905 resultados para Information Science
Bibliografia, amb intenci exhaustiva, de monografies i publicacions en srie sobre biblioteconomia i documentaci publicades a Espanya entre 1990 i 1995. En total s'inclouen ms de 1.600 entrades, sense comentar i ordenades sistemticament per matries.
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Informe sobre les sisenes Jornadas Espaolas de Documentacin (Valncia, 29, 30 i 31 d'octubre de 1998)
Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the librarys needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repositorymanagement, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.
[spa] El curso 2011-2012 se inicia la introduccin de la semipresencialidad en el grado de Informacin y Documentacin de la Facultad de Biblioteconoma y Documentacin de la Universidad de Barcelona. Se ofrecen todas las asignaturas de primer curso en este formato para un grupo de 30 alumnos. La planificacin ha supuesto la determinacin de las condiciones y el grado de presencialidad, la creacin del material docente de las asignaturas en un campus virtual y el establecimiento de indicadores y mecanismos de seguimiento y evaluacin. Los primeros resultados apuntan diferencias importantes respecto al seguimiento de la titulacin en formato presencial.
Exchange matrices represent spatial weights as symmetric probability distributions on pairs of regions, whose margins yield regional weights, generally well-specified and known in most contexts. This contribution proposes a mechanism for constructing exchange matrices, derived from quite general symmetric proximity matrices, in such a way that the margin of the exchange matrix coincides with the regional weights. Exchange matrices generate in turn diffusive squared Euclidean dissimilarities, measuring spatial remoteness between pairs of regions. Unweighted and weighted spatial frameworks are reviewed and compared, regarding in particular their impact on permutation and normal tests of spatial autocorrelation. Applications include tests of spatial autocorrelation with diagonal weights, factorial visualization of the network of regions, multivariate generalizations of Moran's I, as well as "landscape clustering", aimed at creating regional aggregates both spatially contiguous and endowed with similar features.
Ski resorts are deploying more and more systems of artificial snow. These tools are necessary to ensure an important economic activity for the high alpine valleys. However, artificial snow raises important environmental issues that can be reduced by an optimization of its production. This paper presents a software prototype based on artificial intelligence to help ski resorts better manage their snowpack. It combines on one hand a General Neural Network for the analysis of the snow cover and the spatial prediction, with on the other hand a multiagent simulation of skiers for the analysis of the spatial impact of ski practice. The prototype has been tested on the ski resort of Verbier (Switzerland).
Estudo de natureza descritiva cujo objetivo foi traar um panorama temtico das dissertaes de mestrado e teses de doutorado apresentadas ao Programa de Ps-graduao em Cincias da Comunicao rea de concentrao: Cincia da Informao e Documentao da Escola de Comunicaes e Artes da Universidade de So Paulo, no perodo de 1979 a 2002. O universo de estudo constituiu-se de 114 documentos (75 dissertaes de mestrado e 39 teses de doutorado). As variveis da produo analisada referiram-se distribuio temporal, temticas abordadas e sua relao com as linhas de pesquisa departamentais. As dissertaes/teses foram agrupadas nas categorias da Lista de Cabealho de Assunto adotada pelo Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA). Observou-se que a produo discente da ps-graduao manteve-se estvel no perodo, com tendncia a aumentar. Na anlise temtica, as categorias 19.0 Other Fringe Subjects [Outros Assuntos Correlatos] e 12.0 Bibliographc Records [Registro Bibliogrfico] foram as mais abordadas, detendo respectivamente, 22,81% e 15,54% da produo. Foram identificados como temas de maior interesse para a elaborao dos trabalhos: ao cultural, sistemas e linguagens de indexao, materiais em C&T e medicina, bibliotecas pblicas e meios de comunicao de massa. Contatou-se que as temticas abordadas na produo refletem as caractersticas da rea de concentrao e das linhas de pesquisa.
Realiza anlise da produo brasileira de artigos cientficos da rea de cincia da informao, a partir 126 artigos do perodo de 1972 a 2006 que integraram a Base Brasileira sobre Informao para Negcios (Brapin). Caracteriza a produo quanto aos aspectos enfoques e tendncias de contedo, autoria e freqncia por perodo de publicaes, padronizando os 342 termos descritores de acordo com o tesauro da American Society for Information Science and Technology (Asis). Fundamenta a anlise de contedo em categorias representativas das principais temticas do conjunto de textos sobre informao para negcios, constatando que, das 26 revistas da rea de biblioteconomia e cincia da informao (BCI) presentes na base Brapin, apenas 13 publicaram artigos cientficos sobre o tema, destacando-se o ano de 1997 como o de maior produo. Do conjunto denominado informao para negcios, destaca-se a temtica informao tecnolgica, com 45% dos artigos, e em relao ao tipo de autoria, predomina o individual.
Este artigo visa a contribuir para o conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre estudos de comportamento informacional de usurios com base em como so tratados na literatura da cincia da informao nas ltimas seis dcadas. Para tanto, a anlise se fundamenta nas revises publicadas no peridico Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (Arist) e em outros trabalhos que complementam o tema abordado, mostrando sua evoluo terica e metodolgica. Uma diferena crucial est relacionada mudana conceitual observada, a qual denota a ampliao da viso epistemolgica dos estudos. Tal mudana referese, especialmente, nova terminologia adotada, que passa de "estudos de usurios" ou "necessidades e uso de informao" para "comportamento informacional de usurios". Trata-se, contudo, no somente de alterao terminolgica, mas, sobretudo, de mudana paradigmtica, resultado de transformaes no modo como o tpico definido e abordado, e na forma como investigado.
During John Lake's visit to Barcelona to take part in a seminar organized by the Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentaci (Department of Library and Information Science) at the University of Barcelona (UB)1 EPI sought an interview to further explore some of the themes addressed in the seminar, drawing on his extensive experience in the world of public libraries.
The analysis of rockfall characteristics and spatial distribution is fundamental to understand and model the main factors that predispose to failure. In our study we analysed LiDAR point clouds aiming to: (1) detect and characterise single rockfalls; (2) investigate their spatial distribution. To this end, different cluster algorithms were applied: 1a) Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal (NNCR) in combination with the Expectation?Maximization (EM) in order to separate feature points from clutter; 1b) a density based algorithm (DBSCAN) was applied to isolate the single clusters (i.e. the rockfall events); 2) finally we computed the Ripley's K-function to investigate the global spatial pattern of the extracted rockfalls. The method allowed proper identification and characterization of more than 600 rockfalls occurred on a cliff located in Puigcercos (Catalonia, Spain) during a time span of six months. The spatial distribution of these events proved that rockfall were clustered distributed at a welldefined distance-range. Computations were carried out using R free software for statistical computing and graphics. The understanding of the spatial distribution of precursory rockfalls may shed light on the forecasting of future failures.
Tietojenksittelyn pkokoelma sijaitsee pkirjastossa (Linnassa), jossa painettu yleis- ja ksikirjastokokoelma koostuu noin 4000 nimekkeest monografioita (painettujen monografiasarjojen osat mukaan lukien). Tietojenksittely-kokoelmasta kartoitettiin nelj osa-aluetta. Nist selvimmksi painopistealaksi osoittautui ohjelmointi, ohjelmointikielet & atk-ohjelmat, joka ksitti noin 33 % nimekkeist (1314). Muiden ryhmien osuudet olivat pienemmt: tietojrjestelmt, tiedonhallinta & tietoturva noin 18 % (727 nimekett); tekoly, tietmystekniikka & hahmontunnistus noin 16 % (629 nimekett). Ksikirjaston karsitussa noin 100 nimekkeen kokoelmassa on runsaasti sanakirjoja ja erilaisia hakuteoksia kuten lhes tydellinen (44/45) Encyclopedia of computer science and technology ja mys e-muodossa oleva 3-osainen Handbook of information security. Painettuja lehti oli 6 nimekett (IEEE Pervasive Computing, MikroPC, mys e-muodossa oleva Social Science Computer Review, Tekniikan nkalat, Tietokone ja Tietoyhteys). Shkkirjoja kokoelmassa oli 466 nimekett Ebrary: Information technology -tietokannassa, 24 nimekett NetLibrary-tietokannassa, 3 nimekett Taylor & Francis eBooks online -tietokannassa ja 2 nimekett shkisin hakuteoksina (Encyclopedia of gender and information technology ja Encyclopedia of information science and technology) sek 4964-osainen Lecture notes in computer science -monografiasarja. Verkkolehti kokoelmassa oli noin 300 nimekett. Tietokantoja oli 4 kokotekstitietokantaa (ACM - Association for Computing Machinery, EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier, Elsevier ScienceDirect ja SpringerLink) sek 2 viitetietokantaa (Computer + Info Systems (CSA) ja Web of Scence (ISI)).
Informaatiotutkimuksen pkokoelma sijaitsee pkirjastossa (Linnassa), jossa painettu yleis- ja ksikirjastokokoelma koostuu noin 4500 nimekkeest monografioita (painettujen monografiasarjojen osat mukaan lukien). Yleiskokoelmaa on karsittu joiltain osin 2000-luvun alussa. Monografiakokoelmasta kartoitettiin viisi osa-aluetta. Kirjastotyt ksitteli 42 % kirjoista (1878 nimekett), joten se oli selvin painopisteala. Kirjastohistoriaa ksitteli 18 % (791 nimekett) ja kirjastotiedett yleisesti 12 % kirjoista (521 nimekett). Tiedonhankinta- ja tiedonhakututkimuksen (8 % / 381 nimekett) ja tutkimusmenetelmien, bibliometriikan (3 % / 120 nimekett) osuudet kirjakokoelmasta olivat pienehkj. Ksikirjaston 218 nimekkeen kokoelma sislsi bibliografioita (41 nimekett), luettelointiin ja luokitukseen liittyv aineistoa, asiasanastoja, tilastoja, ksikirjoja ja erilaisia kirjastojen ja informaatioalan laitosten hakemistoja. Nkyvimmn osan muodosti Encyclopedia of library and information science sarja vuosilta 1968-2003, volyymit 1-73. Painettuja lehti oli 15 nimekett (Asiasana, Bibliophilos, Biblioteksbladet. BBL, College and research libraries CRL, IFLA journal, Informaatiotutkimus, Information world review, International cataloguing and bibliographic control, Kirjastolehti, Library of Congress information bulletin, Managing information, Raamatukogu:RK, Signum, Tietoasiantuntija). Shkkirjoja kokoelmassa oli 103 nimekett Ebrary-tietokannassa, 19 nimekett NetLibrary-tietokannassa, 8 nimekett MyiLibrary tietokannassa ja 1 nimeke Taylor & Francis tietokannassa. Edell mainittujen lisksi shkinen hakuteos Encyclopedia of Information science and Technology. Verkkolehti kokoelmassa oli n. 350. Nist open access lehti 210, joista ei saa tilastotietoja. Tietokantoja oli viisi (Ebscohost Academic Search Premier, Emerald Journals, Ebscohost Lista, ScienceDirect ja SpringerLink).