997 resultados para Jämställdhet eller emancipation
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial. In this paper we discuss the nativist intervention of some African intellectuals in Cape Verde in order to clarify its meaning and political reach. Despite its commitment to the protection of Cape Verdeans against the Portuguese colonial oppression, those intellectuals would not be able to generate an anti-colonial movement capable of leading the colony to independence, but they left a political and cultural legacy to future generations that allowed them to fight for the preservation of their national identity and finally achieve emancipation from colonial domination in Cape Verde. Dans ce travail, nous discutons l'intervention nativiste de certains intellectuels africains au Cap-vert afin de clarifier son éssence et sa portée politique. En dépit de son engagement à protéger les Cap-verdiens contre l'oppression coloniale portugaise, ces intellectuels ne seraient pas en mesure de bâtir un mouvement anticolonial capable de conduire la colonie à l'indépendance, mais ont laissé un héritage politique et culturel aux nouvelles générations qui leur a permis de lutter pour la préservation de leur identité nationale et de parvenir enfin à l'émancipation de la domination coloniale au Cap-vert.
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial.
A realidade mundial é preocupante no que diz respeito ao aumento de ocorrências de perdas e fraudes em redes de distribuição de energia eléctrica. Em Cabo Verde, mas precisamente na Cidade da Praia a realidade é ainda mais preocupante devido ao número de ocorrências e a gravidade dos mesmos. Propõe-se um trabalho de investigação sobre perdas e fraudes de energia eléctrica baseado na análise dos dados relativos aos registos dos clientes na Base de Dados da Electra (Cabo Verde), com o intuito de nortear as tomadas de decisões de gestão estratégica no que diz respeito às políticas de controlo e prevenção de perdas e fraudes de energia eléctrica. O trabalho baseia-se na recolha e selecção de dados a organizar numa Data Warehouse para depois aplicar as tecnologias OLAP para a identificação de perdas nos Postos de Transformação e zonas geográficas da Cidade da Praia em Cabo Verde e posteriormente identificar possíveis fraudes de energia eléctrica nos clientes finais utilizando Data Mining. Os resultados principais consistiram na identificação de situações de perdas de energia eléctrica nos Postos de Transformação, a identificação de áreas críticas seleccionadas para inspecção dos seus clientes finais e a detecção de padrões de anomalias associadas ao perfil dos clientes.
BACKGROUND: The relationship between physicians and patients has undergone important changes, and the current emancipation of patients has led to a real partnership in medical decision making. The present study aimed to assess patients' preferences on different aspects of decision making during treatment and potential complications, as well as the amount and type of preoperative information wanted before visceral surgery. METHODS: This was a prospective non-randomized study based on a questionnaire given to 253 consecutive patients scheduled for elective gastrointestinal surgery. RESULTS: In considering surgical complications or treatment in the intensive care unit, 64 % of patients wished to take an active role in any medical decisions. The respective figures for cardiac resuscitation and treatment limitations were 89 and 60 %. As for information, 73, 77, and 47 % of patients wish detailed information, information on a potential ICU hospitalization, and knowledge of cardiac resuscitation, respectively. Elderly and low-educated patients were significantly less interested in shared medical decision making (p = 0.003 and 0.015), and in receiving information (p = 0.03 and 0.05). Similarly, involvement of the family in decision making was significantly less important to elderly and male patients (p = 0.05 and 0.03, respectively). Neither the type of operation (minor or major) nor the severity of disease (malignancies versus non-malignancies) was a significant factor for shared decision making, information, or family involvement. CONCLUSIONS: The vast majority of surgical patients clearly want to get adequate preoperative information about their disease and the planned treatment. They also consider it crucial to be involved in any kind of decision making for treatment and complications. For most patients, the family role is limited to supporting the treating physicians if the patient is unable to participate in decision making.
One of the most relevant demographic events in Spain from a recent historical perspective was the baby boom of the 1960s and 1970s. The “adapting to circumstances” of these generations of youth and their families through delayed emancipation and childbearing has been key in preventing a decline in their economic status. The results show that the reduction of the poverty risk among non-emancipated youth for the period 1980-2005 is explained by the fact that an increasing number of young Spaniards live with two employed parents. Thus, emancipation delay is found most in those families that can best afford it. Furthermore, the salaries of young workers remaining in the parental home have become an important factor in reducing their family poverty risk. On the other hand, fertility decline is readily explained by the economic difficulties young couples encounter in sustaining their offspring
''Like Parents, Like Children?'' Using Secondary Data in the Study of Parental Political Influence in Switzerland: This text is devoted to the intergenerational transmission of left-right ideological orientation. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (www.swisspanel.ch), collected both directly and through intermediaries, it raises the question of the validity of second-hand information, which is discussed on several points. The article also shows that there is a strong long-term coherence between the ideological orientation of parents and their children. It also highlights the fact that the link is not the same for boys as for girls, and it varies between generations. Finally, it shows that strong upward social mobility, compared to the original environment, facilitates emancipation from parental ideology, social inertia being greater for downward and horizontal mobility. Ce texte est consacré à la transmission intergénérationnelle de l'orientation idéologique gauche-droite. Utilisant des données du Panel Suisse de Ménages (www.swisspanel.ch), collectées tant directement que par personnes interposées, il pose la question de la validité des informations de seconde main, qui est étudiée sur plusieurs points. L'article montre en outre qu'il existe à long terme une forte cohérence entre l'orientation idéologique des parents et de leurs enfants. Il met aussi en évidence que ce lien n'est pas la même auprès des garçons qu'auprès des filles, et qu'il varie entre les générations. Finalement, il montre qu'une forte ascension sociale par rapport au milieu d'origine facilite l'émancipation des orientations idéologiques parentales, l'inertie étant plus forte pour les trajectoires descendantes et horizontales.
Each year approximately thirty to forty thousand children and youth come to the attention of Iowa’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems and, of those, four to five thousand enter foster care to address child safety or public safety. For most, foster care is a short-term placement designed to allow time to address the reason for removal and to receive the support and services necessary for children to return to their family and community. Unfortunately, too many children and youth remain in foster care too long. Too many youth exit care through emancipation rather than to a permanent family and enduring relationship. Too many young people never realize the security of connections to adults who will be there for a lifetime. When our system fails to find forever families for youth in foster care, long-term outcomes are bleak. A young person’s permanency status is inextricably intertwined with their overall well being.
Arvostellun teoksen nimeke artikkelissa virheellisesti: "Du är finsk, eller...?".
Finska Flickan, eller Hittebarnet på Kyrkogården. Skådespel i 3 Akter med Coupletter och Melodrame på Finska Språket. C.A. F. Berggren.
Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri. Sisältää myös runon Sovindolaulu sekä kirjoituksen Min öfvertygelse, eller reflexion om fritänkeri.
Los estudios sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) para organizar el trabajo y sobre su incidencia en la conciliación entre vida laboral y familiar arrojan resultados ambiguos o contradictorios. Sin embargo, la aparición y la difusión de TIC inalámbricas están provocando intensos cambios en las prácticassociales, incluidas las relaciones entre vida personal y trabajo. Mediante entrevistas en profundidad, un grupo de padres en situaciones laborales diversas han reflexionado sobre cómo utilizan el potencial de movilidad, conectividad y flexibilidad que les ofrecen las nuevas TIC y sobre cómo modula dicho uso la implicación de los hombres en su rol de padres. En línea con trabajos realizados en otros países, los resultados preliminares sugieren que el papel que se atribuye a las TIC como herramientas para la emancipación del rol de género de los hombres mediante su mayor implicación en el cuidado material y afectivo de los hijos depende muchas veces de factores ajenos al uso de estas tecnologías: motivación personal, actitud y percepción de la pareja respecto a la competencia hombre para ejercer de padre, o macro y micro políticas de conciliación existentes en las organizaciones.