878 resultados para Histocompatibility Antigens Class I -- physiology
Large-scale massively parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the human class I major histo-compatibility complex (MHC) protein HLA-A*0201 bound to a decameric tumor-specific antigenic peptide GVY-DGREHTV were performed using a scalable MD code on high-performance computing platforms. Such computational capabilities put us in reach of simulations of various scales and complexities. The supercomputing resources available Large-scale massively parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the human class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein HLA-A*0201 bound to a decameric tumor-specific antigenic peptide GVYDGREHTV were performed using a scalable MD code on high-performance computing platforms. Such computational capabilities put us in reach of simulations of various scales and complexities. The supercomputing resources available for this study allow us to compare directly differences in the behavior of very large molecular models; in this case, the entire extracellular portion of the peptide–MHC complex vs. the isolated peptide binding domain. Comparison of the results from the partial and the whole system simulations indicates that the peptide is less tightly bound in the partial system than in the whole system. From a detailed study of conformations, solvent-accessible surface area, the nature of the water network structure, and the binding energies, we conclude that, when considering the conformation of the α1–α2 domain, the α3 and β2m domains cannot be neglected. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 25: 1803–1813, 2004
Analysing the molecular polymorphism and interactions of DNA, RNA and proteins is of fundamental importance in biology. Predicting functions of polymorphic molecules is important in order to design more effective medicines. Analysing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) polymorphism is important for mate choice, epitope-based vaccine design and transplantation rejection etc. Most of the existing exploratory approaches cannot analyse these datasets because of the large number of molecules with a high number of descriptors per molecule. This thesis develops novel methods for data projection in order to explore high dimensional biological dataset by visualising them in a low-dimensional space. With increasing dimensionality, some existing data visualisation methods such as generative topographic mapping (GTM) become computationally intractable. We propose variants of these methods, where we use log-transformations at certain steps of expectation maximisation (EM) based parameter learning process, to make them tractable for high-dimensional datasets. We demonstrate these proposed variants both for synthetic and electrostatic potential dataset of MHC class-I. We also propose to extend a latent trait model (LTM), suitable for visualising high dimensional discrete data, to simultaneously estimate feature saliency as an integrated part of the parameter learning process of a visualisation model. This LTM variant not only gives better visualisation by modifying the project map based on feature relevance, but also helps users to assess the significance of each feature. Another problem which is not addressed much in the literature is the visualisation of mixed-type data. We propose to combine GTM and LTM in a principled way where appropriate noise models are used for each type of data in order to visualise mixed-type data in a single plot. We call this model a generalised GTM (GGTM). We also propose to extend GGTM model to estimate feature saliencies while training a visualisation model and this is called GGTM with feature saliency (GGTM-FS). We demonstrate effectiveness of these proposed models both for synthetic and real datasets. We evaluate visualisation quality using quality metrics such as distance distortion measure and rank based measures: trustworthiness, continuity, mean relative rank errors with respect to data space and latent space. In cases where the labels are known we also use quality metrics of KL divergence and nearest neighbour classifications error in order to determine the separation between classes. We demonstrate the efficacy of these proposed models both for synthetic and real biological datasets with a main focus on the MHC class-I dataset.
Humoral and cells surface molecules of the mammalian immune system, grouped into the Immunoglobulin Gene Superfamily, share protein structure and gene sequence homologies with molecules found among diverse phylogenetic groups. In histocompatibility studies, the gorgonian coral Swiftia exserta has recently demonstrated specific alloimmunity with memory (Salter-Cid and Bigger, 1991. Biological Bulletin Vol 181). In an attempt to shed light on the origins of this gene family and the evolution of the vertebrate immune response, genomic DNA from Swiftia exserta was isolated, purified, and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with mouse gene probes corresponding to two molecules of the Immunoglobulin Gene Superfamily, the Thy-1 antigen, and the alpha-3 domain of the MHC Class I histocompatibility marker. Hybridizations were conducted under low to non-stringent conditions to allow binding of mismatched homologs that may exist between the mouse gene probes and the Swiftia DNA. Removal of non-specific binding (sequences less than 70% homologous) occurred in washing steps. Results show that with the probes selected, the method chosen, and the conditions applied, no evidence of sequences of 70% or greater homology to the mouse Thy-1 or MHC Class I alpha-3 genes exist in Swiftia exserta genome.
O transplante de medula óssea (TMO) é um procedimento terapêutico importante em casos relacionados à pacientes com leucemia ou linfoma. Em decorrência desse processo, uma reação conhecida como doença enxerto-versus-hospedeiro (GVHD) pode ocorrer em pacientes susceptíveis como conseqüência da presença de células imunocompetentes do doador. Entretanto, não existe um modelo para descrever completamente as ações relacionadas ao mecanismo imunológico da GVHD desde a fase que inicializa a doença até a fase efetora. O Objetivo geral deste estudo é a investigação da resposta imunológica considerando-se o sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano) em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD em decorrência do TMO. O National Cancer Institute (NCI) – Pathway interaction Database e Reactome foram usados como bases de dados com o objetivo de se estudar a expressão de genes e vias relacionados às Classes I e II do sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano). O estudo considerou a mudança de expressão de genes relacionados às 17 vias do sistema imunológico com potencialidade para se expressar em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD associada à TMO. Dados referentes aos transcriptomas foram obtidos utilizando-se a plataforma GPL570 Affymetrix Genoma Humano U133 Plus. A atividade relativa foi usada para determinar as alterações das vias em amostras de GVHD em relação ao controle. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se o software Via Complex e Bioconductor. Observou-se aumento significativo da expressão de genes ralacionados às vias do sistema imune adaptativo, antígenos associados às Classe I e II do HLA, fosforilação de CD3 e CD247, sinalização dos receptores de células T em CD4+ nativas e ativação de NF-kapa β nas células B. Também observou-se alterações significativas na mudança de expressão dos genes associados às vias relacionadas à super família de moléculas B7:CD28\CTLA-4 quando comparadas ao controle. Isso pode indicar a necessidade de geração de um segundo sinal co-estimulador em GVHD, acionado pelas moléculas dessa super família. O aumento da expressão do gene CD69 nas amostras experimentais caracteriza a ativação celular e, portanto, a sinalização de estímulos em GVHD. Os achados obtidos neste estudo contribuem para melhor elucidar o mecanismo imunopatogênico associado à GVHD. P
Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio descriptivo, fue evaluar la posición del hueso hioides en los diferentes patrones esqueletales de Clase I, II y III mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo propuesto por Bibby y Preston, estableciendo diferencias entre cada clase esqueletal. Materiales y métodos: La muestra consistió en 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, correspondientes a individuos de ambos sexos (75 hombres y 86 mujeres), entre edades de 9 y 18 años, las mismas que fueron divididas en tres subgrupos (Clase I, clase II y clase III) de acuerdo a los ángulos ANB y APDI. Se determinó la posición anteroposterior, vertical y angular del hueso hioides mediante el trazado cefalométrico del triángulo hioideo siendo el mentón, la tercera vértebra cervical y el hueso hioides las estructuras anatómicas utilizadas para el trazado del mismo. Se obtuvieron medidas estándar para cada clase esqueletal. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medida de H-Rgn entre clase I y II y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). El valor del ángulo del plano hioidal presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre clase I y III y entre clase II y III (p<0,005). Se evidenciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre hombres y mujeres con clase I esqueletal en la medida H-Rgn (p<0,005). Conclusiones: La posición del hueso hioides varía en los diferentes patrones esqueletales. Sin embargo, su posición en relación a la columna cervical presenta menos variabilidad que su relación con la mandíbula
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la relación cráneo cervical en pacientes clases I, II y III esqueletal entre 9 y 18 años de edad, mediante radiografías cefálicas laterales de un centro radiológico de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Materiales y métodos: Fueron analizadas 161 radiografías cefálicas laterales digitales, de ambos sexos, con edad promedio de 12.3 años (DE± 2.4). Se incluyeron radiografías de individuos con dentición mixta y permanente, sin tratamiento ortodóncico y en donde se observe hasta la sexta vértebra cervical. Fueron excluidas las radiografías de pacientes con mordida abierta, traumatismos maxilofaciales y radiografías de mala calidad. Las telerradiografías fueron analizadas mediante el programa cefalométrico Nemoceph NX, donde se determinó el patrón esqueletal mediante los ángulos SNA, SNB, ANB y APDI. La evaluación de la postura cervical, se realizó mediante el análisis cráneo cervical propuesto por Rocabado. Se obtuvo el índice de concordancia (ICC=0.94). Mediante estadística descriptiva se analizaron las relaciones entre variables usando la prueba de Chi cuadrado y T de Student. Resultados: Se encontró mayor rotación posterior de cráneo en clase I y II esqueletal, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto al ángulo cráneo vertebral entre hombres y mujeres en individuos clase II esqueletal. Las mujeres presentaron mayor rotación posterior de cráneo a diferencia de los hombres. (p=0.004). En clase III se encontró una relación normal. El espacio suboccipital en las tres clases esqueletales se presento con normalidad. No se encontró diferencia significativa respecto a la edad. Conclusiones: La relación cráneo cervical se presenta con una tendencia a la rotación posterior de cráneo, influida fuertemente por el sexo del individuo. El espacio suboccipital es normal en clase I y II esqueletal y con tendencia al aumento en clase III.
Background/aim In response to the high burden of disease associated with chronic heart failure (CHF), in particular the high rates of hospital admissions, dedicated CHF management programs (CHF-MP) have been developed. Over the past five years there has been a rapid growth of CHF-MPs in Australia. Given the apparent mismatch between the demand for, and availability of CHF-MPs, this paper has been designed to discuss the accessibility to and quality of current CHF-MPs in Australia. Methods The data presented in this report has been combined from the research of the co-authors, in particular a review of the inequities in access to chronic heart failure which utilised geographical information systems (GIS) and the survey of heterogeneity in quality and service provision in Australian. Results Of the 62 CHF-MPs surveyed in this study 93% (58) centres had been located areas that are rated as Highly Accessible. This result indicated that most of the CHF-MPs have been located in capital cities or large regional cities. Six percent (4 CHF-MPs) had been located in Accessible areas which were country towns or cities. No CHF-MPs had been established outside of cities to service the estimated 72,000 individuals with CHF living in rural and remote areas. 16% of programs recruited NYHA Class I patients and of these 20% lacked confirmation (echocardiogram) of their diagnosis. Conclusion Overall, these data highlight the urgent need to provide equitable access to CHF-MP's. When establishing CHF-MPs consideration of current evidence based models to ensure quality in practice.
Proteasomes are complex multisubunit proteases which play a critical role in intracellular proteolysis. Immunoproteasomes, which contain three c-interferon-inducible subunits, are a subset of proteasomes which have a specialized function in antigen processing for presentation by the MHC class I pathway. Two of the c-interferon inducible subunits, LMP2 and LMP7, are encoded within the MHC class II region adjacent to the two TAP (transporter associated with antigen presentation) genes. We have investigated the localization of immunoproteasomes using monoclonal antibodies to LMP2 and LMP7. Immunoproteasomes were strongly enriched around the endoplasmic reticulum as judged by double-immuno¯uorescence experiments with anticalreticulin antibodies, but were also present in the nucleus and throughout the cytosol. In contrast, proteasome subunit C2, which is present in all proteasomes, was found to be evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, as was the delta subunit, which is replaced by LMP2 in immunoproteasomes. c-Interferon increased the level of immunoproteasomes, but had no effect on their distribution. Our results provide the ®rst direct evidence that immunoproteasomes are strongly enriched at the endoplasmic reticulum, where they may be located close to the TAP transporter to provide efficient transport of peptides into the lumen of the endoplasmic recticulum for association with MHC class I molecules.
The ubiquitin (Ub)-proteasome pathway is the major nonlysosomal pathway of proteolysis in human cells and accounts for the degradation of most short-lived, misfolded or damaged proteins. This pathway is important in the regulation of a number of key biological regulatory mechanisms. Proteins are usually targeted for proteasome-mediated degradation by polyubiquitinylation, the covalent addition of multiple units of the 76 amino acid protein Ub, which are ligated to 1-amino groups of lysine residues in the substrate. Polyubiquitinylated proteins are degraded by the 26S proteasome, a large, ATP-dependent multicatalytic protease complex, which also regenerates monomeric Ub. The targets of this pathway include key regulators of cell proliferation and cell death. An alternative form of the proteasome, termed the immunoproteasome, also has important functions in the generation of peptides for presentation by MHC class I molecules. In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in the possibility that proteasome inhibitors, through elevation of the levels of proteasome targets, might prove useful as a novel class of anti-cancer drugs. Here we review the progress made to date in this area and highlight the potential advantages and weaknesses of this approach.
13.1 Drugs for cardiac arrhythmias 13.1.1 Introduction to cardiac arrhythmias 13.1.2 Cardiac action potentials 13.1.3 Mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias 13.1.3 Class I 13.1.4 Class II 13.1.5 Class III 12.1.6 Class IV 13.1.7 Amiodarone 13.1.8 Adenosine 13.2 Antithrombotic drugs 13.2.1 Thrombus formation 13.2.2 Platelet aggregation and anti-platelet drugs 13.2.3 Coagulation 13.2.4 Anticoagulants 13.2.5 Fibrinolysis and fibrinolytics 13.3. Lipid modulating drugs 13.3.1 Cholesterol 13.3.2 Statins 13.3.3 Fibric acid derivatives 13.3.4 Ezetimibe
The graft-versus-myeloma (GVM) effect represents a powerful form of immune attack exerted by alloreactive T cells against multiple myeloma cells, which leads to clinical responses in multiple myeloma transplant recipients. Whether myeloma cells are themselves able to induce alloreactive T cells capable of the GVM effect is not defined. Using adoptive transfer of T naive cells into myeloma-bearing mice (established by transplantation of human RPMI8226-TGL myeloma cells into CD122(+) cell-depleted NOD/SCID hosts), we found that myeloma cells induced alloreactive T cells that suppressed myeloma growth and prolonged survival of T cell recipients. Myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in the myeloma-infiltrated bones exerted cytotoxic activity against resident myeloma cells, but limited activity against control myeloma cells obtained from myeloma-bearing mice that did not receive T naive cells. These myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells were derived through multiple CD8(+) T cell divisions and enriched in double-positive (DP) T cells coexpressing the CD8alphaalpha and CD4 coreceptors. MHC class I expression on myeloma cells and contact with T cells were required for CD8(+) T cell divisions and DP-T cell development. DP-T cells present in myeloma-infiltrated bones contained a higher proportion of cells expressing cytotoxic mediators IFN-gamma and/or perforin compared with single-positive CD8(+) T cells, acquired the capacity to degranulate as measured by CD107 expression, and contributed to an elevated perforin level seen in the myeloma-infiltrated bones. These observations suggest that myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in myeloma-infiltrated bones are enriched with DP-T cells equipped with cytotoxic effector functions that are likely to be involved in the GVM effect.
Five significant problems hinder advances in understanding of the volcanology of kimberlites: (1) kimberlite geology is very model driven; (2) a highly genetic terminology drives deposit or facies interpretation; (3) the effects of alteration on preserved depositional textures have been grossly underestimated; (4) the level of understanding of the physical process significance of preserved textures is limited; and, (5) some inferred processes and deposits are not based on actual, modern volcanological processes. These issues need to be addressed in order to advance understanding of kimberlite volcanological pipe forming processes and deposits. The traditional, steep-sided southern African pipe model (Class I) consists of a steep tapering pipe with a deep root zone, a middle diatreme zone and an upper crater zone (if preserved). Each zone is thought to be dominated by distinctive facies, respectively: hypabyssal kimberlite (HK, descriptively called here massive coherent porphyritic kimberlite), tuffisitic kimberlite breccia (TKB, descriptively here called massive, poorly sorted lapilli tuff) and crater zone facies, which include variably bedded pyroclastic kimberlite and resedimented and reworked volcaniclastic kimberlite (RVK). Porphyritic coherent kimberlite may, however, also be emplaced at different levels in the pipe, as later stage intrusions, as well as dykes in the surrounding country rock. The relationship between HK and TKB is not always clear. Sub-terranean fluidisation as an emplacement process is a largely unsubstantiated hypothesis; modern in-vent volcanological processes should initially be considered to explain observed deposits. Crater zone volcaniclastic deposits can occur within the diatreme zone of some pipes, indicating that the pipe was largely empty at the end of the eruption, and subsequently began to fill-in largely through resedimentation and sourcing of pyroclastic deposits from nearby vents. Classes II and III Canadian kimberlite models have a more factual, descriptive basis, but are still inadequately documented given the recency of their discovery. The diversity amongst kimberlite bodies suggests that a three-model classification is an over-simplification. Every kimberlite is altered to varying degrees, which is an intrinsic consequence of the ultrabasic composition of kimberlite and the in-vent context; few preserve original textures. The effects of syn- to post-emplacement alteration on original textures have not been adequately considered to date, and should be back-stripped to identify original textural elements and configurations. Applying sedimentological textural configurations as a guide to emplacement processes would be useful. The traditional terminology has many connotations about spatial position in pipe and of process. Perhaps the traditional terminology can be retained in the industrial situation as a general lithofacies-mining terminological scheme because it is so entrenched. However, for research purposes a more descriptive lithofacies terminology should be adopted to facilitate detailed understanding of deposit characteristics, important variations in these, and the process origins. For example every deposit of TKB is different in componentry, texture, or depositional structure. However, because so many deposits in many different pipes are called TKB, there is an implication that they are all similar and that similar processes were involved, which is far from clear.
Purpose of review The field of genetic research in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is advancing rapidly. The purpose of this review is to outline recent findings, particularly, in regard to genetic studies of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the non-MHC genes IL23R, ERAP1, and killer cell immunologlobulin-like receptor (KIR) complex, in AS. Recent findings: Convincing evidence has been reported for the existence of further non-B27 MHC genes involved in AS. Strong, replicated association has been reported with IL23R and ERAP1 and AS. The IL23R finding strongly implicates the TH17 lymphocyte system in AS aetiopathogenesis. Suggestive evidence of a role for KIR gene polymorphism in AS exists, but definitive findings are awaited. Summary: The findings suggest that further genome-wide studies in large case-control cohorts are likely to be very productive in this disease. The IL23R findings and subsequent immunological investigations suggest that targeted intervention in the TH17 system is likely to have major therapeutic benefit, as it does in the genetically related diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that affects the spine and sacroiliac joints. It causes significant disability and is associated with a number of other features including peripheral arthritis, anterior uveitis, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Significant progress has been made in the genetics of AS have in the last five years, leading to new treatments in trial, and major leaps in understanding of the aetiopathogenesis of the disease.
Ethanol extract of whole plant of Trichosanthes cucumerina L. var. cucumerina was evaluated for antiovulatory activity in adult rats. The ethanol extract at the doses 200 and 400mg/kg body weight (orally) affected the normal estrous cycle showing a significant increase in estrus and metestrus phases and decrease in diestrus and proestrus phases. The extract also significantly reduced the number of healthy follicles (Class I-Class VI) and corpora lutea and increased the number of regressing follicles (Stage IA, Stage IB, Stage IIA, and Stage IIB). The protein and glycogen content in the ovaries were significantly reduced in treated rats. The cholesterol level was significantly increased, whereas, the enzyme activities like 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD were significantly inhibited in the ovary of treated rats. Serum FSH and LH levels were significantly reduced in the treated groups were measured by RIA. In acute toxicity test, neither mortality nor change in the behavior or any other physiological activities in mice were observed in the treated groups. In chronic toxicity studies, no mortality was recorded and there were no significant differences in the body and organ weights were observed between controls and treated rats. Hematological analysis showed no significant differences in any of the parameters examined (RBC, WBC count and Hemoglobin estimation). These observations showed the antiovulatory activity of ethanol extract of whole plant of Trichosanthes cucumerina L. var. cucumerina in female albino rats.