845 resultados para Hybrid system approach


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Ran, a small nuclear GTP binding protein, is essential for the translocation of nuclear proteins through the nuclear pore complex. We show that several proteins, including the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nup2p and Caenorhabditis elegans F59A2.1 nucleoporins, contain domains similar to the previously characterized murine Ran binding protein (RBP, termed RBP1). To test the significance of this similarity, we have used the corresponding domains of Nup2p and a putative S. cerevisiae RBP in Ran binding assays and the yeast two-hybrid system. Both proteins bind S. cerevisiae Ran, but only the putative S. cerevisiae RBP binds human Ran. Two-hybrid analysis revealed Ran-Ran interactions and that yeast and human Rans can interact. These data identify Nup2p as a target for Ran in the nuclear pore complex, suggesting a direct role for it in nuclear-cytoplasmic transport. We discuss the possibility that proteins harboring Ran binding domains link the Ran GTPase cycle to specific functions in the nucleus.


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A constitutively active fragment of rat MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1) consisting of only its catalytic domain (MEKK-C) expressed in bacteria quantitatively activates recombinant mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) kinases 1 and 2 (MEK1 and MEK2) in vitro. Activation of MEK1 by MEKK-C is accompanied by phosphorylation of S218 and S222, which are also phosphorylated by the protein kinases c-Mos and Raf-1. MEKK1 has been implicated in regulation of a parallel but distinct cascade that leads to phosphorylation of N-terminal sites on c-Jun; thus, its role in the MAP kinase pathway has been questioned. However, in addition to its capacity to phosphorylate MEK1 in vitro, MEKK-C interacts with MEK1 in the two-hybrid system, and expression of mouse MEKK1 or MEKK-C in mammalian cells causes constitutive activation of both MEK1 and MEK2. Neither cotransfected nor endogenous ERK2 is highly activated by MEKK1 compared to its stimulation by epidermal growth factor in spite of significant activation of endogenous MEK. Thus, other as yet undefined mechanisms may be involved in determining information flow through the MAP kinase and related pathways.


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NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.


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The repair of DNA double-strand breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires genes of the RAD52 epistasis group, of which RAD55 and RAD57 are members. Here, we show that the x-ray sensitivity of rad55 and rad57 mutant strains is suppressible by overexpression of RAD51 or RAD52. Virtually complete suppression is provided by the simultaneous overexpression of RAD51 and RAD52. This suppression occurs at 23 degrees C, where these mutants are more sensitive to x-rays, as well as at 30 degrees C and 36 degrees C. In addition, a recombination defect of rad55 and rad57 mutants is similarly suppressed. Direct in vivo interactions between the Rad51 and Rad55 proteins, and between Rad55 and Rad57, have also been identified by using the two-hybrid system. These results indicate that these four proteins constitute part of a complex, a "recombinosome," to effect the recombinational repair of double-strand breaks.


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The SSN3 and SSN8 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified by mutations that suppress a defect in SNF1, a protein kinase required for release from glucose repression. Mutations in SSN3 and SSN8 also act synergistically with a mutation of the MIG1 repressor protein to relieve glucose repression. We have cloned the SSN3 and SSN8 genes. SSN3 encodes a cyclin-dependent protein kinase (cdk) homolog and is identical to UME5. SSN8 encodes a cyclin homolog 35% identical to human cyclin C. SSN3 and SSN8 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system and coimmunoprecipitate from yeast cell extracts. Using an immune complex assay, we detected protein kinase activity that depends on both SSN3 and SSN8. Thus, the two SSN proteins are likely to function as a cdk-cyclin pair. Genetic analysis indicates that the SSN3-SSN8 complex contributes to transcriptional repression of diversely regulated genes and also affects induction of the GAL1 promoter.


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The SSN6-TUP1 protein complex represses transcription of diversely regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present evidence that MIG1, a zinc-finger protein in the EGR1/Zif268 family, recruits SSN6-TUP1 to glucose-repressed promoters. DNA-bound LexA-MIG1 represses transcription of a target gene in glucose-grown cells, and repression requires SSN6 and TUP1. We also show that MIG1 and SSN6 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system. Unexpectedly, we found that LexA-MIG1 activates transcription strongly in an ssn6 mutant and weakly in a tup1 mutant. Finally, LexA-MIG1 does not repress transcription in glucose-deprived cells, and MIG1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose availability. We suggest a role for phosphorylation in regulating repression.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o desempenho da cadeia de carne bovina na Venezuela sob o efeito de políticas de intervenção estatal principalmente nas últimas décadas. Para tanto, foi empregada a abordagem teórica do enfoque sistêmico em conjunto com metodologia que se apoiou em um modelo econométrico para explicar o efeito de variáveis tecnológicas e macroeconômicas no agronegócio vis a vis a resultante da produção doméstica de carne bovina nas últimas décadas. Os resultados mostram que, no marco de mudanças institucionais estabelecidas desde a década de 1980 e especialmente as intervenções governamentais vigentes a partir do ano de 2003, a cadeia de carne bovina da Venezuela apresenta um desempenho negocial preocupante e não sustentável. Na última década, a Venezuela decresceu seu inventário bovino a uma taxa média anual de 2,56% entre 2003 e 2014. O número de cabeças/habitante diminuiu a uma taxa anual de 1,30% entre 1960 e 2014, ficando em 0,38 cabeças/habitante. O número de cabeças abatidas sobre o total do rebanho (taxa de desfrute geral do rebanho) foi de 10,82% para o ano de 2014, inferior à média de países vizinhos como Colômbia e Brasil que ficaram em 20,85% e 19,42% respectivamente. A produção doméstica de carne bovina decresceu a uma taxa anual de 2,22% entre 1997 e 2014 (mesmo considerando o abate de bovinos importados). A quantidade de carne oriunda de animais importados cresceu até alcançar um máximo de 58,51% do abate nacional, em 2013. Isto significou um decréscimo real da produção endógena de 71,55% entre os anos de 1997 e 2013. Neste contexto, a produção nacional percapita diminuiu de 18,31 kg/habitante (em 1997) para um mínimo de 3,97 kg/habitante (em 2013). Para o atendimento da demanda doméstica passou-se a contar, crescentemente, com importações de carne in natura que cresceram em volume inicial de 0,59 mil toneladas (t) de equivalente carcaça (em 1997) para um máximo de 307,57 mil t em 2008. A taxa de penetração das importações de carne bovina equivalente (carne e bovinos em pé) resultou em 79,54% do atendimento da demanda doméstica em 2013 (cerca de 15,45 kg/habitante/ano). Neste contexto, as intervenções mais relevantes têm sido a Lei de Terras que propiciou um ambiente de insegurança jurídica; os controles de preços e a política cambial que criaram distorções no mercado; e, a crescente influência nas redes de distribuição de alimentos, com forte dependência do comércio exterior, alavancado com os incrementos no preço internacional do petróleo entre 2003 e 2014. Tudo isto tem resultado em um cenário de desmonte da produção interna da carne bovina, que pode ser visualizado em episódios crescentes de escassez deste produto no mercado interno. Ao final, são sugeridas algumas práticas de políticas pública e setoriais para a reversão desse quadro insustentável para esta importante cadeia de negócios da Venezuela.


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A persistência bacteriana correlacionada à formação de biofilmes bacterianos é, há algum tempo, fonte de grande preocupação médica em virtude de sua ampla associação com a dificuldade de tratamento de infecções crônicas. Por outro lado, as perspectivas de utilização de biofilmes bacterianos em novas aplicações biotecnológicas e até mesmo para fins terapêuticos são promissoras. Há, portanto, grande interesse em compreender os mecanismos que levam as células bacterianas a deixar o estado planctônico, de vida livre, e associarem-se nesses conglomerados celulares altamente complexos. Ao longo das últimas décadas, o segundo mensageiro c-di-GMP – em conjunto com as moléculas que catalisam sua síntese (diguanilato ciclases) e sua degradação (fosfodiesterases) e seus receptores – estabeleceu-se como um elemento central de regulação de uma série de respostas celulares que determinam a formação ou a dispersão de biofilmes. Curiosamente, as proteínas que participam do metabolismo deste segundo mensageiro estão, frequentemente, codificadas múltiplas vezes em um mesmo genoma bacteriano. Em vista dessa observação, estudos mais recentes apontam que, para reger paralelamente uma variedade tão ampla de fenótipos, este sistema opera em modo de alta especificidade de sinalização e que, portanto, o sinal metabolizado por determinados conjuntos de diguanilato ciclases e fosfodiesterases tem alvos celulares específicos. Evidências robustas, porém isoladas até o momento, apontaram que um dos meios pelo qual ocorre a segregação entre sinal produzido e alvo específico é a interação direta entre as proteínas componentes das vias de sinalização. Mais, demonstrou-se que, em algumas vias, a transmissão de sinal ocorre exclusivamente via interação proteica, dispensando a intermediação do sinalizador em si. Para avaliar a validade e relevância global deste mecanismo, propôs-se, neste estudo, a investigação da rede total de interações entre as proteínas tipicamente associadas às vias de sinalização por c-di-GMP em Pseudomonas aeruginosa, utilizando ensaios de duplo-hibrido bacteriano. Para tanto, foram construídas duas bibliotecas de DNA direcionadas e foram feitos testes de interação de forma estratégica para possibilitar o esgotamento e averiguação de todas as possíveis interações entre as proteínas alvo identificadas. O resultado obtido, um mapa inicial, porém abrangente, da rede de interações proteicas em P. aeruginosa, indica uma grande probabilidade de que os mecanismos previamente descritos sejam realmente recorrentes e relevantes para o intermédio da sinalização nesse organismo. Algumas das interações mais robustas encontradas são bastante interessantes e serão, em estudos futuros, mais extensivamente estudadas.


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O transformador de potência é um importante equipamento utilizado no sistema elétrico de potência, responsável por transmitir energia elétrica ou potência elétrica de um circuito a outro e transformar tensões e correntes de um circuito elétrico. O transformador de potência tem ampla aplicação, podendo ser utilizado em subestações de usinas de geração, transmissão e distribuição. Neste sentido, mudanças recentes ocorridas no sistema elétrico brasileiro, causadas principalmente pelo aumento considerável de carga e pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico tem proporcionado a fabricação de um transformador com a aplicação de alta tecnologia, aumentando a confiabilidade deste equipamento e, em paralelo, a redução do seu custo global. Tradicionalmente, os transformadores são fabricados com um sistema de isolação que associa isolantes sólidos e celulose, ambos, imersos em óleo mineral isolante, constituição esta que define um limite à temperatura operacional contínua. No entanto, ao se substituir este sistema de isolação formado por papel celulose e óleo mineral isolante por um sistema de isolação semi- híbrida - aplicação de papel NOMEX e óleo vegetal isolante, a capacidade de carga do transformador pode ser aumentada por suportar maiores temperaturas. Desta forma, o envelhecimento do sistema de isolação poderá ser em longo prazo, significativamente reduzido. Esta técnica de aumentar os limites térmicos do transformador pode eliminar, essencialmente, as restrições térmicas associadas à isolação celulósica, provendo uma solução econômica para aperfeiçoar o uso de transformadores de potência, aumentando a sua confiabilidade operacional. Adicionalmente, à aplicação de sensores de fibra óptica, em substituição aos sensores de imagem térmica no monitoramento das temperaturas internas do transformador, se apresentam como importante opção na definição do equacionamento do comportamento do transformador sob o ponto de vista térmico.


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Impure systems contain Objects and Subjects: Subjects are human beings. We can distinguish a person as an observer (subjectively outside the system) and that by definition is the Subject himself, and part of the system. In this case he acquires the category of object. Objects (relative beings) are significances, which are the consequence of perceptual beliefs on the part of the Subject about material or energetic objects (absolute beings) with certain characteristics.The IS (Impure System) approach is as follows: Objects are perceptual significances (relative beings) of material or energetic objects (absolute beings). The set of these objects will form an impure set of the first order. The existing relations between these relative objects will be of two classes: transactions of matter and/or energy and inferential relations. Transactions can have alethic modality: necessity, possibility, impossibility and contingency. Ontic existence of possibility entails that inferential relations have Deontic modality: obligation, permission, prohibition, faculty and analogy. We distinguished between theorems (natural laws) and norms (ethical, legislative and customary rules of conduct).


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Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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BACKGROUND The metacestode of the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis is the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis, a lethal zoonosis. Infections are initiated through establishment of parasite larvae within the intermediate host's liver, where high concentrations of insulin are present, followed by tumour-like growth of the metacestode in host organs. The molecular mechanisms determining the organ tropism of E. multilocularis or the influences of host hormones on parasite proliferation are poorly understood. RESULTS Using in vitro cultivation systems for parasite larvae we show that physiological concentrations (10 nM) of human insulin significantly stimulate the formation of metacestode larvae from parasite stem cells and promote asexual growth of the metacestode. Addition of human insulin to parasite larvae led to increased glucose uptake and enhanced phosphorylation of Echinococcus insulin signalling components, including an insulin receptor-like kinase, EmIR1, for which we demonstrate predominant expression in the parasite's glycogen storage cells. We also characterized a second insulin receptor family member, EmIR2, and demonstrated interaction of its ligand binding domain with human insulin in the yeast two-hybrid system. Addition of an insulin receptor inhibitor resulted in metacestode killing, prevented metacestode development from parasite stem cells, and impaired the activation of insulin signalling pathways through host insulin. CONCLUSIONS Our data indicate that host insulin acts as a stimulant for parasite development within the host liver and that E. multilocularis senses the host hormone through an evolutionarily conserved insulin signalling pathway. Hormonal host-parasite cross-communication, facilitated by the relatively close phylogenetic relationship between E. multilocularis and its mammalian hosts, thus appears to be important in the pathology of alveolar echinococcosis. This contributes to a closer understanding of organ tropism and parasite persistence in larval cestode infections. Furthermore, our data show that Echinococcus insulin signalling pathways are promising targets for the development of novel drugs.


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A quantitative model of development of magmatic and ore-magmatic systems under crests of mid-ocean ridges is constructed. Correct physical models of melting zone formation in approximation to active spreading, non-stationary dynamics of magma intrusion from a center of generation, filling of magma chambers of various shapes, feeding of fissure-type volcanoes, and retrograde boiling of melts during solidification of intrusive bodies beneath axial zones of spreading in crests of ridges are proposed. Physicochemical and mathematical theories of disintegration of multi-component solutions, growth of liquational drops of ore melts, and sublimation of components from magmatic gases are elaborated. Methods for constructing physically correct models of heat and mass transfer in heterophase media are devised. Modeling of development of magmatic and ore-magmatic systems on the basis of the Usov-Kuznetsov facies method and the Pospelov system approach are advanced. For quantitative models numerical circuits are developed and numerical experiments are carried out.


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A semiconductor based scheme has been proposed for generating entangled photon pairs from the radiative decay of an electrically pumped biexciton in a quantum dot. Symmetric dots produce polarization entanglement, but experimentally realized asymmetric dots produce photons entangled in both polarization and frequency. In this work, we investigate the possibility of erasing the “which-path” information contained in the frequencies of the photons produced by asymmetric quantum dots to recover polarization-entangled photons. We consider a biexciton with nondegenerate intermediate excitonic states in a leaky optical cavity with pairs of degenerate cavity modes close to the nondegenerate exciton transition frequencies. An open quantum system approach is used to compute the polarization entanglement of the two-photon state after it escapes from the cavity, measured by the visibility of two-photon interference fringes. We explicitly relate the two-photon visibility to the degree of the Bell-inequality violation, deriving a threshold at which Bell-inequality violations will be observed. Our results show that an ideal cavity will produce maximally polarization-entangled photon pairs, and even a nonideal cavity will produce partially entangled photon pairs capable of violating a Bell-inequality.


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Transcriptional regulatory networks govern cell differentiation and the cellular response to external stimuli. However, mammalian model systems have not yet been accessible for network analysis. Here, we present a genome-wide network analysis of the transcriptional regulation underlying the mouse macrophage response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Key to uncovering the network structure is our combination of time-series cap analysis of gene expression with in silico prediction of transcription factor binding sites. By integrating microarray and qPCR time-series expression data with a promoter analysis, we find dynamic subnetworks that describe how signaling pathways change dynamically during the progress of the macrophage LPS response, thus defining regulatory modules characteristic of the inflammatory response. In particular, our integrative analysis enabled us to suggest novel roles for the transcription factors ATF-3 and NRF-2 during the inflammatory response. We believe that our system approach presented here is applicable to understanding cellular differentiation in higher eukaryotes. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.