RESUME : Valganciclovir (Valcyte®) is an orally administered ester prodrug of the standard anticytomegalovirus (CMV) drug ganciclovir. This drug enabled an important reduction of the burden of CMV morbidity and mortality in solid organ transplant recipients. Prevention of CMV infection and treatment of CMV disease requires drug administration during many weeks. Oral drug administration is therefore convenient. Valganciclovir has been developed to overcome the poor oral availability of ganciclovir, which limits its concentration exposure after oral administration and thus its efficacy. This prodrug crosses efficiently the intestinal barrier, is then hydrolyzed into ganciclovir, providing exposure similar to intravenous ganciclovir. Valganciclovir is now preferred for the prophylaxis and treatment of CMV infection in solid organ transplant recipients. Nevertheless, adequate dosage adjustment is necessary to optimize its use, avoiding either insufficient or exaggerate exposure related to differences in its pharmacokinetic profile between patients. The main goal of this thesis was to better describe the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of valganciclovir in solid organ transplant recipients, to assess their reproducibility and their predictability, and thus to evaluate the current recommendations for valganciclovir dosage adjustment and the potential contribution of routine therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) to patients' management. A total of 437 ganciclovir plasma concentration data from 65 transplant patients (41 kidney, 12 lung, 10 heart and 2 liver recipients, 58 under oral valganciclovir prophylaxis, 8 under oral valganciclovir treatment and 2 under intravenous ganciclovir) were measured using a validated chromatographic method (HPLC) developed for this study. The results were analyzed by non-linear mixed effect modeling (NONMEM). A two-compartment model with first-order absorption appropriately described the data. Systemic clearance was markedly influenced by GFR, with further differences between graft types and sex (CL/GFR = 1.7 in kidney, 0.9 in heart and 1.2 in lung and liver recipients) with interpatient variability (CV%) of 26% and interoccasion variability of 12%. Body weight and sex influenced central volume of distribution (V1 = 0.34 l/kg in males and 0.27 l/kg in females) with an interpatient variability of 20%. Residual intrapatient variability was 21 %. No significant drug interaction influenced GCV disposition. VGC prophylactic efficacy and tolerability were good, without detectable dependence on GCV profile. In conclusion, this analysis highlights the importance of thorough adjustment of VGC dosage to renal function and body weight. Considering the good predictability and reproducibility of GCV profile after oral VGC in solid organ transplant recipients, routine TDM does not appear to be clinically indicated. However, GCV plasma measurement may still be helpful in specific clinical situations such as documentation of appropriate exposure in patients with potentially compromised absorption, or lack of response to CMV disease treatment, or under renal replacement therapy. RESUME : Le valganciclovir (Valcyte®) est un promédicament oral du ganciclovir qui est un anti-infectieux de référence contre les infections à cytomegalovirus (CMV). Cet antiviral a permis de réduire les effets délétères de cette infection jusqu'ici responsable d'une importante morbidité et mortalité chez les transplantés d'organe. La prévention et le traitement de l'infection à CMV sont donc nécessaires mais requièrent l'administration d'un agent antiviral sur une longue période. Un médicament administré par voie orale représente donc un avantage évident. Le valganciclovir a été développé dans le but d'améliorer la faible absorption orale du ganciclovir, et donc son efficacité. Cet ester valylique du ganciclovir traverse plus facilement la barrière gastro-intestinale, puis est hydrolysé en ganciclovir dans la circulation sanguine, produisant une exposition comparable à celle d'une perfusion intraveineuse de ganciclovir. De ce fait, le valganciclovir est devenu largement utilisé pour la prophylaxie mais aussi le traitement de l'infection à CMV. Néanmoins une utilisation optimale de ce nouveau médicament nécessite de bonnes connaissances sur son profil pharmacocinétique afin d'établir un schéma de dose adapté pour éviter tant une surexposition qu'une sous-exposition résultant des différences d'élimination entre les patients. Le but de cette thèse a été d'étudier le profil pharmacocinétique et pharmacodynamique du valganciclovir chez les transplantés d'organe ainsi que sa reproductibilité et sa prédictibilité. Il s'agissait d'apprécier de manière critique le schéma actuellement recommandé pour l'adaptation des doses de valganciclovir, mais aussi la contribution éventuelle d'un suivi des concentrations sanguines en routine. Un total de 437 taux sanguins de ganciclovir ont été mesurés, provenant de 65 patients transplantés d'organe (41 rénaux, 12 pulmonaires, 10 cardiaques et 2 hépatiques, 58 sous une prophylaxie orale de valganciclovir, 8 sous un traitement de valganciclovir et 2 sous un traitement intraveineux). Une méthode de chromatographie liquide à haute performance a été développée et validée pour cette étude. Les résultats ont été ensuite analysés par modélisation non linéaire à effets mixtes (NONMEM). Un modèle à deux compartiments avec absorption de premier ordre a permis de décrire les données. La clairance systémique était principalement influencée par le débit de filtration glomérulaire (GFR), avec une différence entre les types de greffe et les sexes (CL/GFR = 1.7 chez les greffés rénaux, 0.9 pour les greffés cardiaques et 1.2 pour le groupe des greffés pulmonaires et hépatiques) avec un variabilité inter-individuelle de 26% (CV%) et une variabilité inter-occasion de 12%. Le poids corporel ainsi que le sexe avaient une influence sur le volume central de distribution (V1 = 0.34 l/kg chez les hommes et 0.27 l/kg chez les femmes) avec une variabilité inter-individuelle de 20%. La variabilité intra-individuelle résiduelle était de 21 %. Aucune interaction médicamenteuse n'a montré d'influence sur le profil du ganciclovir. La prophylaxie avec le valganciclovir s'est révélée efficace et bien tolérée. En conclusion, cette analyse souligne l'importance d'une adaptation de la dose du valganciclovir à la fonction rénale et au poids du patient. Au vu de la bonne reproductibilité et prédictibilité du profil pharmacocinétique du ganciclovir chez les patients transplantés recevant du valganciclovir, un suivi des concentrations sanguines en routine ne semble pas cliniquement indiqué. Néanmoins, la mesure des taux plasmatiques de ganciclovir peut être utile dans certaines situations particulières, comme la vérification d'une exposition appropriée chez des patients susceptibles d'absorption insuffisante, ou ne répondant pas au traitement d'une infection à CMV ou encore sous épuration extra-rénale. RESUME LARGE PUBLIC : Le valganciclovir est un précurseur capable de libérer du ganciclovir, récemment développé pour améliorer la faible absorption orale de ce dernier. Une fois le valganciclovir absorbé, le ganciclovir libéré dans la circulation sanguine devient efficace contre les infections à cytomégalovirus. Ce virus largement répandu est responsable de maladies insidieuses et parfois graves chez les personnes présentant une baisse des défenses immunitaires, comme les greffés d'organe recevant un traitement anti-rejet. Le ganciclovir est administré pendant plusieurs mois consécutifs soit pour prévenir une infection après la transplantation, soit pour traiter une infection déclarée. La facilité d'administration du valganciclovir par voie orale représente un avantage sur une administration du ganciclovir par perfusion, qui nécessite une hospitalisation. Toutefois, la voie orale peut être une source supplémentaire de variabilité chez les patients, avec un impact potentiel sur l'efficacité ou la toxicité du médicament. Le but de cette étude a été - de décrire le devenir de ce médicament dans le corps humain (dont l'étude relève de la discipline de la pharmacocinétique) - de définir les facteurs cliniques pouvant expliquer les différences de concentration sanguine observées entre les patients sous une posologie donnée - d'explorer les relations entre les concentrations du médicament dans le sang et son efficacité ou la survenue d'effets indésirables (dont l'étude relève de la discipline de la pharmacodynamie). Cette étude a nécessité le développement et la validation, d'une méthode d'analyse pour mesurer la concentration sanguine du ganciclovir, puis son application à 437 échantillons provenant de 65 patients transplantés d'organe solide (41 rénaux, 12 pulmonaires, 10 cardiaques et 2 hépatiques) recevant du valganciclovir. Les résultats des mesures effectuées ont été analysés à l'aide d'un outil mathématique afin d'élaborer un modèle du devenir du médicament dans le sang chez chaque patient et à chaque occasion. Cette étude a permis d'évaluer chez des patients recevant le valganciclovir, la vitesse à laquelle l'organisme absorbe, distribue, puis élimine le médicament. La vitesse d'élimination dépendait étroitement de la fonction rénale, du type de greffe et du sexe alors que la distribution dépendait du poids et du sexe du patient. La variabilité non expliquée par ces facteurs cliniques était modérée et vraisemblablement sans conséquence clinique évidente soit sur l'efficacité ou la tolérance, qui se révèlent très satisfaisantes chez les patients de l'étude. Les observations n'ont pas révélé de relation entre les concentrations de médicament et l'efficacité thérapeutique ou la survenue d'effets indésirables, confirmant que les doses relativement faibles utilisées dans notre collectif de patients suffisaient à produire une exposition reproductible à des concentrations adéquates. En conclusion, le profil (et par conséquent l'absorption) du valganciclovir chez les patients transplantés semble bien prédictible après une adaptation de la dose à la fonction rénale et au poids du patient. Un contrôle systématique des concentrations sanguines n'est probablement pas indiqué en routine, mais cette mesure peut présenter un intérêt dans certaines conditions particulières.
Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A, which leads to storage of sphingolipids in virtually all human cells and consequently to organ dysfunction. Pulmonary involvement is still debated. But, obstructive lung disease is up to ten times more prevalent in patients with FD compared to general public. Also, an accelerated decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) over time was observed in these patients. Lysosomal storage of glycosphingolipids is considered leading to small airway disease via hyperplasia of the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells. Larger airways may become involved with ongoing disease process. There is no evidence for involvement of the lung interstitium in FD. The effect of enzyme replacement therapy on respiratory involvement remains to be determined in large, prospective controlled trials.
Physicians are in a unique position to advise smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of the intervention strategies for smokers presented in a primary care setting. The strategies that are used for smoking cessation counselling differ according to the patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to give up smoking, physicians should inform about tobacco use and the benefits of cessation. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing the barriers to successful cessation and their solutions. For smokers who are ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a date to quit, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as nicotine replacement therapy (i.e., gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, mouth inhaler, lozenges, and micro and sublingual tablets) and/or bupropion (an atypical antidepressant thought to work by blocking the neural re-uptake of dopamine and/or noradrenaline), with instructions for use, and suggest behavioural strategies to prevent relapse. The efficacy of all of these pharmacotherapies is comparable, roughly doubling the cessation rates over control conditions.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease, due to the immune-mediated destruction of pancreatic β-cells, whose incidence has been steadily increasing during the last decades. Insulin replacement therapy can treat T1DM, which, however, is still associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. For this reason, great effort is being put into developing strategies that could eventually prevent and/or cure this disease. These strategies are mainly focused on blocking the immune system from attacking β-cells together with functional islet restoration either by regeneration or transplantation. Recent experimental evidences suggest that TNFrelated apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), which is an immune system modulator protein, could represent an interesting candidate for the cure for T1DM and/or its complications. Here we review the evidences on the potential role of TRAIL in the management of T1DM.
Background: Medical and pharmacological direct costs of cigarette smoking cessation programmes are not covered by health insurance in several countries despite documented cost-effectiveness. Design: prospective cost identification study of a 9-week programme in Switzerland. Methods: A total of 481 smokers were followed-up for 9 weeks. Socio-demographic characteristics, number of outpatient visits, dosage and frequency of use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) as well as date of relapse were prospectively collected. Individual cost of care until relapse or programme end as well as cost per week of follow-up were computed. Comparisons were carried out between the groups with or without relapse at the end of the programme. Results: Of the 209 men and 272 women included, 347 patients (72%) finished the programme. Among them, 240 patients (70%) succeeded in quitting and 107 patients (30%) relapsed. As compared with the group relapsing by the end of the programme, the group succeeding in quitting was more often living in a couple (68% vs. 55%, p = 0.029). Their mean weekly costs of visits were higher (CHF 81.2 ± 6.1 vs. 78.4 ± 7.6, p = 0.001), while their mean weekly costs for NRT were similar (CHF 24.2 ± 12.6 vs. 25.4 ± 15.9, p = 0.711). Mean total costs per week were similar (CHF 105.4 ± 15.4 vs. 103.8 ± 19.4, p = 0.252). More intensive NRT at week 4 increased the probability not to relapse at the end of the programme. Conclusions: Over 9 weeks, medical and pharmacological costs of stopping smoking are low. Good medical and social support as well as adequate NRT seem to play a role in successful quitting.
Retinal degenerative diseases resulting in the loss of photoreceptors are one of the major causes of blindness. Photoreceptor replacement therapy is a promising treatment because the transplantation of retina-derived photoreceptors can be applied now to different murine retinopathies to restore visual function. To have an unlimited source of photoreceptors, we derived a transgenic embryonic stem cell (ESC) line in which the Crx-GFP transgene is expressed in photoreceptors and assessed the capacity of a 3D culture protocol to produce integration-competent photoreceptors. This culture system allows the production of a large number of photoreceptors recapitulating the in vivo development. After transplantation, integrated cells showed the typical morphology of mature rods bearing external segments and ribbon synapses. We conclude that a 3D protocol coupled with ESCs provides a safe and renewable source of photoreceptors displaying a development and transplantation competence comparable to photoreceptors from age-matched retinas.
Physicians are in a unique position to advice smokers to quit by the ability to integrate the various aspects of nicotine dependence. This review provides an overview of intervention with smokers presenting in a primary care setting. Strategies used for smoking cessation counseling differed according to patient's readiness to quit. For smokers who do not intend to quit smoking, physicians should inform and sensitize patients about tobacco use and cessation, especially by personalizing benefits to quit and challenging smokers 'beliefs. For smokers who are dissonant, physicians should use motivational strategies, such as discussing barriers to cessation and their solutions. For smokers ready to quit, the physician should show strong support, help set a quit date, prescribe pharmaceutical therapies for nicotine dependence, such as replacement therapy and/or bupropion, with instructions for use, and suggest behavioral strategies to prevent relapse.
BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in patients undergoing cardiac surgery among whom it is associated with poor outcomes, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality. Statin drugs can produce more than one effect independent of their lipid lowering effect, and may improve kidney injury through inhibition of postoperative inflammatory responses. OBJECTIVES: This review aimed to look at the evidence supporting the benefits of perioperative statins for AKI prevention in hospitalised adults after surgery who require cardiac bypass. The main objectives were to 1) determine whether use of statins was associated with preventing AKI development; 2) determine whether use of statins was associated with reductions in in-hospital mortality; 3) determine whether use of statins was associated with reduced need for RRT; and 4) determine any adverse effects associated with the use of statins. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register to 13 January 2015 through contact with the Trials' Search Co-ordinator using search terms relevant to this review. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared administration of statin therapy with placebo or standard clinical care in adult patients undergoing surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and reporting AKI, serum creatinine (SCr) or need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) as an outcome were eligible for inclusion. All forms and dosages of statins in conjunction with any duration of pre-operative therapy were considered for inclusion in this review. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All authors extracted data independently and assessments were cross-checked by a second author. Likewise, assessment of study risk of bias was initially conducted by one author and then by a second author to ensure accuracy. Disagreements were arbitrated among authors until consensus was reached. Authors from two of the included studies provided additional data surrounding post-operative SCr as well as need for RRT. Meta-analyses were used to assess the outcomes of AKI, SCr and mortality rate. Data for the outcomes of RRT and adverse effects were not pooled. Adverse effects taken into account were those reported by the authors of included studies. MAIN RESULTS: We included seven studies (662 participants) in this review. All except one study was assessed as being at high risk of bias. Three studies assessed atorvastatin, three assessed simvastatin and one investigated rosuvastatin. All studies collected data during the immediate perioperative period only; data collection to hospital discharge and postoperative biochemical data collection ranged from 24 hours to 7 days. Overall, pre-operative statin treatment was not associated with a reduction in postoperative AKI, need for RRT, or mortality. Only two studies (195 participants) reported postoperative SCr level. In those studies, patients allocated to receive statins had lower postoperative SCr concentrations compared with those allocated to no drug treatment/placebo (MD 21.2 µmol/L, 95% CI -31.1 to -11.1). Adverse effects were adequately reported in only one study; no difference was found between the statin group compared to placebo. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of currently available data did not suggest that preoperative statin use is associated with decreased incidence of AKI in adults after surgery who required cardiac bypass. Although a significant reduction in SCr was seen postoperatively in people treated with statins, this result was driven by results from a single study, where SCr was considered as a secondary outcome. The results of the meta-analysis should be interpreted with caution; few studies were included in subgroup analyses, and significant differences in methodology exist among the included studies. Large high quality RCTs are required to establish the safety and efficacy of statins to prevent AKI after cardiac surgery.
Le médecin praticien est souvent bien sensibilisé aux indications à l'hémodialyse au cours de l'insuffisance rénale sévère, que celle-ci soit aiguë ou chronique. En dehors des indications traditionnelles à une épuration extrarénale, il existe certaines situations comme des intoxications (metformine, éthylène glycol ou lithium) et d'autres conditions (hypercalcémie, lyse tumorale), dans lesquelles l'hémodialyse intermittente représente le traitement le plus efficace, voire le seul. Bien que ces situations demeurent peu fréquentes, il est décisif de les reconnaître rapidement The medical practitioner is in general well aware of the indications for hemodialysis in severe, acute or chronic renal insufficiency. Apart from the traditional indications for renal replacement therapy, there are some cases such as metfomin and ethylene glycol poisoning, lithium intoxication severe hypercalcemia and tumor lysis syndrome, in which intermittent hemodialysis is the most effective treatment, or sometimes the only effective one. Although these situations remain infrequent, it is crucial to recognize them as quickly as possible.
Background. Previous observations found a high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the hemodialysis population, but the best diagnostic approach remains undefined. We assessed OSA prevalence and performance of available screening tools to propose a specific diagnostic algorithm. Methods. 104 patients from 6 Swiss hemodialysis centers underwent polygraphy and completed 3 OSA screening scores: STOP-BANG, Berlin's Questionnaire, and Adjusted Neck Circumference. The OSA predictors were identified on a derivation population and used to develop the diagnostic algorithm, which was validated on an independent population. Results. We found 56% OSA prevalence (AHI ≥ 15/h), which was largely underdiagnosed. Screening scores showed poor performance for OSA screening (ROC areas 0.538 [SE 0.093] to 0.655 [SE 0.083]). Age, neck circumference, and time on renal replacement therapy were the best predictors of OSA and were used to develop a screening algorithm, with higher discriminatory performance than classical screening tools (ROC area 0.831 [0.066]). Conclusions. Our study confirms the high OSA prevalence and highlights the low diagnosis rate of this treatable cardiovascular risk factor in the hemodialysis population. Considering the poor performance of OSA screening tools, we propose and validate a specific algorithm to identify hemodialysis patients at risk for OSA for whom further sleep investigations should be considered.
La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking remains a major public health problem in Switzerland and is responsible for about 9000 deaths annually. In 2013, a quarter of the Swiss population (15 and over) were smokers and more than half of them wanted to quit smoking. This article provides an update of Swiss clinical practice guidelines published in 2011 and covers several new features, including views regarding smoking reduction, gradual quitting, use of nicotine replacement therapy for a short period prior to quitting, nicotine mouth spray marketing and the reimbursement of varenicline and bupropion treatments (under certain conditions) by basic health insurance. An algorithm summarizes the different stages of management of patients who smoke.
Currently, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) is the treatment of choice in selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and terminal kidney failure (TRF). A functioning SPK transplant allows dialysis and insulin therapy to be discontinued and stabilizes or improves the complications of DM1. Nevertheless, to a greater or lesser degree, these complications (physical and psychological alterations, secondary effects of immunosuppressive therapy and the need for lifelong medication and medical follow-up) can persist after SPK Tx. Health professionals have mainly investigated the clinical features of transplant recipients. However, in the last few years, interest in analyzing perceived health and health-related quality of life (QoL) has increased. This latter concept includes the features of QoL most closely associated with a particular disease, its treatment and follow-up and therefore those elements most susceptible to modification by the health system. The general aim of this study was to measure health-related QoL in our population with SPK Tx and to determine whether there are significant differences between these patients and those with DM1 and TRF who continue to receive renal replacement therapy (RRT) and insulin therapy. More specific aims were to evaluate whether there are significant differences between the study groups and the means of the Spanish reference population in the distinct dimensions of a QoL questionnaire and whether other variables such as age, sex, years" duration of DM1, length of dialysis, and time since SPK Tx significantly affect health-related QoL.
In the last decade, an increasing number of patients over 75 years of age are starting renal replacement therapy. Frailty is highly prevalent in elderly patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the context of the increased prevalence of some ESRD-associated conditions: protein-energy wasting, inflammation, anaemia, acidosis or hormonal disturbances. There are currently no hard data to support guidance on the optimal duration of dialysis for frail/elderly ESRD patients. The current debate is not about starting dialysis or managing conservatory frail ESRD patients, but whether a more intensive regimen once dialysis is initiated (for whatever reasons and circumstances) would improve patients' outcome. The most important issue is that all studies performed with extended/alternative dialysis regimens do not specifically address this particular type of patients and therefore all the inferences are derived from the general ESRD population. Care planning should be responsive to end-of-life needs whatever the treatment modality. Care in this setting should focus on symptom control and quality of life rather than life extension. We conclude that, similar to the general dialysed population, extensive application of more intensive dialysis schedules is not based on solid evidence. However, after a thorough clinical evaluation, a limited period of a trial of intensive dialysis could be prescribed in more problematic patients.
BACKGROUND: Previous observations found a high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the hemodialysis population, but the best diagnostic approach remains undefined. We assessed OSA prevalence and performance of available screening tools to propose a specific diagnostic algorithm. METHODS: 104 patients from 6 Swiss hemodialysis centers underwent polygraphy and completed 3 OSA screening scores: STOP-BANG, Berlin's Questionnaire, and Adjusted Neck Circumference. The OSA predictors were identified on a derivation population and used to develop the diagnostic algorithm, which was validated on an independent population. RESULTS: We found 56% OSA prevalence (AHI ≥ 15/h), which was largely underdiagnosed. Screening scores showed poor performance for OSA screening (ROC areas 0.538 [SE 0.093] to 0.655 [SE 0.083]). Age, neck circumference, and time on renal replacement therapy were the best predictors of OSA and were used to develop a screening algorithm, with higher discriminatory performance than classical screening tools (ROC area 0.831 [0.066]). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms the high OSA prevalence and highlights the low diagnosis rate of this treatable cardiovascular risk factor in the hemodialysis population. Considering the poor performance of OSA screening tools, we propose and validate a specific algorithm to identify hemodialysis patients at risk for OSA for whom further sleep investigations should be considered.
Background: Few qualitative studies of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) have been published. The aims of this study were to explore from the perspective of patients, the experience of living with diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM), suffering from complications, and undergoing SPK Tx with good outcome; and to determine the impact of SPK Tx on patients and their social and cultural environment. Methods: We performed a focused ethnographic study. Twenty patients were interviewed. Data were analyzed using content analysis and constant comparison following the method proposed by Miles and Huberman. Results: A functioning SPK Tx allowed renal replacement therapy and insulin to be discontinued. To describe their new situation, patients used words and phrases such as"miracle","being reborn" or"coming back to life". Although the complications of T1DM, its surgery and treatment, and associated psychological problems did not disappear after SPK Tx, these were minimized when compared with the pretransplantation situation. Conclusion: For patients, SPK Tx represents a recovery of their health and autonomy despite remaining problems associated with the complications of T1DM and SPK Tx. The understanding of patients" existential framework and their experience of disease are key factors for planning new intervention and improvement strategies.