987 resultados para IAS 14 Segment Reporting
The neurochemical profile of the cortex develops in a region and time specific manner, which can be distorted by psychiatric and other neurological pathologies. Pre-clinical studies often involve experimental mouse models. In this study, we determined the neurochemical profile of C57BL/6 mice in a longitudinal study design to provide a reference frame for the normal developing mouse cortex. Using in vivo proton NMR spectroscopy at 14 T, we measured the concentrations of 18 metabolites in the anterior and posterior cortex on postnatal days (P) 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90. Cortical development was marked by alterations of highly concentrated metabolites, such as N-acetylaspartate, glutamate, taurine and creatine. Regional specificity was represented by early variations in the concentration of glutamine, aspartate and choline. In adult animals, regional concentration differences were found for N-acetylaspartate, creatine and myo-inositol. In this study, animals were exposed to recurrent isoflurane anaesthesia. Additional experiments showed that the latter was devoid of major effects on behaviour or cortical neurochemical profile. In conclusion, the high sensitivity and reproducibility of the measurements achieved at 14 T allowed us to identify developmental variations of cortical areas within the mouse cortex.
The Drug Misuse Research Division of the Health Research Board operates the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS). The system is used to provide epidemiological information on treated problem drug misuse in Ireland and informs policy makers, researchers and the general public. The NDTRS collates data from participating treatment centres in all Health Board areas, however a gap in information exists in that drug misusers in treatment units within prisons and those treated by General Practitioners are not included. This study aims to determine the feasibility of including these two groups to increase coverage of the NDTRS and outlines preliminary steps for their inclusion.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This second edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators of health and health systems in 35Â European countries, including the 27 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a list of indicators that has been developed by the European Commission to guide the development and reporting of health statistics. It is complemented by additional indicators on health expenditure and quality of care, building on the OECD expertise in these areas. Contents: Introduction 12 Chapter 1. Health status 15 1.1. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth 1.2. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at age 65 1.3. Mortality from all causes 1.4. Mortality from heart disease and stroke 1.5. Mortality from cancer 1.6. Mortality from transport accidents 1.7. Suicide 1.8. Infant mortality 1.9. Infant health: Low birth weight 1.10. Self-reported health and disability 1.11. Incidence of selected communicable diseases 1.12. HIV/AIDS 1.13. Cancer incidence 1.14. Diabetes prevalence and incidence 1.15. Dementia prevalence 1.16. Asthma and COPD prevalence Chapter 2. Determinants of health 49 2.1. Smoking and alcohol consumption among children 2.2. Overweight and obesity among children 2.3. Fruit and vegetable consumption among children 2.4. Physical activity among children 2.5. Smoking among adults 2.6. Alcohol consumption among adults 2.7. Overweight and obesity among adults 2.8. Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults Chapter 3. Health care resources and activities 67 3.1. Medical doctors 3.2. Consultations with doctors 3.3. Nurses 3.4. Medical technologies: CT scanners and MRI units 3.5. Hospital beds 3.6. Hospital discharges 3.7. Average length of stay in hospitals 3.8. Cardiac procedures (coronary angioplasty) 3.9. Cataract surgeries 3.10. Hip and knee replacement 3.11. Pharmaceutical consumption 3.12. Unmet health care needs Chapter 4. Quality of care 93 Care for chronic conditions 4.1. Avoidable admissions: Respiratory diseases 4.2. Avoidable admissions: Uncontrolled diabetes Acute care 4.3. In-hospital mortality following acute myocardial infarction 4.4. In-hospital mortality following stroke Patient safety 4.5. Procedural or postoperative complications 4.6. Obstetric trauma Cancer care 4.7. Screening, survival and mortality for cervical cancer 4.8. Screening, survival and mortality for breast cancer 4.9. Screening, survival and mortality for colorectal cancer Care for communicable diseases 4.10. Childhood vaccination programmes 4.11. Influenza vaccination for older people Chapter 5. Health expenditure and financing 117 5.1. Coverage for health care 5.2. Health expenditure per capita 5.3. Health expenditure in relation to GDP 5.4. Health expenditure by function. 5.5. Pharmaceutical expenditure 5.6. Financing of health care 5.7. Trade in health services Bibliography 133 Annex A. Additional information on demographic and economic context 143 Most European countries have reduced tobacco consumption via public awareness campaigns, advertising bans and increased taxation. The percentage of adults who smoke daily is below 15% in Sweden and Iceland, from over 30% in 1980. At the other end of the scale, over 30% of adults in Greece smoke daily. Smoking rates continue to be high in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia (Figure 2.5.1). Alcohol consumption has also fallen in many European countries. Curbs on advertising, sales restrictions and taxation have all proven to be effective measures. Traditional wine-producing countries, such as France, Italy and Spain, have seen consumption per capita fall substantially since 1980. Alcohol consumption per adult rose significantly in a number of countries, including Cyprus, Finland and Ireland (Figure 2.6.1).This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
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Accidents and SafetyAlthough the number of deaths caused by accidents has fallen by 37% across all age groups in Ireland over the past twenty years, accidents and falls continue to be relatively common causes of death and injury among older people, often resulting in serious longterm difficulties and even premature death. Consequently, the reduction of accidents in the older population is considered to be an important factor in promoting the general well-being of older people. The 1998 Health Promotion Strategy for Older People, Adding years to life, life to years, which was formulated by the National Council on Ageing and OlderPeople in co-operation with the Department of Health and Children, set a target to reduce the death rate from all accidents and their adverse effects in people aged 65 and over by at least 17% in the year 2005. It also set a target of reducing hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over by at least 17% in the same year.����
SĹN 2007: Older People, Loneliness and Social Support to Mental HealthSĹN, the national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition, shows that most Irish adults have a reasonably high level of positive mental health. It is the largest national survey on positive and negative mental health and social well-being in the Irish adult population.��One finding highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. Finding reveal that 14% of respondents reported being often lonely in the last four weeks, with women, older people and respondents in lower social class groups reporting high levels of loneliness. The SĹN report indicates that being widowed and not being in paid employment are the strongest overall predictors of loneliness. Respondents who are widowed are about five times more likely to feel lonely than those who are married or cohabiting, while 17% of respondents aged 65 and over report being often lonely.��SLAN 2007 highlights the significance of loneliness and social support to mental health. It proposes community-based interventions, including community development approaches and strategies to promote community involvement as a way to tackle such social and health inequities at local level. The report also highlights the importance of implementing the recommendations of the policy document A Vision for Change. It says that protection and promotion of the future health and well-being of the Irish population requires the implementation of effective cross-sectoral policies that will help create and maintain a mentally healthy society, with consequent health, economic and social benefits for all.����SLAN is commissioned by the Department of Health and Children and involved face-to-face interviews with 10,364 respondents aged 18 years and over.��
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to determine whether adolescent girls with severe dysmenorrhea (SD) have different psychological characteristics from their peers. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey (SMASH 02). SETTINGS: Nationally representative sample of adolescents attending post-mandatory education. PARTICIPANTS: N = 7548, of whom 3340 were females, aged 16-20 years. INTERVENTION: Self-administered, anonymous survey consisted of 565 items on 4 main topics: sociodemographic determinants of health, health status, health behaviors, and health care use. OUTCOMES: Body image variables, mental health, and associated variables like sexual abuse and health perceptions. Bivariate analysis and binomial logistic regression controlling for explanatory variables were performed. RESULTS: 12.4% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 11.0-14) declared SD. Compared to their peers, subjects with SD were more likely to report depressive symptoms (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.73; 95% CI: 1.38-2.15), have a higher gynecological age (AOR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.05-1.20), and attend vocational school (AOR: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.00-1.76). Moreover, the proportion of those reporting dissatisfaction with their body appearance was higher (AOR: 1.50; 95% CI: 1.02-2.22). CONCLUSION: Patients with SD not only show a different profile from their peers in terms of their mental health academic track and gynecological age, but they are also more dissatisfied with their body appearance. Clinicians should pay particular attention to patients with SD and offer them a global evaluation, bearing in mind what factors can be associated with SD.
Background/Introduction: ln Switzerland, most trends in overweight and obesity levels have been assessed using reported data, a methodology which is prone to reporting bias. ln this study, we aimed at assessing trends in overweight and obesity levels using objectively measured data. Methods: We used independent cross-sectional data collected between 2005 and 2011 by the Bus Santé study on representative samples of the Geneva population. Trends were assessed overall and according to different characteristics of the participants. Overweight and obesity were defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 and >=30 kg/m2, respectively. Results: Data from 4093 participants (2012 men) was assessed. Mean BMI was 25.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2 (mean ±standard deviation) in 2005 and 25.4 ± 4.3 in 2011 (p for trend using linear regression=0.98). For men, mean BMI was 26.3 ± 3.8 kg/m2 in 2005 and 26.1 ± 3.7 in 2011 (p for trend=0.37); for women, the corresponding values were 24.3 ± 4.6 and 24.7 ± 4.7 kg/m2 (p for trend=0.42). Overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 32.2% and 13.3%, respectively, in 2005 and 33.6% and 13.7% in 2011 (p for trend using polytomous logistic regression adjusting for gender, age and smoking=0.49 and 0.94 for overweight and obesity, respectively). For men, prevalence of overweight and obesity was 45.9% and 12.2% in 2005 and 42.1 % and 14.6% in 2011 (P for trend=0.03 for overweight and 0.81 for obesity); for women, the corresponding values were 20.4% and 14.2% in 2005 and 25.4% and 12.9% in 2011 (p for trend=0.13 for overweight and 0.99 for obesity). Conclusion: Overweight and obesity levels appear to have levelled in Geneva, with a possible decrease in overweight levels in men. These favorable findings should be replicated in other geographical locations.
Injury mortality and morbidity among children aged 0-14 varies substantially depending on the child's age, gender, socio-economic group, cultural and/or ethnic group, and where they live. This report describes and seeks to understand these variations and explains why each factor is associated with injury risk. It then highlights how a range of intervention studies have attempted to address these inequalities.
This Commissioning Plan describes the actions that will be taken across health and social care during 2013/14 to ensure continued improvement in the health and wellbeing of the people of Northern Ireland.The plan, developed in partnership by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency, responds to the Commissioning Plan Direction published by the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety on the 28 of January 2013. In doing so, it outlines a range of actions that have been developed in partnership with patients and the public which are driven by need, clear goals and budgetary transparency.
This booklet explains about the routine immunisations that are offered to all young people before they leave school.
These guidelines are for those in the media who have involvement with the reporting or portrayal of suicide and represent an important source of information to help ensure that the quality of reporting and portrayal on this important and sensitive topic is of a high standard.
The Regional HSC PPI Annual Report for 2013/14 provides an up-date of the work of the Forum and outlines the key areas that have been progressed including the development of PPI standards and the advancement of a generic PPI awareness raising and training programme.