400 resultados para Kaltio, Outi


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Microzooplankton (the 20 to 200 µm size class of zooplankton) is recognised as an important part of marine pelagic ecosystems. In terms of biomass and abundance pelagic ciliates are one of the important groups of organism in microzooplankton. However, their rates - grazing and growth - , feeding behaviour and prey preferences are poorly known and understood. A set of data was assembled in order to derive a better understanding of pelagic ciliates rates, in response to parameters such as prey concentration, prey type (size and species), temperature and their own size. With these objectives, literature was searched for laboratory experiments with information on one or more of these parameters effect studied. The criteria for selection and inclusion in the database included: (i) controlled laboratory experiment with a known ciliates feeding on a known prey; (ii) presence of ancillary information about experimental conditions, used organisms - cell volume, cell dimensions, and carbon content. Rates and ancillary information were measured in units that meet the experimenter need, creating a need to harmonize the data units after collection. In addition different units can link to different mechanisms (carbon to nutritive quality of the prey, volume to size limits). As a result, grazing rates are thus available as pg C/(ciliate*h), µm**3/(ciliate*h) and prey cell/(ciliate*h); clearance rate was calculated if not given and growth rate is expressed as the growth rate per day.


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Herein we report the clinical, histopathological, and molecular features of a cancer syndrome with predisposition to uterine leiomyomas and papillary renal cell carcinoma. The studied kindred included 11 family members with uterine leiomyomas and two with uterine leiomyosarcoma. Seven individuals had a history of cutaneous nodules, two of which were confirmed to be cutaneous leiomyomatosis. The four kidney cancer cases occurred in young (33- to 48-year-old) females and displayed a unique natural history. All these kidney cancers displayed a distinct papillary histology and presented as unilateral solitary lesions that had metastasized at the time of diagnosis. Genetic-marker analysis mapped the predisposition gene to chromosome 1q. Losses of the normal chromosome 1q were observed in tumors that had occurred in the kindred, including a uterine leiomyoma. Moreover, the observed histological features were used as a tool to diagnose a second kindred displaying the phenotype. We have shown that predisposition to uterine leiomyomas and papillary renal cell cancer can be inherited dominantly through the hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) gene. The HLRCC gene maps to chromosome 1q and is likely to be a tumor suppressor. Clinical, histopathological, and molecular tools are now available for accurate detection and diagnosis of this cancer syndrome.


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The biological significance of DNA amplification in cancer is thought to be due to the selection of increased expression of a single or few important genes. However, systematic surveys of the copy number and expression of all genes within an amplified region of the genome have not been performed. Here we have used a combination of molecular, genomic, and microarray technologies to identify target genes for 17q23, a common region of amplification in breast cancers with poor prognosis. Construction of a 4-Mb genomic contig made it possible to define two common regions of amplification in breast cancer cell lines. Analysis of 184 primary breast tumors by fluorescence in situ hybridization on tissue microarrays validated these results with the highest amplification frequency (12.5%) observed for the distal region. Based on GeneMap'99 information, 17 known genes and 26 expressed sequence tags were localized to the contig. Analysis of genomic sequence identified 77 additional transcripts. A comprehensive analysis of expression levels of these transcripts in six breast cancer cell lines was carried out by using complementary DNA microarrays. The expression patterns varied from one cell line to another, and several overexpressed genes were identified. Of these, RPS6KB1, MUL, APPBP2, and TRAP240 as well as one uncharacterized expressed sequence tag were located in the two common amplified regions. In summary, comprehensive analysis of the 17q23 amplicon revealed a limited number of highly expressed genes that may contribute to the more aggressive clinical course observed in breast cancer patients with 17q23-amplified tumors.


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Urine output (UO) criterion may increase the sensitivity of the definition of acute kidney injury (AKI). We determined whether the empirically derived definition for oliguria(<0.5 ml/kg/h) is independently associated with adverse outcome. Data analysis included hourly recorded UO from the prospective, multicenter FINNAKI study conducted in 16 Finnish intensive care units. Confounder-adjusted association of oliguria of different severity and duration primarily with the development of AKI defined by creatinine criterion (Cr-AKI) or renal replacement therapy(RRT) was assessed. Secondarily, we determined the association of oliguria with 90-day mortality. Of the 1966 patients analyzed for the development of AKI, 454 (23.1%) reached this endpoint. Within this AKI cohort, 312 (68.7%)developed Cr-AKI, 21 (4.6%) commenced RRT without Cr-AKI, and 121 (26.7%) commenced RRT with Cr-AKI. Episodes of severe oliguria (<0.1 ml/kg/h) for more than 3 h were independently associated with the development of Cr-AKI or RRT. The shortest periods of consecutive oliguria independently associated with an increased risk for 90-day mortality were 6–12 h of oliguria from 0.3 to <0.5 ml/kg/h, over 6 h of oliguria from 0.1 to <0.3 ml/kg/h, and severe oliguria lasting over 3 h.Thus, our findings underlie the importance of hourly UO measurements.


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This thesis studied the effect of (i) the number of grating components and (ii) parameter randomisation on root-mean-square (r.m.s.) contrast sensitivity and spatial integration. The effectiveness of spatial integration without external spatial noise depended on the number of equally spaced orientation components in the sum of gratings. The critical area marking the saturation of spatial integration was found to decrease when the number of components increased from 1 to 5-6 but increased again at 8-16 components. The critical area behaved similarly as a function of the number of grating components when stimuli consisted of 3, 6 or 16 components with different orientations and/or phases embedded in spatial noise. Spatial integration seemed to depend on the global Fourier structure of the stimulus. Spatial integration was similar for sums of two vertical cosine or sine gratings with various Michelson contrasts in noise. The critical area for a grating sum was found to be a sum of logarithmic critical areas for the component gratings weighted by their relative Michelson contrasts. The human visual system was modelled as a simple image processor where the visual stimuli is first low-pass filtered by the optical modulation transfer function of the human eye and secondly high-pass filtered, up to the spatial cut-off frequency determined by the lowest neural sampling density, by the neural modulation transfer function of the visual pathways. The internal noise is then added before signal interpretation occurs in the brain. The detection is mediated by a local spatially windowed matched filter. The model was extended to include complex stimuli and its applicability to the data was found to be successful. The shape of spatial integration function was similar for non-randomised and randomised simple and complex gratings. However, orientation and/or phase randomised reduced r.m.s contrast sensitivity by a factor of 2. The effect of parameter randomisation on spatial integration was modelled under the assumption that human observers change the observer strategy from cross-correlation (i.e., a matched filter) to auto-correlation detection when uncertainty is introduced to the task. The model described the data accurately.


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The metabolic rate of organisms may either be viewed as a basic property from which other vital rates and many ecological patterns emerge and that follows a universal allometric mass scaling law; or it may be considered a property of the organism that emerges as a result of the organism's adaptation to the environment, with consequently less universal mass scaling properties. Data on body mass, maximum ingestion and clearance rates, respiration rates and maximum growth rates of animals living in the ocean epipelagic were compiled from the literature, mainly from original papers but also from previous compilations by other authors. Data were read from tables or digitized from graphs. Only measurements made on individuals of know size, or groups of individuals of similar and known size were included. We show that clearance and respiration rates have life-form-dependent allometries that have similar scaling but different elevations, such that the mass-specific rates converge on a rather narrow size-independent range. In contrast, ingestion and growth rates follow a near-universal taxa-independent ~3/4 mass scaling power law. We argue that the declining mass-specific clearance rates with size within taxa is related to the inherent decrease in feeding efficiency of any particular feeding mode. The transitions between feeding mode and simultaneous transitions in clearance and respiration rates may then represent adaptations to the food environment and be the result of the optimization of tradeoffs that allow sufficient feeding and growth rates to balance mortality.


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The present data compilation includes ciliates growth rate, grazing rate and gross growth efficiency determined either in the field or in laboratory experiments. From the existing literature, we synthesized all data that we could find on cilliate. Some sources might be missing but none were purposefully ignored. Field data on microzooplankton grazing are mostly comprised of grazing rate using the dilution technique with a 24h incubation period. Laboratory grazing and growth data are focused on pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. The experiment measured grazing or growth as a function of prey concentration or at saturating prey concentration (maximal grazing rate). When considering every single data point available (each measured rate for a defined predator-prey pair and a certain prey concentration) there is a total of 1485 data points for the ciliates, counting experiments that measured growth and grazing simultaneously as 1 data point.


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Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää suomen kielelle käännetyn OASES-A (Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering – Adults) -arviointimenetelmän käytettävyyttä suomenkielisten änkyttävien aikuisten änkytyksen arvioinnissa. Logopedian alalla on pulaa suomenkielisistä arviointimenetelmistä, eikä änkytyksen arviointiin ole tällä hetkellä käytettävissä virallisesti julkaistuja suomenkielisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Änkytys vaikuttaa puhujan elämään monin tavoin. Se vaikeuttaa kommunikointia arjessa ja vaikuttaa sitä kautta muun muassa puhujan tunne-elämään, ihmissuhteisiin, opiskelu- ja työelämään sekä yleiseen elämänlaatuun. Änkytystä tulisikin arvioida mahdollisimman monipuolisesti. Puheen sujumattomuuksien sekä änkytykseen liittyvien tunteiden ja asenteiden arvioinnin lisäksi on mielekästä arvioida änkytyksen vaikutusta puhujan elämään kokonaisuutena. OASES-arviointimenetelmä perustuu WHO:n toimintakyvyn, toimintarajoitteiden ja terveyden ICF-luokitukseen. Arviointimenetelmässä on neljä osaa, jotka käsittävät yleistiedot puhujan änkytyksestä, puhujan reaktiot änkytykseen, kommunikoinnin vaikeudet arjen tilanteissa sekä änkytyksen vaikutuksen elämänlaatuun. Tuloksena saatava vaikutustulos kertoo, kuinka suureksi kyselylomakkeen täyttäjä arvioi änkytyksen kielteisen vaikutuksen elämässään. Suomen kielelle käännetty OASES-A-arviointimenetelmä annettiin täytettäväksi 15:stä äidinkielenään suomea puhuvasta änkyttävästä aikuisesta koostuneelle koehenkilöjoukolle. Koehenkilöiden saamia tuloksia verrattiin OASES-A-arviointimenetelmän amerikkalaiseen normiaineistoon. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin suomen kielelle käännetyn arviointimenetelmän reliabiliteettia ja validiteettia. Suomenkielisten änkyttävien aikuisten tulokset olivat samansuuntaiset alkuperäisen amerikkalaisen normiaineiston kanssa. Suomen kielelle käännetyn arviointimenetelmän reliabiliteetti ja validiteetti vaikuttavat alustavasti hyviltä. Tulosten perusteella suomen kielelle käännetty OASES-A-arviointimenetelmä soveltuu käytettäväksi suomenkielisten änkyttävien aikuisten änkytyksen arviointiin. Jatkossa olisi mielekästä toistaa tutkimus suuremmalla koehenkilöjoukolla ja hankkia tarkempaa tietoa suomenkielisten änkyttävien aikuisten tuloksista sekä arviointimenetelmän reliabiliteetista ja validiteetista.


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Here we present oxygen-nonstoichiometric transition metal oxides as highly prominent candidates to catalyze the industrially important oxidation reactions of hydrocarbons when hydrogen peroxide is employed as an environmentally benign oxidant. The proof-of-concept data are revealed for the complex cobalt oxide, YBaCo4O7+δ (0 < δ < 1.5), in the oxidation process of cyclohexene. In the 2-h reaction experiments YBaCo4O7+δ was found to be significantly more active (>60 % conversion) than the commercial TiO2 catalyst (<20 %) even though its surface area was less than one tenth of that of TiO2. In the 7-h experiments with YBaCo4O7+δ, 100 % conversion of cyclohexene was achieved. Immersion calorimetry measurements showed that the high catalytic activity may be ascribed to the exceptional ability of YBaCo4O7+δ to dissociate H2O2 and release active oxygen to the oxidation reaction.