541 resultados para Involuntary detention


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Schizophrenia is a devastating disorder thought to result mainly from cerebral pathology. Neuroimaging studies have provided a wealth of findings of brain dysfunction in schizophrenia. However, we are still far from understanding how particular symptoms can result from aberrant brain function. In this context, the high prevalence of motor symptoms in schizophrenia such as catatonia, neurological soft signs, parkinsonism, and abnormal involuntary movements is of particular interest. Here, the neuroimaging correlates of these motor symptoms are reviewed. For all investigated motor symptoms, neural correlates were found within the cerebral motor system. However, only a limited set of results exists for hypokinesia and neurological soft signs, while catatonia, abnormal involuntary movements and parkinsonian signs still remain understudied with neuroimaging methods. Soft signs have been associated with altered brain structure and function in cortical premotor and motor areas as well as cerebellum and thalamus. Hypokinesia is suggested to result from insufficient interaction of thalamocortical loops within the motor system. Future studies are needed to address the neural correlates of motor abnormalities in prodromal states, changes during the course of the illness, and the specific pathophysiology of catatonia, dyskinesia and parkinsonism in schizophrenia.


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In a prospective memory task responding to a prospective memory target involves switching between ongoing and prospective memory task which can result in a slowing of subsequent ongoing task performance (i.e., an after-effect). Moreover, a slowing can also occur when prospective memory targets occur after the prospective memory task is deactivated (i.e., another after-effect). In this study, we investigated both after-effects within the same study. Moreover, we also tested whether the latter after-effects even occur on subsequent ongoing task trials. The results show, in fact, after-effects of all kinds. Thus, (1) correctly responding to prospective memory targets results in after-effects, a so far neglected cost on ongoing task performance, (2) responding to deactivated prospective memory targets also slows down performance, probably due to the involuntary retrieval of the intention, and (3) this slowing is present even on subsequent ongoing task trials, suggesting that even deactivated intentions are sufficient to induce a conflict that requires subsequent adaptation. Overall, these results indicate that performance slowing in a prospective memory experiment includes various kinds of sources, not only monitoring cost, and these sources may be understood best in terms of conflict adaptation.


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Studying individual differences in conscious awareness can potentially lend fundamental insights into the neural bases of binding mechanisms and consciousness (Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007). Partly for this reason, considerable attention has been devoted to the neural mechanisms underlying grapheme–color synesthesia, a healthy condition involving atypical brain activation and the concurrent experience of color photisms in response to letters, numbers, and words. For instance, the letter C printed in black on a white background may elicit a yellow color photism that is perceived to be spatially colocalized with the inducing stimulus or internally in the “mind's eye” as, for instance, a visual image. Synesthetic experiences are involuntary, idiosyncratic, and consistent over time (Rouw et al., 2011). To date, neuroimaging research on synesthesia has focused on brain areas activated during the experience of synesthesia and associated structural brain differences. However, activity patterns of the synesthetic brain at rest remain largely unexplored. Moreover, the neural correlates of synesthetic consistency, the hallmark characteristic of synesthesia, remain elusive.


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The challenges of research ethics and methodologies have been reflected on extensively, but – aside from the context of feminist methodologies – less so in relation to research on particular migration sites such as in transit, detention centres, at the borders or within migration administration. First attempts in this direction have been made (Düvell et al. 2010, Fresia et al. 2005, Riedner 2014, van Liempt/Bilger2009), however, more reflection and theorization is needed, considering the contested nature of these temporal and volatile sites. In this workshop, we thus aim at examining methodological as well as ethical questions that arise during field work: We attempt to reflect the power relations involved in the research process, the ethics of research design, the dissemination of research results, the question of gaining access to and – whenever necessary – staying in contact with our research subjects. How can we negotiate informed consent with subjects whose life is currently marked by transit and insecurity concerning their own future, and who are in an uncertain situation in which substantial information (legal, social, cultural etc.) is likely to be missing? How do we deal with the dilemma of possibly contributing to knowledge production that might facilitate removals and deportations in the future, considering that the reception of the results is not in the hands of the researchers? How do we deal with the anticipated as well as unexpected impacts of our research on social and political practice? Regarding fieldwork in state institutions, how do we negotiate the multiple loyalties we often find ourselves faced with as social researchers, both with the excluded migrants and with the authorities implementing the exclusions – two groupings considered to be opposite to each other (Lavanchy 2013)? Which different roles do researchers need to take on? The aim of our workshop is first and foremost to exchange experiences on fieldwork with others doing qualitative research on related topics and to consider its possible implications – including affective dimensions – for all participants involved in the research process: the migrants, the security staff of detention centres, its social workers, border police and bureaucrats and, last but not least, the researchers themselves. Furthermore, we generally wish to reflect upon the question of how best to conduct research in this contested field, applying an interdisciplinary perspective.


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The sustainability of regional development can be usefully explored through several different lenses. In situations in which uncertainties and change are key features of the ecological landscape and social organization, critical factors for sustainability are resilience, the capacity to cope and adapt, and the conservation of sources of innovation and renewal. However, interventions in social-ecological systems with the aim of altering resilience immediately confront issues of governance. Who decides what should be made resilient to what? For whom is resilience to be managed, and for what purpose? In this paper we draw on the insights from a diverse set of case studies from around the world in which members of the Resilience Alliance have observed or engaged with sustainability problems at regional scales. Our central question is: How do certain attributes of governance function in society to enhance the capacity to manage resilience? Three specific propositions were explored: ( 1) participation builds trust, and deliberation leads to the shared understanding needed to mobilize and self-organize; ( 2) polycentric and multilayered institutions improve the fit between knowledge, action, and social-ecological contexts in ways that allow societies to respond more adaptively at appropriate levels; and ( 3) accountable authorities that also pursue just distributions of benefits and involuntary risks enhance the adaptive capacity of vulnerable groups and society as a whole. Some support was found for parts of all three propositions. In exploring the sustainability of regional social-ecological systems, we are usually faced with a set of ecosystem goods and services that interact with a collection of users with different technologies, interests, and levels of power. In this situation in our roles as analysts, facilitators, change agents, or stakeholders, we not only need to ask: The resilience of what, to what? We must also ask: For whom?


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This thesis seeks to analyze the relationship between public attitudes toward refugees in a refugee receiving state and the realization of the legal rights afforded refugees (de facto rights). I hypothesize that the more negative a host culture is toward refugees, the less refugees are able to realize their rights. Conversely, the more positive a host culture is toward refugees, the more refugees are able to realize their rights. I test the hypothesis through a case study of refugee populations in Cape Town, South Africa, based on research conducted from May to June 2007. The orientation (positive or negative) of the host culture's perceptions toward a refugee group (Independent Variable) is measured through: (1) a coded content analysis of the South African media, (2) a coded content analysis of semi-structured interviews, and (3) an assessment of secondary source public opinion surveys and reports. The realization of refugee rights (Dependent Variable) is operationalized as a function of two rights: (1) the right to personal physical integrity and (2) the right to protection from unlawful detention. These rights are measured by coding (1) media reports and (2) interviews, and by (3) assessing NGO reports and secondary source public opinion surveys. My empirical data shows that the cultural orientation toward refugees is not overwhelmingly negative, and the realization of rights is not conclusively "low." However, the frequency of data coded "negative" and "low" versus "positive" or "high" suggest that South Africans regard refugees somewhat negatively and that rights are not fully realized. This finding is strengthened by the analysis of secondary sources and field notes.


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La pérdida involuntaria de peso es un predictor independiente de morbimortalidad, especialmente en ancianos, pacientes con cáncer, SIDA y postoperatorios. Con el objeto de determinar la significación clínica de la pérdida de peso en pacientes internados, se estudiaron 100 pacientes. La edad media fue de 57.6 años (DS±11.04); 38% mayores de 65 años y 62% hombres. La permanencia hospitalaria media fue de 13 días, superior a la media del servicio (7,3 días). El 61% pertenecían a clase social baja y 25% eran desocupados. En el 100% fue involuntaria y en ninguno fue causa de hospitalización. Tenían hiporexia 61 pacientes y 57 malnutrición. El IMC fue inferior a 20 en el 50% de los casos. La causa fue determinada en el 70% y en 72% se relacionó con la enfermedad de base, en 27% con trastornos alimentarios y con fármacos en 1%. Las etiologías más frecuentes fueron: neoplasias (34 pacientes), enfermedades crónicas (24), TBC (3) y SIDA (3). El 46% desarrollaron infecciones nosocomiales y el 100% tenían comórbidas (alcoholismo 26%, depresión 22%, diabetes 20%, EPOC 11%, insuficiencia cardiaca, cirrosis y demencia 8% c/u e insuficiencia renal 6%). La mortalidad fue del 18% y las causas más frecuentes fueron sepsis severa, fallo multiorgánico y neoplasias. Conclusiones: La pérdida significativa de peso en el paciente hospitalizado se caracterizó por ser involuntaria, asociada a clase social baja, a malnutrición, a alta taza de comorbilidad, a predisposición a infecciones nosocomiales, secundaria a enfermedades crónicas, neoplasias, tuberculosis y SIDA y a una tasa de mortalidad elevada.


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La salud, como derecho primordial de toda persona, adquiere una connotación especial cuando la persona tiene una discapacidad. El término Discapacidad describe una restricción o ausencia, debido a una deficiencia, de la capacidad de realizar una actividad en la forma o dentro del margen que se considera normal para el ser humano. Si nos referimos concretamente a la salud bucal, podemos decir, que presentan alta incidencia de patologías por lo que constituyen un grupo de riesgo con una gran necesidad de cuidados dentales. Es importante destacar que gran parte de las personas con Discapacidad, no pueden expresar en palabras o determinar claramente su proceso patológico y así toleran importantes dolores demostrados mediante el aumento de la irritabilidad, la inactividad, la pérdida de apetito, los problemas de sueño, la autoagresión, etc. Esta falta de certeza y reacciones adversas genera una situación familiar de alteración de la vida cotidiana y desconcierto, además de comenzar a realizar una serie de consultas a psiquiatra, otorrinolaringólogo, neurólogo, clínico, entre otros especialistas. Dicha situación puede ser previsible mediante controles odontológicos periódicos, derivación temprana a exámenes bucales por parte de médicos y/u otros especialistas tratantes, interconsulta con odontólogo ante cambios de conducta o autoagresión. La prevención y el cuidado de la salud dental en los pacientes con discapacidad favorecen el mantenimiento de la salud general y proporcionan una mayor calidad de vida. La intervención del odontólogo en patologías ya instaladas consiste en la eliminación de la sintomatología, detención y tratamiento de las lesiones, restauración de la función y la estética.


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En este artículo se hará una introducción a las características del objeto expediente, para luego indicar qué se hace en dicho instrumento respecto de la prisión preventiva (en adelante, PP) en la provincia de Buenos Aires (en adelante, PBA) Argentina. Posteriormente se presentarán una serie de informes en los que se ha trabajado con métodos diferentes el uso del encierro preventivo a partir del expediente. Por último, tomando este instrumento como fuente primaria, se analizará a partir de cuatro modelos de argumentación, aquello que se consigna para justificar la medida cautelar


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El propósito de este trabajo es investigar los motivos, anhelos, sueños, deseos que llevan a un grupo de entre 20 y 25 ex presos políticos a reunirse semanalmente en el local del sindicato Luz y Fuerza, Córdoba. Optamos por entrevistar a quienes daban la sensación de ser más participativos o más explícitos, en la elección procuramos que hubiesen casi por igual miembros de las dos organizaciones mayoritarias en el pasado: Montoneros y Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores. El celo a la hora de elegir se entronca con las subculturas que emergieron de las organizaciones. Otro aspecto observado es la cuestión de género, mujeres y hombres, equitativamente incorporados, se constituyeron en narradores.2 En la ciudad mediterránea hubo alrededor de dos mil detenidos por causas políticas a partir de la dictadura que iniciara Jorge Rafael Videla. La curiosidad social es acicateada por el número exiguo de ex-represaliados que constituyen la comisión de presos políticos, que entre otras tareas peticiona ante las autoridades solicitando reivindicaciones a raíz de su condición de ex detenidos, organizan eventos sociales y políticos, gestionan los ex centros de detención convertidos en "museos de la memoria", impulsan los juicios contra los ex represores, editan publicaciones. Concurrimos a las reuniones semanales, a asados, "locreadas"; empleamos en las investigaciones la observación participante. La participación se dio en eventos, en compartir ruedas de mate en la casa de los entrevistados, íntimas ruedas de café, por un fenómeno de indexicalidad en relación con el discurso ideológico pudimos avanzar en la profundidad de la conversación. Además, de las entrevistas en profundidad, analizamos material periodístico y material escrito por los detenidos; cuando la emoción del entrevistado dificultaba la conversación, en algunos casos nos remitieron a elaboraciones suyas sobre la situación planteada.. Nos favoreció, en el trabajo, el hecho de haber participado en la vida política, y el tener familiares que lucharon junto a los ex-represaliados. A pesar de ello no fue fácil llegar a subjetividades que hacía largo tiempo se hallaban abroqueladas. Mead e Erving Goffman nos acompañaron en el camino de reconocimiento de los selfs en la dramaturgia montada en el local de Luz y Fuerza


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The view is upheld that it is possible to constitute a conception of artistic vocation from fiction itself with characteristics that may be extended to other vocational fields. "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" by Marcel Proust is made use of to exemplify how this author reflects critically on his own work and on the artist's conditions. Thus he points out the importance of randomness, childhood, Materializing into a work an adequate conception of his own artistic work, involuntary memory, the life that has been lived, and his own comprehension of art, the force of conviction, Vocation is a call that overcomes the dichotomy between innate gift and social product as it is the result of a genesis of sensory impressions and involuntary memories that, although they are fugacious, they become fixed in the literary work. It is explained how "A la Recherche " both can and cannot be considered the history of a vocation, as literature had not played any role at all in the novelistic hero's life, but, however, it really was a history of a vocation since the work was a consequence of events that had been lived. Notwithstanding, even if vocation had never been deemed so important, he must win a battle against death. Genette sums up "A la Recherche " thus: "Marcel becomes a writer".


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El presente artículo se propone contribuir al estudio de la dimensión espacial de las prácticas de resignificación de los lugares que funcionaroncomo Centros Clandestinos de Detención en la última dictadura militar en la Argentina, haciendo foco en el Proyecto Mansión Seré, sitio en el que funcionó el ex Centro Clandestino Atila, entre los años 1977 y 1978, a cargo de la Fuerza Aérea. El lugar de memoria es delimitado y marcado, se hace visible a la mirada; en los hechos se definen procesos de lugarización que articulan las categorías de espacio urbano y memoria colectiva con un fin determinado (rememorar/conmemorar/denunciar), el cual establece los vínculos nuevamente significados por los que atraviesan y son atravesados los sujetos en ese espacio construido, en ese lugar de memoria.


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En este trabajo reconstruimos sintéticamente el proceso de constitución de Mansión Seré como un lugar de memoria (Nora, 1984). Durante los primeros años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), esta casona funcionó como centro de tortura y desaparición de personas. En el año 2000, el Estado local junto a organismos de Derechos Humanos decidieron convertirla en un espacio de rememoración y transmisión de lo ocurrido bajo el terrorismo de Estado. A partir de documentos y entrevistas, reconstruimos y analizamos los antecedentes político-institucionales del desarrollo de una política de la memoria y el proceso inicial de elaboración de un programa de memoria en este sitio


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En este trabajo reconstruimos sintéticamente el proceso de constitución de Mansión Seré como un lugar de memoria (Nora, 1984). Durante los primeros años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983), esta casona funcionó como centro de tortura y desaparición de personas. En el año 2000, el Estado local junto a organismos de Derechos Humanos decidieron convertirla en un espacio de rememoración y transmisión de lo ocurrido bajo el terrorismo de Estado. A partir de documentos y entrevistas, reconstruimos y analizamos los antecedentes político-institucionales del desarrollo de una política de la memoria y el proceso inicial de elaboración de un programa de memoria en este sitio


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The view is upheld that it is possible to constitute a conception of artistic vocation from fiction itself with characteristics that may be extended to other vocational fields. "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" by Marcel Proust is made use of to exemplify how this author reflects critically on his own work and on the artist's conditions. Thus he points out the importance of randomness, childhood, Materializing into a work an adequate conception of his own artistic work, involuntary memory, the life that has been lived, and his own comprehension of art, the force of conviction, Vocation is a call that overcomes the dichotomy between innate gift and social product as it is the result of a genesis of sensory impressions and involuntary memories that, although they are fugacious, they become fixed in the literary work. It is explained how "A la Recherche " both can and cannot be considered the history of a vocation, as literature had not played any role at all in the novelistic hero's life, but, however, it really was a history of a vocation since the work was a consequence of events that had been lived. Notwithstanding, even if vocation had never been deemed so important, he must win a battle against death. Genette sums up "A la Recherche " thus: "Marcel becomes a writer".