992 resultados para Jacobi Symbol
We describe the genomic organization of a recently identified CC chemokine, MIP3 alpha /CCL20 (HGMW-approved symbol SCYA20). The MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 gene was cloned and sequenced, revealing a four exon, three intron structure, and was localized by FISK analysis to 2q35-q36. Two distinct cDNAs were identified, encoding two forms of MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, Ala MLP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, that differ by one amino acid at the predicted signal peptide cleavage site. Examination of the sequence around the boundary of intron 1 and exon 2 showed that use of alternative splice acceptor sites could give rise to Ata MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 or Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. Both forms of MIP-3cr/CCL20 were chemically synthesized and tested for biological activity. Both flu antigen plus IL-a-activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphoblasts and cord blood-derived dendritic cells responded to Ser and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. T lymphocytes exposed only to IL-2 responded inconsistently, while no response was detected in naive T lymphocytes, monocytes, or neutrophils. The biological activity of Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and the tissue-specific preference of different splice acceptor sites are not yet known. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
The effects of conditioning and hot water treatments on immature and mature 'Kensington' mangoes were examined. A hot water treatment of 47 degreesC fruit core temperature held for 15 min increased weight loss (50%), fruit softness (15%), disrupted starch hydrolysis and interacted with maturity to reduce the skin yellowness (40-51%) of early harvested fruit. Immature fruit were more susceptible to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding, starch layer and starch spot injuries and disease. Conditioning fruit at 40 degreesC for up to 16 h before hot water treatment accelerated fruit ripening, as reflected in higher total soluble solids and lower titratable acidity levels. As fruit maturity increased, the tolerance to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding and the retention of starch layers and starch spots increased and susceptibility to lenticel spotting decreased. A conditioning treatment of either 22 degrees or 40 degreesC before hot water treatment could prevent the appearance of cavities at all maturity levels. The 40 degreesC conditioning temperature was found to be more effective in increasing fruit heat tolerance than the 22 degreesC treatment; the longer the time of conditioning at 40 degreesC, the more effective the treatment (16 v. 4 h). For maximum fruit quality, particularly for export markets, it is recommended that mature fruit are selected and conditioned before hot water treatment to reduce the risk of heat damage.
Changes in carbohydrate metabolism of 'Kensington' mango fruit from 2 major production regions in Queensland were measured after conditioning fruit with hot air at 40degreesC for 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 h or at 22degreesC for 16 h (control) followed by hot-water treatment at either 45degreesC fruit-core temperature for 30 min or 47degreesC fruit-core temperature held for 15 min. Advancing physiological maturity of 'Kensington' mango fruit was correlated with increased starch concentration within the mesocarp. An alpha-amylase inhibitor was present in unripe 'Kensington' mesocarp. alpha-Amylase activity was promoted by conditioning fruit at 40degreesC for 8 h, and this enhanced enzyme activity persisted until the fruit were ripe. Consequently, starch degradation was accelerated and the concentration of total soluble solids was higher in fruit conditioned at 40degreesC for 8 h than in fruit left at the lower temperature of 22degreesC for 16 h or not conditioned. Immediately on removal of fruit from hot-water treatment, activities of alpha-amylase and phosphorylase were inhibited. This inhibition was correlated with higher starch concentration and starch layer and starch spot injuries in these fruit. A positive correlation was also found between increased sucrose concentration and greater starch loss in 40degreesC conditioned 'Kensington' fruit. It is proposed that increased sugar concentration in the mesocarp increased the level of fruit heat tolerance.
This paper investigates the factors affecting the language choices of the Chinese Foochows of Sarawak, focusing in particular on how the use of the Foochow dialect vis-a`-vis English and other languages might potentially result in a shift in language allegiance away from Foochow. In the context of Sarawak, the Foochows are a substantial, cohesive and homogeneous Chinese ethnic group with a distinctive language and ethnic identity. One would predict that they would engage in extensive language maintenance behaviour. Instead, Foochows living in non-Foochow dominant areas do not seem to have sufficient attachment to the language to transmit it to the next generation. Is this because the Foochows consider that accommodating to communicative norms is more important than preserving their native language as an inherent symbol of their ethnic identity? Or is it the result of the Foochows’ insecurity about the prestige of the dialect and the status of the Foochow people? These issues of accommodation and language allegiance are discussed, based on interview and questionnaire data from 11 Foochow participants. This data set is part of a larger study on the language use of different ethnic groups in multilingual organisational settings in Sarawak.
The recent identification of several additional members of the family of sugar transport facilitators (gene symbol SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT) has created a heterogeneous and, in part, confusing nomenclature. Therefore, this letter provides a summary of the family members and suggests a systematic nomenclature for SLC2A and GLUT symbols.
OBJETIVO: Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as características histológicas e imunohistoquímicas (Ki-67 e CK-16) do colesteatoma espontâneo do meato acústico externo comparando-as com as do colesteatoma adquirido da orelha média. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Caso controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Fragmentos de colesteatoma do meato acústico externo foram submetidos a estudo histológico e imunohistoquímico com o intuito de verificar a expressão da CK16 e do antígeno nuclear Ki-67 nas células de sua matriz, e os resultados foram comparados com os encontrados no colesteatoma adquirido da orelha média. RESULTADOS: Os aspectos histológico e imunohistoquímico quanto à presença da CK16 e do antígeno nuclear Ki-67 na matriz do colesteatoma do meato acústico externo foram idênticos àqueles encontrados no colesteatoma adquirido da orelha média. DISCUSSÃO: Acreditamos que a ocorrência do colesteatoma do meato acústico externo seja devido ao comportamento anormal de células com potencial hiperproliferativo no epitélio do meato. Este potencial estaria relacionado com a presença da CK16 em uma região onde estes marcadores não são usualmente encontrados. Esta característica hiperproliferativa do colesteatoma do meato fica patente pela presença do antígeno nuclear Ki-67 nas células suprabasais de sua epiderme. Possivelmente esta doença deve ser desencadeada pela interação desta citoqueratina (CK16) com citocinas presentes no tecido conjuntivo subepitelial inflamado, como a TGF-Symbol>µ. CONCLUSÃO: As características histológicas (presença de cones epiteliais) e histoquímicas (expressão da CK16 e do antígeno nuclear KI-67) são idênticas no colesteatoma adquirido da orelha média e no colesteatoma espontâneo do meato acústico externo.
O Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) é um teste que avalia o equilíbrio e marcha do corpo humano. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram adaptar culturalmente o DGI para o português e avaliar a sua confiabilidade. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Seguiu-se o método de Guillemin et al. (1993) para a adaptação cultural do instrumento. Trata-se de estudo prospectivo em que 46 pacientes foram avaliados na fase de adaptação cultural e os itens que apresentaram 20% ou mais de incompreensão foram reformulados e reaplicados. A versão final do DGI em português foi aplicada em 35 idosos para examinar a confiabilidade intra e inter-observadores. O coeficiente de Spearman foi utilizado para correlacionar os escores inter e intra-observador e o teste de Wilcoxon para comparar as pontuações. A consistência interna foi analisada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Houve correlações estatisticamente significantes entre os escores obtidos às avaliações inter e intra-observadores para todos os itens (p<0,001), classificadas como boa a muito forte (com de variação de r=0,655 a r=0,951). O DGI mostrou alta consistência interna entre seus itens nas avaliações inter e intra-observadores (variação de Symbol>µ ou = 0,820 a a=0,894). CONCLUSÃO: O DGI foi adaptado culturalmente para o português brasileiro, mostrando-se um instrumento confiável.
Os glicocorticóides (GC) são drogas de escolha no tratamento clínico da polipose nasossinusal conforme recomendação da literatura. Entretanto, seus mecanismos de ação nas regressões dos sintomas clínicos e dos pólipos não são totalmente compreendidos. Sabe-se que a administração tópica e ou sistêmica dos glicocorticóides leva a variações na expressão de citocinas, quimiocinas e linfocinas, além das alterações celulares. Assim, os GC suprimem a expressão de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, de quimiocinas, de moléculas de adesão, além de estimular a transcrição de citocinas antiinflamatórias. Citocinas pró-fibróticas como a IL-11, fator básico de crescimento do fibroblasto (b-FGF) e fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF), relacionados com o crescimento do pólipo, também são suprimidos pela ação do GC. Tal ação depende fundamentalmente da interação com os seus receptores (GR), pois alguns indivíduos apresentam algum grau de resistência celular ao seu efeito, que parece estar relacionada com a presença da isoforma Symbol>b do GR. Genes envolvidos nas fases de produção de imunoglobulinas, apresentação e processamento do antígeno também sofrem ação dos GC de forma variada. OBJETIVOS: Fazer uma revisão da literatura sobre os mecanismos de ação do GC na PNS. CONCLUSÃO: A compreensão desses mecanismos implicará no desenvolvimento de drogas mais eficazes na sua terapêutica.
Abstract In this article we analyze two different perceptions of border inside Europe. On the one hand, we have the perception idealized by the European Union as an international organization, which believes that states benefit more from cooperation and dilution of borders in a common space than from keeping its borders as a symbol of its sovereignty. On the other hand, we have the European member states, taken individually, with particular interests and goals that, given the threat of illegal immigration, which is currently felt in the large-scale Europe, adopt a realistic perception of the border, and look at each territory as a space that needs protection from external threats. Following this argument, we reason that the current construction of walls in several European countries reflects the rebirth of a realistic perception of the border, and this is one more challenge for Europe regarding its unity and solidarity. Is this the end of the Schengen Agreement? What is going to happen to the European project if each state unilaterally adopts a strategy to deal with illegal immigration and refugees that are coming to Europe? Can immigration lead to a retrocession of the EU idealist significance of border?
Brand equity is considered as the most important aspect of branding, which is a set of brands' assets and liabilities, its symbol or name that subtracts from or adds the value provided by a product or service to a firm and customers. The current research endeavor was to identify the interrelationship of customer-based brand equity dimensions (brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image, and service quality) in Pakistani hotel industry. Data was collected from 821 consumers who experienced the services of Pakistani five star hotels from multiple locations. Mediating regression and stepwise regression analyses were applied for investigation of study hypotheses. Results pointed out positive and significant influences of service quality on all other dimensions of brand equity whereas partial mediations were endorsed among the variables. Researchers and practitioners implications are discussed.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar como a cobrança do uso da água nas bacias do PCJ tem influenciado o comportamento dos usuários industriais no sentido de adotar estratégias para a racionalização do consumo de recursos hídricos. A metodologia inclui entrevistas em profundidade com múltiplos stakeholders, incluindo representantes das indústrias, do setor público, do Comitê de Bacia PCJ e organizações não governamentais. As conclusões apontam para um processo de implantação da cobrança pelo uso da água de baixa eficiência, ainda que resulte no estímulo do uso racional da água no setor. O principal fator é o preço reduzido da cobrança que não estimula as mudanças em profundidade na Gestão de Recursos Hídricos, além de gerar recursos financeiros pouco significativos para a preservação da qualidade da água na região.
Considerando-se o sarampo como infecção com grande importância médico-sanitária atual, estudou-se sua incidência numa cohorte de 5 anos (entre 2 -Symbol>½7 anos atuais) em região urbana de São José do Rio Prêto (Brasil) evidenciando-se a elevação da incidência progressivamente em idades mais jovens. Utilizando-se de método de investigação acessível em noso meio - entrevistas - determinou-se a ação profilática da vacina específica (96%) e a demanda hospitalar devido ao sarampo (758 leitos/dia) na área estudada nos últimos 5 anos.
A total of 173 sera from isolated Brazilian Indian populations, 39 from the Diauarun area, and 68 from the Alto Xingú area, respectively in the North and the South of the Xingú National Park and 66 Kren-Akorore Indians, were examined for hemagglutination - inhibiting (HI) antibodies against BK and JC viruses. The global percentages of positive sera (Symbol>> 1:40) were 5.2% for BK virus and 1.7% for JC virus. The distribution of positive sera according to the population groups showed one individual to be positive for BK virus in the Diauarun Indians and none of the sera contained HI antibody to JC virus; in the Alto Xingú Indians, 4 were positive for BK virus and 3 others were positive for JC virus; as regards Kren-Akorore Indians none of the sera contained antibody to JC virus, and only 4 were BK positive. Due to the limited number of observations it was neither possible to determine the time of occurrence of seroconversion nor correlate the positivity rates for both viruses in the different tribes with the respective "contact" with the white population.