996 resultados para Kathleen Ellis
Ocean acoustic propagation and reverberation in continental shelf regions is often controlled by the seabed and sea surface boundaries. A series of three multi-national and multi-disciplinary experiments was conducted between 2000-2002 to identify and measure key ocean boundary characteristics. The frequency range of interest was nominally 500-5000 Hz with the main focus on the seabed, which is generally considered as the boundary of greatest importance and least understood. Two of the experiments were conducted in the Mediterranean in the Strait of Sicily and one experiment in the North Atlantic with sites on the outer New Jersey Shelf (STRATAFORM area) and on the Scotian Shelf. Measurements included seabed reflection, seabed, surface, and biologic scattering, propagation, reverberation, and ambient noise along with supporting oceanographic, geologic, and geophysical data. This paper is primarily intended to provide an overview of the experiments and the strategies that linked the various measurements together, with detailed experiment results contained in various papers in this volume and other sources
鸟类的个体发育是在双亲、雏鸟及巢组成的一种特殊环境中完成的,稳定的热环境是它们完成孵化和雏鸟生长发育的必要条件(White et al.,1974;Purdue,1976;Ellis,1982;Haftorn,1983;Morton et al.,1985;Schnace et al.,1991;Vatnick et al.,1998;张晓爱等,1995)。因此亲鸟的伴巢行为及时间是指亲鸟在繁殖期间,为筑巢、防御、抱卵、孵雏及递食而出现在巢中或附近的所有行为(Oppenhaim,1972)。亲鸟拌巢的时间分配与巢环境有密切关系,已有大量的报道(如Purdue,1976;Ellis, 1982;Schnace et al., 1991;张晓爱等,1995)。张晓爱等(1995)比较了高寒草甸地区的地面、灌丛及洞穴3种不同营巢类型亲鸟的伴巢时间分配模式,但是对亲缘关系较近,营巢生境相同鸟类之间的伴巢时间分配模式,以及坐巢行为与巢环境之间关系没有报道,国外对这方面的报道也甚少。本项研究选择高寒草甸的两种百灵科鸟:角百灵(Eremophila alpestris)和小云雀(Alauda gulgula)作为研究对象来比较亲鸟在卵化期坐巢行为与巢址微环境的关系,对研究鸟类繁殖行为与环境关系及从生活史进化角度研究相似种的共存机制提供理论依据。
Timing data is infrequently reported in aphasiological literature and time taken is only a minor factor, where it is considered at all, in existing aphasia assessments. This is not surprising because reaction times are difficult to obtain manually, but it is a pity, because speed data should be indispensable in assessing the severity of language processing disorders and in evaluating the effects of treatment. This paper argues that reporting accuracy data without discussing speed of performance gives an incomplete and potentially misleading picture of any cognitive function. Moreover, in deciding how to treat, when to continue treatment and when to cease therapy, clinicians should have regard to both parameters: Speed and accuracy of performance. Crerar, Ellis and Dean (1996) reported a study in which the written sentence comprehension of 14 long-term agrammatic subjects was assessed and treated using a computer-based microworld. Some statistically significant and durable treatment effects were obtained after a short amount of focused therapy. Only accuracy data were reported in that (already long) paper, and interestingly, although it has been a widely read study, neither referees nor subsequent readers seemed to miss "the other side of the coin": How these participants compared with controls for their speed of processing and what effect treatment had on speed. This paper considers both aspects of the data and presents a tentative way of combining treatment effects on both accuracy and speed of performance in a single indicator. Looking at rehabilitation this way gives us a rather different perspective on which individuals benefited most from the intervention. It also demonstrates that while some subjects are capable of utilising metalinguistic skills to achieve normal accuracy scores even many years post-stroke, there is little prospect of reducing the time taken to within the normal range. Without considering speed of processing, the extent of this residual functional impairment can be overlooked.