798 resultados para Gestão ambiental - Estudo de casos
O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar um diagnóstico da capacidade de gestão pública local dos municípios dependentes da atividade de extração mineral em Minas Gerais, a fim de avaliar seu nível de qualificação, identificar limitações ao fortalecimento institucional da gestão e investigar como a gestão municipal tem evoluído a partir do recebimento dos recursos da Compensação Financeira pela Exploração de Recursos Minerais (CFEM). A variável “capacidade de gestão” foi operacionalizada a partir da metodologia “Government Performance Project” (GPP), que propõe cinco dimensões de análise, a saber: gestão financeira, gestão de capital, gestão de pessoas, gestão de tecnologia da informação e gestão por resultados. Busca-se responder às seguintes questões: nas cidades mineiras dependentes economicamente da atividade de extração mineral, o poder público municipal demonstra capacidade de gestão adequada no desempenho de sua função? O recebimento dos recursos extras tem propiciado a melhoria da qualidade de gestão municipal? Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, realizou-se um estudo de casos múltiplos, tendo sido selecionados três municípios mineiros dependentes há vários anos da atividade de extração mineral: Mariana, Catas Altas e São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com técnicos, secretários municipais, prefeitos e cidadãos, buscando investigar a capacidade de gestão do poder público local nessas cidades. Embora os três municípios apresentem características comuns, como dependência da atividade mineral, proximidade territorial, contexto econômico e níveis de arrecadação elevados, nota-se que tais municípios representam três realidades diferentes, com níveis de desenvolvimento distintos. Foi possível identificar que os municípios estudados, sobretudo Catas Altas e São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo, adotam boas práticas na gestão municipal. O município de Mariana apresentou recentemente boas iniciativas de mudança na gestão, entretanto, as mudanças políticas têm impedido que estas sejam concretizadas. Além das dimensões de análise do GPP, foi possível identificar outros fatores relevantes para o fortalecimento institucional da gestão, tais como, planejamento, perfil do gestor e contexto político. Verificou-se ainda que os impactos da mineração não se restringem à cidade mineradora, mas também às cidades localizadas no entorno da mina.
O presente estudo teve objetivo identificar qual a percepção e expectativas que os Gestores da Sociedade Hospitalar Maria Vitória localizada no Estado de Pernambuco tem acerca da contribuição do Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente – PEP – para a gestão estratégica do Hospital. Este trabalho está focado em três importantes pilares, a saber: Administração Hospitalar e suas principais características, a Tecnologia da Informação – TI como ferramenta estratégica para a gestão e a utilização do Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente e suas peculiaridades. No que se refere à metodologia aplicada trata-se de um estudo de caso, o tipo de pesquisa utilizado, quanto aos meios, foram bibliográfica, documental e de campo. As conclusões suscitadas servirão no sentido de contribuir para o avanço em matéria de administração pública, mais especificamente, a percepção dos gestores da potencial contribuição do PEP como ferramenta estratégica na gestão do Hospital Maria Vitória.
O objetivo primário da pesquisa foi “analisar como a EA é implementada nos cursos de administração, tendo em vista as disposições instituídas pela Política Nacional da Educação Ambiental”. Seus objetivos secundários foram: (a) analisar como os atores chaves do processo pedagógico dos cursos de administração de empresas compreendem a educação ambiental; (b) identificar quais os parâmetros as IES utilizam para inserir a educação ambiental nos cursos de administração; (c) identificar como e quais as práticas de educação ambiental estão envolvidas na formação do administrador. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos com três IES de Teresina-PI, foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo com auxílio do Atlas/ti. A análise da implementação da EA nas Instituições de Ensino Superior reafirmou dificuldades já previstas em outros estudos e apontou novos desafios relatados no decorrer desse texto. Duas forças surgem nessa análise: a institucional e a individual. A força institucional é corroborada pelas ações mais amplas e que são fortemente influenciadas pelas diretrizes legais da EA; a força individual se confirma pela presença de docentes envolvidos com a questão, essa força assume uma relevância quando se considera o próprio significado da EA como instrumento de fortalecimento de valores sociais, assim como torna mais fácil sua disseminação pelo modelo de envolvimento que os sujeitos apresentam.
Os projetos são frequentemente utilizados como um meio de direta ou indiretamente alcançar os objetivos do plano estratégico de uma organização e está em curso um movimento de valorização desta prática. Esta valorização da gestão por projeto é perceptível no crescente número de instituições preocupadas em disseminar a disciplina de gerenciamento de projetos, no movimento por parte dos executivos em promover a profissão do gerente de projetos e no volume de investimento financeiro dedicado a esta prática. A atual confiança neste modelo de gestão traz consigo uma alta expectativa quanto a seus resultados, que, por sua vez, exigem uma metodologia de gestão eficiente. Uma das maiores empresas brasileira é reconhecida mundialmente pela excelência em sua implantação de projetos de grande a porte financeiro. Por trás deste sucesso está uma sistemática desenvolvida internamente para a gestão de projetos. Tendo em vista a inexistência de uma instituição brasileira de práticas de projeto, qual será a aderência da sistemática da empresa a prática internacional de gestão de projetos? Este estudo de caso busca apontar os principais pontos de aderência e a dissonância entre a sistemática proposta pela empresa e a metodologia de gestão de projetos do Project Management Institute, o PMBOK.
The present work is grounded basically on the use of the Basic Tools for the Statistic Process Control SPC, with the intent to detect non-conformities on a given productive process. It consists on a case study accomplished at a Hemocenter in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte). In this study it is shown that, the Statistic Process Control Technique, which was used as a tool, is useful to identify on-conformities on the volume of hemocomponents. The gathering of the used data was performed by means of document analysis, direct observations and database queries. The results achieved from the study show that the analyzed products, even though when they have presented, in some cases, points out of control, they satisfied the ANVISA standards. Finally, suggestions for further improvement of the final product and guidance for future employment of CEP, also extended to other lines of production, are presented
This thesis deals with the quality dimensions and factors affecting citizens satisfaction in the participatory budgeting process in a major city of Brazil. Participatory budgeting was introduced as a usual practice in many Brazilian cities since the 1990s. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of customer satisfaction and loyalty antecedent factors with constructs related to governance also included, to evaluate the quality perception and satisfaction rates by citizens representatives in the participatory budgeting process. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 84 citizens representatives of the seven city regions of Natal, the capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is applied descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to quality and governance constructs are that the quality factors are the main factors affecting satisfaction but also the tax construct is significative to satisfaction. More regarding it was found that for different perspective of the satisfaction there are different set of factors affecting it
Meaning fuel and renewal energy source s derivative additives, the term biodiesel exists in Brazil since 1980, when it was signed its first patent by Expedito Parente. Since then, its importance has grown gradually due to the worsening of the ambient problems, since its use has became a highly promising alternative to the pollution decrease, as in the carbon dioxide issue as with the smoke and sulfur oxide. In Brazil, it was created the National Program of Production, whose objective is to insert the new product in the country s energy matrix, strengthening the economy and creating new employment opportunities, being an important product to the national energetic independence, since Brazil still imports diesel to its domestic consumption. This study aims to identify the ambient, social and economic perception of the teachers from the Technology Center of Natal city (CTGÁS-RN) to the biodiesel. For that, it was used a questionnaire closed questions, organized in the likart scale, directed to the tree spheres of the research analysis, the biodiesel and its social, ambient and economic nuances, totaling 31 questionnaires full answered. In its objectives, the research was descriptive and in its approach it was qualitative. To the data analysis it was used statistical tools (Statistic software, 6.1 version and Microsoft Excel 2003). The research revealed the predominance of the ambient aspect in the sight of the teachers, followed by the social ones. The economic factors represent a minor percentage in the analysis when compared to other
The Knowledge Management in organizations is a continuous process of learning that is given by the integration of data, information and the ability of people to use this information. The Management Skills is concerned to understand the powers of officials in the face of organizational skills (teams) and professionals (or tasks positions) want. Joints are located in the greater context of the economy of organizatio s and have the same assumption: that the possession of scarce resources, valuable and difficult to imitate gives the organization a competitive advantage. In this sense, this thesis proposes a model of knowledge management based on analysis of GAP of powers, namely the gap between the skills needed to reach the expected performance and skills already available in the organization, officials and trainees of Coordination of Registration of conductors of DETRAN-RN. Using the method of survey research could make an analysis of academic skills, techniques and emotional individual and a team of officials and trainees, identifying levels of GAP's competence in that sector of the organization and suggest a plan for training , A level of expertise for each sector of coordination, and propose a model for Knowledge Management to help the management of GAP's identified
The competition in the telecommunications industry has grown in Brazil since the privatization, forcing companies that are active in the market to a growing commitment to quality products and services in order to survive. In this context, this work aims to understand the main factors that influence the degree of satisfaction exists in respect of a mobile operator with its corporate customers. The research covered theoretical concepts and analytical models of quality management system and models of indices related to the measurement of customer satisfaction. For the field research was carried out in a practical application of the main approaches based on this thesis by a case study in corporate segment, through a questionnaire applied to 10 consultants and 40 corporate customers of that company. Comparing the results of research with the consultants and corporate clients there is the concern of respondents to the indicators that comprise the constructs of customer satisfaction, commitment calculated, the price index and the handling of complaints, denoting the dissatisfaction of the general assessment for corporate customers with the carrier, against its current expectations. It is concluded that the mobile operator of the telecommunications industry have a big challenge, after ten years of privatization and consequently the period of rapid expansion of customer base and with the depleted, retain corporate customers as highly strategic, thus avoiding that migrate to other companies. We emphasize the need for further research and analysis of different approaches through research and using the same models to specifically evaluate and measure customer satisfaction of mobile enterprise, to adjust the model to the national market. Finally, we suggest the creation of an effective customer loyalty program with a strategy of relationship and specific to the corporate sector of mobile telephony
This master thesis has the objective of investigating the strategic decision criteria of participants of Local Production Arrangements (LPA) in Brazil. The LPA s are an initiative of support agents to enterprises with the purpose of organizing joint actions for the development of groups (clusters) of enterprises. The choice of the actions is a decision of the participating enterprises and this paper aims at applying a Multi-criteria Analysis Method to analyze the criteria of entrepreneurs that are participating of a LPA. The used method is the Process of Analytical Hierarchy (PAH) and an application is presented along with questionnaires to participants of a ceramic LPA in the northeast of Brazil. The main results show that, in first place, from the implicit strategy of each enterprise there is only one objective for the LPA group and so, at the beginning, an action decided by all of them tends to favor some more than others. In second place, it was observed that there are general inconsistencies between the strategic objectives and the importance as to criteria, even though there have been cases of coherency. As the main conclusion it is pointed that the use of Methods of MCDA is useful to improve the decision making process and to bring more transparency to the logic of the found results
This work presents a study of the ambient management in urban centers, considering the ambient perception as element necessary to develop in the population the conscience of the necessity to preserve the environment. For this, the attitudes and behaviors of the community, represented for students of an Institution had been evaluated, so that strategies and actions are traced that come to minimize the ambient degradation and to provide an aggregate sustainable development to the economic development. The objective of this research consists of studying the problematic one of the ambient management in urban centers under the point of view of the awareness, of the ambient perception and of the participation of the population, this because the ambient questions are inserted in the aspects that involve the practical life and the daily one, for what becomes excellent to understand that the environment is a right of all, therefore, must be preserved. The methodology used in this work constitutes in the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type likert contends variables that compose the acts and mannering aspects, beyond a partner-demographic scale. The Chi-square method was used in the analysis statistics de Pearson to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic 0 variable and the acts and mannering variables. The results point that the academic environment is opportune to deal with the subject, in view of that the ambient preservation goes for all the contents, and that the pupils of today will be able, in the future, in its areas of performance to plan action to safeguard the sustainable development. One concludes that the strategies to manage the environment pass for the awareness of the citizen, therefore when it is educated its attitudes will be more responsible, a time that the ambient concern will be present in its day-by-day. Therefore, the Public Power when planning programs of ambient preservation that comes to promote changes of habits of the population, such as: management of the solid residues generated by the population, recycling, programs of selective collections, ambient education, etc. the local community for the success of its actions will have to be involved
We are observing, particurlarly in the last two decades an aggravation of social problems inherent in contemporary society, such as high rates of unereloyment and social exclusion. In this context, the social economy appears as an alternative to generate employment and income, especially for the country man through the production and distribution of developed products in a collective way where the actions of cooperation gain significant importance this study aims to determine how the collective actions affect the sustainability of cooperative socio-political and economic developments of the economy and so it was adopted a methodology of multiple case study in three organizations in the apiculture sector of Rio Grande do Norte the Beekeepers Association of São Rafael City (AAMSR); Beekeepers Association of Serra do Mel (APISMEL) and Family Agriculture Cooperative of Apodi (COOAFAP). To evaluate relationship in collaborative ventures solidarity it is constructed a matrix that identify and develop relationship in the organization and, to measure the level of sustainability of these ventures are calculated the indices of socio-political sustainability and economic sustainability. The research results shows a fully collaborative relationship in all cases based on factors such as effective communication between beekeepers involved/and also cooperated with these organization; availability of beekeepers to perform adjustments in production process; an organizational culture focused on collaboration and high level of situation described above and taking into account that the business of solidarity economy better positioned in the matrix of relationships are those that have best indices of sustainability, it is evidence the importance of collaborative relationships for the sustainability of joint ventures
This study discusses the use of information technologies for knowledge management in networks of franchises in the Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil, whose management and operation are complex activities, characterized by the geographic spread of their network unities, creating barriers to communication and information sharing between franchisors, franchisees and final customers. In view of this, the following hypotheses were formulated: the knowledge management can be a positive alternative for improving communication between units; and information technology can eliminate many problems related mainly to capture and share knowledge. In general, it aims to investigate, in qualitative and quantitative aspects, how information technology can support knowledge management in networks of franchises. Specifically purposes to register the existence of managerial practices related to knowledge management in enterprises at the franchising sector; to verify whether they have the technological resources with the potential to facilitate the sharing of information; to identify what are the technologies of information and communication used in the organizational environment; and suggest measures that will facilitate the process of organizational learning, using information technology and communication as tools. It concludes that knowledge management becomes a positive alternative, especially in strengthening of bonds of communication and sharing of knowledge between the franchises. In this regard, information technology must provide all the services of the corporation to facilitate communication between franchisor and franchisee, through a single and integrated system. However, they still show unsuitable for more sophisticated technology platforms
The aim of this present research is to investigate about aplication of the supply chain management in Civil Construction, through perception of brasilian building companies directors. Research purpose includes potential benefits and main dificults analysis in supply chain management, beyond to identify decision criterions for suppliers and sales chain (commission agent and real state agency) choice and reduction, to facilility management in companies. The methodology used in this work considers the application of a questionnaire with scales of the type Likert being constituted of variables that compose the aspects of evaluation and of behaviors, beyond questions to identify the market profile of the respondents. For analysis statistics is used the descriptive, clusters and variance, ANOVA, analysis last two to verify the connections between variables. The results show more perception as for long terms contracts with suppliers for purchase of materials and services being decisive for companies nowadays (40%) than as for exclusive contracts with commission agents (30%). There is a positive appraisal about viability of hipotetic situations showed, but more caution as for disposition to apply them too. Another results aim for biggers dificults in management of chain links formed by commission agents and real state agencies, than chain links formed by anothers suppliers of materials and services. The companies for study were chosen among to those with ISO 9000 certificate until november 2001, considering that these companies have the best management systems, probably
The thesis argues the importance of the logistic management for the performance of the companies and for the foreign trade. The study is endorsed in construction of one analyses that brings in its essential the underlyng elements for the understanding of the subject. The analyse made from the data of an exporters company of Rio Grande of the Norte, with performance in the branch of candies, allowed to evaluate an efficient of the logistic management, that involving operacional and financial questions, is unavoidable for reduction of costs of the companies and has significant impact is its profitability