976 resultados para Ionizing radiation
A major goal of chemotherapy is to selectively kill cancer cells while minimizing toxicity to normal cells. Identifying biological differences between cancer and normal cells is essential in designing new strategies to improve therapeutic selectivity. Superoxide dismutases (SOD) are crucial antioxidant enzymes required for the elimination of superoxide (O2·− ), a free radical produced during normal cellular metabolism. Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME), an estradiol derivative, inhibits the function of SOD and selectively kills human leukemia cells without exhibiting significant cytotoxicity in normal lymphocytes. The present work was initiated to examine the biochemical basis for the selective anticancer activity of 2-ME. Investigations using two-parameter flow cytometric analyses and ROS scavengers established that O2·− is a primary and essential mediator of 2-ME-induced apoptosis in cancer cells. In addition, experiments using SOD overexpression vectors and SOD knockout cells found that SOD is a critical target of 2-ME. Importantly, the administration of 2-ME resulted in the selective accumulation of O 2·− and apoptosis in leukemia and ovarian cancer cells. The preferential activity of 2-ME was found to be due to increased intrinsic oxidative stress in these cancer cells versus their normal counterparts. This intrinsic oxidative stress was associated with the upregulation of the antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase as a mechanism to cope with the increase in ROS. Furthermore, oxygen consumption experiments revealed that normal lymphocytes decrease their respiration rate in response to 2-ME-induced oxidative stress, while human leukemia cells seem to lack this regulatory mechanism. This leads to an uncontrolled production of O2·−, severe accumulation of ROS, and ultimately ROS-mediated apoptosis in leukemia cells treated with 2-ME. The biochemical differences between cancer and normal cells identified here provide a basis for the development of drug combination strategies using 2-ME with other ROS-generating agents to enhance anticancer activity. The effectiveness of such a combination strategy in killing cancer cells was demonstrated by the use of 2-ME with agents/modalities such as ionizing radiation and doxorubicin. Collectively, the data presented here strongly suggests that 2-ME may have important clinical implications for the selective killing of cancer cells. ^
En el paradigma clásico, los efectos biológicos de la radiación ionizante se atribuyen al daño en el ADN inducido en cada célula irradiada. La demostración de efectos de vecindad causados por radiación ionizante (EVIR) ha generado un cambio profundo en la concepción actual de la radiobiología. Los EVIR son aquellos efectos causados por la radiación que se producen en células que no han sido irradiadas. Diversos avances técnicos, en particular el empleo de microhaces, han permitido estudiar los EVIR in vitro. Se conocen dos vías por las cuales las células irradiadas pueden comunicarse con las no irradiadas, a saber: mediante uniones especializadas (nexos) que comunican los citoplasmas de células adyacentes, y mediante la secreción de factores solubles al medio extracelular. Estos factores incluyen varias citokinas y especies reactivas del oxígeno y nitrógeno. Las vías de señalización en las células afectadas involucran en particular la activación de proteína kinasas activadas por mitógenos (MAPK) y del factor de transcripción NFciclooxigenasa 2, sintasa de óxido nítrico 2 y NAD(P)H oxidasa. Los EVIR pueden causar mutaciones puntuales y cambios epigenéticos. Los efectos sobre las vías de señalización pueden persistir indefinidamente e incluso transmitirse a la descendencia. Paradójicamente, en ciertas condiciones los EVIR pueden ser adaptativos, es decir que tornan a las células afectadas más resistentes a la radiación. La adaptación exige síntesis de proteínas y mejora la capacidad celular de reparar el ADN y resistir el estrés oxidativo. Los EVIR también se han demostrado in vivo. Por tanto, pueden tener implicaciones importantes en radioterapia, tanto para mejorar la eficacia terapéutica como para reducir la incidencia de efectos adversos. Asimismo, su mejor conocimiento puede influenciar las normas internacionales de radioprotección.
SRAM-based FPGAs are in-field reconfigurable an unlimited number of times. This characteristic, together with their high performance and high logic density, proves to be very convenient for a number of ground and space level applications. One drawback of this technology is that it is susceptible to ionizing radiation, and this sensitivity increases with technology scaling. This is a first order concern for applications in harsh radiation environments, and starts to be a concern for high reliability ground applications. Several techniques exist for coping with radiation effects at user application. In order to be effective they need to be complemented with configuration memory scrubbing, which allows error mitigation and prevents failures due to error accumulation. Depending on the radiation environment and on the system dependability requirements, the configuration scrubber design can become more or less complex. This paper classifies and presents current and novel design methodologies and architectures for SRAM-based FPGAs, and in particular for Xilinx Virtex-4QV/5QV, configuration memory scrubbers.
Maximizing energy autonomy is a consistent challenge when deploying mobile robots in ionizing radiation or other hazardous environments. Having a reliable robot system is essential for successful execution of missions and to avoid manual recovery of the robots in environments that are harmful to human beings. For deployment of robots missions at short notice, the ability to know beforehand the energy required for performing the task is essential. This paper presents a on-line method for predicting energy requirements based on the pre-determined power models for a mobile robot. A small mobile robot, Khepera III is used for the experimental study and the results are promising with high prediction accuracy. The applications of the energy prediction models in energy optimization and simulations are also discussed along with examples of significant energy savings.
Las Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) SRAM se construyen sobre una memoria de configuración de tecnología RAM Estática (SRAM). Presentan múltiples características que las hacen muy interesantes para diseñar sistemas empotrados complejos. En primer lugar presentan un coste no-recurrente de ingeniería (NRE) bajo, ya que los elementos lógicos y de enrutado están pre-implementados (el diseño de usuario define su conexionado). También, a diferencia de otras tecnologías de FPGA, pueden ser reconfiguradas (incluso en campo) un número ilimitado de veces. Es más, las FPGAs SRAM de Xilinx soportan Reconfiguración Parcial Dinámica (DPR), la cual permite reconfigurar la FPGA sin interrumpir la aplicación. Finalmente, presentan una alta densidad de lógica, una alta capacidad de procesamiento y un rico juego de macro-bloques. Sin embargo, un inconveniente de esta tecnología es su susceptibilidad a la radiación ionizante, la cual aumenta con el grado de integración (geometrías más pequeñas, menores tensiones y mayores frecuencias). Esta es una precupación de primer nivel para aplicaciones en entornos altamente radiativos y con requisitos de alta confiabilidad. Este fenómeno conlleva una degradación a largo plazo y también puede inducir fallos instantáneos, los cuales pueden ser reversibles o producir daños irreversibles. En las FPGAs SRAM, los fallos inducidos por radiación pueden aparecer en en dos capas de arquitectura diferentes, que están físicamente superpuestas en el dado de silicio. La Capa de Aplicación (o A-Layer) contiene el hardware definido por el usuario, y la Capa de Configuración contiene la memoria de configuración y la circuitería de soporte. Los fallos en cualquiera de estas capas pueden hacer fracasar el sistema, lo cual puede ser ás o menos tolerable dependiendo de los requisitos de confiabilidad del sistema. En el caso general, estos fallos deben gestionados de alguna manera. Esta tesis trata sobre la gestión de fallos en FPGAs SRAM a nivel de sistema, en el contexto de sistemas empotrados autónomos y confiables operando en un entorno radiativo. La tesis se centra principalmente en aplicaciones espaciales, pero los mismos principios pueden aplicarse a aplicaciones terrenas. Las principales diferencias entre ambas son el nivel de radiación y la posibilidad de mantenimiento. Las diferentes técnicas para la gestión de fallos en A-Layer y C-Layer son clasificados, y sus implicaciones en la confiabilidad del sistema son analizados. Se proponen varias arquitecturas tanto para Gestores de Fallos de una capa como de doble-capa. Para estos últimos se propone una arquitectura novedosa, flexible y versátil. Gestiona las dos capas concurrentemente de manera coordinada, y permite equilibrar el nivel de redundancia y la confiabilidad. Con el objeto de validar técnicas de gestión de fallos dinámicas, se desarrollan dos diferentes soluciones. La primera es un entorno de simulación para Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer, basado en SystemC como lenguaje de modelado y como simulador basado en eventos. Este entorno y su metodología asociada permite explorar el espacio de diseño del Gestor de Fallos, desacoplando su diseño del desarrollo de la FPGA objetivo. El entorno incluye modelos tanto para la C-Layer de la FPGA como para el Gestor de Fallos, los cuales pueden interactuar a diferentes niveles de abstracción (a nivel de configuration frames y a nivel físico JTAG o SelectMAP). El entorno es configurable, escalable y versátil, e incluye capacidades de inyección de fallos. Los resultados de simulación para algunos escenarios son presentados y comentados. La segunda es una plataforma de validación para Gestores de Fallos de FPGAs Xilinx Virtex. La plataforma hardware aloja tres Módulos de FPGA Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 y dos Módulos de Unidad de Microcontrolador (MCUs) de 32-bits de propósito general. Los Módulos MCU permiten prototipar Gestores de Fallos de C-Layer y A-Layer basados en software. Cada Módulo FPGA implementa un enlace de A-Layer Ethernet (a través de un switch Ethernet) con uno de los Módulos MCU, y un enlace de C-Layer JTAG con el otro. Además, ambos Módulos MCU intercambian comandos y datos a través de un enlace interno tipo UART. Al igual que para el entorno de simulación, se incluyen capacidades de inyección de fallos. Los resultados de pruebas para algunos escenarios son también presentados y comentados. En resumen, esta tesis cubre el proceso completo desde la descripción de los fallos FPGAs SRAM inducidos por radiación, pasando por la identificación y clasificación de técnicas de gestión de fallos, y por la propuesta de arquitecturas de Gestores de Fallos, para finalmente validarlas por simulación y pruebas. El trabajo futuro está relacionado sobre todo con la implementación de Gestores de Fallos de Sistema endurecidos para radiación. ABSTRACT SRAM-based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are built on Static RAM (SRAM) technology configuration memory. They present a number of features that make them very convenient for building complex embedded systems. First of all, they benefit from low Non-Recurrent Engineering (NRE) costs, as the logic and routing elements are pre-implemented (user design defines their connection). Also, as opposed to other FPGA technologies, they can be reconfigured (even in the field) an unlimited number of times. Moreover, Xilinx SRAM-based FPGAs feature Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR), which allows to partially reconfigure the FPGA without disrupting de application. Finally, they feature a high logic density, high processing capability and a rich set of hard macros. However, one limitation of this technology is its susceptibility to ionizing radiation, which increases with technology scaling (smaller geometries, lower voltages and higher frequencies). This is a first order concern for applications in harsh radiation environments and requiring high dependability. Ionizing radiation leads to long term degradation as well as instantaneous faults, which can in turn be reversible or produce irreversible damage. In SRAM-based FPGAs, radiation-induced faults can appear at two architectural layers, which are physically overlaid on the silicon die. The Application Layer (or A-Layer) contains the user-defined hardware, and the Configuration Layer (or C-Layer) contains the (volatile) configuration memory and its support circuitry. Faults at either layers can imply a system failure, which may be more ore less tolerated depending on the dependability requirements. In the general case, such faults must be managed in some way. This thesis is about managing SRAM-based FPGA faults at system level, in the context of autonomous and dependable embedded systems operating in a radiative environment. The focus is mainly on space applications, but the same principles can be applied to ground applications. The main differences between them are the radiation level and the possibility for maintenance. The different techniques for A-Layer and C-Layer fault management are classified and their implications in system dependability are assessed. Several architectures are proposed, both for single-layer and dual-layer Fault Managers. For the latter, a novel, flexible and versatile architecture is proposed. It manages both layers concurrently in a coordinated way, and allows balancing redundancy level and dependability. For the purpose of validating dynamic fault management techniques, two different solutions are developed. The first one is a simulation framework for C-Layer Fault Managers, based on SystemC as modeling language and event-driven simulator. This framework and its associated methodology allows exploring the Fault Manager design space, decoupling its design from the target FPGA development. The framework includes models for both the FPGA C-Layer and for the Fault Manager, which can interact at different abstraction levels (at configuration frame level and at JTAG or SelectMAP physical level). The framework is configurable, scalable and versatile, and includes fault injection capabilities. Simulation results for some scenarios are presented and discussed. The second one is a validation platform for Xilinx Virtex FPGA Fault Managers. The platform hosts three Xilinx Virtex-4 FX12 FPGA Modules and two general-purpose 32-bit Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Modules. The MCU Modules allow prototyping software-based CLayer and A-Layer Fault Managers. Each FPGA Module implements one A-Layer Ethernet link (through an Ethernet switch) with one of the MCU Modules, and one C-Layer JTAG link with the other. In addition, both MCU Modules exchange commands and data over an internal UART link. Similarly to the simulation framework, fault injection capabilities are implemented. Test results for some scenarios are also presented and discussed. In summary, this thesis covers the whole process from describing the problem of radiationinduced faults in SRAM-based FPGAs, then identifying and classifying fault management techniques, then proposing Fault Manager architectures and finally validating them by simulation and test. The proposed future work is mainly related to the implementation of radiation-hardened System Fault Managers.
G1/S and G2/M cell cycle checkpoints maintain genomic stability in eukaryotes in response to genotoxic stress. We report here both genetic and functional evidence of a Gadd45-mediated G2/M checkpoint in human and murine cells. Increased expression of Gadd45 via microinjection of an expression vector into primary human fibroblasts arrests the cells at the G2/M boundary with a phenotype of MPM2 immunopositivity, 4n DNA content and, in 15% of the cells, centrosome separation. The Gadd45-mediated G2/M arrest depends on wild-type p53, because no arrest was observed either in p53-null Li–Fraumeni fibroblasts or in normal fibroblasts coexpressed with p53 mutants. Increased expression of cyclin B1 and Cdc25C inhibited the Gadd45-mediated G2/M arrest in human fibroblasts, indicating that the mechanism of Gadd45-mediated G2/M checkpoint is at least in part through modulation of the activity of the G2-specific kinase, cyclin B1/p34cdc2. Genetic and physiological evidence of a Gadd45-mediated G2/M checkpoint was obtained by using GADD45-deficient human or murine cells. Human cells with endogenous Gadd45 expression reduced by antisense GADD45 expression have an impaired G2/M checkpoint after exposure to either ultraviolet radiation or methyl methanesulfonate but are still able to undergo G2 arrest after ionizing radiation. Lymphocytes from gadd45-knockout mice (gadd45 −/−) also retained a G2/M checkpoint initiated by ionizing radiation and failed to arrest at G2/M after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the mammalian genome is protected by a multiplicity of G2/M checkpoints in response to specific types of DNA damage.
Checkpoints maintain the order and fidelity of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and defects in checkpoints contribute to genetic instability and cancer. Much of our current understanding of checkpoints comes from genetic studies conducted in yeast. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Sp), SpRad3 is an essential component of both the DNA damage and DNA replication checkpoints. The SpChk1 and SpCds1 protein kinases function downstream of SpRad3. SpChk1 is an effector of the DNA damage checkpoint and, in the absence of SpCds1, serves an essential function in the DNA replication checkpoint. SpCds1 functions in the DNA replication checkpoint and in the S phase DNA damage checkpoint. Human homologs of both SpRad3 and SpChk1 but not SpCds1 have been identified. Here we report the identification of a human cDNA encoding a protein (designated HuCds1) that shares sequence, structural, and functional similarity to SpCds1. HuCds1 was modified by phosphorylation and activated in response to ionizing radiation. It was also modified in response to hydroxyurea treatment. Functional ATM protein was required for HuCds1 modification after ionizing radiation but not after hydroxyurea treatment. Like its fission yeast counterpart, human Cds1 phosphorylated Cdc25C to promote the binding of 14-3-3 proteins. These findings suggest that the checkpoint function of HuCds1 is conserved in yeast and mammals.
The Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutant UV40 cell line is hypersensitive to UV and ionizing radiation, simple alkylating agents, and DNA cross-linking agents. The mutant cells also have a high level of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations and 3-fold elevated sister chromatid exchange. We cloned and sequenced a human cDNA, designated XRCC9, that partially corrected the hypersensitivity of UV40 to mitomycin C, cisplatin, ethyl methanesulfonate, UV, and γ-radiation. The spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in XRCC9 cDNA transformants were almost fully corrected whereas sister chromatid exchanges were unchanged. The XRCC9 genomic sequence was cloned and mapped to chromosome 9p13. The translated XRCC9 sequence of 622 amino acids has no similarity with known proteins. The 2.5-kb XRCC9 mRNA seen in the parental cells was undetectable in UV40 cells. The mRNA levels in testis were up to 10-fold higher compared with other human tissues and up to 100-fold higher compared with other baboon tissues. XRCC9 is a candidate tumor suppressor gene that might operate in a postreplication repair or a cell cycle checkpoint function.
Chromosomal translocations induced by ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drugs are thought to arise by incorrect joining of DNA double-strand breaks. To dissect such misrepair events at a molecular level, large-scale, bleomycin-induced rearrangements in the aprt gene of Chinese hamster ovary D422 cells were mapped, the breakpoints were sequenced, and the original non-aprt parental sequences involved in each rearrangement were recovered from nonmutant cells. Of seven rearrangements characterized, six were reciprocal exchanges between aprt and unrelated sequences. Consistent with a mechanism involving joining of exchanged double-strand break ends, there was, in most cases, no homology between the two parental sequences, no overlap in sequences retained at the two newly formed junctions, and little or no loss of parental sequences (usually ≤2 bp) at the breakpoints. The breakpoints were strongly correlated (P < 0.0001) with expected sites of bleomycin-induced, double-strand breaks. Fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that, in six of the mutants, the rearrangement was accompanied by a chromosomal translocation at the aprt locus, because upstream and downstream flanking sequences were detected on separate chromosomes. The results suggest that repair of free radical-mediated, double-strand breaks in confluence-arrested cells is effected by a conservative, homology-independent, end-joining pathway that does not involve single-strand intermediate and that misjoining of exchanged ends by this pathway can directly result in chromosomal translocations.
A human and a mouse gene have been isolated based on homology to a recombinational repair gene from the corn smut Ustilago maydis. The new human (h) gene, termed hREC2, bears striking resemblance to several others, including hRAD51 and hLIM15. hREC2 is located on human chromosome 14 at q23–24. The overall amino acid sequence reveals characteristic elements of a RECA-like gene yet harbors an src-like phosphorylation site curiously absent from hRAD51 and hLIM15. Unlike these two relatives, hREC2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues including lung, liver, placenta, pancreas, leukocytes, colon, small intestine, brain, and heart, as well as thymus, prostate, spleen, and uterus. Of greatest interest is that hREC2 is undetectable by reverse transcription-coupled PCR in tissue culture unless the cells are treated by ionizing radiation.
Stabilization of p53 in response to DNA damage is caused by its dissociation from Mdm2, a protein that targets p53 for degradation in the proteasome. Dissociation of p53 from Mdm2 could be caused by DNA damage-induced p53 posttranslational modifications. The ATM and ATR kinases, whose activation in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and UV light, respectively, is required for p53 stabilization, directly phosphorylate p53 on Ser-15. However, phosphorylation of Ser-15 is critical for the apoptotic activity of p53 and not for p53 stabilization. Thus, whether any p53 modifications, and which, underlie disruption of the p53–Mdm2 complex after DNA damage remains to be determined. We analyzed the IR- and UV light-induced stabilization of p53 proteins with substitutions of Ser known to be posttranslationally modified after DNA damage. Substitution of Ser-20 was sufficient to abrogate p53 stabilization in response to both IR and UV light. Furthermore, both IR and UV light induced phosphorylation of p53 on Ser-20, which involved the majority of nuclear p53 protein and weakened the interaction of p53 with Mdm2 in vitro. ATM and ATR cannot phosphorylate p53 on Ser-20. We therefore propose that ATM and ATR activate an, as yet unidentified, kinase that stabilizes p53 by phosphorylating it on Ser-20.
Mammalian cells defective in DNA end-joining are highly sensitive to ionizing radiation and are immunodeficient because of a failure to complete V(D)J recombination. By using cell-free extracts prepared from human lymphoblastoid cell lines, an in vitro system for end-joining has been developed. Intermolecular ligation was found to be accurate and to depend on DNA ligase IV/Xrcc4 and requires Ku70, Ku86, and DNA-PKcs, the three subunits of the DNA-activated protein kinase DNA-PK. Because these activities are involved in the cellular resistance to x-irradiation and V(D)J recombination, the development of this in vitro system provides an important advance in the study of the mechanism of DNA end-joining in human cells.
The p53 tumor-suppressor protein, a key regulator of cellular responses to genotoxic stress, is stabilized and activated after DNA damage. This process is associated with posttranslational modifications of p53, some of which are mediated by the ATM protein kinase. However, these modifications alone may not account in full for p53 stabilization. p53's stability and activity are negatively regulated by the oncoprotein MDM2, whose gene is activated by p53. Conceivably, p53 function may be modulated by modifications of MDM2 as well. We show here that after treatment of cells with ionizing radiation or a radiomimetic chemical, but not UV radiation, MDM2 is phosphorylated rapidly in an ATM-dependent manner. This phosphorylation is independent of p53 and the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Furthermore, MDM2 is directly phosphorylated by ATM in vitro. These findings suggest that in response to DNA strand breaks, ATM may promote p53 activity and stability by mediating simultaneous phosphorylation of both partners of the p53-MDM2 autoregulatory feedback loop.
Ataxia telangiectasia–mutated gene (ATM) is a 350-kDa protein whose function is defective in the autosomal recessive disorder ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies were used to characterize ATM. Steady-state levels of ATM protein varied from undetectable in most AT cell lines to highly expressed in HeLa, U2OS, and normal human fibroblasts. Subcellular fractionation showed that ATM is predominantly a nuclear protein associated with the chromatin and nuclear matrix. ATM protein levels remained constant throughout the cell cycle and did not change in response to serum stimulation. Ionizing radiation had no significant effect on either the expression or distribution of ATM. ATM immunoprecipitates from HeLa cells and the human DNA-dependent protein kinase null cell line MO59J, but not from AT cells, phosphorylated the 34-kDa subunit of replication protein A (RPA) complex in a single-stranded and linear double-stranded DNA–dependent manner. Phosphorylation of p34 RPA occurred on threonine and serine residues. Phosphopeptide analysis demonstrates that the ATM-associated protein kinase phosphorylates p34 RPA on similar residues observed in vivo. The DNA-dependent protein kinase activity observed for ATM immunocomplexes, along with the association of ATM with chromatin, suggests that DNA damage can induce ATM or a stably associated protein kinase to phosphorylate proteins in the DNA damage response pathway.
Rb protein inhibits both cell cycle progression and apoptosis. Interaction of specific cellular proteins, including E2F1, with Rb C-terminal domains mediates cell cycle regulation. In contrast, the nuclear N5 protein associates with an Rb N-terminal domain with unknown function. The N5 protein contains a region of sequence similarity to the death domain of proteins involved in apoptotic signaling. We demonstrate here that forced N5 expression potently induces apoptosis in several tumor cell lines. Mutation of conserved residues within the death domain homology compromise N5-induced apoptosis, suggesting that it is required for normal function. Endogenous N5 protein is specifically altered in apoptotic cells treated with ionizing radiation. Furthermore, dominant interfering death domain mutants compromise cellular responses to ionizing radiation. Finally, physical association with Rb protein inhibits N5-induced apoptosis. We propose that N5 protein plays a role in the regulation of apoptosis and that Rb directly coordinates cell proliferation and apoptosis by binding specific proteins involved in each process through distinct protein binding domains.