953 resultados para High velocity
One of the phenomena that limit the velocity of trains in high speed lines is the so- called “ballast pick-up”. It is a ballast train-induced-wind erosion (or BATIWE) that can produce damage to the train under body and the infrastructure surrounding the tracks. The analysis of the measurements taken during several passes of the train allows for a criterion of ballast flight initiation to be obtained. The first rotation of a ballast stone occurs when the impulse given to the stone (arising from the aerodynamic loading produced by the wind gust genera ted by the passing train) overpasses a critical impulse. This impulse depends on the physical properties of the stone (mass, shape, moment of inertia, etc. ...) and its posture on the track bed. The aim of this paper is to report on the experimental results obtained in the ADIF’S Brihuega (Guadalajara) test station, in the Madrid to Barcelona high speed line, and the way they can be used to support the feasibility of the definition of a criterion to evaluate the BA TIWE capability of trains. The results obtained show the feasibility of the proposed method, and contribute to a method of BATIWE characterization, which can be relevant for the development of train interoperability standardization.
The electrostatic plasma waves excited by a uniform, alternating electric field of arbitrary intensity are studied on the basis of the Vlasov equation; their dispersion relation, which involves the determinant of either of two infinite matrices, is derived. For ω0 ≫ ωpi (ω0 being the applied frequency and ωpi the ion plasma frequency) the waves may be classified in two groups, each satisfying a simple condition; this allows writing the dispersion relation in closed form. Both groups coalesce (resonance) if (a) ω0 ≈ ωpe/r (r any integer) and (b) the wavenumber k is small. A nonoscillatory instability is found; its distinction from the DuBois‐Goldman instability and its physical origin are discussed. Conditions for its excitation (in particular, upper limits to ω0,k, and k⋅vE,vE being the field‐induced electron velocity), and simple equations for the growth rate are given off‐resonance and at ω0 ≈ ωpi. The dependence of both threshold and maximum growth rate on various parameters is discussed, and the results are compared with those of Silin and Nishikawa. The threshold at ω0 ≈ ωpi/r,r ≠ 1, is studied.
This work proposes design energy spectra in terms of an equivalent velocity, intended for regions with design peak acceleration 0.3 g or higher. These spectra were derived through linear and nonlinear dynamic analyses on a number of selected Turkish strong ground motion records. In the long and mid period ranges the analyses are linear, given the relative insensitivity of the spectra to structural parameters other than the fundamental period; conversely, in the short period range, the spectra are more sensitive to the structural parameters and, hence, nonlinear analyses are required. The selected records are classified in eight groups with respect to soil type (stiff or soft soil), the severity of the earthquake in terms of surface magnitude Ms(Ms≤ 5.5 and Ms> 5.5) and the relevance of the near-source effects (impulsive or vibratory). For each of these groups, median and characteristic spectra are proposed; such levels would respectively correspond to 50 and 95 % percentiles. These spectra have an initial linear growing branch in the short period range, a horizontal branch in the mid period range and a descending branch in the long period range. Empirical criteria for estimating the hysteretic energy from the input energy are suggested. The proposed design spectra are compared with those obtained from other studies.
3D woven composites reinforced with either S2 glass, carbon or a hybrid combination of both and containing either polyethylene or carbon z-yarns were tested under low-velocity impact. Different impact energies (in the range of 21–316 J) were used and the mechanical response (in terms of the impact strength and energy dissipated) was compared with that measured in high-performance, albeit standard, 2D laminates. It was found that the impact strength in both 2D and 3D materials was mainly dependent on the in-plane fiber fracture. Conversely, the energy absorption capability was primarily influenced by the presence of z-yarns, having the 3D composites dissipated over twice the energy than the 2D laminates, irrespective of their individual characteristics (fiber type, compaction degree, porosity, etc.). X-ray microtomography revealed that this improvement was due to the z-yarns, which delayed delamination and maintained the structural integrity of the laminate, promoting energy dissipation by tow splitting, intensive fiber breakage under the tup and formation of a plug by out-of-plane shear.
Esta tesis estudia las similitudes y diferencias entre los flujos turbulentos de pared de tipo externo e interno, en régimen incompresible, y a números de Reynolds moderada¬mente altos. Para ello consideramos tanto simulaciones numéricas como experimentos de capas límites con gradiente de presiones nulo y de flujos de canal, ambos a números de Reynolds en el rango δ+ ~ 500 - 2000. Estos flujos de cortadura son objeto de numerosas investigaciones debido a la gran importancia que tienen tanto a nivel tecnológico como a nivel de física fundamental. No obstante, todavía existen muchos interrogantes sobre aspectos básicos tales como la universalidad de los perfiles medios y de fluctuación de las velocidades o de la presión, tanto en la zona cercana a la pared como en la zona logarítmica, el escalado y el efecto del número de Reynolds, o las diferencias entre los flujos internos y externos en la zona exterior. En éste estudio hemos utilizado simulaciones numéricas ya existentes de canales y capas límites a números de Reynolds δ+ ~ 2000 y δ+ ~ 700, respectivamente. Para poder comparar ambos flujos a igual número de Reynolds hemos realizado una nueva simulación directa de capa límite en el rango δ+ ~ 1000-2000. Los resultados de la misma son presentados y analizados en detalle. Los datos sin postprocesar y las estadísticas ya postprocesadas están públicamente disponibles en nuestro sitio web.162 El análisis de las estadísticas usando un único punto confirma la existencia de perfiles logarítmicos para las fluctuaciones de la velocidad transversal w'2+ y de la presión p'2+ en ambos tipos de flujos, pero no para la velocidad normal v'2+ o la velocidad longitudinal u'2+. Para aceptar o rechazar la existencia de un rango logarítmico en u'2+ se requieren números de Reynolds más altos que los considerados en éste trabajo. Una de las conse¬cuencias más importantes de poseer tales perfiles es que el valor máximo de la intensidad, que se alcanza cerca de la pared, depende explícitamente del número de Reynolds. Esto ha sido confirmado tras analizar un gran número de datos experimentales y numéricos, cor¬roborando que el máximo de u'2+, p/2+, y w'2+ aumenta proporcionalmente con el log(δ+). Por otro lado, éste máximo es más intenso en los flujos externos que en los internos. La máxima diferencia ocurre en torno a y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, siendo esta altura prácticamente independiente del número de Reynolds considerado. Estas diferencias se originan como consecuencia del carácter intermitente de las capas límites, que es inexistente en los flujos internos. La estructura de las fluctuaciones de velocidad y de presión, junto con la de los esfuer¬zos de Reynolds, se han investigado por medio de correlaciones espaciales tridimensionales considerando dos puntos de medida. Hemos obtenido que el tamaño de las mismas es gen¬eralmente mayor en canales que en capas límites, especialmente en el caso de la correlación longitudinal Cuu en la dirección del flujo. Para esta correlación se demuestra que las es¬tructuras débilmente correladas presentan longitudes de hasta 0(75), en el caso de capas límites, y de hasta 0(185) en el caso de canales. Estas longitudes se obtienen respecti-vamente en la zona logarítmica y en la zona exterior. Las longitudes correspondientes en la dirección transversal son significativamente menores en ambos flujos, 0(5 — 25). La organización espacial de las correlaciones es compatible con la de una pareja de rollos casi paralelos con dimensiones que escalan en unidades exteriores. Esta organización se mantiene al menos hasta y ~ 0.65, altura a la cual las capas límites comienzan a organi¬zarse en rollos transversales. Este comportamiento es sin embargo más débil en canales, pudiéndose observar parcialmente a partir de y ~ 0.85. Para estudiar si estas estructuras están onduladas a lo largo de la dirección transver¬sal, hemos calculado las correlaciones condicionadas a eventos intensos de la velocidad transversal w'. Estas correlaciones revelan que la ondulación de la velocidad longitudinal aumenta conforme nos alejamos de la pared, sugiriendo que las estructuras están más alineadas en la zona cercana a la pared que en la zona lejana a ella. El por qué de esta ondulación se encuentra posiblemente en la configuración a lo largo de diagonales que presenta w'. Estas estructuras no sólo están onduladas, sino que también están inclinadas respecto a la pared con ángulos que dependen de la variable considerada, de la altura, y de el contorno de correlación seleccionado. Por encima de la zona tampón e independien¬temente del número de Reynolds y tipo de flujo, Cuu presenta una inclinación máxima de unos 10°, las correlaciones Cvv y Cm son esencialmente verticales, y Cww está inclinada a unos 35°. Summary This thesis studies the similitudes and differences between external and internal in¬compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows at moderately-high Reynolds numbers. We consider numerical and experimental zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers and chan¬nels in the range of δ+ ~ 500 — 2000. These shear flows are subjects of intensive research because of their technological importance and fundamental physical interest. However, there are still open questions regarding basic aspects such as the universality of the mean and fluctuating velocity and pressure profiles at the near-wall and logarithmic regions, their scaling and the effect of the Reynolds numbers, or the differences between internal and external flows at the outer layer, to name but a few. For this study, we made use of available direct numerical simulations of channel and boundary layers reaching δ+ ~ 2000 and δ+ ~ 700, respectively. To fill the gap in the Reynolds number, a new boundary layer simulation in the range δ+ ~ 1000-2000 is presented and discussed. The original raw data and the post-processed statistics are publicly available on our website.162 The analysis of the one-point statistic confirms the existence of logarithmic profiles for the spanwise w'2+ and pressure p'2+ fluctuations for both type of flows, but not for the wall-normal v'2+ or the streamwise u'2+ velocities. To accept or reject the existence of a logarithmic range in u'2+ requires higher Reynolds numbers than the ones considered in this work. An important consequence of having such profiles is that the maximum value of the intensities, reached near the wall, depends on the Reynolds number. This was confirmed after surveying a wide number of experimental and numerical datasets, corrob¬orating that the maximum of ul2+, p'2+, and w'2+ increases proportionally to log(δ+). On the other hand, that maximum is more intense in external flows than in internal ones, differing the most around y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, and essentially independent of the Reynolds number. We discuss that those differences are originated as a consequence of the inter¬mittent character of boundary layers that is absent in internal flows. The structure of the velocity and pressure fluctuations, together with those of the Reynolds shear stress, were investigated using three-dimensional two-point spatial correlations. We find that the correlations extend over longer distances in channels than in boundary layers, especially in the case of the streamwise correlation Cuu in the flow direc-tion. For weakly correlated structures, the maximum streamwise length of Cuu is O(78) for boundary layers and O(188) for channels, attained at the logarithmic and outer regions respectively. The corresponding lengths for the transverse velocities and for the pressure are shorter, 0(8 — 28), and of the same order for both flows. The spatial organization of the velocity correlations is shown to be consistent with a pair of quasi-streamwise rollers that scales in outer units. That organization is observed until y ~ 0.68, from which boundary layers start to organize into spanwise rollers. This effect is weaker in channels, and it appears at y ~ 0.88. We present correlations conditioned to intense events of the transversal velocity, w', to study if these structures meander along the spanwise direction. The results indicate that the streamwise velocity streaks increase their meandering proportionally to the distance to the wall, suggesting that the structures are more aligned close to the wall than far from it. The reason behind this meandering is probably due to the characteristic organization along diagonals of w'. These structures not only meander along the spanwise direction, but they are also inclined to the wall at angles that depend on the distance from the wall, on the variable being considered, and on the correlation level used to define them. Above the buffer layer and independent of the Reynolds numbers and type of flow, the maximum inclination of Cuu is about 10°, Cvv and Cpp are roughly vertical, and Cww is inclined by 35°.
Los transistores de alta movilidad electrónica basados en GaN han sido objeto de una extensa investigación ya que tanto el GaN como sus aleaciones presentan unas excelentes propiedades eléctricas (alta movilidad, elevada concentración de portadores y campo eléctrico crítico alto). Aunque recientemente se han incluido en algunas aplicaciones comerciales, su expansión en el mercado está condicionada a la mejora de varios asuntos relacionados con su rendimiento y habilidad. Durante esta tesis se han abordado algunos de estos aspectos relevantes; por ejemplo, la fabricación de enhancement mode HEMTs, su funcionamiento a alta temperatura, el auto calentamiento y el atrapamiento de carga. Los HEMTs normalmente apagado o enhancement mode han atraído la atención de la comunidad científica dedicada al desarrollo de circuitos amplificadores y conmutadores de potencia, ya que su utilización disminuiría significativamente el consumo de potencia; además de requerir solamente una tensión de alimentación negativa, y reducir la complejidad del circuito y su coste. Durante esta tesis se han evaluado varias técnicas utilizadas para la fabricación de estos dispositivos: el ataque húmedo para conseguir el gate-recess en heterostructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN; y tratamientos basados en flúor (plasma CF4 e implantación de F) de la zona debajo de la puerta. Se han llevado a cabo ataques húmedos en heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N crecidas sobre sustratos de Si, SiC y zafiro. El ataque completo de la barrera se consiguió únicamente en las muestras con sustrato de Si. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la velocidad de ataque depende de la densidad de dislocaciones presentes en la estructura, ya que el Si presenta un peor ajuste del parámetro de red con el GaN. En relación a los tratamientos basados en flúor, se ha comprobado que es necesario realizar un recocido térmico después de la fabricación de la puerta para recuperar la heteroestructura de los daños causados durante dichos tratamientos. Además, el estudio de la evolución de la tensión umbral con el tiempo de recocido ha demostrado que en los HEMTs tratados con plasma ésta tiende a valores más negativos al aumentar el tiempo de recocido. Por el contrario, la tensión umbral de los HEMTs implantados se desplaza hacia valores más positivos, lo cual se atribuye a la introducción de iones de flúor a niveles más profundos de la heterostructura. Los transistores fabricados con plasma presentaron mejor funcionamiento en DC a temperatura ambiente que los implantados. Su estudio a alta temperatura ha revelado una reducción del funcionamiento de todos los dispositivos con la temperatura. Los valores iniciales de corriente de drenador y de transconductancia medidos a temperatura ambiente se recuperaron después del ciclo térmico, por lo que se deduce que dichos efectos térmicos son reversibles. Se han estudiado varios aspectos relacionados con el funcionamiento de los HEMTs a diferentes temperaturas. En primer lugar, se han evaluado las prestaciones de dispositivos de AlGaN/GaN sobre sustrato de Si con diferentes caps: GaN, in situ SiN e in situ SiN/GaN, desde 25 K hasta 550 K. Los transistores con in situ SiN presentaron los valores más altos de corriente drenador, transconductancia, y los valores más bajos de resistencia-ON, así como las mejores características en corte. Además, se ha confirmado que dichos dispositivos presentan gran robustez frente al estrés térmico. En segundo lugar, se ha estudiado el funcionamiento de transistores de InAlN/GaN con diferentes diseños y geometrías. Dichos dispositivos presentaron una reducción casi lineal de los parámetros en DC en el rango de temperaturas de 25°C hasta 225°C. Esto se debe principalmente a la dependencia térmica de la movilidad electrónica, y también a la reducción de la drift velocity con la temperatura. Además, los transistores con mayores longitudes de puerta mostraron una mayor reducción de su funcionamiento, lo cual se atribuye a que la drift velocity disminuye más considerablemente con la temperatura cuando el campo eléctrico es pequeño. De manera similar, al aumentar la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador, el funcionamiento del HEMT presentó una mayor reducción con la temperatura. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la degradación del funcionamiento de los HEMTs causada por el aumento de la temperatura depende tanto de la longitud de la puerta como de la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador. Por otra parte, la alta densidad de potencia generada en la región activa de estos transistores conlleva el auto calentamiento de los mismos por efecto Joule, lo cual puede degradar su funcionamiento y Habilidad. Durante esta tesis se ha desarrollado un simple método para la determinación de la temperatura del canal basado en medidas eléctricas. La aplicación de dicha técnica junto con la realización de simulaciones electrotérmicas han posibilitado el estudio de varios aspectos relacionados con el autocalentamiento. Por ejemplo, se han evaluado sus efectos en dispositivos sobre Si, SiC, y zafiro. Los transistores sobre SiC han mostrado menores efectos gracias a la mayor conductividad térmica del SiC, lo cual confirma el papel clave que desempeña el sustrato en el autocalentamiento. Se ha observado que la geometría del dispositivo tiene cierta influencia en dichos efectos, destacando que la distribución del calor generado en la zona del canal depende de la distancia entre la puerta y el drenador. Además, se ha demostrado que la temperatura ambiente tiene un considerable impacto en el autocalentamiento, lo que se atribuye principalmente a la dependencia térmica de la conductividad térmica de las capas y sustrato que forman la heterostructura. Por último, se han realizado numerosas medidas en pulsado para estudiar el atrapamiento de carga en HEMTs sobre sustratos de SiC con barreras de AlGaN y de InAlN. Los resultados obtenidos en los transistores con barrera de AlGaN han presentado una disminución de la corriente de drenador y de la transconductancia sin mostrar un cambio en la tensión umbral. Por lo tanto, se puede deducir que la posible localización de las trampas es la región de acceso entre la puerta y el drenador. Por el contrario, la reducción de la corriente de drenador observada en los dispositivos con barrera de InAlN llevaba asociado un cambio significativo en la tensión umbral, lo que implica la existencia de trampas situadas en la zona debajo de la puerta. Además, el significativo aumento del valor de la resistencia-ON y la degradación de la transconductancia revelan la presencia de trampas en la zona de acceso entre la puerta y el drenador. La evaluación de los efectos del atrapamiento de carga en dispositivos con diferentes geometrías ha demostrado que dichos efectos son menos notables en aquellos transistores con mayor longitud de puerta o mayor distancia entre puerta y drenador. Esta dependencia con la geometría se puede explicar considerando que la longitud y densidad de trampas de la puerta virtual son independientes de las dimensiones del dispositivo. Finalmente se puede deducir que para conseguir el diseño óptimo durante la fase de diseño no sólo hay que tener en cuenta la aplicación final sino también la influencia que tiene la geometría en los diferentes aspectos estudiados (funcionamiento a alta temperatura, autocalentamiento, y atrapamiento de carga). ABSTRACT GaN-based high electron mobility transistors have been under extensive research due to the excellent electrical properties of GaN and its related alloys (high carrier concentration, high mobility, and high critical electric field). Although these devices have been recently included in commercial applications, some performance and reliability issues need to be addressed for their expansion in the market. Some of these relevant aspects have been studied during this thesis; for instance, the fabrication of enhancement mode HEMTs, the device performance at high temperature, the self-heating and the charge trapping. Enhancement mode HEMTs have become more attractive mainly because their use leads to a significant reduction of the power consumption during the stand-by state. Moreover, they enable the fabrication of simpler power amplifier circuits and high-power switches because they allow the elimination of negativepolarity voltage supply, reducing significantly the circuit complexity and system cost. In this thesis, different techniques for the fabrication of these devices have been assessed: wet-etching for achieving the gate-recess in InAl(Ga)N/GaN devices and two different fluorine-based treatments (CF4 plasma and F implantation). Regarding the wet-etching, experiments have been carried out in InAl(Ga)N/GaN grown on different substrates: Si, sapphire, and SiC. The total recess of the barrier was achieved after 3 min of etching in devices grown on Si substrate. This suggests that the etch rate can critically depend on the dislocations present in the structure, since the Si exhibits the highest mismatch to GaN. Concerning the fluorine-based treatments, a post-gate thermal annealing was required to recover the damages caused to the structure during the fluorine-treatments. The study of the threshold voltage as a function of this annealing time has revealed that in the case of the plasma-treated devices it become more negative with the time increase. On the contrary, the threshold voltage of implanted HEMTs showed a positive shift when the annealing time was increased, which is attributed to the deep F implantation profile. Plasma-treated HEMTs have exhibited better DC performance at room temperature than the implanted devices. Their study at high temperature has revealed that their performance decreases with temperature. The initial performance measured at room temperature was recovered after the thermal cycle regardless of the fluorine treatment; therefore, the thermal effects were reversible. Thermal issues related to the device performance at different temperature have been addressed. Firstly, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown on Si substrate with different cap layers: GaN, in situ SiN, or in situ SiN/GaN, have been assessed from 25 K to 550 K. In situ SiN cap layer has been demonstrated to improve the device performance since HEMTs with this cap layer have exhibited the highest drain current and transconductance values, the lowest on-resistance, as well as the best off-state characteristics. Moreover, the evaluation of thermal stress impact on the device performance has confirmed the robustness of devices with in situ cap. Secondly, the high temperature performance of InAlN/GaN HEMTs with different layouts and geometries have been assessed. The devices under study have exhibited an almost linear reduction of the main DC parameters operating in a temperature range from room temperature to 225°C. This was mainly due to the thermal dependence of the electron mobility, and secondly to the drift velocity decrease with temperature. Moreover, HEMTs with large gate length values have exhibited a great reduction of the device performance. This was attributed to the greater decrease of the drift velocity for low electric fields. Similarly, the increase of the gate-to-drain distance led to a greater reduction of drain current and transconductance values. Therefore, this thermal performance degradation has been found to be dependent on both the gate length and the gate-to-drain distance. It was observed that the very high power density in the active region of these transistors leads to Joule self-heating, resulting in an increase of the device temperature, which can degrade the device performance and reliability. A simple electrical method have been developed during this work to determine the channel temperature. Furthermore, the application of this technique together with the performance of electro-thermal simulations have enabled the evaluation of different aspects related to the self-heating. For instance, the influence of the substrate have been confirmed by the study of devices grown on Si, SiC, and Sapphire. HEMTs grown on SiC substrate have been confirmed to exhibit the lowest self-heating effects thanks to its highest thermal conductivity. In addition to this, the distribution of the generated heat in the channel has been demonstrated to be dependent on the gate-to-drain distance. Besides the substrate and the geometry of the device, the ambient temperature has also been found to be relevant for the self-heating effects, mainly due to the temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of the layers and the substrate. Trapping effects have been evaluated by means of pulsed measurements in AlGaN and InAIN barrier devices. AlGaN barrier HEMTs have exhibited a de crease in drain current and transconductance without measurable threshold voltage change, suggesting the location of the traps in the gate-to-drain access region. On the contrary, InAIN barrier devices have showed a drain current associated with a positive shift of threshold voltage, which indicated that the traps were possibly located under the gate region. Moreover, a significant increase of the ON-resistance as well as a transconductance reduction were observed, revealing the presence of traps on the gate-drain access region. On the other hand, the assessment of devices with different geometries have demonstrated that the trapping effects are more noticeable in devices with either short gate length or the gate-to-drain distance. This can be attributed to the fact that the length and the trap density of the virtual gate are independent on the device geometry. Finally, it can be deduced that besides the final application requirements, the influence of the device geometry on the performance at high temperature, on the self-heating, as well as on the trapping effects need to be taken into account during the device design stage to achieve the optimal layout.
Starting from the documentation of high sprint velocity fluctuations in a Scrum project, this paper presents a thorough approach to identify the sources of issues arising in the context of Scrum implementation. Given that Scrum provides guidance on identifying process issues but not their root causes, various approaches are explored. This is of great relevance because Scrum defines project schedules relying heavily on sprint velocity and because it is the most widely used agile methodology. The findings provide a new approach to evaluate such fluctuations and establish a more realistic project assessment than what is currently defined by Scrum. In this respect, this paper contributes to improve the understanding of the software development process using this agile framework.
El programa Europeo HORIZON2020 en Futuras Ciudades Inteligentes establece como objetivo que el 20% de la energía eléctrica sea generada a partir de fuentes renovables. Este objetivo implica la necesidad de potenciar la generación de energía eólica en todos los ámbitos. La energía eólica reduce drásticamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y evita los riesgos geo-políticos asociados al suministro e infraestructuras energéticas, así como la dependencia energética de otras regiones. Además, la generación de energía distribuida (generación en el punto de consumo) presenta significativas ventajas en términos de elevada eficiencia energética y estimulación de la economía. El sector de la edificación representa el 40% del consumo energético total de la Unión Europea. La reducción del consumo energético en este área es, por tanto, una prioridad de acuerdo con los objetivos "20-20-20" en eficiencia energética. La Directiva 2010/31/EU del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 19 de mayo de 2010 sobre el comportamiento energético de edificaciones contempla la instalación de sistemas de suministro energético a partir de fuentes renovables en las edificaciones de nuevo diseño. Actualmente existe una escasez de conocimiento científico y tecnológico acerca de la geometría óptima de las edificaciones para la explotación de la energía eólica en entornos urbanos. El campo tecnológico de estudio de la presente Tesis Doctoral es la generación de energía eólica en entornos urbanos. Específicamente, la optimization de la geometría de las cubiertas de edificaciones desde el punto de vista de la explotación del recurso energético eólico. Debido a que el flujo del viento alrededor de las edificaciones es exhaustivamente investigado en esta Tesis empleando herramientas de simulación numérica, la mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD en inglés) y la aerodinámica de edificaciones son los campos científicos de estudio. El objetivo central de esta Tesis Doctoral es obtener una geometría de altas prestaciones (u óptima) para la explotación de la energía eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones de gran altura. Este objetivo es alcanzado mediante un análisis exhaustivo de la influencia de la forma de la cubierta del edificio en el flujo del viento desde el punto de vista de la explotación energética del recurso eólico empleando herramientas de simulación numérica (CFD). Adicionalmente, la geometría de la edificación convencional (edificio prismático) es estudiada, y el posicionamiento adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores es propuesto. La compatibilidad entre el aprovechamiento de las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica también es analizado en este tipo de edificaciones. La investigación prosigue con la optimización de la geometría de la cubierta. La metodología con la que se obtiene la geometría óptima consta de las siguientes etapas: - Verificación de los resultados de las geometrías previamente estudiadas en la literatura. Las geometrías básicas que se someten a examen son: cubierta plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica. - Análisis de la influencia de la forma de las aristas de la cubierta sobre el flujo del viento. Esta tarea se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados obtenidos para la arista convencional (esquina sencilla) con un parapeto, un voladizo y una esquina curva. - Análisis del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y los cerramientos verticales (paredes) mediante la comparación entre diferentes variaciones de una cubierta esférica en una edificación de gran altura: cubierta esférica estudiada en la literatura, cubierta esférica integrada geométricamente con las paredes (planta cuadrada en el suelo) y una cubierta esférica acoplada a una pared cilindrica. El comportamiento del flujo sobre la cubierta es estudiado también considerando la posibilidad de la variación en la dirección del viento incidente. - Análisis del efecto de las proporciones geométricas del edificio sobre el flujo en la cubierta. - Análisis del efecto de la presencia de edificaciones circundantes sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las contribuciones de la presente Tesis Doctoral pueden resumirse en: - Se demuestra que los modelos de turbulencia RANS obtienen mejores resultados para la simulación del viento alrededor de edificaciones empleando los coeficientes propuestos por Crespo y los propuestos por Bechmann y Sórensen que empleando los coeficientes estándar. - Se demuestra que la estimación de la energía cinética turbulenta del flujo empleando modelos de turbulencia RANS puede ser validada manteniendo el enfoque en la cubierta de la edificación. - Se presenta una nueva modificación del modelo de turbulencia Durbin k — e que reproduce mejor la distancia de recirculación del flujo de acuerdo con los resultados experimentales. - Se demuestra una relación lineal entre la distancia de recirculación en una cubierta plana y el factor constante involucrado en el cálculo de la escala de tiempo de la velocidad turbulenta. Este resultado puede ser empleado por la comunidad científica para la mejora del modelado de la turbulencia en diversas herramientas computacionales (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - La compatibilidad entre las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones es analizada. Se demuestra que la presencia de los módulos solares provoca un descenso en la intensidad de turbulencia. - Se demuestran conflictos en el cambio de escala entre simulaciones de edificaciones a escala real y simulaciones de modelos a escala reducida (túnel de viento). Se demuestra que para respetar las limitaciones de similitud (número de Reynolds) son necesarias mediciones en edificaciones a escala real o experimentos en túneles de viento empleando agua como fluido, especialmente cuando se trata con geometrías complejas, como es el caso de los módulos solares. - Se determina el posicionamiento más adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores tomando en consideración la velocidad e intensidad de turbulencia del flujo. El posicionamiento de aerogeneradores es investigado en las geometrías de cubierta más habituales (plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica). - Las formas de aristas más habituales (esquina, parapeto, voladizo y curva) son analizadas, así como su efecto sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta de un edificio de gran altura desde el punto de vista del aprovechamiento eólico. - Se propone una geometría óptima (o de altas prestaciones) para el aprovechamiento de la energía eólica urbana. Esta optimización incluye: verificación de las geometrías estudiadas en el estado del arte, análisis de la influencia de las aristas de la cubierta en el flujo del viento, estudio del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y las paredes, análisis de sensibilidad del grosor de la cubierta, exploración de la influencia de las proporciones geométricas de la cubierta y el edificio, e investigación del efecto de las edificaciones circundantes (considerando diferentes alturas de los alrededores) sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las investigaciones comprenden el análisis de la velocidad, la energía cinética turbulenta y la intensidad de turbulencia en todos los casos. ABSTRACT The HORIZON2020 European program in Future Smart Cities aims to have 20% of electricity produced by renewable sources. This goal implies the necessity to enhance the wind energy generation, both with large and small wind turbines. Wind energy drastically reduces carbon emissions and avoids geo-political risks associated with supply and infrastructure constraints, as well as energy dependence from other regions. Additionally, distributed energy generation (generation at the consumption site) offers significant benefits in terms of high energy efficiency and stimulation of the economy. The buildings sector represents 40% of the European Union total energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption in this area is therefore a priority under the "20-20-20" objectives on energy efficiency. The Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings aims to consider the installation of renewable energy supply systems in new designed buildings. Nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge about the optimum building shape for urban wind energy exploitation. The technological field of study of the present Thesis is the wind energy generation in urban environments. Specifically, the improvement of the building-roof shape with a focus on the wind energy resource exploitation. Since the wind flow around buildings is exhaustively investigated in this Thesis using numerical simulation tools, both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and building aerodynamics are the scientific fields of study. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain an improved (or optimum) shape of a high-rise building for the wind energy exploitation on the roof. To achieve this objective, an analysis of the influence of the building shape on the behaviour of the wind flow on the roof from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation is carried out using numerical simulation tools (CFD). Additionally, the conventional building shape (prismatic) is analysed, and the adequate positions for different kinds of wind turbines are proposed. The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies is also analysed for this kind of buildings. The investigation continues with the buildingroof optimization. The methodology for obtaining the optimum high-rise building roof shape involves the following stages: - Verification of the results of previous building-roof shapes studied in the literature. The basic shapes that are compared are: flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spheric. - Analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow. This task is carried out by comparing the results obtained for the conventional edge shape (simple corner) with a railing, a cantilever and a curved edge. - Analysis of the roof-wall coupling by testing different variations of a spherical roof on a high-rise building: spherical roof studied in the litera ture, spherical roof geometrically integrated with the walls (squared-plant) and spherical roof with a cylindrical wall. The flow behaviour on the roof according to the variation of the incident wind direction is commented. - Analysis of the effect of the building aspect ratio on the flow. - Analysis of the surrounding buildings effect on the wind flow on the target building roof. The contributions of the present Thesis can be summarized as follows: - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models obtain better results for the wind flow around buildings using the coefficients proposed by Crespo and those proposed by Bechmann and S0rensen than by using the standard ones. - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models can be validated for turbulent kinetic energy focusing on building roofs. - A new modification of the Durbin k — e turbulence model is proposed in order to obtain a better agreement of the recirculation distance between CFD simulations and experimental results. - A linear relationship between the recirculation distance on a flat roof and the constant factor involved in the calculation of the turbulence velocity time scale is demonstrated. This discovery can be used by the research community in order to improve the turbulence modeling in different solvers (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies on building roofs is demonstrated. A decrease of turbulence intensity due to the presence of the solar panels is demonstrated. - Scaling issues are demonstrated between full-scale buildings and windtunnel reduced-scale models. The necessity of respecting the similitude constraints is demonstrated. Either full-scale measurements or wind-tunnel experiments using water as a medium are needed in order to accurately reproduce the wind flow around buildings, specially when dealing with complex shapes (as solar panels, etc.). - The most adequate position (most adequate roof region) for the different kinds of wind turbines is highlighted attending to both velocity and turbulence intensity. The wind turbine positioning was investigated for the most habitual kind of building-roof shapes (flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spherical). - The most habitual roof-edge shapes (simple edge, railing, cantilever and curved) were investigated, and their effect on the wind flow on a highrise building roof were analysed from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation. - An optimum building-roof shape is proposed for the urban wind energy exploitation. Such optimization includes: state-of-the-art roof shapes test, analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow, study of the roof-wall coupling, sensitivity analysis of the roof width, exploration of the aspect ratio of the building-roof shape and investigation of the effect of the neighbouring buildings (considering different surrounding heights) on the wind now on the target building roof. The investigations comprise analysis of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence intensity for all the cases.
This paper describes the experimental setup, procedure, and results obtained, concerning the dynamics of a body lying on a floor, attached to a hinge, and exposed to an unsteady flow, which is a model of the initiation of rotational motion of ballast stones due to the wind generated by the passing of a high-speed train. The idea is to obtain experimental data to support the theoretical model developed in Sanz-Andres and Navarro-Medina (J Wind Eng Ind Aerodyn 98, 772–783, (2010), aimed at analyzing the initial phase of the ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BATIWE) phenomenon. The experimental setup is based on an open circuit, closed test section, low-speed wind tunnel, with a new sinusoidal gust generator mechanism concept, designed and built at the IDR/UPM. The tunnel’s main characteristic is the ability to generate a flow with a uniform velocity profile and sinusoidal time fluctuation of the speed. Experimental results and theoretical model predictions are in good agreement.
A high-fidelity virtual tool for the numerical simulation of low-velocity impact damage in unidirectional composite laminates is proposed. A continuum material model for the simulation of intraply damage phenomena is implemented in a numerical scheme as a user subroutine of the commercially available Abaqus finite element package. Delaminations are simulated using of cohesive surfaces. The use of structured meshes, aligned with fiber directions allows the physically-sound simulation of matrix cracks parallel to fiber directions, and their interaction with the development of delaminations. The implementation of element erosion criteria and the application of intraply and interlaminar friction allow for the simulation of fiber splits and their entanglement, which in turn results in permanent indentation in the impacted laminate. It is shown that this simulation strategy gives sound results for impact energies bellow and above the Barely Visible Impact Damage threshold, up to laminate perforation conditions
Acknowledgments This paper was sponsored by the Spanish FPU12/00984 Program (Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte). It was also sponsored by the Spanish Government Research Program with the Project DPI2012-37062-CO2-01 (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and by the European Social Fund.
Constant pressure and temperature molecular dynamics techniques have been employed to investigate the changes in structure and volumes of two globular proteins, superoxide dismutase and lysozyme, under pressure. Compression (the relative changes in the proteins' volumes), computed with the Voronoi technique, is closely related with the so-called protein intrinsic compressibility, estimated by sound velocity measurements. In particular, compression computed with Voronoi volumes predicts, in agreement with experimental estimates, a negative bound water contribution to the apparent protein compression. While the use of van der Waals and molecular volumes underestimates the intrinsic compressibilities of proteins, Voronoi volumes produce results closer to experimental estimates. Remarkably, for two globular proteins of very different secondary structures, we compute identical (within statistical error) protein intrinsic compressions, as predicted by recent experimental studies. Changes in the protein interatomic distances under compression are also investigated. It is found that, on average, short distances compress less than longer ones. This nonuniform contraction underlines the peculiar nature of the structural changes due to pressure in contrast with temperature effects, which instead produce spatially uniform changes in proteins. The structural effects observed in the simulations at high pressure can explain protein compressibility measurements carried out by fluorimetric and hole burning techniques. Finally, the calculation of the proteins static structure factor shows significant shifts in the peaks at short wavenumber as pressure changes. These effects might provide an alternative way to obtain information concerning compressibilities of selected protein regions.
Context. Chromospheric activity produces both photometric and spectroscopic variations that can be mistaken as planets. Large spots crossing the stellar disc can produce planet-like periodic variations in the light curve of a star. These spots clearly affect the spectral line profiles, and their perturbations alter the line centroids creating a radial velocity jitter that might “contaminate” the variations induced by a planet. Precise chromospheric activity measurements are needed to estimate the activity-induced noise that should be expected for a given star. Aims. We obtain precise chromospheric activity measurements and projected rotational velocities for nearby (d ≤ 25 pc) cool (spectral types F to K) stars, to estimate their expected activity-related jitter. As a complementary objective, we attempt to obtain relationships between fluxes in different activity indicator lines, that permit a transformation of traditional activity indicators, i.e., Ca II H & K lines, to others that hold noteworthy advantages. Methods. We used high resolution (~50 000) echelle optical spectra. Standard data reduction was performed using the IRAF ECHELLE package. To determine the chromospheric emission of the stars in the sample, we used the spectral subtraction technique. We measured the equivalent widths of the chromospheric emission lines in the subtracted spectrum and transformed them into fluxes by applying empirical equivalent width and flux relationships. Rotational velocities were determined using the cross-correlation technique. To infer activity-related radial velocity (RV) jitter, we used empirical relationships between this jitter and the R’_HK index. Results. We measured chromospheric activity, as given by different indicators throughout the optical spectra, and projected rotational velocities for 371 nearby cool stars. We have built empirical relationships among the most important chromospheric emission lines. Finally, we used the measured chromospheric activity to estimate the expected RV jitter for the active stars in the sample.
We report the detection of the first extrasolar planet, ET-1 (HD 102195b), using the Exoplanet Tracker (ET), a new-generation Doppler instrument. The planet orbits HD 102195, a young star with solar metallicity that may be part of the local association. The planet imparts radial velocity variability to the star with a semiamplitude of 63.4 ± 2.0 m s^-1 and a period of 4.11 days. The planetary minimum mass (m sin i) is 0.488MJ ± 0.015M_J. The planet was initially detected in the spring of 2005 with the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m coudé feed telescope. The detection was confirmed by radial velocity observations with the ET at the KPNO 2.1 m telescope and also at the 9 m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) with its High Resolution Spectrograph. This planetary discovery with a 0.9 m telescope around a V = 8.05 magnitude star was made possible by the high throughput of the instrument: 49% measured from the fiber output to the detector. The ET's interferometer-based approach is an effective method for planet detection. In addition, the ET concept is adaptable to multiple-object Doppler observations or very high precision observations with a cross-dispersed echelle spectrograph to separate stellar fringes over a broad wavelength band. In addition to spectroscopic observations of HD 102195, we obtained brightness measurements with one of the automated photometric telescopes at Fairborn Observatory. Those observations reveal that HD 102195 is a spotted variable star with an amplitude of ~0.015 mag and a 12.3 ± 0.3 day period. This is consistent with spectroscopically observed Ca II H and K emission levels and line-broadening measurements but inconsistent with rotational modulation of surface activity as the cause of the radial velocity variability. Our photometric observations rule out transits of the planetary companion.
We present Keck I MOSFIRE spectroscopy in the Y and H bands of GDN-8231, a massive, compact, star-forming galaxy at a redshift of z ~ 1.7. Its spectrum reveals both Hα and [Nii] emission lines and strong Balmer absorption lines. The Hα and Spitzer MIPS 24 μm fluxes are both weak, thus indicating a low star-formation rate of SFR≲5-10 M_⨀ yr−1. This, added to a relatively young age of ~700 Myr measured from the absorption lines, provides the first direct evidence for a distant galaxy being caught in the act of rapidly shutting down its star formation. Such quenching allows GDN-8231 to become a compact, quiescent galaxy, similar to three other galaxies in our sample, by z ~ 1.5. Moreover, the color profile of GDN-8231 shows a bluer center, consistent with the predictions of recent simulations for an early phase of inside-out quenching. Its line-of-sight velocity dispersion for the gas, σ_LOG^gas = 127 ± 32 km s^−1, is nearly 40% smaller than that of its stars, σ_LOG^* = 215 ± 35 km s^−1. High-resolution hydro-simulations of galaxies explain such apparently colder gas kinematics of up to a factor of ~1.5 with rotating disks being viewed at different inclinations and/or centrally concentrated star-forming regions. A clear prediction is that their compact, quiescent descendants preserve some remnant rotation from their star-forming progenitors.