993 resultados para Horizonte 2020


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El presente documento aborda la experiencia de dos países de la región que han desarrollado instrumentos jurídicos e institucionales para promover mayor justicia para las mujeres en el ámbito de la economía del cuidado: el caso de Colombia a través de la Ley 1413 que regula la inclusión de la economía del cuidado en el sistema de cuentas nacionales y la experiencia que aporta la política de los Círculos Infantiles en Cuba. Este análisis se enmarca en el trabajo de sistematización y análisis de políticas justas para la igualdad de género desarrollada por la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL, en base al instrumento diseñado especialmente con este fin, una matriz de análisis de políticas justas de género, el que permite dar cuenta —considerando todas las fases del ciclo de las políticas públicas— de aquellas políticas orientadas a superar las desigualdades que afectan a las mujeres. En esta ocasión, se aborda la desigualdad que enfrentan las mujeres respecto de su autonomía económica a causa de la organización social el cuidado, desigualdad que las dos políticas analizadas pretenden subsanar, mediante distintas estrategias y mecanismos.


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O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre as travestis que vivem da prostituição nas ruas de Belém, estado do Pará. A atividade venal que lhes garante o sustento é reconhecidamente praticada nas avenidas Almirante Barroso e Assis de Vasconcelos, localizadas respectivamente nos bairros do Marco e da Campina. Essas vias públicas funcionam como dois importantes corredores de tráfego de veículos da cidade, sendo por isso ideais para o trottoir. Os dados empíricos coletados através de entrevistas e as notas de campo serviram ao propósito de conhecer a realidade em que vivem essas profissionais do sexo, o que consolida como hipótese a idéia de que seu gênero andrógino as tornam sujeitos sócio-desvalorizados com implicações diretas na sua cidadania.Uma evidência nesse sentido é a carência de políticas públicas concernentes a esse segmento social que se enquadra no conceito de homossexualidade, enquanto categoria mais genérica para aplicar o desejo e o amor entre os do mesmo sexo. Tanto ao nóvel local quanto nacional, verificam-se algumas tentativas de implementação de políticas públicas na forma de leis antidiscriminatórias que objetivam beneficiar não só aos gays, como também às lésbicas e às travestis, porém estas têm sido alvo de resistências de parlamentares contrários ao avanço da cidadania desses sujeitos. Entre outras coisas, constatou-se nessa direção que a construção da cidadania para as travestis na cidade está dependendo da atuação do Movimento Homossexual de Belém (MHB) na mobilização política por direitos, uma vez que elas não se encontram organizadas tal como ocorre em outras capitais brasileiras. Por conseguinte, entende-se que há muito a avançar nas garantias sociais e civis para que esses sujeitos andróginos, popularmente chamados de "bonecas", possam tornar-se cidadãos de direito e de fato.


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O presente trabalho discute a educação jurídica contemporânea tomando por base a influência do legado teórico e metodológico do positivismo jurídico sobre a organização do currículo dos cursos de direito do Brasil. Analisa especificamente o projeto político-pedagógico do curso de direito da Ufpa e o currículo dele decorrente, que está adstrito aos pressupostos teóricos do dogmatismo, nitidamente observado pela escolha de disciplinas que seguem o roteiro do direito legislado e pela pedagogia unilateral desenvolvida em classe, baseada predominantemente em aulas expositivas. A pesquisa privilegia a análise crítica das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Jurídico, que optou por competências e habilidades críticas, reflexivas e humanistas, no contraponto com o projeto político-pedagógico do curso da Ufpa, organizado no sentido mais tradicional como grade curricular, onde persistem as práticas pedagógicas dogmáticas, o ensino como transmissão de conhecimento, como verbalização de conteúdos formais que prioriza regras e procedimentos e que sonega as aprendizagens para a emancipação.


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The Cu-Au mine of Chapada is located in the municipality of Alto Horizonte, in the northwestern portion of Goiás state and is inserted in the geological context of the Brasilia Belt, specifically the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc, which hosts important deposits of Au and Cu-Au. The rocks found in the study area belong mainly to the Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence of Mara Rosa and are composed of basic to acidic metavolcanic rocks, psammiticpellitic metasedimentary rocks, chemical rocks and also hydrothermal products. Late intrusions occur and are represented by pegmatitic dikes and tonalitic bodies. The ore deposit of the Chapada mine is formed predominantly by the chalcopyrite-pyritemagnetite association, where pyrite is the most abundant mineral. Through the structural mapping of the mining fronts, it was able to recognize three deformational phases (Dn, Dn +1, Dn +2). During the Dn phase, isoclinal recumbent folds were formed, in association with amphibolites facies metamorphism. Later, in phase Dn +1, there was formation of drag folds and intrafolial folds in association with retrograde metamorphism in the greenschist facies. The deformational phase Dn +2, in its turn, was responsible for late symmetrical folding of the foliation, with NS and EW axes, resulting in an interference pattern of the dome-and-basin type


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Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.


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The transportation of oil through pipelines raises a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the natural phenomena that can affect the pipelines are erosion and landslides. Considering the large territory involving the pipelines, remote sensing tools have a great applicability for data acquisition. For this, visual analysis techniques were applied to perform change detection in order to monitor erosion features and landslides along a stretch of pipeline Rio de Janeiro – Belo Horizonte, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The work involved the characterization of the study area as well as the erosion and landslide processes, through bibliographical data. The satellite image processing and the application of change detection techniques were developed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. It was noted a small increase in the number of the identified features, however with regard to their area, a decrease of 21.7% was observed


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Main occurrence of Cu-Au in Goias Magmatic Arc, the Chapada mine fits into the geological context of the Brasilia Fold Belt, specifically in the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc. Four targets, named Hidrotermalito Norte and Sul, NW Chapada Mine Portion and Suruca, are situated in this context, which includes ortogneisses and rocks from the Mara Rosa volcanic-sedimentary sequence. All these targets have been studied due to the possibility of presenting a great potential in Cu-Au, as well as the Chapada mine. Hidrotermalitos Norte and Sul targets presents four lithological sequences, which were identified as: quartz-muscovite schist; muscovite quartzites and kyanite quartzites; quartz-biotite-amphibole schist with pyrite and epidote-amphibole-biotite gneisses with muscovite; muscovite-biotite gneisses. They are metamorphosed to amphibolites facies and retrogressive greenschist facies. Sulfetation represented mainly by pyrite. In the NW Chapada Mine Portion, three main lithological groups were identified and classified as biotite gneisses; honblende-quartz-biotite-schist; amphibolites, with the first group metamorphosed in greenschist facies (low grade), and the other two groups metamorphosed in amphibolites facies, with subsequent retrogressive metamorphism in greenschist facies. Sulfetation is represented by chalcopyrite and pyrite. Finally, also three main lithological groups were identified in the Suruca target, classified as garnet-chlorite-epidote-eiotite gneiss; biotite gneiss and chlorite-biotite gneiss with epidote and muscovite; muscovite-quartz schist, all them metamorphised in amphibolites, with retrometamorphism in greenschist facies. Sulfetation represented by pyrite and sphalerite


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Different forms of human pressure may occur in the pipeline ranges, due to the large extensions and various configurations of land use, which can pass through the pipelines. Due to the dynamics of these pressures, it is necessary to monitor temporal changes of land use and cover the surface. Under this theme, appears as extremely important to use products and techniques of remote sensing, as they allow the identification of objects of the land surface that may compromise the security and monitoring of the pipeline, and allows the extraction of information conditions on land use at different periods of time. Based on the above, this paper aims to examine in a temporal approach, the process of urban expansion in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as settlement patterns characteristic of areas that the changes occurred in the period 1987 to 2010. We used the technique of visual analysis to perform the change detection and the technique of image classification, aimed at monitoring human pressure over a stretch of track pipeline Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The stages of work involved the characterization of the study area, urban sprawl and the existing settlement patterns, through the analysis of bibliographic data. The processing of Landsat 5 images and the application of the technique of change detection were performed in three scenes for the years 1987, 1998 and 2010, while the classification process was performed on the image RapidEye for the year 2010. Can be noted an increase in urban area of approximately 22.38% and the change of land cover from natural to built. This growth is concentrated outside to the area of direct influence of the duct, occurring in the area of indirect influence of the enterprise. Regarding the settlement patterns of growth areas, it was observed that these are predominantly


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In recent years the development based on a pattern of production and consumption in large-scale, established relations with degrading the environment, jeopardizing the availability of natural resources. From then on, it became necessary to integrate the environmental dimension to the other planning issues, appearing then the Environmental Planning. The objective of the Environmental Planning generally defined by society, aims help in making decisions; subsidized by a diagnosis at the same time identify and define objectives more environmentally suitable to assist in developing public policy. Thus, the development of prospective scenarios together by experts and stakeholders assists in public policy development and decision-making. In 2007, seeking to structure environmental management in the State, the Department of the Environment of São Paulo has created 21 Strategic Environmental Projects, including the project Cenários Ambientais 2020 with the goal of developing public policy proposals for medium and long term from prospective environmental scenarios. This paper reviews the methodologies used in constructing the scenarios in this project; sought to evaluate the construction process according to what is proposed by Alcamo and Henrichs (2008); and investigated the context that encouraged the development of the project


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The analysis of natural processes, such as landslides, has a great importance for the prevention of accidents in pipelines, since it might compromise its security, with serious social and environmental implications. Considering the large territorial dimensions that pipelines can reach, remote sensing tools have great applicability for data acquisition, allowing the analysis of large areas in regular time periods. This study aims to analyze the relations between the occurrence of landslides and its natural conditionings, on a stretch of the ORBEL pipeline, in the municipalities of Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu and Belford Roxo – Rio de Janeiro. GeoEye sensor system images were used with spatial resolution of 0.5 m, from November/2009, January/2010 and March/2010, that are months of summer rains. The work involved the characterization of the study area and existing landslides, through bibliographic data collection; the application of visual analysis techniques for the extraction of landslide scars and fractures; preparation of maps for the landslide constraints and preparation of the susceptibility map. In the images from November only three landslide scars were extracted, while in January there were 166 and 111 in March. Difficulties were found with the shading in the images. From the relations among landslide scars, lithological units, relief systems, slope, downhill profile and the generated map of landslide susceptibility, presented in 1:70,000 scale, it was possible to conclude that slope is the main determinant of the process, allied secondarily to downhill profile, relief systems and lithology