600 resultados para Gun-carriages.


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here is controversy over the role of marine methane hydrates in atmospheric methane concentrations and climate change during the last glacial period. In this study of two sediment cores from the southeast Bering Sea (700 m and 1467 m water depth), we identify multiple episodes during the last glacial period of intense methane flux reaching the seafloor. Within the uncertainty of the radiocarbon age model, the episodes are contemporaneous in the two cores and have similar timing and duration as Dansgaard-Oeschger events. The episodes are marked by horizons of sediment containing 13C-depleted authigenic carbonate minerals; 13C-depleted archaeal and bacterial lipids, which resemble those found in ANME-1 type anaerobic methane oxidizing microbial consortia; and changes in the abundance and species distribution of benthic foraminifera. The similar timing and isotopic composition of the authigenic carbonates in the two cores is consistent with a region-wide increase in the upward flux of methane bearing fluids. This study is the first observation outside Santa Barbara Basin of pervasive, repeated methane flux in glacial sediments. However, contrary to the "Clathrate Gun Hypothesis" (Kennett et al., 2003), these coring sites are too deep for methane hydrate destabilization to be the cause, implying that a much larger part of the ocean's sedimentary methane may participate in climate or carbon cycle feedback at millennial timescales. We speculate that pulses of methane in these opal-rich sediments could be caused by the sudden release of overpressure in pore fluids that builds up gradually with silica diagenesis. The release could be triggered by seismic shaking on the Aleutian subduction zone caused by hydrostatic pressure increase associated with sea level rise at the start of interstadials.


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En un área de aprox. 2 000 000 ha del sur de Córdoba (Argentina) se evaluaron los equipos de riego con el fin de conocer su funcionamiento, el grado de uniformidad con que trabajan y la eficiencia de riego lograda por los productores. Se realizaron 21 evaluaciones sobre equipos operando de acuerdo con la programación establecida por sus usuarios; 14 sobre pivote, una sobre avance lateral, 4 sobre enrolladores (3 de cañón y uno de baja presión) y 2 sobre side roll. Los parámetros de calidad de riego brindaron coeficiente medio de uniformidad = 81,4 %, con uniformidad de distribución = 73,23 %. En el 80 % de los casos, la lámina aplicada fluctuó entre 10 y 20 mm siendo su promedio = 17 mm. De los resultados se puede inferir que -en general- la superficie asignada a cada equipo es siempre mayor que su capacidad para realizar oportunamente una óptima reposición del agua al suelo y que, si bien los coeficientes de uniformidad y distribución del agua pueden considerarse aceptables, la programación del riego es mala en todos los establecimientos evaluados poniéndose de manifiesto en la baja eficiencia de almacenamiento y repercutiendo directamente sobre la producción de los cultivos regados.


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The seismic data were acquired north of the Knipovich Ridge on the western Svalbard margin during cruise MSM21/4. They were recorded using a Geometrics GeoEel streamer of either 120 channels (profiles p100-p208) or 88 channels (profiles p300-p805) with a group spacing of 1.56 m and a sampling rate of 2 kHz. A GI-Gun (2×1.7 l) with a main frequency of ~150 Hz was used as a source and operated at a shot interval of 6-8 s. Processing of profiles p100-p208 and p600-p805: Positions for each channel were calculated by backtracking along the profiles from the GI-Gun GPS positions. The shot gathers were analyzed for abnormal amplitudes below the seafloor reflection by comparing neighboring traces in different frequency bands within sliding time windows. To suppress surface-generated water noise, a tau-p filter was applied in the shot gather domain. Common mid-point (CMP) profiles were then generated through crooked-line binning with a CMP spacing of 1.5625 m. A zero-phase band-pass filter with corner frequencies of 60 Hz and 360 Hz was applied to the data. Based on regional velocity information from MCS data [Sarkar, 2012], an interpolated and extrapolated 3D interval velocity model was created below the digitized seafloor reflection of the high-resolution streamer data. This velocity model was used to apply a CMP stack and an amplitude-preserving Kirchhoff post-stack time migration. Processing of profiles p400-p500: Data were sampled at 0.5 ms and sorted into common midpoint (CMP) domain with a bin spacing of 5 m. Normal move out correction was carried out with a velocity of 1500 m s-1 and an Ormsby bandpass filter with corner frequencies at 40, 80, 600 and 1000 Hz was applied. The data were time migrated using the water velocity.


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GRC is a cementitious composite material made up of a cement mortar matrix and chopped glass fibers. Due to its outstanding mechanical properties, GRC has been widely used to produce cladding panels and some civil engineering elements. Impact failure of cladding panels made of GRC may occur during production if some tool falls onto the panel, due to stone or other objects impacting at low velocities or caused by debris projected after a blast. Impact failure of a front panel of a building may have not only an important economic value but also human lives may be at risk if broken pieces of the panel fall from the building to the pavement. Therefore, knowing GRC impact strength is necessary to prevent economic costs and putting human lives at risk. One-stage light gas gun is an impact test machine capable of testing different materials subjected to impact loads. An experimental program was carried out, testing GRC samples of five different formulations, commonly used in building industry. Steel spheres were shot at different velocities on square GRC samples. The residual velocity of the projectiles was obtained both using a high speed camera with multiframe exposure and measuring the projectile’s penetration depth in molding clay blocks. Tests were performed on young and artificially aged GRC samples to compare GRC’s behavior when subjected to high strain rates. Numerical simulations using a hydrocode were made to analyze which parameters are most important during an impact event. GRC impact strength was obtained from test results. Also, GRC’s embrittlement, caused by GRC aging, has no influence on GRC impact behavior due to the small size of the projectile. Also, glass fibers used in GRC production only maintain GRC panels’ integrity but have no influence on GRC’s impact strength. Numerical models have reproduced accurately impact tests.


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We present and validate a test able to provide reliable body sway measurements in air pistol shooting, without the use of a gun. 46 senior male pistol shooters who participated in Spanish air pistol championships participated in the study. Body sway data of two static bipodal balance tests have been compared: during the first test, shooting was simulated by use of a dumbbell, while during the second test the shooters own pistol was used. Both tests were performed the day previous to the competition, during the official training time and at the training stands to simulate competition conditions. The participants performance was determined as the total score of 60 shots at competition. Apart from the commonly used variables that refer to movements of the shooters centre of pressure (COP), such as COP displacements on the X and Y axes, maximum and average COP velocities and total COP area, the present analysis also included variables that provide information regarding the axes of the COP ellipse (length and angle in respect to X). A strong statistically significant correlation between the two tests was found (with an interclass correlation varying between 0.59 and 0.92). A statistically significant inverse linear correlation was also found between performance and COP movements. The study concludes that dumbbell tests are perfectly valid for measuring body sway by simulating pistol shooting.


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El agua de riego en España se ha reducido del 80 % al 70% tras la rehabilitación de los sistemas tradicionales de riego y el incremento de riegos a presión. La política española ha favorecido la creación de nuevos regadíos con fines sociales, para asentar a la población rural en zonas con disponibilidad de recursos hídricos. Este contexto es aplicable a la Comunidad de Regantes “Rio Adaja” (CCRR), que comenzó a funcionar en 2010 por lo que se la ha elegido para evaluar el uso y productividad del agua y manejo del riego en CCRR modernizadas de la cuenca del Duero. El estudio del manejo del riego se realizó con evaluaciones de campo, el primer año de funcionamiento, en una muestra de sistemas de riego (pivotes centrales, ramales de avance frontal, cobertura total) representativa de los sistemas predominantes en la CCRR. Además, se analizó la carta de riego propuesta por el fabricante de los pivotes centrales, considerando una distribución de caudal continua a lo largo del ramal, y se propuso una nueva carta con emisores de riego que mejoraban la uniformidad de aplicación del agua. El uso del agua en la CCRR se evaluó considerando tanto los indicadores de eficiencia del riego: suministro relativo de riego (anual relative irrigation supply, ARIS), suministro relativo del agua (anual relativewater supply, ARWS), suministro relativo de precipitación (rainfall relative supply, RRS) como los de productividad: productividad del agua (water productivity, WP) productividad del agua de riego (irrigation water productivity, IWP) y productividad de la evapotranspiración (evapotranspiration water productivity, ETWP). Primero, se determinaron: las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos para mantener un contenido de humedad óptimo en su zona radical, el coeficiente dual del cultivo, el agua disponible total (ADP) y agua fácilmente aprovechable (AFA). Después, se estimaron las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos considerando tres años tipo: húmedo, normal y seco correspondientes a la probabilidad de disponibilidad de la precipitación del 20, 50 y 80%, respectivamente. Así mismo, se realizó una encuesta a los regantes de la CCRR para conocer la dosis de riego y rendimiento anual de los cultivos principales durante sus tres años de funcionamiento: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013.Finalmente, se simuló el efecto del riego y su manejo en la producción de los cultivos y en la productividad del agua. Además, el modelo de simulación AQUACROP (Geerts et al., 2010) se ha utilizado para estudiar la mejora del uso del agua de los cultivos de la CCRR. Dado que este modelo requiere de calibración específica para cada cultivo y cada zona y dado que, de todos los cultivos de la CCRR, sólo el girasol cumplía el requisito, este cultivo fue elegido para estudiar si la estrategia de riego deficitario mejoraría el uso del agua. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el 90% de los sistemas de riego evaluados distribuye el agua con una uniformidad adecuada (CUC≥75%). La simulación de la distribución del agua con las cartas de riego propuestas por el fabricante en pivotes centrales resultó en coeficientes CUC< 75% y sus valores mejoraban al eliminar el aspersor distal. La uniformidad del riego mejoraría si se trabajase con la carta de riego propuesta y que se compone por emisores de riego seleccionados en este estudio. En la mayoría de los cultivos, se aplicó riegos deficitarios (ARIS < 1 en los dos primeros años de funcionamiento de la CCRR y riegos excedentarios (ARIS > 1) el tercer año siendo significativas las diferencias observadas. El manejo del riego fue bueno (0,9 ≤ ARWS ≤1,2) en la mayoría de los cultivos. Así mismo, los indicadores de productividad del agua (WP e IWP (€.m-3)) varió entre cultivos y años estudiados y, destacan los valores observados en: cebolla, patata, zanahoria y cebada. En general, la productividad del agua en los riegos deficitarios fue mayor observándose además, que los índices de productividad mayores correspondieron al año con precipitación mayor aunque, las diferencias entre sus valores medios no fueron significativas en las tres campañas de riego estudiadas. Los resultados apuntan a que la metodología del balance hídrico y las herramientas presentadas en este trabajo (uniformidad de distribución de agua, indicadores de eficiencia del uso de agua y de su productividad) son adecuadas para estudiar el manejo del agua en CCRR. En concreto, la uniformidad en la aplicación del agua de la CCRR mejoraría seleccionando emisores de riego que proporcionen una mayor uniformidad de distribución del agua, lo que conllevaría a cambiar el diámetro de la boquilla de los emisores y/o eliminar el aspersor distal. Así mismo, puede ser de interés adoptar estrategias de riego deficitario para incrementar la productividad en el uso del agua, y las rentas de los regantes, para lo cual se propone utilizar un patrón de cultivos de referencia. Finalmente, el riego deficitario puede ser una estrategia para mejorar la eficiencia y productividad en el uso del agua de la CCRR siempre que lleve asociado un manejo del riego adecuado que resulta, relativamente, más fácil cuando se dispone de sistemas de riego con una uniformidad de aplicación alta. Sin embargo su aplicación no sería aconsejable en los cultivos de remolacha azucarera, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 75%, y maíz, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 65%. ABSTRACT The irrigation scheme modernization and the increase of sprinkler irrigation area have reduced the irrigation water use from 80 to 70%. The national irrigation policy favored the creation of new irrigation schemes with the purpose to settle the rural population in areas with availability in water resources. Within this context, the irrigation district “Río Adaja” (CCRR) started in 2010 so, it has been chosen as a case study to evaluate the water use and the irrigation management in a modernized CCRR. Several field evaluations were carried out during the first operation year, in a sample of irrigation systems (center pivot, moving lateral and solid set) selected among all the systems in the CCRR. Likewise, the manufacturer irrigation chart for the center pivot systems has been considered and the pressure and discharge distribution along the pivot have been estimated, assuming a continuous flow along the pipe. Then; the sprinkler nozzles were selected order to increase the uniformity on water application. The water use in the CCRR has been assessed by considering the water use efficiency indicators: annual relative irrigation supply (ARIS), annual relative water supply (ARWS), relative rainfall supply (RRS) and also the productivity indicators: water productivity (WP), irrigation water productivity (IWP) and evapotranspiration water productivity (ETWP). On the one hand, it has been determined the crop water requirement (to maintain the optimal soil water content in the rooting zone), the dual crop coefficient, the total available water and the readily available water. The crop water requirement was estimated by considering the typical wet, normal and dry years which correspond to the probability of effective precipitation exceedance of 20, 50 and 80%, respectively. On the other hand, the irrigation depth and crop yield by irrigation campaign have been considered for the main crops in the area. This information was obtained from a farmer’s survey in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. For sunflower, the irrigation effect and its management on the crop yield and water productivity have been simulated. Also a deficit irrigation strategy, which improves the water resources, has been determined by means of AQUACROP (FAO). The results showed that 90% of the evaluated irrigation systems have adequate irrigation water application uniformity (CUC ≥ 75%). The CUC values in center pivots, which were calculated using the manufacturer irrigation chart, are below < 75% . However, these values would increase with the change of emitter nozzle to the proposed nozzles selection. The results on water use showed a deficit irrigation management (ARIS < 1), in most of crops during the first two operation years, and an excess in irrigation for the third year (ARIS > 1) although non-significant difference was observed. In most cases, the management of irrigation is adequate (0,9≤ ARWS≤ 1,2) although there are differences among crops. Likewise, the productivity indicators (WP and IWP (€.m-3)) varied among crops and with irrigation events. The highest values corresponded to onion, potato, carrot and barley. The values for deficit irrigation were the highest and the productivity indicators increased the year with the highest effective precipitation. Nevertheless, the differences between the average values of these indicators by irrigation campaign were non-significant. This study highlights that the soil water balance methodology and other tools used in the methodology are adequate to study the use and productivity of water in the irrigation district. In fact, the water use in this CCRR can be improved if the irrigation systems were designed with higher water distribution uniformity what would require the change of sprinkler nozzles and/or eliminate the end gun. Likewise, it is advisable to set up deficit irrigation strategies to increase the water productivity taking into account certain limits on water application uniformities. In this respect, a reference cropping pattern has been proposed and the limits for water uniformity have been calculated for several crops.


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Natural disasters affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide every year. Emergency response efforts depend upon the availability of timely information, such as information concerning the movements of affected populations. The analysis of aggregated and anonymized Call Detail Records (CDR) captured from the mobile phone infrastructure provides new possibilities to characterize human behavior during critical events. In this work, we investigate the viability of using CDR data combined with other sources of information to characterize the floods that occurred in Tabasco, Mexico in 2009. An impact map has been reconstructed using Landsat-7 images to identify the floods. Within this frame, the underlying communication activity signals in the CDR data have been analyzed and compared against rainfall levels extracted from data of the NASA-TRMM project. The variations in the number of active phones connected to each cell tower reveal abnormal activity patterns in the most affected locations during and after the floods that could be used as signatures of the floods - both in terms of infrastructure impact assessment and population information awareness. The epresentativeness of the analysis has been assessed using census data and civil protection records. While a more extensive validation is required, these early results suggest high potential in using cell tower activity information to improve early warning and emergency management mechanisms.


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Natural disasters affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide every year. Emergency response efforts depend upon the availability of timely information, such as information concerning the movements of affected populations. The analysis of aggregated and anonymized Call Detail Records (CDR) captured from the mobile phone infrastructure provides new possibilities to characterize human behavior during critical events. In this work, we investigate the viability of using CDR data combined with other sources of information to characterize the floods that occurred in Tabasco, Mexico in 2009. An impact map has been reconstructed using Landsat-7 images to identify the floods. Within this frame, the underlying communication activity signals in the CDR data have been analyzed and compared against rainfall levels extracted from data of the NASA-TRMM project. The variations in the number of active phones connected to each cell tower reveal abnormal activity patterns in the most affected locations during and after the floods that could be used as signatures of the floods - both in terms of infrastructure impact assessment and population information awareness. The representativeness of the analysis has been assessed using census data and civil protection records. While a more extensive validation is required, these early results suggest high potential in using cell tower activity information to improve early warning and emergency management mechanisms.


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This is the final report on reproducibility@xsede, a one-day workshop held in conjunction with XSEDE14, the annual conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). The workshop's discussion-oriented agenda focused on reproducibility in large-scale computational research. Two important themes capture the spirit of the workshop submissions and discussions: (1) organizational stakeholders, especially supercomputer centers, are in a unique position to promote, enable, and support reproducible research; and (2) individual researchers should conduct each experiment as though someone will replicate that experiment. Participants documented numerous issues, questions, technologies, practices, and potentially promising initiatives emerging from the discussion, but also highlighted four areas of particular interest to XSEDE: (1) documentation and training that promotes reproducible research; (2) system-level tools that provide build- and run-time information at the level of the individual job; (3) the need to model best practices in research collaborations involving XSEDE staff; and (4) continued work on gateways and related technologies. In addition, an intriguing question emerged from the day's interactions: would there be value in establishing an annual award for excellence in reproducible research? Overview


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Este trabajo de investigación trata de aportar luz al estudio del tiempo de reacción (TR) en velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva desde las Ciencias del Deporte. El planteamiento del presente estudio surgió al cuestionarnos la existencia de las diferencias en cuanto al TR visual y auditivo aplicado a velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, pensando en el desarrollo futuro de competiciones inclusivas entre ambos colectivos. Por ello, este estudio trata de resolver las dificultades que los velocistas con discapacidad se encuentran habitualmente en las competiciones. A priori, los atletas con discapacidad auditiva compiten en inferioridad de condiciones como consecuencia de una salida que no parece la más adecuada para ellos (desde los tacos, han de mirar hacia la pistola del juez o el movimiento de un rival). El documento se divide en tres partes. En la primera parte se realiza la pertinente revisión del marco teórico y justificación del estudio. La segunda parte se centra en los objetivos de la investigación, el material y el método, donde se muestran los resultados, discusión y conclusiones del estudio realizado, así como las limitaciones del presente trabajo y sus futuras líneas de investigación. La tercera parte corresponde a la bibliografía y la cuarta parte a los anexos. En la primera parte, presentamos el marco teórico compuesto por cinco capítulos organizan la fundamentación que hemos realizado como revisión sobre los aspectos más destacados del TR, determinado por las características de la tarea y otros factores que influyen en el TR como objeto de nuestro estudio. Después exponemos los principales aspectos estructurales y funcionales del sistema nervioso (SN) relacionados con el TR visual y auditivo. Tras ello se expone la realidad del deporte para personas con discapacidad auditiva, indagando en sus peculiaridades y criterios de elegibilidad que tiene ese colectivo dentro del ámbito deportivo. A continuación abordamos el estudio de la salida de velocidad en el atletismo, como aspecto clave que va a guiar nuestra investigación, especialmente los parámetros determinantes en la colocación de los tacos de salida para atletas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, la posición de salida y la propia colocación de los estímulos en dicha situación. Es la segunda parte se desarrolla el trabajo de investigación que tiene como objetivos estudiar los valores de TR visual simple manual, TR en salida de tacos y los tiempos de desplazamiento a los 10m y 20m de velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva, así como analizar las posibles diferencias en TR según posición y tipo de estímulo luminoso, respecto a ambos grupos de atletas. Como tercer objetivo de estudio se evalúa cualitativamente, por parte de los propios atletas, el dispositivo luminoso utilizado. La toma de datos de este estudio se llevó a cabo entre los meses de febrero y mayo del 2014, en el módulo de atletismo del Centro de Alto Rendimiento Joaquín Blume (Madrid), con dos grupos de estudio, uno de 9 velocistas con discapacidad auditiva (VDA), conformando éstos el 60% de toda la población en España, según el número de las licencias de la FEDS en la modalidad de atletismo (velocistas, pruebas de 100 y 200 m.l.), en el momento del estudio, y otro de 13 velocistas sin discapacidad (VsDA) que se presentaron de manera voluntaria con unos mismos criterios de inclusión para ambos grupos. Para la medición y el registro de los datos se utilizaron materiales como hoja de registro, Medidor de Tiempo de Reacción (MTR), tacos de salida, ReacTime®, dispositivo luminoso conectado a los tacos de salida, células fotoeléctricas, ordenador y software del ReacTime, y cámara de video. La metodología utilizada en este estudio fue de tipo correlacional, analizando los resultados del TR simple manual según vía sensitiva (visual y auditiva) entre los dos grupos de VDA y VsDA. También se estudiaron los TR desde la salida de tacos en función de la colocación del dispositivo luminoso (en el suelo y a 5 metros, vía visual) y pistola de salida atlética (vía auditiva) así como el tiempo de desplazamiento a los 10m (t10m) y 20m (t20m) de ambos grupos de velocistas. Finalmente, se desarrolló y llevó a cabo un cuestionario de evaluación por parte de los atletas VDA con el objetivo de conocer el grado de satisfacción después de haber realizado la serie de experimentos con el dispositivo luminoso y adaptado para sistemas de salida en la velocidad atlética. Con el objetivo de comprobar la viabilidad de la metodología descrita y probar en el contexto de análisis real el protocolo experimental, se realizó un estudio piloto con el fin de conocer las posibles diferencias del TR visual desde los tacos de salida en velocistas con discapacidad auditiva, usando para dicha salida un estímulo visual mediante un dispositivo luminoso coordinado con la señal sonora de salida (Soto-Rey, Pérez-Tejero, Rojo-González y Álvarez-Ortiz, 2015). En cuanto a los procedimientos estadísticos utilizados, con el fin de analizar la distribución de los datos y su normalidad, se aplicó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnof, dicha prueba arrojó resultados de normalidad para todas las variables analizadas de las situaciones experimentales EA, EVsuelo y EV5m. Es por ello que en el presente trabajo de investigación se utilizó estadística paramétrica. Como medidas descriptivas, se calcularon el máximo, mínimo, media y la desviación estándar. En relación a las situaciones experimentales, para estudiar las posibles diferencias en las variables estudiadas dentro de cada grupo de velocistas (intragrupo) en la situación experimental 1 (MTR), se empleó una prueba T de Student para muestras independientes. En las situaciones experimentales 2, 3 y 4, para conocer las diferencias entre ambos grupos de velocistas en cada situación, se utilizó igualmente la prueba T para muestras independientes, mientras que un ANOVA simple (con post hoc Bonferroni) se utilizó para analizar las diferencias para cada grupo (VDA y VsDA) por situación experimental. Así mismo, se utilizó un ANOVA de medidas repetidas, donde el tipo de estímulo (situación experimental) fue la variable intra-grupo y el grupo de velocistas participantes (VDA y VsDA) la entre-grupo, realizándose esta prueba para evaluar en cada situación el TR, t1m0 y t20m y las interacciones entre las variables. Para el tratamiento estadístico fue utilizado el paquete estadístico SPSS 18.0 (Chicago, IL, EEUU). Los niveles de significación fueron establecidos para un ≤0.05, indicando el valor de p en cada caso. Uno de los aspectos más relevantes de este trabajo es la medición en diferentes situaciones, con instrumentación distinta y con situaciones experimentales distintas, del TR en velocistas con y sin discapacidad auditiva. Ello supuso el desarrollo de un diseño de investigación que respondió a las necesidades planteadas por los objetivos del estudio, así como el desarrollo de instrumentación específica (Rojo-Lacal, Soto-Rey, Pérez-Tejero y Rojo-González, 2014; Soto-Rey et al., 2015) y distintas situaciones experimentales que reprodujeran las condiciones de práctica y competición real de VsDA y VDA en las pruebas atléticas de velocidad, y más concretamente, en las salidas. El análisis estadístico mostró diferencias significativas entre los estímulos visuales y sonoros medidos con el MTR, siendo menor el TR ante el estímulo visual que ante el sonoro, tanto para los atletas con discapacidad auditiva como para los que no la presentaron (TR visual, 0.195 s ± 0.018 vs 0.197 s ± 0.022, p≤0.05; TR sonoro 0.230 s ± 0.016 vs 0.237 s ± 0.045, p≤0.05). Teniendo en cuenta los resultados según población objeto de estudio y situación experimental, se registraron diferencias significativas entre ambas poblaciones, VDA y VsDA, siendo más rápidos los VDA que VsDA en la situación experimental con el estímulo visual en el suelo (EVsuelo, 0.191 ±0.025 vs 0.210 ±0.025, p≤0.05, respectivamente) y los VsDA en la situación experimental con el estímulo auditivo (EA, 0.396 ±0.045 vs 0.174 ±0.021, p≤0.05), aunque sin diferencias entre ambos grupos en la situación experimental con el estímulo visual a 5m de los tacos de salida. Es de destacar que en el TR no hubo diferencias significativas entre EA para VsDA y EVsuelo para VDA. El ANOVA simple registró diferencias significativas en todas las situaciones experimentales dentro de cada grupo y para todas las variables, por lo que estadísticamente, las situaciones experimentales fueron diferentes entre sí. En relación al de ANOVA medidas repetidas, la prueba de esfericidad se mostró adecuada, existiendo diferencias significativas en las varianzas de los pares de medias: el valor de F indicó que existieron diferencias entre las diferentes situaciones experimentales en cuanto a TR, incluso cuando éstas se relacionaban con el factor discapacidad (factor interacción, p≤0,05). Por ello, queda patente que las situaciones son distintas entre sí, también teniendo en cuenta la discapacidad. El η2 (eta al cuadrado, tamaño del efecto, para la interacción) indica que el 91.7% de la variación se deben a las condiciones del estudio, y no al error (indicador de la generalización de los resultados del estudio). Por otro lado, la evaluación del dispositivo luminoso fue positiva en relación a la iluminación, comodidad de uso, ubicación, color, tamaño, adecuación del dispositivo y del equipamiento necesario para adaptar al sistema de salida. La totalidad de los atletas afirman rotundamente que el dispositivo luminoso favorecería la adaptación al sistema de salida atlética para permitir una competición inclusiva. Asimismo concluyen que el dispositivo luminoso favorecería el rendimiento o mejora de marca en la competición. La discusión de este estudio presenta justificación de las diferencias demostradas que el tipo de estímulo y su colocación son clave en el TR de esta prueba, por lo que podríamos argumentar la necesidad de contar con dispositivos luminosos para VDA a la hora de competir con VsDA en una misma prueba, inclusiva. El presente trabajo de investigación ha demostrado, aplicando el método científico, que el uso de estos dispositivos, en las condiciones técnicas y experimentales indicadas, permite el uso por parte del VDA, usando su mejor TR visual posible, que se muestra similar (ns) al TR auditivo de VsDA, lo que indica que, para competiciones inclusivas, la salida usando el semáforo (para VDA) y la salida habitual (estímulo sonoro) para VsDA, puede ser una solución equitativa en base a la evidencia demostrada en este estudio. De esta manera, y como referencia, indicar que la media de los TR de los velocistas en la final de los 100 m.l. en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 fue de 0.162 ±0.015. De esta manera, creemos que estos parámetros sirven de referencia a técnicos deportivos, atletas y futuros trabajos de investigación. Las aplicaciones de este trabajo permitirán modificaciones y reflexiones en forma de apoyo al entrenamiento y la competición para el entrenador, o juez de salida en la competición que, creemos, es necesaria para proporcionar a este colectivo una atención adecuada en las salidas, especialmente en situaciones inclusivas de práctica. ABSTRACT This research aims to study of reaction time (RT) in sprinters with and without hearing impairment from the Sports Science perspective. The approach of this study came asking whether there were differences in the visual and auditory RT applied to sprinters with and without hearing impairment, thinking about the future development of inclusive competition between the two groups. Therefore, this study attempts to resolve the difficulties commonly founded by sprinters with hearing impairments during competitions. A priori, sprinters with hearing impairment would compete in a disadvantage situation as a result of the use of a staring signal not suitable for them (from the blocks, they have to look to the judge´s pistol or the movement of an opponent). The document is divided into three parts. In the first part of the review of relevant theoretical framework and justification of the study is presented. The second part focuses on the research objectives, material and method, where results, discussion and conclusions of the study, as well as the limitations of this study and future research are presented. The third part contains references and the fourth, annexes. In the first part, we present the theoretical framework consisting of five chapters, organizing the state of the art of RT, determined by the characteristics of the task and other factors that influence the RT as object of our study. Then we present the main structural and functional aspects of the nervous system associated with visual and auditory RT. After that, sport for people with hearing disabilities is presented, investigating its peculiarities and eligibility criteria is that group within the deaf sport. Finally, we discuss the theoretical foundation of the study of start speed in athletics as a key aspect that will guide our research, especially the determining parameters in placing the starting blocks for athletes with and without hearing impairment, the starting position and the actual placement of stimuli in such a situation. The second part of the research aims to study the values of simple manual visual RT, RT start from blocks and travel times up to 10m and 20m of sprinters with and without hearing impairment, and to analyze possible differences in RT as position and type of light stimulus with respect to both groups of athletes. The third objective of the study is to assess the pertinence of the lighting device developed and used in the study, in a qualitatively way by athletes themselves. Data collection for this study was carried out between February and May 2014, in the Athletics module at the High Performance Centre Joaquin Blume (Madrid) with the two study groups: 9 sprinters with hearing impairments(VDA, reaching 60% of the population in Spain, according to the number of licenses for athletics at FEDS: sprint, 100 and 200 m.l., at the time of the study), and another 13 sprinters without disability (VsDA) who voluntarily presented themselves, with same inclusion criteria for both groups. For measuring and data collection materials such as recording sheet, gauge reaction time (MTR), starting blocks, ReacTime®, luminous device connected to the starting blocks, photocells, computer and software ReacTime, and video camera were used. The methodology used in this study was correlational, analyzing the results of simple manual RT according sensory pathway (visual and auditory) between the two groups (VsDA and VDA). Also auditory and visual RT was studied depending the placement of the start light signal (on the ground and 5 meters, visual pathway) and athletic start gun signal (auditory pathway, conventional situation) and travel time up to 10m (t10m) and 20m (t20m) for both groups of sprinters. Finally, we developed and carried out an evaluation questionnaire for VDA athletes in order to determine the degree of satisfaction after completing the series of experiments with lighting device and adapted to start systems in athletic speed. In order to test the feasibility of the methodology described and tested in the context of real analysis of the experimental protocol, a pilot study in order to know the possible differences visual RT from the starting blocks in sprinters with hearing impairments was performed, to said output using a visual stimulus coordinated by a lighting device with sound output signal (Soto-Rey Perez-Tejero, Rojo-González y Álvarez-Ortiz, 2015). For the statistical procedures, in order to analyze the distribution of the data and their normality, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, this test yielded normal results for all variables analyzed during EA, EVsuelo and EV5m experimental situations. Parametric statistics were used in this research. As descriptive measures, the maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation were calculated. In relation to experimental situations, to study possible differences in the variables studied in each group sprinters (intragroup) in the experimental situation 1 (MTR), a Student t test was used for independent samples. Under the experimental situations 2, 3 and 4, to know the differences between the two groups of sprinters in every situation, the T test for independent samples was used, while a simple ANOVA (with post hoc Bonferroni) was used to analyze differences for each group (VDA and VsDA) by experimental situation. Likewise, a repeated measures ANOVA, where the type of stimulus (experimental situation) was variable intra-group and participants sprinters group (VDA and VsDA) the variable between-group, was performed to assess each situation for RT, t10m and t20m, and also interactions between variables. For the statistical treatment SPSS 18.0 (Chicago, IL, USA) was used. Significance levels were set for  ≤0.05, indicating the value of p in each case. One of the most important aspects of this work is the measurement of RT in sprinters with and without hearing impairment in different situations, with different instrumentation and different experimental situations. This involved the development of a research design that responded to the needs raised by the study aims and the development of specific instrumentation (Rojo-Lacal, Soto-Rey Perez-Tejero and Rojo-Gonzalez, 2014; Soto-Rey et al., 2015) and different experimental situations to reproduce the conditions of practical and real competition VsDA and VDA in athletic sprints, and more specifically, at the start. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between the visual and sound stimuli measured by the MTR, with lower RT to the visual stimulus that for sound, both for athletes with hearing disabilities and for those without (visual RT, 0.195 s ± 0.018 s vs 0.197 ± 0.022, p≤0.05; sound RT 0.230 s ± 0.016 vs 0.237 s ± 0.045, p≤0.05). Considering the results according to study population and experimental situation, significant differences between the two populations, VDA and VsDA were found, being faster the VDA than VsDA in the experimental situation with the visual stimulus on the floor (EVsuelo, recorded 0.191 s ± 0.025 vs 0.210 s ± 0.025, p≤0.05, respectively) and VsDA in the experimental situation with the auditory stimulus (EA, 0.396 s ± 0.045 vs 0.174 s ± 0.021, p≤0.05), but no difference between groups in the experimental situation with the 5m visual stimulus to the starting blocks. It is noteworthy that no significant differences in EA and EVsuelo between VsDA to VDA, respectively, for RT. Simple ANOVA showed significant differences in all experimental situations within each group and for all variables, so statistically, the experimental situations were different. Regarding the repeated measures ANOVA, the sphericity test showed adequate, and there were significant differences in the variances of the pairs of means: the value of F indicated that there were differences between the different experimental situations regarding RT, even when they were related to the disability factor (factor interaction, p≤0.05). Therefore, it is clear that the situations were different from each other, also taking into account impairment. The η2 (eta squared, effect size, for interaction) indicates that 91.7% of the variation is due to the conditions of the study, not by error (as indicator of the generalization potential of the study results). On the other hand, evaluation of the light signal was positively related to lighting, ease of use, location, color, size, alignment device and equipment necessary to adapt the start system. All the athletes claim strongly in favor of the lighting device adaptation system to enable athletic competition inclusive. Also they concluded that light device would enhance performance or would decrease their RT during the competition. The discussion of this study justify the type of stimulus and the start light positioning as key to the RT performance, so that we could argue the need for lighting devices for VDA when competing against VsDA the same competition, inclusive. This research has demonstrated, applying the scientific method, that the use of these devices, techniques and given experimental conditions, allows the use of the VDA, using his best visual RT, shown similar (ns) auditory RT of VsDA, indicating that for inclusive competitions, the start signal using the light (for VDA) and the usual start (sound stimulus) to VsDA can be an equitable solution based on the evidence shown in this study. Thus, and as a reference, indicate that the average of the RT sprinters in the 100 m. final at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games was 0.162 s ± 0.015. Thus, we believe that these parameters become a reference to sports coaches, athletes and future research. Applications of this work will allow modifications and reflections in the form of support for training and competition for the coach, or judge, as we believe is necessary to provide adequate attention to VDA in speed starts, especially in inclusive practice situations.


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We report here that a cancer gene therapy protocol using a combination of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and IL-1β converting enzyme (ICE) cDNA expression vectors simultaneously delivered via gene gun can significantly augment antitumor effects, evidently by generating increased levels of bioactive IL-18 and consequently IFN-γ. First, we compared the levels of IFN-γ secreted by mouse splenocytes stimulated with tumor cells transfected with various test genes, including IL-12 alone; pro-IL-18 alone; pro-IL-18 and ICE; IL-12 and pro-IL-18; and IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE. Among these treatments, the combination of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE cDNA resulted in the highest level of IFN-γ production from splenocytes in vitro, and similar results were obtained when these same treatments were delivered to the skin of a mouse by gene gun and IFN-γ levels were measured at the skin transfection site in vivo. Furthermore, the triple gene combinatorial gene therapy protocol was the most effective among all tested groups at suppressing the growth of TS/A (murine mammary adenocarcinoma) tumors previously implanted intradermally at the skin site receiving DNA transfer by gene gun on days 6, 8, 10, and 12 after tumor implantation. Fifty percent of mice treated with the combined three-gene protocol underwent complete tumor regression. In vivo depletion experiments showed that this antitumor effect was CD8+ T cell-mediated and partially IFN-γ-dependent. These results suggest that a combinatorial gene therapy protocol using a mixture of IL-12, pro-IL-18, and ICE cDNAs can confer potent antitumor activities against established TS/A tumors via cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and IFN-γ-dependent pathways.


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Human replication factor C (RFC, also called activator 1) is a five-subunit protein complex (p140, p40, p38, p37, and p36) required for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-dependent processive DNA synthesis catalyzed by DNA polymerase δ or ɛ. Here we report the reconstitution of the RFC complex from its five subunits simultaneously overexpressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. The purified baculovirus-produced RFC appears to contain equimolar levels of each subunit and was shown to be functionally identical to its native counterpart in (i) supporting DNA polymerase δ-catalyzed PCNA-dependent DNA chain elongation; (ii) catalyzing DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis that was stimulated by PCNA and human single-stranded DNA binding protein; (iii) binding preferentially to DNA primer ends; and (iv) catalytically loading PCNA onto singly nicked circular DNA and catalytically removing PCNA from these DNA molecules.


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RNA helicase A (RHA) is the human homologue of the Drosophila maleless protein, an essential factor for the development of male flies. Recently, it was shown that RHA cooperates with the cAMP-responsive element in mediating the cAMP-dependent transcriptional activation of a number of genes. Due to the participation of cAMP as a second messenger in a number of signaling pathways, we examined the function of RHA during mammalian embryogenesis. To examine the role(s) of RHA in mammalian development, RHA knockout mice were generated by homologous recombination. Homozygosity for the mutant RHA allele led to early embryonic lethality. Histological analysis, combined with terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP end labeling (TUNEL) reactions of RHA-null embryos, revealed marked apoptotic cell death specifically in embryonic ectodermal cells during gastrulation. RNA in situ analyses of the expression of HNF-3β and Brachyury, two molecular markers for gastrulation, showed that RHA-null embryos at days 7.5 and 8.5 expressed both HNF-3β and Brachyury in a pattern similar to those of pre- and early streak stages of embryos, respectively. These observations indicate that RHA is necessary for early embryonic development and suggest the requirement of RHA for the survival and differentiation of embryonic ectoderm.