sobre la cantidad, describiendo las diferencias que se le presentaban. Se pretende estudiar qué tipo de cuantificadores utilizan los sujetos cuando se les propone tareas que hacen referencia a la cantidad, para lo cual se distinguen tres modos de describir la evaluación: mediante cuantificadores objetivos, subjetivos o combinación de estos dos tipos. 216 niños que están asistiendo a los colegios públicos y jardín de infancia. Los sujetos pertenecían a los cursos de Preescolar y primero de EGB, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre 4; 1-7; 4 años. Los niños pertenecen a la clase media, considerando las profesiones maternas y la ubicación de los centros escolares. Diseño no paramétrico. El plan experimental es una estructura formal caracterizada por presentación de unas tareas con el objetivo de clasificar las respuestas lingüísticas de los sujetos y poder establecer la relación nivel de edad-producción lingüística. Material utilizado: dos muñecos, niño y niña, plastilina, dos lápices (cuyas dimensiones varían en longitud), bolas. El experimentador da a los muñecos cantidades distintas de plastilina, número diferente de bolas del mismo tamaño y solicita del niño que describa lo que se le ha dado a los muñecos. La misma técnica se emplea para el caso de los lápices. A los sujetos se les administró también la prueba de conservación de los líquidos (Piaget). Análisis cualitativo a través de cuadros de respuestas presentados en frecuencias relativas. Análisis estadístico utilizando 'Chi cuadrado' de Pearson. La tarea bolas es descrita preferentemente por medio de cuantificadores objetivos, siendo las diferencias entre las diversas edades estadísticamente significativas. En la tarea lápices podemos observar como el término más utilizado ha sido el cuantificador objetivo del tipo 'éste es más grande; éste es más pequeño' fundamentalmente a partir de los 5 años. Sólo existen diferencias significativas entre los niños más pequeños frente a los de 6 y 7 años. En el caso de plastilina, los cuantificadores objetivos aparecen significativamente menos en los niños de menos edad, frente a los de 6 y 7 años. Los resultados sugieren un modelo de evolución en la evaluación de las cantidades, a saber: un primer período donde se utilizan cuantificadores subjetivos. Un segundo, donde se combinan los cuantificadores. Un tercer período, donde se emplean dos cuantificadores objetivos (antónimos), con o sin adjetivo. Un cuarto período, en el que se emplea un solo cuantificador, con predominio del objetivo y polarización positiva en una oración simple.


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A cause and effect relationship between glucagon-like peptide 1 (7, 36) amide (GLP-1) and cholecystokinin (CCK) and DMI regulation has not been established in ruminants. Three randomized complete block experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding fat or infusing GLP-1 or CCK intravenously on DMI, nutrient digestibility, and Cr rate of passage (using Cr(2)O(3) as a marker) in wethers. A total of 18 Targhee × Hampshire wethers (36.5 ± 2.5 kg of BW) were used, and each experiment consisted of four 21-d periods (14 d for adaptation and 7 d for infusion and sampling). Wethers allotted to the control treatments served as the controls for all 3 experiments; experiments were performed simultaneously. The basal diet was 60% concentrate and 40% forage. In Exp. 1, treatments were the control (0% added fat) and addition of 4 or 6% Ca salts of palm oil fatty acids (DM basis). Treatments in Exp. 2 and 3 were the control and 3 jugular vein infusion dosages of GLP-1 (0.052, 0.103, or 0.155 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)) or CCK (0.069, 0.138, or 0.207 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)), respectively. Increases in plasma GLP-1 and CCK concentrations during hormone infusions were comparable with increases observed when increasing amounts of fat were fed. Feeding fat and infusion of GLP-1 tended (linear, P = 0.12; quadratic, P = 0.13) to decrease DMI. Infusion of CCK did not affect (P > 0.21) DMI. Retention time of Cr in the total gastrointestinal tract decreased (linear, P < 0.01) when fat was fed, but was not affected by GLP-1 or CCK infusion. In conclusion, jugular vein infusion produced similar plasma CCK and GLP-1 concentrations as observed when fat was fed. The effects of feeding fat on DMI may be partially regulated by plasma concentration of GLP-1, but are not likely due solely to changes in a single hormone concentration.


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A two-phase system composed by a leach bed and a methanogenic reactor was modified for the first time to improve volumetric substrate degradation and methane yields from a complex substrate (maize; Zea mays). The system, which was operated for consecutive feed cycles of different durations for 120 days, was highly flexible and its performance improved by altering operational conditions. Daily substrate degradation was higher the shorter the feed cycle, reaching 8.5 g TSdestroyed d�1 (7-day feed cycle) but the overall substrate degradation was higher by up to 55% when longer feed cycles (14 and 28 days) were applied. The same occurred with volumetric methane yields, reaching 0.839 m3 (m3)�1 d�1. The system performed better than others on specific methane yields, reaching 0.434 m3 kg�1 TSadded, in the 14-day and 28-day systems. The UASB and AF designs performed similarly as second stage reactors on methane yields, SCOD and VFA removal efficiencies.


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The translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and PKC-zeta from soluble to particulate fractions was studied in ventricular cardiomyocytes cultured from neonatal rats. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) caused a rapid ETA receptor-mediated translocation of PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon (complete in 0.5-1 min). By 3-5 min, both isoforms were returning to the soluble fraction, but a greater proportion of PKC-epsilon remained associated with the particulate fraction. The EC50 of translocation for PKC-delta was 11-15 nM ET-1 whereas that for PKC-epsilon was 1.4-1.7 nM. Phenylephrine caused a rapid translocation of PKC-epsilon (EC50 = 0.9 microM) but the proportion lost from the soluble fraction was less than with ET-1. Translocation of PKC-delta was barely detectable with phenylephrine. Neither agonist caused any consistent translocation of PKC-alpha or PKC-zeta. Activation of p42 and p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by ET-1 or phenylephrine followed more slowly (complete in 3-5 min). Phosphorylation of p42-MAPK occurred simultaneously with its activation. The proportion of the total p42-MAPK pool phosphorylated in response to ET-1 (50%) was greater than with phenylephrine (20%). In addition to activation of MAPK, an unidentified p85 protein kinase was activated by ET-1 in the soluble fraction whereas an unidentified p58 protein kinase was activated in the particulate fraction.


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Chromosome microdeletions or duplications are detected in 10-20% of patients with mental impairment and normal karyotypes. A few cases have been reported of mental impairment with microdeletions comprising tumor suppressor genes. By array-CGH we detected 4 mentally impaired individuals carrying de novo microdeletions sharing an overlapping segment of similar to 180 kb in 17p13.1. This segment encompasses 18 genes, including 3 involved in cancer, namely KCTD11/REN, DLG4/PSD95, and GPS2. Furthermore, in 2 of the patients, the deletions also included TP53, the most frequently inactivated gene in human cancers. The 3 tumor suppressor genes KCTD11, DLG4, and GPS2, in addition to the GABARAP gene, have a known or suspected function in neuronal development and are candidates for causing mental impairment in our patients. Among our 4 patients with deletions in 17p13.1, 3 were part of a Brazilian cohort of 300 mentally retarded individuals, suggesting that this segment may be particularly prone to rearrangements and appears to be an important cause (similar to 1%) of mental retardation. Further, the constitutive deletion of tumor suppressor genes in these patients, particularly TP53, probably confers a significantly increased lifetime risk for cancer and warrants careful oncological surveillance of these patients. Constitutional chromosome deletions containing tumor suppressor genes in patients with mental impairment or congenital abnormalities may represent an important mechanism linking abnormal phenotypes with increased risks of cancer. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel do polimorfismo de I/D do gene da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina (ECA) e o polimorfismo K121Q da PC-1 nas modificações das taxas de filtração glomerular (TFG), excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) e pressão arterial em uma coorte de pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 normoalbuminúricos (EUA<20μg/min) em um estudo com seguimento de 10,2 ± 2,0anos (6,5 a 13,3 anos). A EUA (imunoturbidimetria), TFG (técnica da injeção única de 51Cr-EDTA), HbA1c (cromatografia de troca iônica) e pressão arterial foram medidas no início do estudo e a intervalos de 1,7 ± 0,6 anos. O polimorfismo I/D e K121Q foram determinados através da PCR e restrição enzimática. Onze pacientes apresentaram o genótipo II, 13 o ID e 6 apresentaram o genótipo DD. Pacientes com o alelo D (ID/DD) desenvolveram mais freqüentemente hipertensão arterial e retinopatia diabética. Os 3 pacientes do estudo que desenvolveram nefropatia diabética apresentaram o alelo D. Nos pacientes ID/DD (n=19) ocorreu maior redução da TFG quando comparados com os pacientes II (n=11) (-0,39 ± 0,29 vs – 0,12 ± 0,37 ml/min/mês; P=0,035). A presença do alelo D, em análise de regressão múltipla linear (R2=0,15; F=4,92; P=0,035) foi o único fator associado à redução da TFG (-0,29 ± 0,34 ml/min/mês; P<0,05). Já o aumento da EUA (log EUA = 0,0275 ± 0,042 μg/min/mês; P=0,002) foi associado somente aos níveis iniciais de EUA (R2=0,17; F=5,72; P=0,024). Um aumento significativo (P<0,05) no desenvolvimento de hipertensão arterial e de novos casos de retinopatia diabética foi observado somente nos pacientes com os genótipos ID/DD. Vinte e dois pacientes apresentaram genótipo KK, 7 KQ e 1 apresentou genótipo QQ. Pacientes com os genótipos KQ/QQ apresentaram um aumento significativo (P=0,045) de novos casos de retinopatia diabética. Em conclusão a presença do alelo D nesta amostra de pacientes DM tipo 1 normoalbuminúricos e normotensos está associada com aumento na proporção de complicações microvasculares e hipertensão arterial.


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Background: Endurance training increases insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport and leads to improved metabolic control in diabetic patients.Objective: To analyze the effects of endurance training on the early steps of insulin action in muscle of rats. Design: Male rats submitted to daily swimming for 6 weeks were compared with sedentary controls. At the end of the training period, anesthetized animals received an intravenous (i.v.) injection of insulin and had a fragment of their gastrocnemius muscle excised for the experiments.Methods: Associations between insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrates (IRS)-1 and -2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) were analyzed by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. Akt-1 serine phosphorylation and specific protein quantification were detected by immunoblotting of total extracts, and IRS-1/IRS-2-associated PI3-kinase activity were determined by thin-layer chromatography.Results: Insulin-induced phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IRS-2 increased respectively by 1.8-fold (P < 0.05) and 1.5-fold (P < 0.05), whereas their association with PI3-kinase increased by 2.3-fold (P < 0.05) and 1.9-fold (P < 0.05) in trained rats as compared with sedentary controls, respectively. The activity of PI3-kinase associated with IRS-1 and IRS-2 increased by 1.8-fold (P < 0.05) and 1.7-fold (P < 0.05) respectively, in trained rats as compared with their untrained counterparts. Serine phosphorylation of Akt-1/PKB increased 1.7-fold (P < 0.05) in trained rats in response to insulin. These findings were accompanied by increased responsiveness to insulin as demonstrated by a reduced area under the curve for insulin during an i.v. glucose tolerance test, by increased glucose disappearance rate during an insulin tolerance test, and by increased expression of glucose transporter-4.Conclusions: the increased responsiveness to insulin induced by chronic exercise in rat skeletal muscle may result, at least in part, from the modulation of the insulin signaling pathway at different molecular levels.


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Homogeneous catalysts prepared from rhodium trichloride in aqueous aromatic amines have been shown to reduce C-CI bonds under mild water gas shift conditions (T=100 degrees C, P-CO = 1.0 atm). In a 4-picoline/water solvent mixture, 1,2-dichloroethane is reduced to ethylene and ethane in yields compatible with the consumption of the reducing agent CO and with the formation of CO2. Variation of the catalyst solutions by using different substituted pyridines shows a pattern of catalytic activity parallel to that reported previously for H-2 production from the shift reaction, There is a moderate dependence of activity on the basicity of the aromatic amine, but a methyl group at the alpha-position exercises a strong negative steric effect. Long term studies show decrease of the activity with the time perhaps due to the build up of chloride in the medium. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)