1000 resultados para Gestão de Projeto
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
O estudo objetivou pesquisar a aplicabilidade de métodos alternativos para amenizar o problema da disposição dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Especificamente nesse trabalho os objetivos foram direcionados no sentido de desenvolver esforços para viabilizar a reciclagem e o reaproveitamento de materiais, medidas essas, que aumentarão a vida útil dos aterros sanitários. Além disso, procuramos fazer um trabalho de Educação Ambiental para a população envolvida, em uma tentativa de incentivar uma mudança de hábitos. Para tanto, foi selecionado um bairro da cidade de Rio Claro (SP), como um projeto-piloto, onde foram observados os obstáculos e os procedimentos acertados, para uma aplicação em futuros projetos.
La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs
Neste trabalho priorizou-se a visão da água enquanto bem público. No seu tratamento, dado que a economia neoclássica tradicional não nos oferece uma resposta desejável, pisamos o campo da Economia Institucional: da importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento até os diferentes arranjos institucionais, com o aparecimento de múltiplos agentes. Com isso procuramos atacar o problema do “carona”, e mostrar como pode haver cooperação entre os agentes para a produção de um bem público, no caso a água. Em posse desses argumentos, mostramos como é feita a atual gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil, descentralizada e participativa, através dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas. Em seguida mostramos como a articulação regional, diante de um cenário de escassez hídrica para abastecimento antrópico, e seus consequentes conflitos, anterior à formação dos CBHs, contribuiu para pressionar um tradicional segmento da indústria na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), o Pólo Petroquímico, e como a opção pela reutilização da água tornou-se uma alternativa não só viável, como economicamente interessante, a ponto da Sabesp e da construtora Odebrecht iniciarem o projeto Aquapolo Ambiental
Currently, more and more processing activities within companies are seen as projects. Project management, as a theory, is well developed and is accepted today in the market as a required competency for organizations. Various methods and techniques have been developed covering all aspects of a project, from conception to final delivery of the products produced by the same. The overall objective of the study is to report the experience of developing the project planning for the machine safety adequacy in robotic cells pallet manufacturers, demonstrating the importance of knowledge in the area of project management for the productive sector, and focusing on the difficulties encountered in particular project. Thus was developed the scope management by a team composed of different areas of engineering, and implementation strategy of the project was chosen from the tool BVOA, with the possible subsequent definition of the project schedule. Furthermore, the risk planning was analyzed using FMECA tool that predicts and mitigates potential failures. It is concluded that the constant and direct relationship between the different stakeholders generates more efficient results, reaching the demands of the project. The definition of alternatives for implementation enabled the viability of the project, and the study of failures was positive to enrich the analysis of planning
A biodiversidade pode ser considerada como uma base da existência por proporcionar recursos e regular os processos naturais responsáveis pela manutenção da vida. Nas últimas décadas, a biodiversidade vem sendo perdida rapidamente, apresentando taxas de decréscimo nunca antes vistas, o que reduz a capacidade de aporte de recursos naturais para as gerações futuras. Em relação às estratégias de conservação da biodiversidade, os orgãos ambientais brasileiros têm empreendido diversos esforços na sistematização de dados e informações sobre biomas, ecossistemas e espécies ameaçadas com a finalidade do estabelecimento de indicadores e diretrizes para a conservação da diversidade biológica direcionados à tomada de decisões por parte de gestores públicos e privados, como aquelas que são deflagradas no âmbito dos processos de licenciamento ambiental. Dentre os instrumentos de gestão ambiental, o licencimaneto ambiental é aquele responsável pela autorização da implantação de empreendimentos potencialmente causadores de significativo impacto ambiental, como é o caso de usinas hidrelétricas. Para isso, o licenciamento ambiental deve estar baseado em estudos ambientais realizados a partir dos procedimentos metodológicos de avaliação de impacto ambiental, os quais devem preconizar os aspectos que caracterizam a vulnerabilidade ambiental da localidade geográfica onde está planejado o empreendimento. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar de que forma os dados, informações, indicadores e diretrizes sobre a diversidade biológica brasileira, produzidos e estabelecidos pelo governo federal estão sendo utilizados no processo de licenciamento ambiental da usina hidrelétrica de Tijuco Alto do rio Ribeira de Iguape.
The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied – from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.
The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method
The present work is the analysis of the practices and techniques currently used in the final allocation given to organic household solid waste in the city of Rio Claro - SP. As the major part of Rio Claro’s household solid waste is formed by the organic fraction, as well as in the rest of the country, this research proposes a study on what is done with that portion of the waste, its treatment and where finally destined, based on the National Solid Waste Politic, recently approved in 2010. With the use of this organic part, for example: as animal feed supplement or compost embodiment for the purpose of producing organic fertilizer, enables the decrease of the percentage of the total destined to dumps and landfills. This total percentage has already been reduced after the popularization of the beneficial recycling programs in Brazil, which are still growing. As cities and the purchasing power of its individuals grow, there is also a consequent growth of waste production by society. The household whether domestic solid waste are lower than Industrial Solid ( RSI ) waste for the production in million tons ( Mton ) quantities , however, those residues are more visible on a daily basis - in cities and periphery as well, due to the inadequate management, - and also offer , as well as industrial and agricultural wastes , several types of harmful effects to the population when managed incorrectly. Therefore, the research aims to assist in the study of Solid Waste Management (MSW) for efficient Urban and Environmental Planning in a midsize city. Thus, this project aims to analyze in the city of Rio Claro, how the allocation of these materials is done and whether these practices denote effective improvement regarding the proper management of waste, in the same way that the recycling chain would allow this effect
Facing the competitive current market, increases the growing managerial commitment to minimize the frequent occurrence of service failures that characterized the past. Given the fact that the supply of a product in the correct location and on time, undamaged and correctly billed market requirement becomes framed the present work. Based on a case study, supported in parallel bibliographical references in the literature in a company of sugar and alcohol sector, the survey aims to measure and evaluate the real-time delivery from suppliers in order to ensure the best level of service to the company in question by suppliers, by reducing idle time of delivery, since the control system does not supply the pre-established and / or observed above, thus obtaining a better management and supply of replacement material. To assist the work, developed a project in the company in question in order to analyze and identify applications of concepts of lead time along the supply chain through an exploratory study in order to provide a beneficial outcome to the company through monitoring and performance of its suppliers, which will enable an aid to future decision-making
In recent years the development based on a pattern of production and consumption in large-scale, established relations with degrading the environment, jeopardizing the availability of natural resources. From then on, it became necessary to integrate the environmental dimension to the other planning issues, appearing then the Environmental Planning. The objective of the Environmental Planning generally defined by society, aims help in making decisions; subsidized by a diagnosis at the same time identify and define objectives more environmentally suitable to assist in developing public policy. Thus, the development of prospective scenarios together by experts and stakeholders assists in public policy development and decision-making. In 2007, seeking to structure environmental management in the State, the Department of the Environment of São Paulo has created 21 Strategic Environmental Projects, including the project Cenários Ambientais 2020 with the goal of developing public policy proposals for medium and long term from prospective environmental scenarios. This paper reviews the methodologies used in constructing the scenarios in this project; sought to evaluate the construction process according to what is proposed by Alcamo and Henrichs (2008); and investigated the context that encouraged the development of the project
In a supplier of building products were identified difficulties in communication between the Product Development area and other areas of the company that could spoil projects and processes. The process of product development is important in placing the company in the market, and through research and planning, design new products and seek to comply with the costumer in relation to deadlines, quality and cost-effective. The development of a product involves many areas in the company and communication is essential in this process. The goal of this study was to identify possible communication problems permeated by organizational culture and structure of project management working in the company. A survey was applied using a Likert scale in three different areas of the company, with questions including the topics: communication, culture and organizational structure of project management and subsequently conducted the median test and the Spearman test to analysis of responses. With the understanding and analysis of the survey it was confirmed the difficulties of communication between people and the areas of the company, besides there is an influence of the type of culture acting in the company and the current management structure of the project in a good performance of internal communication
The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery
Companies that invest in current technologies maintain themselves updated, improve their business rules and anticipate themselves against rivals providing a better service to their customers. This project aims to develop an ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning module for Android which complements an existing manager system and, that attends the needs of a rental equipment business for civil building, i.e., it improves the communication channel company-client and betters the identification and control of products. During the developing of this project, it was necessary to study the company business rules, analyze the requirements and the appropriate technologies. This project was organized in two parts, contemplating e ach of these needs. It were implemented specific modules for generate budgets and pre-orders in the first part and, the use of radiofrequency tags in the second one. Thus, it was possible to assign mobility to company business rules so that a better rental service can be provided and the equipments can be better managed
The implications of modernity and globalization stimulated the establishment of a new type of organization. Resilient organizations, as they will be called, representing the twenty-first century and are aligned with the social, political and economic context for their adaptability and flexibility. The study of the case will be the communication of the NGO Periferia Legal, also linked to the plane of the creative economy because of the intangible asset it produces. The study will be focused on the ways which public relations can help in the development of the NGO by analyzing their media. Thus, the three fronts of communication from the NGO (external, internal and institutional) will be analyzed through observations and interviews and their channels are categorized into: inefficient, low efficiency , average efficiency and efficient. The media will be key to understanding the phenomenon and the degree of efficiency will be marked as it achieves the proposed and designed objectives by the project itself - through the mission and vision of the NGO - using communication. In this way, the study seeks to understand the characteristics of resilient organizations from the standpoint of public relations