921 resultados para Instructional systems - Design


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An important issue in the design of a distributed computing system (DCS) is the development of a suitable protocol. This paper presents an effort to systematize the protocol design procedure for a DCS. Protocol design and development can be divided into six phases: specification of the DCS, specification of protocol requirements, protocol design, specification and validation of the designed protocol, performance evaluation, and hardware/software implementation. This paper describes techniques for the second and third phases, while the first phase has been considered by the authors in their earlier work. Matrix and set theoretic based approaches are used for specification of a DCS and for specification of the protocol requirements. These two formal specification techniques form the basis of the development of a simple and straightforward procedure for the design of the protocol. The applicability of the above design procedure has been illustrated by considering an example of a computing system encountered on board a spacecraft. A Petri-net based approach has been adopted to model the protocol. The methodology developed in this paper can be used in other DCS applications.


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Our main result is a new sequential method for the design of decentralized control systems. Controller synthesis is conducted on a loop-by-loop basis, and at each step the designer obtains an explicit characterization of the class C of all compensators for the loop being closed that results in closed-loop system poles being in a specified closed region D of the s-plane, instead of merely stabilizing the closed-loop system. Since one of the primary goals of control system design is to satisfy basic performance requirements that are often directly related to closed-loop pole location (bandwidth, percentage overshoot, rise time, settling time), this approach immediately allows the designer to focus on other concerns such as robustness and sensitivity. By considering only compensators from class C and seeking the optimum member of that set with respect to sensitivity or robustness, the designer has a clearly-defined limited optimization problem to solve without concern for loss of performance. A solution to the decentralized tracking problem is also provided. This design approach has the attractive features of expandability, the use of only 'local models' for controller synthesis, and fault tolerance with respect to certain types of failure.


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This paper proposes a method of designing fixed parameter decentralized power system stabilizers (PSS) for interconnected multi-machine power systems. Conventional design technique using a single machine infinite bus approximation involves the frequency response estimation called the GEP(s) between the AVR input and the resultant electrical torque. This requires the knowledge of equivalent external reactance and infinite bus voltage or their estimated values at each machine. Other design techniques using P-Vr characteristics or residues are based on complete system information. In the proposed method, information available at the high voltage bus of the step-up transformer is used to set up a modified Heffron-Phillip's model. With this model it is possible to decide the structure of the PSS compensator and tune its parameters at each machine in the multi-machine environment, using only those signals that are available at the generating station. The efficacy of the proposed design technique has been evaluated on three of the most widely used test systems. The simulation results have shown that the performance of the proposed stabilizer is comparable to that which could be obtained by conventional design but without the need for the estimation and computation of external system parameters.


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A fully automated, versatile Temperature Programmed Desorption (TDP), Temperature Programmed Reaction (TPR) and Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) system has been designed and fabricated. The system consists of a micro-reactor which can be evacuated to 10−6 torr and can be heated from 30 to 750°C at a rate of 5 to 30°C per minute. The gas evolved from the reactor is analysed by a quadrupole mass spectrometer (1–300 amu). Data on each of the mass scans and the temperature at a given time are acquired by a PC/AT system to generate thermograms. The functioning of the system is exemplified by the temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of oxygen from YBa2Cu3−xCoxO7 ± δ, catalytic ammonia oxidation to NO over YBa2Cu3O7−δ and anaerobic oxidation of methanol to CO2, CO and H2O over YBa2Cu3O7−δ (Y123) and PrBa2Cu3O7−δ (Pr123) systems.


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A new computational tool is presented in this paper for suboptimal control design of a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems. First proper orthogonal decomposition based problem-oriented basis functions are designed, which are then used in a Galerkin projection to come up with a low-order lumped parameter approximation. Next, a suboptimal controller is designed using the emerging /spl thetas/-D technique for lumped parameter systems. This time domain sub-optimal control solution is then mapped back to the distributed domain using the same basis functions, which essentially leads to a closed form solution for the controller in a state feedback form. Numerical results for a real-life nonlinear temperature control problem indicate that the proposed method holds promise as a good suboptimal control design technique for distributed parameter systems.


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An optimal control law for a general nonlinear system can be obtained by solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. However, it is difficult to obtain an analytical solution of this equation even for a moderately complex system. In this paper, we propose a continuoustime single network adaptive critic scheme for nonlinear control affine systems where the optimal cost-to-go function is approximated using a parametric positive semi-definite function. Unlike earlier approaches, a continuous-time weight update law is derived from the HJB equation. The stability of the system is analysed during the evolution of weights using Lyapunov theory. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated through simulation examples.


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This paper addresses the problem of how to select the optimal number of sensors and how to determine their placement in a given monitored area for multimedia surveillance systems. We propose to solve this problem by obtaining a novel performance metric in terms of a probability measure for accomplishing the task as a function of set of sensors and their placement. This measure is then used to find the optimal set. The same measure can be used to analyze the degradation in system 's performance with respect to the failure of various sensors. We also build a surveillance system using the optimal set of sensors obtained based on the proposed design methodology. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed design methodology in selecting the optimal set of sensors and their placement.


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The question of achieving decoupling and asymptotic disturbance rejection in time-invariant linear multivariable systems subject to unmeasurable arbitrary disturbances of a given class is discussed. A synthesis procedure which determines a feedback structure, incorporating an integral compensator, is presented.


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In this letter, we characterize the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) behavior of a factor graph based message passing algorithm for detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with tens to hundreds of antennas. The EXIT curves of a joint detection-decoding receiver are obtained for low density parity check (LDPC) codes of given degree distributions. From the obtained EXIT curves, an optimization of the LDPC code degree profiles is carried out to design irregular LDPC codes matched to the large-MIMO channel and joint message passing receiver. With low complexity joint detection-decoding, these codes are shown to perform better than off-the-shelf irregular codes in the literature by about 1 to 1.5 dB at a coded BER of 10(-5) in 16 x 16, 64 x 64 and 256 x 256 MIMO systems.


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Fast and efficient channel estimation is key to achieving high data rate performance in mobile and vehicular communication systems, where the channel is fast time-varying. To this end, this work proposes and optimizes channel-dependent training schemes for reciprocal Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with beamforming (BF) at the transmitter and receiver. First, assuming that Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the receiver, a channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) signal is proposed that enables efficient estimation of the BF vector at the transmitter with a minimum training duration of only one symbol. In contrast, conventional orthogonal training requires a minimum training duration equal to the number of receive antennas. A tight approximation to the capacity lower bound on the system is derived, which is used as a performance metric to optimize the parameters of the RCT. Next, assuming that CSI is available at the transmitter, a channel-dependent forward-link training signal is proposed and its power and duration are optimized with respect to an approximate capacity lower bound. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the significant performance improvement offered by the proposed channel-dependent training schemes over the existing channel-agnostic orthogonal training schemes.


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Accurately characterizing the time-varying interference caused to the primary users is essential in ensuring a successful deployment of cognitive radios (CR). We show that the aggregate interference at the primary receiver (PU-Rx) from multiple, randomly located cognitive users (CUs) is well modeled as a shifted lognormal random process, which is more accurate than the lognormal and the Gaussian process models considered in the literature, even for a relatively dense deployment of CUs. It also compares favorably with the asymptotically exact stable and symmetric truncated stable distribution models, except at high CU densities. Our model accounts for the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing, which depends on path-loss, shadowing, and small-scale fading of the link from the primary transmitter to the CU; the interweave and underlay modes or CR operation, which determine the transmit powers of the CUs; and time-correlated shadowing and fading of the links from the CUs to the PU-Rx. It leads to expressions for the probability distribution function, level crossing rate, and average exceedance duration. The impact of cooperative spectrum sensing is also characterized. We validate the model by applying it to redesign the primary exclusive zone to account for the time-varying nature of interference.