567 resultados para INTRUSIVE LUXATION


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Treatment of spinal fracture and luxation in small animals Traumatic spinal injuries usually result from a mechanic trauma. Spinal facture and luxations generally occur in the junction between and more mobile parts of the spinal column: close to the skull, thorax and pelvis. Fractures may occur alone or in combination with luxation as fracture/luxation. When the fractures are not stable the best solution is the surgical fixation. Internal and external fixation are the surgical methods for the treatment of vertebral fractures and luxations. The authors report the treatment of 12 cases of thoracic and lumbar vertebral fractures and luxations in small animals using the screws/pins and Polymethylmethacrylate technique. The analysis of results is a contribute I the valutation of surgical technique and complications in the post-surgical period.


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Most basaltic volcanoes are affected by recurrent lateral instabilities during their evolution. Numerous factors have been shown to be involved in the process of flank destabilization occurring over long periods of time or by instantaneous failures. However, the role of these factors on the mechanical behaviour and stability of volcanic edifices is poorly-constrained as lateral failure usually results from the combined effects of several parameters. Our study focuses on the morphological and structural comparison of two end-member basaltic systems, La Reunion (Indian ocean, France) and Stromboli (southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy). We showed that despite major differences on their volumes and geodynamic settings, both systems present some similarities as they are characterized by an intense intrusive activity along well-developed rift zones and recurrent phenomena of flank collapse during their evolution. Among the factors of instability, the examples of la Reunion and Stromboli evidence the major contribution of intrusive complexes to volcano growth and destruction as attested by field observations and the monitoring of these active volcanoes. Classical models consider the relationship between vertical intrusions of magma and flank movements along a preexisting sliding surface. A set of published and new field data from Piton des Neiges volcano (La Reunion) allowed us to recognize the role of subhorizontal intrusions in the process of flank instability and to characterize the geometry of both subvertical and subhorizontal intrusions within basaltic edifices. This study compares the results of numerical modelling of the displacements associated with high-angle and low-angle intrusions within basaltic volcanoes. We use a Mixed Boundary Element Method to investigate the mechanical response of an edifice to the injection of magmatic intrusions in different stress fields. Our results indicate that the anisotropy of the stress field favours the slip along the intrusions due to cointrusive shear stress, generating flank-scale displacements of the edifice, especially in the case of subhorizontal intrusions, capable of triggering large-scale flank collapses on basaltic volcanoes. Applications of our theoretical results to real cases of flank displacements on basaltic volcanoes (such as the 2007 eruptive crisis at La Reunion and Stromboli) revealed that the previous model of subvertical intrusions-related collapse is a likely mechanism affecting small-scale steeply-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Stromboli. Furthermore, our field study combined to modelling results confirms the importance of shallow-dipping intrusions in the morpho-structural evolution of large gently-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Piton de la Fournaise, Etna and Kilauea, with particular regards to flank instability, which can cause catastrophic tsunamis.


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La prematurità rappresenta un fattore di rischio per la qualità delle interazioni precoci e la sintomatologia materna, soprattutto in caso di nascita VLBW (peso ≤ 1500 grammi) ed ELBW (≤1000 grammi). Scopo dello studio è valutare a 3 e 9 mesi di età corretta le modalità interattive delle diadi madre-bambino e lo stato affettivo materno in due campioni di prematuri, ELBW e VLBW, confrontandoli con un gruppo di bambini nati a termine (GC). Un campione di 119 diadi madre-bambino, di cui 71 nati prematuri (30 VLBW e 21 ELBW) e 68 a termine, sono stati valutati all'età di 3 e 9 mesi. Durante gli assessment, è avvenuta la videoregistrazione dell’interazione madre-bambino, codificata mediante le Global Rating Scales (a 3 mesi) ed il CARE Index Infant (a 9 mesi), e la valutazione della sintomatologia materna, attraverso Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Social Interaction and Anxiety Scale, Social Phobia Scale, Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, Questionari italiani del Temperamento. A 3 mesi, le madri di ELBW appaiono più demanding e meno sensibili rispetto a quelle di VLBW; più intrusive rispetto a quelle di GC. Tali madri, inoltre, sono significativamente meno sensibili di quelle del GC anche a 9 mesi. In entrambi gli assessment, tali madri presentano livelli significativamente maggiori di depressione, ansia generalizzata e stress, rispetto a quelle di entrambi gli altri gruppi. Non emergono differenze rispetto all'ansia sociale nè alla percezione del temperamento. Le analisi della correlazione hanno evidenziato specifiche relazioni tra la sintomatologia materna e i pattern interattivi nei tre gruppi. La nascita pretermine rappresenta un fattore di rischio solo per le madri di ELBW, che presentano difficoltà interattive ed elevata sintomatologia; quelle dei VLBW, infatti, tendono a presentare pattern interattivi affini a quelle del GC, mostrando adeguata sensibilità e bassi livelli di depressione, ansia e stress.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt die Gesamtgesteinsanalyse stabiler Siliziumisotope mit Hilfe einer „Multi Collector-ICP-MS“. Die Analysen fanden in Kooperation mit dem „Royal Museum for Central Africa“ in Belgien statt. Einer der Schwerpunkte des ersten Kapitels ist die erstmalige Analyse des δ30Si –Wertes an einem konventionellen Nu PlasmaTM „Multi-Collector ICP-MS“ Instrument, durch die Eliminierung der den 30Si “peak” überlagernden 14N16O Interferenz. Die Analyse von δ30Si wurde durch technische Modifikationen der Anlage erreicht, welche eine höherer Massenauflösung ermöglichten. Die sorgsame Charakterisierung eines adäquaten Referenzmaterials ist unabdingbar für die Abschätzung der Genauigkeit einer Messung. Die Bestimmung der „U.S. Geological Survey“ Referenzmaterialien bildet den zweiten Schwerpunkt dieses Kapitales. Die Analyse zweier hawaiianischer Standards (BHVO-1 and BHVO-2), belegt die präzise und genaue δ30Si Bestimmung und bietet Vergleichsdaten als Qualitätskontrolle für andere Labore. Das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mit kombinierter Silizium-/Sauerstoffisotope zur Untersuchung der Entstehung der Silizifizierung vulkanischer Gesteine des „Barberton Greenstone Belt“, Südafrika. Im Gegensatz zu heute, war die Silizifizierung der Oberflächennahen Schichten, einschließlich der „Chert“ Bildung, weitverbreitete Prozesse am präkambrischen Ozeanboden. Diese Horizonte sind Zeugen einer extremen Siliziummobilisierung in der Frühzeit der Erde. Dieses Kapitel behandelt die Analyse von Silizium- und Sauerstoffisotopen an drei unterschiedlichen Gesteinsprofilen mit unterschiedlich stark silizifizierten Basalten und überlagernden geschichteten „Cherts“ der 3.54, 3.45 und 3.33 Mill. Jr. alten Theespruit, Kromberg und Hooggenoeg Formationen. Siliziumisotope, Sauerstoffisotope und die SiO2-Gehalte demonstrieren in allen drei Gesteinsprofilen eine positive Korrelation mit dem Silizifizierungsgrad, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O-Verhältnisse. Meerwasser wird als Quelle des Siliziums für den Silizifizierungsprozess betrachtet. Berechnungen haben gezeigt, dass eine klassische Wasser-Gestein Wechselwirkung die Siliziumisotopenvariation nicht beeinflussen kann, da die Konzentration von Si im Meerwasser zu gering ist (49 ppm). Die Daten stimmen mit einer Zwei-Endglieder-Komponentenmischung überein, mit Basalt und „Chert“ als jeweilige Endglieder. Unsere gegenwärtigen Daten an den „Cherts“ bestätigen einen Anstieg der Isotopenzusammensetzung über der Zeit. Mögliche Faktoren, die für unterschiedliche Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O Verhältnisse verantwortlich sein könnten sind Veränderungen in der Meerwasserisotopie, der Wassertemperatur oder sekundäre Alterationseffekte. Das letzte Kapitel beinhaltet potentielle Variationen in der Quellregion archaischer Granitoide: die Si-Isotopen Perspektive. Natriumhaltige Tonalit-Trondhjemit-Granodiorit (TTG) Intrusiva repräsentieren große Anteile der archaischen Kruste. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die heutige Kruste kaliumhaltiger (GMS-Gruppe: Granit-Monzonite-Syenite). Prozesse, die zu dem Wechsel von natriumhaltiger zu kaliumhaltiger Kruste führten sind die Thematik diesen Kapitels. Siliziumisotopenmessungen wurden hier kombiniert mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalysen an unterschiedlichen Generationen der 3.55 bis 3.10 Mill. Yr. alten TTG und GMS Intrusiva aus dem Arbeitsgebiet. Die δ30Si-Werte in den unterschiedlichen Plutonit Generationen zeigen einen leichten Anstieg der Isotopie mit der Zeit, wobei natriumhaltige Intrusiva die niedrigste Si-Isotopenzusammensetzung aufweisen. Der leichte Anstieg in der Siliziumisotopenzusammensetzung über die Zeit könnte auf unterschiedliche Temperaturbedingungen in der Quellregion der Granitoide hinweisen. Die Entstehung von Na-reichen, leichten d30Si Granitoiden würde demnach bei höheren Temperaturen erfolgen. Die Ähnlichkeit der δ30Si-Werte in archaischen K-reichen Plutoniten und phanerozoischen K-reichen Plutoniten wird ebenfalls deutlich.


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L’ipotesi di fondo su cui si basa l’intero lavoro è che il dolore oncologico debba essere riconosciuto come “malattia nella malattia”: non si può considerare tale dolore mero “sintomo” del cancro ma esperienza totale che coinvolge l’intera persona. Il dolore oncologico è carico di valenze e significati personali, è associato a rappresentazioni sociali e, come ogni malattia, è disease, illness e sickness. Partendo da questo presupposto, la dissertazione si è posta come obiettivo generale quello di studiare il dolore oncologico tra le donne con tumore al seno, le sue componenti sociali, psicologiche, individuali oltre che fisiche; si è voluto inoltre studiare la specificità del vissuto e dei significati associati all’esperienza dolorosa. Il lavoro è articolato in due parti fondamentali, una teorica ed una empirica. La prima presenta un inquadramento dei principali concetti della sociologia della salute riguardanti il dolore. Per quanto riguarda la parte empirica, si è fatto ricorso ad una ricerca mista, fatta di metodi misti e fondata su un approccio metodologico di natura integrativa che si avvale di tecniche quantitative e qualitative. La parte quantitativa si basa su una parte dei dati della ricerca nazionale ESOPO - Epidemiological Study of Pain in Oncology. Dall’intero campione sono state isolate le sole donne con tumore al seno (n=846). Si è proceduto quindi allo studio di tale campione, alle elaborazioni statistiche con il programma SPSS e all’interpretazione dei risultati. Per quanto riguarda la parte qualitativa, invece, è stata condotta un’analisi delle fonti che si è avvalsa di un approccio netnografico: è stata condotta un’osservazione non intrusiva di 12 blog scritti da donne con tumore al seno, con lo scopo di indagare le narrazioni di malattia, i vissuti personali, i significati di dolore e malattia e le loro ripercussioni sulla vita quotidiana.


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L’oggetto di questa tesi è l’individuazione di un metodo in grado di rilevare uno squilibrio cilindrico rilevante in un motore a combustione interna ad accensione comandata, sovralimentato dinamicamente. Il progetto si basa sull’osservazione sperimentale di un forte incremento dei valori assunti da indici basati sulla differenza dei tempi dente della ruota fonica, al manifestarsi di un brusco squilibrio di titolo in uno dei quattro cilindri. Ciò ha permesso di rilevare eventuali sbilanciamenti di titolo mediante una diagnosi intrusiva in grado di esaltarli. Questa metodologia a differenza di quelle basate sul segnale proveniente dalla sonda lambda, non risente del problema del mixing dei pacchetti di gas combusti all’interno della turbina. Il lavoro di tesi è consistito nel concepire un indice di rilevamento capace di esaltare il fenomeno sopra descritto, nel creare in ambiente Matlab-Simulink un modello che simuli la strategia in questione e renda possibile la realizzazione di un prototipo, per mezzo del quale è stata validata la strategia a bordo del veicolo. This thesis proposes a methodology to detect a relevant cylinder imbalance by means of flywheel speed fluctuation analysis in a turbocharged internal combustion engine. The main idea behind this project is the evidence that every time a significant cylinder imbalance is present, it is noticed an important increase of index based on tooth time sampled via flywheel. For this reason, it is possible to develop an intrusive strategy, which higliaghts a possible cylinder imbalance presence, in order to detect it. This method, unlike others based on the signal coming from Lambda sensor, doesn’t suffer from the presence of exhaust gases mixing effect inside the turbine. The objective of this thesis is to conceive a detection index able to put in evidence the phenomena described above, and to design a model inside the Matlab-Simulink environment, able to simulate the strategy and to make possible tests on the vehicle by means of a prototype.


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Image overlay projection is a form of augmented reality that allows surgeons to view underlying anatomical structures directly on the patient surface. It improves intuitiveness of computer-aided surgery by removing the need for sight diversion between the patient and a display screen and has been reported to assist in 3-D understanding of anatomical structures and the identification of target and critical structures. Challenges in the development of image overlay technologies for surgery remain in the projection setup. Calibration, patient registration, view direction, and projection obstruction remain unsolved limitations to image overlay techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel, portable, and handheld-navigated image overlay device based on miniature laser projection technology that allows images of 3-D patient-specific models to be projected directly onto the organ surface intraoperatively without the need for intrusive hardware around the surgical site. The device can be integrated into a navigation system, thereby exploiting existing patient registration and model generation solutions. The position of the device is tracked by the navigation system’s position sensor and used to project geometrically correct images from any position within the workspace of the navigation system. The projector was calibrated using modified camera calibration techniques and images for projection are rendered using a virtual camera defined by the projectors extrinsic parameters. Verification of the device’s projection accuracy concluded a mean projection error of 1.3 mm. Visibility testing of the projection performed on pig liver tissue found the device suitable for the display of anatomical structures on the organ surface. The feasibility of use within the surgical workflow was assessed during open liver surgery. We show that the device could be quickly and unobtrusively deployed within the sterile environment.


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Introduction Even if performed by qualified physical therapists, spinal manipulation and mobilization can cause adverse events. This holds true particularly for the cervical spine. In light of the substantial risks, the benefits of cervical spine manipulation may be outweighed by the possibility of further injury. Case presentation We present the case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with Forestier's disease who went to see a physiotherapist to relieve his aching neck while on a holiday trip. Following the procedure, he was transferred to a local hospital with a partial tetraplegic syndrome due to a cervical 6/7 luxation fracture. Reportedly, the physiotherapist took neither a detailed history, nor adequate diagnostic measures. Conclusions This case highlights the potentially dangerous complications associated with cervical spine mobilization/manipulation. If guidelines concerning cervical spine mobilization and manipulation practices had been followed, this adverse event could have been avoided.


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OBJECTIVE: To report clinical features associated with iatrogenic peripheral nerve injury in dogs and cats admitted (1997-2006) to a referral teaching hospital. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=18), 9 cats. METHODS: Patients had acute signs of monoparesis attributable to sciatic nerve dysfunction that developed after treatment. Neurologic examination and electrodiagnostic testing were performed. Surgical therapy was used for nerve entrapment and delayed reconstructive surgery used in other cases. RESULTS: Of 27 nerve injuries, 25 resulted from surgery (18 with treatment of pelvic injuries). Iliosacral luxation repair resulted in tibial (4 cats) and peroneal (3 dogs) nerve dysfunction. Other causes were intramedullary pinning of femoral fractures (3), other orthopedic surgery (cemented hip prosthesis [2] and tibial plateau-leveling osteotomy [1]), and perineal herniorrhaphy [1]. Nerve injury occurred after intramuscular injection (1 cat, 1 dog). Immediate surgical treatment was removal of intramedullary nails, extruded cement, or entrapping suture. Delayed nerve transplantation was performed in 2 dogs. Within 1 year, 13 patients recovered completely, clinical improvement occurred in 7, and there was no improvement in 7. Five of the 7 dogs that did not recover had acetabular or ilium fracture. CONCLUSION: Iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury occurred most commonly during treatment of pelvic orthopedic diseases and had a poor prognosis. Clinical variation in sciatic nerve dysfunction in dogs and cats can be explained by species anatomic differences. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury leads to severely debilitating locomotor dysfunction with an uncertain prognosis for full-functional recovery.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical outcomes of standard, cylindrical, screw-shaped to novel tapered, transmucosal (Straumann Dental implants immediately placed into extraction sockets. Material and methods: In this randomized-controlled clinical trial, outcomes were evaluated over a 3-year observation period. This report deals with the need for bone augmentation, healing events, implant stability and patient-centred outcomes up to 3 months only. Nine centres contributed a total of 208 immediate implant placements. All surgical and post-surgical procedures and the evaluation parameters were discussed with representatives of all centres during a calibration meeting. Following careful luxation of the designated tooth, allocation of the devices was randomly performed by a central study registrar. The allocated SLA titanium implant was installed at the bottom or in the palatal wall of the extraction socket until primary stability was reached. If the extraction socket was >or=1 mm larger than the implant, guided bone regeneration was performed simultaneously (Bio Oss and BioGide. The flaps were then sutured. During non-submerged transmucosal healing, everything was done to prevent infection. At surgery, the need for augmentation and the degree of wound closure was verified. Implant stability was assessed clinically and by means of resonance frequency analysis (RFA) at surgery and after 3 months. Wound healing was evaluated after 1, 2, 6 and 12 weeks post-operatively. RESULTS: The demographic data did not show any differences between the patients receiving either standard cylindrical or tapered implants. All implants yielded uneventful healing with 15% wound dehiscences after 1 week. After 2 weeks, 93%, after 6 weeks 96%, and after 12 weeks 100% of the flaps were closed. Ninety percent of both implant designs required bone augmentation. Immediately after implantation, RFA values were 55.8 and 56.7 and at 3 months 59.4 and 61.1 for cylindrical and tapered implants, respectively. Patient-centred outcomes did not differ between the two implant designs. However, a clear preference of the surgeon's perception for the appropriateness of the novel-tapered implant was evident. CONCLUSIONS: This RCT has demonstrated that tapered or standard cylindrical implants yielded clinically equivalent short-term outcomes after immediate implant placement into the extraction socket.


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AIM: To evaluate the pulp and periodontal healing of laterally luxated permanent teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients presenting with lateral luxation of permanent teeth during 2001-2002 were enrolled in this clinical study. Laterally luxated teeth were repositioned and splinted with a TTS/composite resin splint for 4 weeks. Immediate (prophylactic) root-canal treatment was performed in severely luxated teeth with radiographically closed apices. All patients received tetracycline for 10 days. Re-examinations were performed after 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 and 48 months. RESULTS: All 47 laterally luxated permanent teeth that could be followed over the entire study period survived. In 10 teeth (21.3%), a prophylactic root-canal treatment was performed within 2 weeks following injury. The remaining 37 teeth showed the following characteristics at the 4-year re-examination: 19 teeth (51.4%) had pulp survival (no clinical or radiographic signs or symptoms), nine teeth (24.3%) presented with pulp canal calcification, and pulp necrosis was seen in another nine teeth (24.3%), within the first year after trauma. None of the teeth with a radiographically open apex at the time of lateral luxation showed complications. External root resorption was only seen in one tooth. CONCLUSIONS: Laterally luxated permanent teeth with incomplete root formation have a good prognosis, with all teeth surviving in this study. The most frequent complication was pulp necrosis that was only seen in teeth with closed apices.


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Data on the evolution of geomagnetic paleointensity are crucial for understanding the geodynamo and Earth’s thermal history. Although basaltic flows are preferred for paleointensity experiments, quickly cooled mafic dykes have also been used. However, the paleointensity values obtained from the dykes are systematically lower than those from lava flows. This bias may originate from the difference in cooling histories and resultant magnetic mineralogies of extrusive and intrusive rocks. To explore this hypothesis, the magnetic mineralogy of two feeder dyke-lave flow systems, from Thunder Bay (Canada) and La Cienega (New-Mexico), has been studied using magnetic and microscopy methods. Within each system, the flow and dyke show different stages of deuteric oxidation of titanomagnetite, but the oxidation stages also differ between the two systems. It is concluded that the tested hypothesis is viable, but the relationships between the magnetic and mineralogical properties of flows and dykes are complex and need a further investigation.


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For a fluid dynamics experimental flow measurement technique, particle image velocimetry (PIV) provides significant advantages over other measurement techniques in its field. In contrast to temperature and pressure based probe measurements or other laser diagnostic techniques including laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and phase Doppler particle analysis (PDPA), PIV is unique due to its whole field measurement capability, non-intrusive nature, and ability to collect a vast amount of experimental data in a short time frame providing both quantitative and qualitative insight. These properties make PIV a desirable measurement technique for studies encompassing a broad range of fluid dynamics applications. However, as an optical measurement technique, PIV also requires a substantial technical understanding and application experience to acquire consistent, reliable results. Both a technical understanding of particle image velocimetry and practical application experience are gained by applying a planar PIV system at Michigan Technological University’s Combustion Science Exploration Laboratory (CSEL) and Alternative Fuels Combustion Laboratory (AFCL). Here a PIV system was applied to non-reacting and reacting gaseous environments to make two component planar PIV as well as three component stereographic PIV flow field velocity measurements in conjunction with chemiluminescence imaging in the case of reacting flows. This thesis outlines near surface flow field characteristics in a tumble strip lined channel, three component velocity profiles of non-reacting and reacting swirled flow in a swirl stabilized lean condition premixed/prevaporized-fuel model gas turbine combustor operating on methane at 5-7 kW, and two component planar PIV measurements characterizing the AFCL’s 1.1 liter closed combustion chamber under dual fan driven turbulent mixing flow.


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The Acoustic emission (AE) technique, as one of non-intrusive and nondestructive evaluation techniques, acquires and analyzes the signals emitting from deformation or fracture of materials/structures under service loading. The AE technique has been successfully applied in damage detection in various materials such as metal, alloy, concrete, polymers and other composite materials. In this study, the AE technique was used for detecting crack behavior within concrete specimens under mechanical and environmental frost loadings. The instrumentations of the AE system used in this study include a low-frequency AE sensor, a computer-based data acquisition device and a preamplifier linking the AE sensor and the data acquisition device. The AE system purchased from Mistras Group was used in this study. The AE technique was applied to detect damage with the following laboratory tests: the pencil lead test, the mechanical three-point single-edge notched beam bending (SEB) test, and the freeze-thaw damage test. Firstly, the pencil lead test was conducted to verify the attenuation phenomenon of AE signals through concrete materials. The value of attenuation was also quantified. Also, the obtained signals indicated that this AE system was properly setup to detect damage in concrete. Secondly, the SEB test with lab-prepared concrete beam was conducted by employing Mechanical Testing System (MTS) and AE system. The cumulative AE events and the measured loading curves, which both used the crack-tip open displacement (CTOD) as the horizontal coordinate, were plotted. It was found that the detected AE events were qualitatively correlated with the global force-displacement behavior of the specimen. The Weibull distribution was vii proposed to quantitatively describe the rupture probability density function. The linear regression analysis was conducted to calibrate the Weibull distribution parameters with detected AE signals and to predict the rupture probability as a function of CTOD for the specimen. Finally, the controlled concrete freeze-thaw cyclic tests were designed and the AE technique was planned to investigate the internal frost damage process of concrete specimens.