997 resultados para Gilaberte, Francisco Salvador


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The Lutheran Church of El Salvador made a decision, in 1986, to open the ministry to women. How was it possible in the midst of a Latin American macho culture and after having been influenced by the theologically conservative, North American mission work? This research examines the kinds of internal and external factors which led women to leadership and ministry, and the context in which this development occurred. The roles of women have been scrutinised during several time periods. During 1952-1974 the focus was on women as missionary wives and fundadoras (founding mothers). Women’s roles as laywomen grew in 1975-1985. After the outburst of the civil war in 1980, women advanced to lay leaders. The ministry was opened for women and the first deacon pastors were installed in 1986 and the first presbyter pastors were ordained in 1994. In 2009, more women than ever were working in different levels – from laywomen to leaders – in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador. The research shows that the reasons for the development and changes concerning women’s positions and roles lie in the impact of significant individuals, liberation theology, the feminist and women’s movement, civil war and the theology of life.


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Realizou-se um estudo na região do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais, no final da safra agrícola 1997/1998, visando identificar as plantas daninhas que permanecem nas áreas após a colheita do milho e sua distribuição ao longo da área estudada, destacando-se as mais importantes. As observações foram realizadas em 12 municípios. Em cada local foi lançado, por cem vezes, um quadrado de 0,50 x 0,50 m, a espaços de 10 m. Dentro do quadrado foram contadas as espécies e registrado o número de indivíduos de cada uma delas. Foram encontradas 151 espécies em 35 famílias, sendo Asteraceae a mais bem representada, com 25 espécies. As espécies com maior Índice de Valor de Importância (IVI) foram: Ageratum conyzoides, Sida glaziovii, Conyza bonariensis, Gaya sp., Sida rhombifolia e Blainvillea biaristata. As plantas daninhas remanescentes nas áreas recém-colhidas são fonte de alimento para insetos polinizadores e inimigos naturais das pragas; adequadamente manejadas, elas podem favorecer a manutenção do equilíbrio nos agroecossistemas.


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Floristic and phytosociological surveys were carried out for 12 months in the Embrapa-SPSB, Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. A transect was laid on starting at the river bank extending for 790 m away from the river and divided into 140 10 × 10 m contiguous plots. In each plot, all standing plants, alive or dead, with stem diameter at soil level > 3 cm and total height > 1 m were sampled. Along this transect, an elevation range of 9.40 m was registered and five topographical environments were identified: riverside (MR), dike (D), floodable depression (DI), boundary terrace (TL) - all of them belonging to the fluvial terrace with Fluvic Neosol and Haplic Cambisol both silty textured eutrophic soils - and the inlander tableland (TS), with medium sandy-textured Red-Yellow Argisols. Fourty-eight species/morphospecies, distributed into 39 genera and 21 families, were identified. Four phytogeoenvironments (MR, D + TL, DI + TL, and TS) were registered based on environmental variations and floristic similarities among plots using cluster analyses. The MR environment showed the largest total density, total basal area, maximum and medium heights and maximum diameter. Moreover, it had 8.1% of plants with heights above 8 m against 0.6% for D + TL, 0.2% for DI + TL, and 0% for TS. The species with the largest importance value were Inga vera subsp. affinis (DC.) T.D. Pennington in MR, Mimosa bimucronata Kunth in D + TL and DI + TL and M. tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. in TS.


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Foi realizado um levantamento da comunidade arbóreo-arbustiva, da topografia e dos solos de um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual aluvial e estacional decidual submontana, com o objetivo de verificar as possíveis correlações entre variações da estrutura fisionômica e da diversidade e composição de espécies e variações do regime de água e fertilidade química dos solos. O fragmento florestal, com área de 12 ha localiza-se à margem direita do Rio São Francisco (18º05'26" S e 45º10'54" W), no município de Três Marias, MG. Foram realizados um levantamento plani-altimétrico da área e uma classificação detalhada dos solos da floresta. Foram alocadas 50 parcelas de 15 X 15 m para amostrar os indivíduos arbóreo-arbustivos com diâmetro à altura do solo (DAS) > 5 cm. Amostras do solo superficial (0-20 cm de profundidade) foram coletadas nas parcelas para análises das propriedades químicas e texturais. Foram registrados nas parcelas 1.449 indivíduos distribuídos em 117 espécies, 83 gêneros e 33 famílias, bem como três subgrupos de solos e cinco classes de drenagem. A análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) das variáveis ambientais e da abundância das espécies indicou que estas se distribuem no fragmento sob forte influência de drenagem e fertilidade química dos solos, sugerindo que a disponibilidade de água e de nutrientes minerais são as principais variáveis ambientais que determinam a distribuição das espécies na floresta.


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A comunidade de plantas visitadas por abelhas foi estudada em um fragmento de 8,2 ha na Área de Proteção Ambiental das Lagoas e Dunas de Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia (12º56’ S e 38º21’ W). Entre janeiro e dezembro de 1996, três vezes ao mês, as plantas floridas eram amostradas, registrando-se para cada espécie o período de floração, hábito e características florais como: cor, forma, sexualidade, simetria, deiscência das anteras e recurso oferecido ao visitante. O tipo de vegetação local é a restinga, composta principalmente por arbustos e subarbustos. Foram observadas 97 espécies vegetais e a família Fabaceae foi a mais rica em número de espécies. Das espécies observadas, 66 foram visitadas por abelhas, sendo que 12 delas foram predominantemente visitadas (79,4% do total de indivíduos). Waltheria cinerescens St. Hilaire e Byrsonima microphylla A. Juss. foram as espécies mais abundantes. Os recursos florais estiveram disponíveis ao longo de todo o ano, havendo maior produção de flores nos meses de menor precipitação. A maioria das flores esteve aberta durante todo o dia. Predominaram flores actinomorfas (63%), monóclinas (89%), pequenas, tubulares e reunidas em inflorescências, cujas cores mais freqüentes são lilás (32%) e creme (31%). A maioria era melitófila (85%), significando que as abelhas são, provavelmente, os principais responsáveis pela reprodução sexual das espécies vegetais nessas dunas.


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O trabalho tem como objetivo fornecer material de referência básico para o estudo de sucessão vegetal no Quaternário do Planalto Sul-brasileiro. Para tanto, apresenta a palinologia de 22 amostras, retiradas ao longo de um perfil sedimentar de 286 cm, em uma turfeira do Planalto Leste do Rio Grande do Sul, correspondendo aproximadamente aos últimos 25.000 anos. O processamento químico das amostras seguiu o método convencional e a análise foi feita em microscopia fotônica. Foram examinados palinomorfos correspondentes a 10 fungos, 6 algas, 3 briófitos e 16 pteridófitos. O material, especialmente esporos, é descrito e ilustrado. As descrições são acompanhadas, sempre que possível, de dados ecológicos do organismo de origem.


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Este catálogo polínico visa servir de base para o estudo de reconstituições paleoambientais através da palinologia de sedimentos no Planalto do Sul do Brasil. Para tanto, apresenta os grãos de pólen de gimnospermas e angiospermas encontrados no perfil sedimentar de uma turfeira do Planalto Leste do Rio Grande do Sul. O perfil possui 286 cm de comprimento, correspondendo aproximadamente aos últimos 25.000 anos. As 22 amostras foram retiradas do perfil em intervalos regulares, tratadas quimicamente seguindo o método padrão e analisadas em microscópio óptico. São apresentados grãos de pólen de duas gimnospermas e 43 angiospermas (uma Magnoliidae, cinco Hamamelidae, seis Caryophyllidae, seis Dillenidae e 25 Rosidae). O material polínico é descrito e ilustrado. As descrições são acompanhadas, sempre que possível, de dados ecológicos do esporófito de origem.


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(Pólen de Magnoliopsida (Asteridae) e Liliopsida do perfil sedimentar de uma turfeira em São Francisco de Paula, Planalto Leste do Rio Grande do Sul, Sul do Brasil). O trabalho tem por finalidade fornecer material de referência para pesquisas paleopalinológicas no sul do Brasil através da análise do perfil sedimentar de uma turfeira do Planalto Leste do Rio Grande do Sul. São apresentados os grãos de pólen de Asteridae, Alismatidae, Commelinidae e Liliidae. O perfil possui 286 cm de comprimento correspondendo, aproximadamente, aos últimos 25.000 anos. O processamento químico das 22 amostras obtidas seguiu o método padrão e a análise foi feita em microscopia óptica. As descrições morfológicas, incluindo medidas dos eixos polar e equatorial, são acompanhadas de fotomicrografias e dados ecológicos do esporófito de origem. Foram identificados grãos correspondentes a 21 Asteridae, uma Alismatidae, quatro Commelinidae, três Liliidae e mais três grãos de pólen indeterminados de Angiospermas.


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Este trabalho discute trajetórias de socialização no candomblé de indivíduos de camadas populares de Salvador. Em primeiro lugar, trata das articulações entre a socialização primária e a socialização religiosa. Em segundo, busca compreender os modos pelos quais as relações travadas com entidades sagradas servem para adensar e estender certas linhas de relacionamento na família. A análise das trajetórias ressalta a importância do bairro como espaço de sociabilidade das famílias pobres. Mostra que relações com entidades muitas vezes precedem o vínculo com o terreiro, desenvolvendo-se e particularizando-se no espaço cotidiano da família e do bairro antes de serem formalizadas na instituição religiosa.


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La redacción del primer Código de Derecho Canónico que tuvo la Iglesia latina fue ordenada por el Papa san Pío X en 1904. La tarea codificadora, empero, no fue obra de un grupo cerrado de expertos, sino que tuvo en cuenta el parecer del episcopado latino, el que fue consultado en dos momentos diferentes y en ambos fueron consultados los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil. En este trabajo se estudia, a partir de la documentación guardada en el Archivo Secreto Vaticano, el aporte de los obispos de las provincias eclesiásticas de Brasil en el primero de dichos momentos.


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ßS-Globin haplotypes were studied in 80 (160 ßS chromosomes) sickle cell disease patients from Salvador, Brazil, a city with a large population of African origin resulting from the slave trade from Western Africa, mainly from the Bay of Benin. Hematological and hemoglobin analyses were carried out by standard methods. The ßS-haplotypes were determined by PCR and dot-blot techniques. A total of 77 (48.1%) chromosomes were characterized as Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 73 (45.6%) as Benin (BEN), 1 (0.63%) as Senegal (SEN), and 9 (5.63%) as atypical (Atp). Genotype was CAR/CAR in 17 (21.3%) patients, BEN/BEN in 17 (21.3%), CAR/BEN in 37 (46.3%), BEN/SEN in 1 (1.25%), BEN/Atp in 1 (1.25%), CAR/Atp in 6 (7.5%), and Atp/Atp in 1 (1.25%). Hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit values did not differ among genotype groups but were significantly higher in 25 patients presenting percent fetal hemoglobin (%HbF) > or = 10% (P = 0.002 and 0.003, respectively). The median HbF concentration was 7.54 ± 4.342% for the CAR/CAR genotype, 9.88 ± 3.558% for the BEN/BEN genotype, 8.146 ± 4.631% for the CAR/BEN genotype, and 4.180 ± 2.250% for the CAR/Atp genotype (P = 0.02), although 1 CAR/CAR individual presented an HbF concentration as high as 15%. In view of the ethnic and geographical origin of this population, we did not expect a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for CAR/CAR and BEN/BEN homozygous haplotypes and a high proportion of heterozygous CAR/BEN haplotypes since the State of Bahia historically received more slaves from Western Africa than from Central Africa.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has been identified as the major cause of chronic liver disease among patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD), despite the important reduction in risks obtained by testing candidate blood donors for anti-HCV antibodies and the use of recombinant erythropoietin to treat anemia. A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of HCV infection and genotypes among HD patients in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Anti-HCV seroprevalence was determined by ELISA in 1243 HD patients from all ten different dialysis centers of the city. HCV infection was confirmed by RT-PCR and genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Anti-HCV seroprevalence among HD patients was 10.5% (95% CI: 8.8-12.3) (Murex anti-HCV, Abbott Murex, Chicago, IL, USA). Blood samples for qualitative HCV detection and genotyping were collected from 125/130 seropositive HD patients (96.2%). HCV-RNA was detected in 92/125 (73.6%) of the anti-HCV-positive patients. HCV genotype 1 (77.9%) was the most prevalent, followed by genotype 3 (10.5%) and genotype 2 (4.6%). Mixed infections of genotypes 1 and 3 were found in 7.0% of the total number of patients. The present results indicate a significant decrease in anti-HCV prevalence from 23.8% detected in a study carried out in 1994 to 10.5% in the present study. The HCV genotype distribution was closely similar to that observed in other hemodialysis populations in Brazil, in local candidate blood donors and in other groups at risk of transfusion-transmitted infection.


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The presence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease increases the morbidity and mortality of patients with coronary artery disease. The objective of the present study was to calculate the prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients referred for coronary angiography. This prevalence study was carried out at the Hemodynamics Unit of Hospital Santa Isabel, Salvador, Brazil, from December 2004 to April 2005. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the hospital, 397 patients with angiographic signs of coronary artery disease were enrolled. Diagnosis of peripheral arterial occlusive disease was made using the ankle-brachial blood pressure index (£0.90). Statistical analyses were performed using the z test and a level of significance of a = 5%, 95%CI, the chi-square test and t-test, and multiple logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease was 34.3% (95%CI: 29.4-38.9). Mean age was 65.7 ± 9.4 years for patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease, and 60.3 ± 9.8 years for patients without peripheral arterial occlusive disease (P = 0.0000003). The prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease was 1.57 times greater in patients with hypertension (P = 0.007) and 2.91 times greater in patients with coronary stenosis ³50% (P = 0.002). Illiterate patients and those with little education had a 44% higher chance of presenting peripheral arterial occlusive disease probably as a result of public health prevention policies of limited effectiveness. The prevalence of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in patients referred to a tertiary care hospital in Salvador, Bahia, for coronary angiography, was 34.3%.


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Acute gastroenteritis caused by viruses is one of the leading causes of infantile morbidity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of human caliciviruses of the genera norovirus and sapovirus in children up to 3 years of age with acute gastroenteritis from low-income communities in the city of Salvador, Brazil. This study is an extension of previous work carried out to establish the profile of the most prevalent enteric pathogens present in these communities. In this report, 139 fecal samples, collected from July 2001 to January 2002 were analyzed by RT-PCR and 13 (9%) were positive for human caliciviruses. By sequencing, seven isolates were characterized as norovirus genogroup GII and one as sapovirus genotype GII/1. Sequencing of the previously detected group-A rotaviruses and human astroviruses was also performed and revealed the circulation of rotavirus group A genotypes G1P[8] and G9P[8], and human astrovirus genotypes 6, 7, and 8. No mixed infection was observed. Community-based studies provide geographically representative information on disease burden. However, there are only a few reports in developing countries concerning the genotypes of the most important gastroenteric viruses detected in such communities. The present findings demonstrate the wide diversity of genotypes of the most important viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis circulating in low-income communities.


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The objective of this study was to characterize and correlate maturity and quality of the first varieties of Brazilian seedless grapes 'BRS Clara', 'BRS Linda', 'BRS Morena', and 'Advanced Selection 8' compared with the American variety 'Crimson Seedless' in compliance with the Brazilian Normative/2002 and export standards Advanced Selection 8' is dark reddish, has large clusters, and is a very large ellipsoid berry; 'BRS Morena' is black with medium sized clusters and large berry shaped as ellipsoid to globoid; 'BRS Linda' is light green and has large sized clusters; 'Crimson' is pink and has small clusters with berries varying from medium to large sizes and ellipsoid shaped; and 'BRS Clara' is green yellowish has medium sized clusters and small berry of elongated ellipsoid shape. All varieties evaluated meet the standard for domestic market established as berry size minimum diameter 12 mm. 'BRS Clara' does not meet the export requirements of diameter. Berries of the red grapes 'BRS Morena' and 'Crimson Seedless' are firmer. The pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solids meet the official standards. Larger clusters are less acidic and present higher soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios implying that they are the sweetest type when ripe.